Hi All, I recently bought the Nahverkehr Dresden DLC. I looked for the forums but could not find anything related to the bugs I experience. So maybe it is just me. The 146.2 and 766.2 have extreme brake release delay. Go to any speed, then quickly apply full brakes, then quickly release the brakes. The train will continue to brake for 10+ seconds. Impossible to manage braking in these conditions. In the Talent2, it is impossible to set front lights. Whatever you select, it immediately goes back to off or full beam. Also, when stopped at a station with doors opened, enable the AFB, then try to set an AFB speed limit. Despite the train is stopped with opened doors and throttle to zero, the train will start moving and accelerate to the set speed. And it seems that the locs of this route "overwrites" the locs from other routes. I was able to select other routes' locs for the 766.2, but not for others. So I uninstalled this route until there is a major upodate, or someone creates a mod that replace the locs with the ones from another route. Thanks, Fabrice
This is not a bug. It's not a racing game or something. When you use the train break, it just needs time to release it again. That just physics. Modern EMUs work differently that a loco+coaches formation. If you use e-break only, this one will appy and release directly but it's not that powerful and electric break only won't make your train stop.
So since the BR 146.2 and the BR 143 and the 766.2 are in terms of realism and accuracy the most realistic and accurate ones, you wouldnt find anyone who replaces them. And why would you? Its a simulator game after all. If you cant cope with realistic physics, then I would recommend you play something else.
Well, let's stay friendly. Maybe OP just doesn't know that much about how breaks work and that's why he asks. That's totally fine. We're here to help - and in that case the answer is: It's not a bug, it's just realistic
Well if you read it that way, I can assure you it wasnt meant that way. People just dont get the idea that Train Sim World is a simulator-like game and mostly newer players come from games where you dont have any realistic physics at all. And if you dont like it the way it is, it might not suit you.
what do you mean by 'full brakes'? To me that's the VB position, full service, and it'll take a few seconds to pump the pressure back into the system and fully release the brakes. But if you put the lever into SB, emergency position, they it should take a lot longer to release, that's what the Fü / release position is for, fills the brake system faster... and should only be used after an emergency brake application... but i believe some manuals for TSW2 say to use it any time you want the brakes to release faster. There's always the 'brake release' switch.
I love simulators of all kinds: planes, cars, trains, buses, etc... I have 178 hours on Zusi 3, so I think you can say that I love realistic train sims. The 766.2 and 146.2 on other lines do not behave like this. The ones in Zusi 3 as well. Yes, I never drove a real train, so if you tell me that this is realistic, I believe you and will learn to use it right. I'm just comparing between the same locs available in different routes in TSW2. One is "easily" drivable and has a behaviour comparable to all other trains in the game, and the other is completely different. Different as well as it is in Zusi. So I thought it was wrong. Yes, full service, sorry.
First things first: I dont mean to be offensive so if you might interpret it that way, I didnt meant it. Second, there are quite inconsistencies in terms of accurate physics overall in the rolling stock material, especially the older stock is pretty much inaccurate, so newer stuff like the rolling stock from Dresden-Riesa is more true to life than the stock from Main-Spessart-Bahn or Ruhr-Sieg Nord. There are mods that replace all BR 146s with the Dresden-Riesa one, same for the BR 143 and same for the Dostos, you can find them on this website: https://www.trainsimcommunity.com/mods/c3-train-sim-world-2
Just tried the 146 on that Route and it behaved as usual. Break behavior seems reasonable and similar to Zusi 3. I mean at least its not outlandish or something...So i cant reproduce your troubles with the brakes. I would suggest to unplug all other controllers you might have (Xbox, Joystick) to make sure there is no input conflict.
Don't worry, I did not take your comment as offensive. I agree that some people don't understand what a sim is and sometimes have invalid complaints. Also, thank you for the link, I will definitely have a look. So maybe this is just me. I have the same behaviour using my TM Airbus throttles or keyboard. Thanks for telling me, I will try once again. Maybe I'm just in a bad day... Thanks all for your comments and help.
You can't say that just because DRA rolling stock behaves differently compared to Zusi 3 it is unrealistic. There are tons of threads on the Zusi forums where the developers/people involved are just guessing (qualified guesses to be fair but still guesses). The changes to the rolling stock in DRA were based on input from real world drivers or technical documents like the UIC standards. It definitely isn't impossible to control the trains... you know because real drivers do it every day
Well, since Zusi is used by train companies in germany as official training tool (not by the DB but smaller ones) im pretty sure the Zusi Dev and the people involved have more then enough access to feedback from real world drivers and technical details of the trains Looking at the huge amount of available locos and trains in Zusi, especially older ones, of course sometimes qualified guesses are needed. But as i already said: the 146 on DRA behaves as usual. Break behavior seems reasonable and similar to Zusi 3