Hi I don't know if any of you are also experiencing this problem but for some reason when all the routes were ported over to TSW3, the lighting system and time of day have been messed up. Yesterday when I was doing a run on the LIRR, and any station, the Light on the platform was all off, and it was pitch dark.
I thought this might be a glitch at one station but when I pull into the next station it was the same, the time of the day with the sky doesn't even match the in-game time at all as well. I don't know if the team realize but when they port the game over, some of the stuff wasn't ported over correctly such as the lightning in the station, and the skybox. I haven't tried other routes but so far LIRR Cannot be Playable.
Are you using one of the time of day mods that puts the new clouds and lighting in the old routes? If so, that'll be your issue. If not, then I'm not sure what it is, cause I haven't seen anyone else with this issue (other than people who use the mods).
I check and there was nothing, i also disabled the mode for lightning, and still there. Is anyone also experiencing the same problem as well
not sure where to post this comment but I have just found a problem on arosa line wagon wonderland has an AI train on the player path causing a red light you can not complete this scenario has any one else found this? I am a PC player, have the team seen this also?
Had the same problem with artificial lighting and PIS on the older routes since the latest patch. I found a mod in my DLC folder that was called Allroutesnewtodv4.pak and that was the mod that was causing the problem on my end.