What New Features Would We Most Like To See In Tsw3?

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by james64, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. james64

    james64 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    So on Tuesday we'll find out whatever the future of TSW holds- whether that's TSW3 or some other update.

    For once I'm not really interested in what new routes may be coming out. It's been a long time since any add on at all came out that I was super invested in so knowing my luck this won't change (this sentence will either age like milk or wine from Tuesday onwards). What I'm more interested in is what new features may appear.

    We've already seen sparks from third rails on the Class 484, so I think it's fair to say that having pantographs arcing would be another fair bet. On the note of improved visuals I think it's about time rain looked better, specifically actual environments looking damp. I believe LGV tried something like this, but to my knowledge all other routes seem to exist in a weird dimension where raindrops simply cease to exist just before hitting the ground. I hate how washed out TSW's colours look, so hopefully they could brighten things up in that regard as well. I think the actual graphics of TSW are serviceable, they're definitely nothing special but they do the job, but they just need a bit of refresh.

    I think the one feature I want to see most of all though is on board passenger announcements. I know they've said that it's complicated to license those, but it would do wonders to improve immersion. On some routes like Bakerloo, BML, ECW and SEHS the lack of announcements really kills the immersion, on the trains in real life they play when approaching stations, at stations AND leaving stations. It feels very empty without them.

    Oh, and an improved menu AI would be very much appreciated.
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  2. eldomtom2

    eldomtom2 Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    I wonder what the reaction would be if they recorded new announcements.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
  3. Allan

    Allan Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    My biggest hope is dynamic weather
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  4. Allan

    Allan Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    In a simulator game there got to be dynamic weather to make it more realistic
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  5. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Features I'd like to see:

    - More routes - where applicable - that feature dense timetables with lots of AI traffic and different types of rolling stock, so that they have maximum replayability in the long-term - the Rush Hour routes still keep me most occupied, nearly a year later!
    - Dynamic timetables, where AI trains don't always run to exact times by the second - adds gameplay variety.
    - More modular routes to complement existing content.
    - An upgraded scenario planner which allows as many paths as possible (and hopefully applicable to older routes).
    - Dynamic weather and better lighting.
    - Station staff and trainspotters on the routes to make it more realistic.

    - And finally, while perhaps not necessarily a feature, I'd like to see more third parties, so we can get more routes and rolling stock.
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  6. Allan

    Allan Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Dynamic timetable would be awesome
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  7. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    A better substitution system, let me select what goes where, ie; removing the BR 112 from services it shouldn’t be on. Also would like to remove the older versions of rolling stock, where newer, higher quality models are available.
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  8. james64

    james64 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Yes. Absolutely. Please! I'm so tired of having to use the old 377 on ECW, same goes for the 375 on SEHS.
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  9. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    I completely forgot about the 375, what a letdown that was. The Electrostars sound pretty decent now, however I fear the SE 375 never will.
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  10. LIRRGuy

    LIRRGuy Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    How about a planner which lets us do Too and From Services and AI services not going into portals instead of turning into static stock(This can help Immersion on the Bakerloo Line especially on Secnario planner)
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  11. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    The 375 will probably sound good if they make a new one for a new route, like the Chatham Main Line or South Eastern Main Line. However, the version in SEHS will likely never change. I believe there was an update to the ECW 377 but I am not sure what it changed - possibly the sounds or the PIS?

    The system with duplicated assets was a mistake when the game was first developed and was a mistake in 2007 when Rail Simulator first came out. How they managed to make the same mistake twice is hard to understand - but then again, so is using the first class moquette in standard class on the 465/9 in both TSW and Train Simulator.
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  12. Krazy

    Krazy Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    Oh how I'd absolutely LOVE an upgraded scenario designer. Something that includes a consist editor, advanced paths for fancy rerouting and switching movements, and perhaps detailed instructions. Creator's Club with scenarios that can reach the level of quality of the real deals would be a dream come true. It'd basically be like Super Mario Maker, but for trains!

    While bringing up Creator's Club, something simple. Let me choose whether or not I want liveries (whether they're downloaded off of CC or if I made them myself) to actually appear on trains in the game. I like having fancy liveries on some trains, but I don't want them to clash with what would be realistic on the route.

    I'd also love to see more detailed weather. Rain that doesn't make it physically difficult to see what's in front of me. Snow that piles up on the side of the tracks. And of course, dynamic weather. If I'm driving a route such as the Arosa Line, for example, I could drive a train out of a clear-weathered Chur, and as I approach Arosa, there's a bunch of snow and such. Along with more simple examples on other routes, such as cloud levels changing throughout a journey.
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  13. james64

    james64 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Is there any reason why they simply couldn't do a reskin of the BML 377 (both exterior and interior), and use that?
    Or maybe they could pass it off as the 377/5s on SEHS, in which case the interior could remain the same and only the livery would need to change. I know Southeastern's 377s don't typically run on that line, however it's not too far fetched to imagine a scenario where they decide to reallocate the fleet or something.

    I suppose it's not the end of the world. The 375 isn't the main attraction of SEHS, and there are other better routes to drive Electrostars on.
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  14. SteveRail

    SteveRail Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2022
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    • Randomness into timetabled services such as speed restrictions, delays, diversions etc would add more realism and keep these more interesting too.
    • Passengers not being sat on a train in a depot
    • Passengers not all disembarking at one stop and then no passengers being on the train after said stop (such as what happens at Gatwick)
    • less routes that you can’t fully complete, understand this is difficult if you want certain routes but it is a wish list
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  15. SBos

    SBos Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Be better to fix all the issues with TSW 2 first.
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  16. arek#2842

    arek#2842 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    What I would like to see in TSW3:

    • More advanced dispatcher - which would be able to control trains movement more dynamically and being more responsive to the current situation on the tracks - so basically there would be no more this "red light" issue. I.e. if one of the AI trains would be derailed/SPAD or cannot move for whatever failure it has, new dispatcher would be able to re-arrange other trains movement in the way the damaged train would be avoided;
    • Not perfect AI driven trains - which would run more likely like humans, means not perfectly up to timetable all the time;
    • Train driven by us would not have always the highest priority - means it could be stopped ot the red light to pass other train(s);
    • Longer routes - i.e. I would love to have 3 hours intercity run route, but that would also require properly working saving feature, so you could come back to such long service if you're not able to finish it on one session;
    • Scenario Designer giving you the change to add your service to the current timetable - so you would not have to spend days creating follow-up movement if you don't want to run your service on deserted tracks;
    • Final evaluation (medals) - which would include your driving technic evaluation, optional so players who looks for more casual runs could be evaluated just as currently;
    Graphics and environment:
    • Proper lighting in cabin and at night - so the sun would not be reflecting in front windshield if it is behind my back!
    • Cars - I would like to see them staying in line to the closed crossroads, then passing the crossroad when it is being opened after train has passed;
    • Passengers - generally more density and variety: I would love to see them talking to each other or on the phone, tempering with their smartphones, having bags and backpacks, umbrellas when it's raining (and not staying on the platform in full rain like idiots when there is roof just few steps away), and also child passengers;
    • Minor thing, but would like to see flies and dust catching on the front windshield, so you use sprinklers and wipers to clean it :)
    • Derailments - if you passes junction at 100 mph, which has speed limit i.e 20 mph - you should derail.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
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  17. OnlyMe1909

    OnlyMe1909 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    • Ability to sit down on a station bench while on foot.
    • Timetable services should start with game-time frozen, so player has all the time in the world to set up the train correctly. Once done, player selects 'start service'.
    • In game access to detailed manuals on:
      • all trains&locos in game
      • all signalling systems used in game
      • all safety systems used in game
    • Properly working save game feature that has more than just one slot
    • Usable accelerometer: ditch the beach ball and use a small horizontal line like in TSW2020 or change all trains to the colored beach ball
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
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  18. simontreanor81

    simontreanor81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2020
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    * Different roles - so if you have to open the doors in a non-DOO train, you switch to different character (GTA V style), same for manual points, banking engines etc
    * Not quite a feature, and this is already improving, but dense and varied timetables
    * Does anyone know how to look up, down, left and right? It'd be nice to get some help with this
  19. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Well to make the 375, they took the 377 and tweaked it, to give the appearance of a SE unit, so yes they could just do this again with the 375.

    Personally I think they need to go back over the model anyway, not only to bring it upto the current electrostar quality, but also to give it some 375 features (old headlight clusters for example).
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  20. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    The base model is problematic at a basic level unfortunately - from my experience they look too wide. I'd rather they make a new Electrostar model, and while they're at it they can make a new 37 as well.
  21. simontreanor81

    simontreanor81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Ability to use the timetable as a base for scenarios
    Timetable editor (we can dream!)
  22. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Poor modelling is becoming more common unfortunately, usually stemming down to reusing assets.

    Ultimately I suppose one of the most needed features for TSW, is more dev time.
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  23. seymourgoals

    seymourgoals Member

    Jan 5, 2022
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    Save function that works
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  24. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    The 377 model wasn't a recycled asset and basing the 375 on it isn't a concerning thing as they're almost identical, but both were modelled incorrectly anyway so it doesn't matter. The interiors are not well done for both, with tables missing or added in the wrong places, and I believe this transferred to the London To Brighton one as well.

    TS assets are also being used more and more, and noticeably on SEHS which made much of the route unplayably ugly.
  25. who

    who Active Member

    Dec 11, 2019
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    I would like for some more fixes, rather than new features:

    - Please finally remove that annoying pop-up message asking me whether I want to give up control of a service when I'm wandering around for more than two minutes. Or ask it once and then forever shut up...

    - Please make all controls available during the introductions, such that when I break the script by doing things out of order, at least I can fix it myself and finish it without needing to restart it and doing it all over again.

    - Please stop enabling destination and stop markers with every tutorial I have to go through. Or remember to disable them afterwards if the player had them disabled. I keep having to reset them...

    - Please give us a way to override or reset (re-evaluate?) signals, or even de-spawn services if necessary, so we can finish routes that suffer from the dreaded red signals bug.

    - On PS4, please streamline the static main menu, where you select which DLC you want to play, since it makes the fans spin almost more aggressively than during actual gameplay.

    - On the main map with all the station names on it, please choose a different colour scheme than orange letters on a gray background, and please pick a larger font. It is nearly impossible to read.

    - Perhaps let us scroll a bit quicker through the little schedule popup. On a route with many stops it's hard to get to the final ones.

    (And, wishful thinking, but it would be great if all the DLC I bought could be made available on all the platforms I own the game on.)
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  26. Kim1087

    Kim1087 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    I hope they don't want us to buy the game again or make me have to start a new profile as the old one won't carry over to the new game.
  27. DigiTMCN

    DigiTMCN Active Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    Every time I see a UE5 demo all I think of is how great TSW would look if implemented. True dynamic weather, passenger AI that is improved, such as if it starts raining they get under cover, occasional late passenger running down platform to catch the train. Actual platform staff and guards in major stations. Longer routes, and/or actual working branches off the main route. It would be great to stop at a junction station and wait for a branch train to come in (possibly late sometimes), and see passengers get off that and get on my train. More realistic looking passengers and environment. More dynamic timetable to make AI drivers not so perfect.
    Realistically I don't believe TSW3 will utilise UE5 yet, however sometimes a surprise might happen. I also understand that to truly evolve I will most likely forfeit most of the routes I have purchased, since it would be too much work to totally change present routes. Fo this I would keep the current game as well
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  28. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    All that can be done in UE 4.26. No need to migrate to 5, they just have to make better use of the tools they already have.
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  29. OnlyMe1909

    OnlyMe1909 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Hope TSW3 will finally have a cap on fps for the menu screens, so PS4 fans finally won't go berserk anymore
  30. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Train Sim Classic has that problem on main menu unlocked frame rate its like over 1000 fps makes pc graphics card go mad wish they would put a cap on the main screen on that as well
  31. Richard CZE

    Richard CZE Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    EBuLa system in German locomotives.
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  32. arek#2842

    arek#2842 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    Good point, was wondering why there is interactive display available in german EMUs for the purpose of electronic timetable - yet it is always empty.
  33. barryr21

    barryr21 Active Member

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Well it looks ok, a lot of the new features didn't really affect my enjoyment of the TSW2 (weather for example). Good to see that it will be released on PS4. Not impressed by the routes at all if I am honest so will probably wait to see what the DLC follow up routes are.
  34. whiteleyaj

    whiteleyaj Active Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    They didn't mention if the DLC limit has been fixed for PS5. Will ALL of my routes really transfer across on that date. Or will I be forever installing and swapping out routes.......?
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  35. Allan

    Allan Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Really good question
  36. Squasar

    Squasar New Member

    Aug 9, 2022
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    Or the fact that there are no more trophy slots available. They port over all trophies (they are for achievements), but there's no more slots?
  37. railrowe

    railrowe New Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Obviously, I want to see more steam routes. I also would like a more comprehensive Scenario Planner, as I think the current one is a bit limiting in terms of what players can do in it. Even with Off The Rails on, players can only select consists from a predetermined list based on the route from which the loco they chose came. I want to be able to choose exaclty what locos and cars make up a given consist, as well as where exactly they spawn on the map. I want to be able to determine whether a locomotive is already active when the scenario starts, or if the player has to start it up themselves, since those mechanics are really only used in the loco introductions. Imagine having to start up, say, an F40PH, then couple to and haul a formation of BR MkII coaches with a caboose at the end on the Bakerloo Line? Point is I feel that having more advanced tools and features in the Scenario Planner would greatly expand players' creativity.

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