West Cornwall Route Possible Issue

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by greggryan2, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. greggryan2

    greggryan2 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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    I watched the stream that was done on this route and Matt mentioned that Go Via's need to be used so the traffic flow on the map works. This was due to some sections being locked from other services because of the not a lot of signals on the route.

    When creating a Scenario there will be an issue. The Paths setup do not include the Go Vias so when routing through the Pinch Points traffic will wait when nowhere near. Basically, it would cause scenarios made unreliable, and unrealistic.

    The Go Vias need to be markers on the route so the dispatcher when creating Customer Scenarios routes Via these so the issue Matt mentioned in the stream doesn't occur.

    I am happy to add these markers to the route, to help Duvetail however would need Editor access.

    Kind Regards
    Ryan Gregg
  2. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I've also noticed that the Go Via instructions are placed too close to the home signal protecting the single line - it means that invariably you get a yellow signal on approach forcing you to slow down (anticipating a red) despite the fact that 9/10 times the home signal will clear to green by the time you reach it. The Go Vias I think should be placed before the distant signal to get around this and ensure a smoother drive for those of us who don't use the HUD signal indicator.
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  3. greggryan2

    greggryan2 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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    Sorry so what I'm referring to is when creating a Scenario the Go Via's are none existent, this means on scenario made using the planner the GO Via aren't there to stop the dispatcher clear to far of a route ahead.

    In the timetable etc they are placed in the right place I think as it should cause you to slow in prep to stop. It's more so in Scenario Designer they aren't there at all and can't be added in without the editor as that would involve being able to select a part of the track as the Go Via instruction etc.

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