Xbox Sos Safety

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by mcskimmingj, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. mcskimmingj

    mcskimmingj Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    I love the steam locos so much fun to drive but one thing that bugs me is the safety valve it's so loud anytime it goes off it dwarfs any other sound and is deafening loud which gets annoying when your coasting and boiler gets up pressure and safety starts blasting

    I'm interested to know what you guys think of the safety valve in the current state
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  2. Tonto62

    Tonto62 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    They are extremely loud in real life. However a decent fireman would do his best to avoid letting the safety valves lift because it wastes coal and water. Hopefully the automatic fireman is learning on the job and will improve at the next update. :)
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  3. RotorHed

    RotorHed Member

    Jan 21, 2021
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    I do manual fireman and maintain the boiler pressure under the red line most of the time.

    Just dump the auto fireman.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
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  4. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I don’t care if the safety valves are deafening in real life, they don’t have to be so loud in the game. Artistic license and common sense needs to be applied here. Just having them audibly hissing and the steam coming out visually is enough of a simulation for our domestic enjoyment purposes instead of the constant annoyance that trying to be realistically loud is creating. All it does is forces the player to lower the volume of their speakers to avoid annoying themselves and others, or if playing with headphones to avoid permanent hearing damage. That results in all other sounds being really quiet.

    That’s right, I mentioned permanent hearing damage which can result from continuous loud sounds in a narrow frequency range. DTG need to sort this out before it creates unnecessary harm. Hearing loss and tinnitus are no laughing matter. If you think I’m being overly dramatic, talk to your grandfather about it, if he can hear you. DTG JD I think this is worth a tag as it is a genuine concern.

    In order to not force players to reduce the volume of the sim, taking away much needed immersion, just to protect their neighbours, family, hearing or sanity, DTG could just reduce the volume of the safety valves to a more reasonable level (as well as, but before, working to make them trigger less often).
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  5. mcskimmingj

    mcskimmingj Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Ye I know they are loud in real life it just makes me feel like something isn't right when the safety is blasting constantly and the noise does annoy others in my home too forcing me to turn volume down its definitely one thing I don't like in spirit of steam I'm aware manual firing can help with this hopefully DTG can improve fireman on updates so we don't always have safety blasting also would be cool if we could shut down the steam engines when parking them just for immersion lol
  6. mcskimmingj

    mcskimmingj Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    I agree I've thought that too I play with headphones for the immersion feeling and the safety valve is so loud and constant it gives me a headache and I have to take headphones off and reduce tv volume to not annoy others in the home so you do make a very good point I can safely say I agree with
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  7. 5cip

    5cip Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    i wish we could to lower the sifa / pzb alarm sounds
    anyone has an idea how ?

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