Euro Fishing Live Tournament Discussion

Discussion in 'Xbox' started by Soda Jack, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. Soda Jack

    Soda Jack Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    I didn't see a thread for a broad discussion on Live Tournaments, so I made one :cool:. Lets compare notes.

    I participated in my first one tonight and enjoyed it. I think it was dubbed total weight tournament 2. It was at the Observatory. My first session I went in thinking big fish so I tackled up with size 6 rigs, and 18-20mm dumbbell and Tiger Nuts. I caught big fish for the Observatory, but just not frequently enough. I did catch 2 boss fish (Big Al & Warrior). That is when I knew I had the wrong approach.

    I went with size 8 rigs, size 12 float, and 15mm bolies and tiger nuts the last two sessions. It took me a bit to learn the snags at the spot I was fishing, so I lost several. I almost made a blooper clip and posted it on here at one point. I lost 3 in just a minute or so. It was so bad I wouldnt have been surprised if my character tripped and fell in the freaking creek after I lost the third one :cool:. I finally got settled though and started hauling them in. I was in 24th position when I logged off an hour or so ago, don't know where I'm placed now. I'm looking forward to the next one.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
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  2. Soda Jack

    Soda Jack Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    Anyone else doing the catfish tournament today? Ive done two sessions so far. I did pretty bad on the first session. I only caught 2.
  3. Soda Jack

    Soda Jack Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    Anyone else get in on yesterdays catfish tournament? I know Apex Donkey did because we were pretty close on the leaderboard when I finished my last session. I was 10th when I finished a couple hours ago. I was able to catch Lynx twice during my 2nd session. 3rd session was okay, think I caught 3 catfish, and about 500 carp. That first session hurt. I stunk up the place the entire hour.

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