PC Tsw3 - Br 185 Db On Kassel Wurzburg Problems.

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by DVerhaaff, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. DVerhaaff

    DVerhaaff New Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    I have attempted to run 50244 Ludwigshafen - Hamburg Billwerder on the new Kassel Wurzburg route several times.
    It's a freight service using the BR 185 DB.
    I've activated PZB, LZB, and AFB.
    The first stop is 20 km's away and the time to arrive is only 10 minutes after the service begins.
    I have found that sometimes it seems the brakes are applied without me actually braking.
    I come to a stop even with power at notch 8.
    Once, the AFB stopped me 15 meters short of the first stop marker on the route, and I have been unable to move to it to trigger the marker.
    I have deactivated AFB, reset all controls, held each brake handle in release for 10 seconds or more, applied power, first at notch 4 and gradually going to 8 while sitting there for about 3 minutes and then all the way to 10... nothing.
    The first time this happened I was stopped going uphill, so I thought that this must have been the problem, but when I was stopped short of the marker, the train was on a downhill slope.
    I have also found that the one time I was able to trigger the first stop marker I had to wait for 13 minutes and then waited another 10 without the red light ever changing, but I've noted this on the red light issue threat.

    I'm playing TSW3 on PC through Steam.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
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  2. doublefine7

    doublefine7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    The AFB thing is a bug, the waiting at the red light is intended. Did that service today and waited half an hour until I got a green light. Lots of freight traffic on that route in the night.
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  3. chasnsunsets#1502

    chasnsunsets#1502 New Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    I too am having problems with this route journey,im on series x,when I reach the first marker,and after waiting the 13minutes + another 10minutes,when I try to go,my BP is stuck at 3.6 and won't raise to 5.0 so my train is stuck and I can't take off from the siding. Is this a bug? Very difficult run I find
  4. Jazzar101

    Jazzar101 New Member

    Aug 25, 2019
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    So have you tried resetting the train? Put brakes to full, throttle to 0, move reverser to off and back then release brakes again? Alternativel on the right side window, about the drivers 2 o'clock there is a black button underneath the big red emergency pantograph button. See if you can overcharge the brakes holding that. Also make sure your direct brake is released.
  5. speedbird6780

    speedbird6780 Member

    Apr 7, 2021
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    Plus, when the 50244 is driven by the AI, it will cause a log jam around Kassel, because the 50244 will run towards other services that would run on that track. This is console wide. Furthermore, the Sifa button is not connected to the b button on Xbox (series X).
  6. Speedster

    Speedster Active Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    Freight on SKW is problematic (on PC as well). 50244 is stopped at signal 704 approaching Kassel, when it eventually turns green the loco can only reach 0.2 km/h. After you are diverted through an underpass there is a red signal preventing you entering track 6, as service 50245 is already in that block waiting at a red signal to enter your block!

    This then causes northbound freight to back up at red signals along the route. DTG (DTG JD ) is this a known issue? It is preventing progression in journey mode (who thought it was a good idea to lock chapters unless previous chapters are completed?)
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
  7. DeltaFOX2k7

    DeltaFOX2k7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Except that LZB stops the train about 15m too early and causes the objective marker not to jump further (to release the brakes you have to switch LZB off and on again), I had no problems completing 50244. I had to stop at LZB block sign 737 and not at signal 704, there I had to wait until the traffic jam has gradually dissolved. My train was very late due to many red signals and long waiting times and therefore I could only reach silver. Last but not least, I would like to note that the terminus is very very close to the red signal, if you are not careful enough (like me :D) you may drive 50244 again.

  8. Speedster

    Speedster Active Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    As part of the SKW journey? Or just from timetable mode? I have tried the service in the journey multiple times and am blocked by a train already in Track 6.
  9. someguy#7192

    someguy#7192 New Member

    Oct 15, 2022
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    The trick I found to do the 50244 in journey is to just always depart really late after you get a green light. At the beginning, wait for the third freight train to stop beside you and then a passenger train to come the opposite direction before departing. Then at the red light in the middle where you have to wait for a million other trains to pass, once the signal finally does turn green then wait some more before proceeding.
    But then in the following chapter of the journey, the AI-driven 50244 causes a logjam as mentioned by another poster above.
  10. Speedster

    Speedster Active Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    Just tried it again (before your suggestion), stuck at signal F676 (1.3km from destination). The train in Track 6 has a red aspect on signal N605. Still waiting at 0120, and looking back over the map there are seven freight services at red signals behind the player train.
  11. DeltaFOX2k7

    DeltaFOX2k7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Journey mode, chapter "Making TRAXX".

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2022
  12. Speedster

    Speedster Active Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    OK then. I would suggest the fact you have to drive the service contrary to the instructions provided in order to avoid a permanent red signal warrants consideration as a bug.
  13. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    Another problem is the weather conditions and other factors that make it impossible to be in the designated place on time. As a result, you have to wait a long time * because of stacked AI traffic. I also recommend not to use AFB for freight services, otherwise LZB will implement "unwanted" braking in such cases (non-clear signal aspect ahead). BR o7
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2022
  14. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

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