Scenario Designer Paths Missing

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by dangerousdave, Jul 16, 2022.

  1. Hi thanks for looking.

    Anyone that's savy with the unofficial editor.

    I'm wondering if all the sidings in various industries around the tvl and ntp routes are not available in the scenario designer, either because dtg couldn't find the time to add them or because dtg never bothered placing the markers? Or is there another reason behind this?

    I've started to explore the routes on foot and there's lots of sidings and spurs that lead to somewhere but not available to add to scenarios.

  2. atpyatt

    atpyatt Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    The number of locations that have markers is a subset of locations that you can see in the game. I haven't looked at TVL but in NTP most of the sidings had markers but none of the diverging routes had portal markers.

    The number of locations that are available in the scenario designer is a subset of the available markers. It isn't enough for a marker to exist, a developer needs to have created a scenario designer path for the scenario designer to be able to use that marker as a start or end location.

    In my NTP mod I've doubled the number of paths available in the scenario designer by creating paths between many markers that were previously unusable by the scenario designer.
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  3. I see. Yea I have your ntp paths mod installed.

    Nice mod.


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