7 Ice 1 Services Missing From Skw's Timetable Selection (edit: Now Been Fixed)

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by WonterRail, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Now for those familar with Kassel-Würzburg's timetable, you may know that it has 128 services listed, even though from having checked, the numbers of the individual locos for that route don't match that of the overal service number (it comes to 121). Now I thought at the time that was down to the upcoming Loco Bundle having those services already listed, but weren't able to driven yet, unless you modded them in, like with Cajon Pass and Southeastern High Speed. But it turns out with SKW, that it's actually down to the fact that there are 7 ICE 1 services that are not listed anywhere in the timetable selection menu.

    I have been able to find 6 of them right now, I'm still trying to chase down what the 7th one is (but if anyone else has found it yet, then feel free to let me know down below), but the 6 I've been able to find are (with images to prove they exist).

    ICE 781 Berlin Zoologischer Garten to Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf (Kassel-Fulda)
    ICE 91 Hamburg-Altona to Wien Hbf (Kassel-Würzburg)
    ICE 798 Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf to Berlin Ostbahnhof (Fulda-Kassel)
    ICE 797 Berlin Ostbahnhof to Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf (Kassel-Fulda)
    ICE 90 Wien Hbf to Hamburg-Altona (Würzburg-Kassel)
    ICE 792 Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf to Oldenburg(Oldb) (Fulda-Kassel)
    I should mention that, as those images suggest, that all of these services are still drivable. Just spawn-in walking around each of these services start times (at the correct stations), wait for the train arrive, take a seat in the drivers cab, and away you go from there. Also worth noting that all of these services are noticably shorter than the usual ICE 1 services, being at only 9 Intermiedate cars sandwiching the power cars, compared to the 11 they are normanly, which could explain why they don't show up in the selection menu.

    Maybe this will be addressed in the upcoming patch, but I doubt it right now. But it is somethign worth looking into as it would make accessing these services awhole lot easier than it is now. This would also uncover the identity of the 7th service, if it hasn't been found by then.

    EDIT: Of course this got fixed in todays patch. Go see two posts further down for more details.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
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  2. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    Nice find!! Hopefully they can get them added to the menu at some point.
  3. CowBoyWolf

    CowBoyWolf Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Seems like they are in the menu now
  4. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Yep, can confirm, typical that this happens just when I bring this issue to a front.

    But joking aside, you can now find these services under the 11 car tab, when you click on the ICE 1:
    This also uncovers the identity of the 7th service, and it appears to be a fun one, an ECS move from Burgsinn to Würzburg.
    That explains why I couldn't find it before, but that's a nice surprise to see a different kind of service compared to what was visible before. Go have fun with that one I guess.
  5. captaingunadeep

    captaingunadeep Active Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Can you please mention the extra 10 services which takes the total to 138 services on SKW where and which locos they are associated to? I can't seem to find the extra 10 added services
  6. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Those are the services that the upcoming Dispolok BR 182 will add. They are not available as that hasn't been released yet.

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