What Do You Think The Future Of Train Sim World

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by phillipa#1949, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Despite the fiasco we are having at the moment what do you think the future of Train Sim World is what routes are we lightly to in future Editions of Train Sim World how do think it could be improved on the next Gen systems once they have Established themselves
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  2. wildweasel48

    wildweasel48 New Member

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Hopefully the future is good.
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  3. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Lets hope so
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  4. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Probably better to ask this after the stream on Tuesday, as we should have a better understanding of where the game is now and where it is headed.
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  5. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    What time is that stream Tomorrow night not that there be much point in watching they will just make one excuse after another
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  6. njkendall42

    njkendall42 Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    8pm UK time.
  7. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Thank-you i will watching with great interest
  8. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    That’s quite the turn around you did there.
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  9. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    they had better have some good ideas on how to solve the issues I don't care for them saying sorry I just want it fixed and future dlc not to be released in an unfinished state
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  10. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Knowing full well they will excuse themselves left right & center don,t suppose they will be very honest with there Answers do you & the ones you do get will be this we are fixing where looking in to it & if you do say something that there not happy with they will just ignore it but to prove it you have got to watch it do you get so idea of my turn around its a bit cryptic i know.

    Amended Tuesday 19th October 2021

    Funny how they are having this tonight when this Afternoon a patch for West Cornwall will go live backed up with improve game content that only claims to fix the BML issue like last weeks patch did its almost like you know before you seen Tonight's Stream but at the same time are will still want watch with great interest as DTG hold themselves to account with this Horrible Mess
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2021
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  11. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I’m not sure what I’m expecting tomorrow night. Words mean nothing.

    In my view the pause button must be pressed. Once the 313 is released, DTG should pause all development and focus on fixing the game for 2-3 months, maybe longer. I’m sure if everyone in their respective fields were tasked with fixing things, it wouldn’t take more than a few months. Timetables could be altered so you can be on time, Bakerloo and SEHS spring immediately to mind. Scenery can be fixed (again SEHS springs to mind). Bugs squished. Train models fixed. Older versions of locomotives removed (to save space and memory).

    Will this happen. Not a chance. So I don’t know what DTG can say tomorrow that will make me feel confident in the game going forward. It’ll be interesting to say the least.
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  12. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I feel that if they don't get on top of the bugs now they never will and TSW3 WILL have to be made because TSW2 will simply collapse under the weight of its bugs

    They need a time like Mat_Jam_Ca says where they stop or pause new DLC and simply shift resources to fixing bugs and they need to make it a full object orientated design, Matt P says it already is but must only be partially as you would not have 3 versions of a loco (I think it was of a 143 I believe) you would have one and any fixes would apply to all of them (you could also have extra liveries and such but it is based on one design), its literally adding to the work they need to do I saw a video by Sim UK that explained it months ago and quite frankly explains the problems that DTG have

    All games have bugs I know that but I feel that TSW2 has simply got out of control now and DTG will simply struggle, I would have held off the PS5 and Series X/S versions until next year to allow the new unreal upgrade to bed in I believe that was rushed out as well not that many people have them as yet and after Christmas would be better as more people will have them by then
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  13. Bryer

    Bryer Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Concur with your comments Willow as per social media conversations.

    Matt P stating the game is full object orientation might apply to platforms, signals etc, but it doesn't apply to locos and rolling stock. Hence why we have 2 versions of the Class 66 (both broken) and why some locomotives behave differently across different DLC's, because there's specific code for that route.
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  14. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    The multiple locomotives/train sets in game is frankly ridiculous. Each one undoubtedly uses up storage space unnecessarily, unnecessarily complicates timetables and must use up additional RAM, all of which we don’t need. DTG should keep the most up to date of each model, bin the rest and as you say, modify the liveries for each model if necessary.
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  15. Bryer

    Bryer Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    It's only going to get worse when they add Freightliner and GBRf versions of the Class 66. Especially if they decide to model the "Eurospec" version of the Class 66 from GBRf.
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  16. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I've given up watching the streams live. I might skip through the replay occasionally, but rarely find anything interesting. Since DTG Protagonist opted out, they've become mostly promotional videos, skipping over the tough questions and ignoring anything challenging in the chat. And they often don't match the launch version of the route they're promoting, so you really can't make a purchasing decision based on what you see.

    And, worst of all, they're not funny anymore! :)
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  17. Railfan1985

    Railfan1985 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Major changes need to be made. Proper QA testing and vastly improved communication. DTG need to stop releasing broken dlc and focus on fixing existing content. I love TSW2, but can see it failing due to old and new bugs Not being addressed. I shall watch the upcoming livestream, but don't expect much other than the usual rubbish they come out with.
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  18. antwerpcentral

    antwerpcentral Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    The future of TSW should be bright, there is still so much railways left to cover that there is content to sell for decades to come.

    But they should really start rethinking their game. One of the biggest problems with the game is repeatedly shown in streams. When I first started playing TSW and was looking for help to get my train running I watched a stream and the person on the stream couldn't get the loco working either and I remember saying 'oh it's not me, the game is like that". They could do so much to improve the game but I'm starting to think they are really evil people. Why else would they want their own team members to struggle so hard live on a stream? Only one answer is possible: they enjoy watching people struggle. That's why TSW2 is the way it is :D
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  19. Tay95

    Tay95 Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    Definitely need to focus on the issues at present, pause any route or DLC development untill I can play without having to worry about a game on a high end console crashing...... Should not be happening
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  20. fezza

    fezza Active Member

    Oct 19, 2021
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    I suspect DTG need to keep developing routes and releasing them regularly for business cash flow reasons. You can't have most of your staff tied up with fixing things rather than working for revenue generation - that's a sure-fire route to business failure and no more train sims.

    Yes, I am annoyed by the bugs. Yes, I'll keep buying because that's the only way we will see improvements. The cost of DLC products seems high, but when a fully spec modern model loco in 00 can cost £250, paying £12 for one I'll run for hours on a Trainsim seems reasonable.
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  21. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    But if you have PO’d all your loyal customers by continuously releasing substandard content, you won’t have a business either. There have been far too many problems in recent months - far too many to resolve quickly.
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  22. kingus.uk

    kingus.uk Active Member

    May 10, 2019
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    I've got enough TSW2 content to see me through to TSW3 (or whatever) without having to spend any more money. And, I think that's the rub. DTG need to keep making and selling DLCs, but I don't really want to buy them based on the last 2 months, so I'll make do.

    If people keep buying shoddy stuff, what's the incentive to get it right? On the flip side, if sales on PlayStation plummet, why bother carrying on with it?

    I am genuinely worried about TSW on PlayStation. I don't see where they go from here. I'm pretty sure there are conversations happening at DTG about where they go. I'd love to know if Paul Jackson, and the other senior leaders, are aware of how badly things have gone the past couple of months, and if they are giving it any focus.
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  23. fezza

    fezza Active Member

    Oct 19, 2021
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    Agreed - they must correct the worst mistakes and bugs to maintain confidence in their product. But we need to be realistic about the business model of software production.
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  24. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Yes it would be very interesting to see what is being said behind closed down at there Chatham HQ
  25. ianjpoole

    ianjpoole Active Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    I think that my thoughts echo the sentiments of the thread. To avoid a repeat in the future, they have to fix the mistakes of the past otherwise they are doomed to repeat

    I have the majority of the DLC apart from one route and the newer locos, so my channel has enough content to go over and over and over for a number of years yet and don't get me wrong, some of the DLC they have recently brought out, yes they have had their issues with them but at some point, you have to turn around and put the hand in the air, say **** it and trust that DTG are going to get things fixed

    Yes, put all future DLC on hold, take a step back and fix the bugs, that has got to be the priority
    The other issues with Playstation and trophies and all that comes with that, that should be next on the list
    And then, THEN, ONLY THEN, when you are confident that you have fixed everything should TSW3 even be thought of. I would even go as far as to say wait until 2023 at least for TSW3

    But fix the now before you attempt the future
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  26. TheCadManFan

    TheCadManFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    That's the only way you will see the continuing of QC issues in DLC. If players keep buying new dlc, then they can't very well turn around and complain about the issues with them. That's not part of the sollution, that's part of the problem.
  27. fezza

    fezza Active Member

    Oct 19, 2021
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    The bad news is you will continue to see QC issues / bugs in software products - it's the nature of the medium. Even premium software developers like EA sports have major issues, let alone cottage industry developers.

    The question is what is acceptable for release and what will be fixed later? I have bought a lot of German content but not the 187 as the wrong sounds make it a very poor product and there is no guarantee of a fix from Rivett - indeed they don't seem to even care that it is wrong. BML however is a work of art, even with bugs and crashes. I'm still enjoying it and DTG are likely to refine it over time
  28. erg73

    erg73 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I hope they have a bright future but it is up to them and their decisions.
    Sometimes I get the impression that TSW is like a house without a good foundation that they build on top of, until the day comes when it collapses under its own weight.
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  29. Observadorpt

    Observadorpt Active Member

    May 6, 2019
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    Dark Times aproach if they continue like this, other devs delay things until they fix, this is the opposite, release, release, fix 1 thing leave 10 behind. So im not impressed if things continues like this broken mess with more things to add to make a more big broken mess, the game should be called TRAIN SIM BROKEN MESS WORLD 2 the game that could damage your playstation, yes BML crashes my ps5 and stays reporting error at 87% and i have to force shutdown to continue using my ps5. So i havent buyed BR187 and future routes the same.
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  30. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Personally I have bought every dlc up until Cane Creek, no more until they fix things. Yes I'm just one customer and probably don't mean much in DTG's grand scheme of things, but they're not getting another penny from me until the Playstation issues are sorted.
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  31. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    You won’t be the only one. I can certainly live without new content if having it on the console is more hassle than it’s worth, which it already is. Something phenomenal will have to come along for me to bump any more old DLC off my PS5. The magnitude of the numerous issues with content limits and crashes means I’m not planning on buying anything from the already released DLC I haven’t yet bought or any of the new DLC that we already know is coming. For the foreseeable future I have enough to be getting along with.
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  32. antwerpcentral

    antwerpcentral Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    Watching the stream of Cornwall Local I'm getting hopeful for this game. They start to realise that they have a gem in their hands that they need to foster a bit more
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  33. whiteleyaj

    whiteleyaj Active Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    A good but hard question to answer. The stream was good and interesting and try to give a lot of information, Sam / Natalie both asked questions that I never expected them to. Still leaves us in the position where actions will speak louder than words however, after all the apologies we've had this year. And whilst I feel a little more optimistic about the future I have said on previous post that I will not be buying anymore DLC until the issues on PS5 are fixed. And this is where I lose hope as I feel this will take months, And if there are others like me on other platforms as well as Sony I am not sure how much revenue they are going to keep losing over this time. It's a double-edged sword, I appreciate the company has to make money but where's the money coming from if less people are going to buy a product. (But then if it is just PS5 users I am sure we're just a marginal amount and therefore they will not miss the money) Only time will tell and if I hope they've learnt one lesson out of this I hope the communication keeps coming and things dont just die/fade away as The emphasis changes to promoting all the new content I sadly cannot own....[or want to in this state]. I look forward to the improvements that are hopefully coming and the community managers keeping us players informed of things going on... Additionally on this point, Don't assume just because it's a small fix or piece of information we are not interested, all information keeps giving us hope of a better DTG future.
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  34. frank1116

    frank1116 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2021
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    I think something will show up with a different name and a different label and a transition will take place. Just my personal conspiracy theory;)
  35. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    It feels like DTG are acknowledging the issues, Rivet seem keen to improve and on the whole (ignoring Skyhook), there seems to be some positivity and movement toward fixing the current situation (which remains pretty bad on consoles). The only question is how long it will take.

    From my point of view, I've got the season pass, but I'm treating BML as though it's still a pre-order and won't be committing any real time to it until the PS5 crashing and red light issues are sorted. At the moment, I've got enough to keep me busy with EC, SEHS and SCC, Dresden isn't performing too badly, plus I still like the odd dabble with PC, LIRR and RRO. I even ran a route on RT last night.

    Once the crash fix on BML is figured out, that will occupy me once more, and by the time I'm actually considering buying any more DLC, I assume WCL will have a noisy revving 150 and a full trophy set that I can turn my attention to. Until then, I don't see any real reason to part with any more cash.
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  36. shhweeet#4292

    shhweeet#4292 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    The future of TSW2 looks bleak.

    Let’s be honest here and let’s stop beating around the bush and making excuses for DTG. Unless they can release reliable dlc’s and fix existing ones so they work completely as they should then they are going down the tube unless people really are prepared to keep buying dlc’s that are broken and simply don’t work??? I haven’t actually loaded up TSW2 for quite a while now I really can’t be bothered playing a route only for something to not work which makes the last hour of play a totally waste of time. It comes to something when even a basic game feature like save doesn’t work or rather causes problems. They haven’t even learned or rather Rivet haven’t hence the delay to West Cornwall. It’s shows they are taking quality seriously I hear you all cry! No! It doesn’t, It proves they were not ready yet again to release an expensive dlc to the public. DTG, Rivet, Skyhook, or whoever are pretty useless and totally relying on the goodwill of this community. I’d love to see the makers of TSW2 get it right but I honestly don’t think they ever will? TSW2 is a great game in theory, all it needs a game company to take it on and program it correctly for consoles. Much as it pains me to say it DTG isn’t that company the game and the technology needed to make it work is too big for them.

    If they prove me wrong them great I’m happy to be proved wrong but I’m pretty sure they won’t. No company whatever their field can expect to survive when their product is so totally unreliable and underdeveloped before release to the paying public.
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  37. forteanjo

    forteanjo Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    The new releases the other day are the first bits of DLC I have not bought on day 1 since the launch of TSW (yes the original console version) way back in 2018. Any new DLC would need to be something really special for me to be inclined to delete a route I've already got installed just to play the new one.

    Now, if DTG can fix these issues fairly quickly, i.e. in the next few months or so, this might change. There would still be the separate issue of trophy support but I at least wouldn't be in the situation of deleting my existing stuff.

    If the resolution of these issues is a longer time coming, though, I don't hold out much hope for the future, on the Playstation platform at least.
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