PlayStation Silly Questions (aka F.a.q.)

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Alex Shelestov, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. Alex Shelestov

    Alex Shelestov New Member

    Sep 10, 2018
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    1. Where is a 'cold start'? Every locomotive in Service Mode is running.

    2. What is the 'Camera Lock' for? I don't see any changes when I turn it on/off.

    3. Where is the front light? I don't see anything from cabin at night: no rails, no trees, no walls or station platforms. How to drive?

    4. How to move fast on the map? For example, I finished some job at the end of a route. How can I move myself to another map area to get into another service? Should I walk for hours?

    5. How can I skip time in the current session? For example, I'd like to start another service, which is scheduled much later. Should I wait for hours? Stop this game and start another?

    6. Sometimes I see no rails. My train goes just over the ground. Is it a glitch?

    7. What is the 'Boom' cameras? Don't see any purpose.

    8. How can I use factories? For example, I'd like to get a coal wagon train, go to a Coal Mine and fill them up. Then move the train to another city to unload. Repeat X times.
    Is that possible?

    9. Where are train depots?
    I'd like to start a session on a station, and see some parked locomotives and wagons around. To consist my own train and drive it somewhere. How? Where is such place?

    10. When I was a passenger, I flew out behind the map and I must've end my session — I couldn't move to any direction from there. Is it a glitch or an ordinary behavior?
    If it's the last one, then WTF? Shouldn't the train stop at the last working station then and ask me to get out? Or let me come back to the map.

    P.S. The list will be updated with new questions.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2018
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  2. Alex Shelestov

    Alex Shelestov New Member

    Sep 10, 2018
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    Looks like nobody knows the answers? :)
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  3. Alex01

    Alex01 Active Member

    Jul 17, 2018
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    i wont LOVE tell
  4. Warper71

    Warper71 New Member

    Sep 6, 2018
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    #6 and #10 are glitches for sure.
    No idea on everything else.

    Wait... 'Boom' cameras?
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  5. Shukiii

    Shukiii Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2017
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    1. In some scenarios. In service mode you have to shut the loco down yourself before you can cold start it again.
    4. By restarting from the menu and choosing another location to spawn at.
    5. You can't.
    6.That's a Unreal Engine 4 glitch. When loading of assets fails UE4 might just give up.
    9. GWE has train depots. Old Oak Common and in Reading.
    10. This is ordinary behvaiour.
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  6. dannyjpj

    dannyjpj Member

    Aug 20, 2018
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    3: train drivers don’t need to see at night only rails, signals and stations really. the light is more so that other trains know your loco is operational.

    7: Boom cameras allow you to have more control over the camera angle it’s self. Click front boom then press triangle and you’ll have total control unlike other cameras.
  7. 7orenz

    7orenz Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    2. as "general" with the camera locked you can drive the train (example: run all the service) also from external view (you lock the camera to your favorite view and drive the train). the hud is all you need

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