Awesome Tsw Service Mode Runs

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by JustWentSouth, Dec 4, 2020.

  1. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    I found a nice night time ECS run on BCC:

    5L95 Lichfield City Station to Birmingham New Steet with the 323

    You catch up to a pasenger service and deal with multiple adverse signals. Be aware that the spacing between the signals decreases as you get closer to New Street; the reds come up fast!

    And, I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to this community. This thread is two years old with 1000 responses. For me it is a nice testament to all that is right with this game and the first place I look when deciding what service to drive. My hat is off to all who have contributed.
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  2. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    It's by far the best thread on the forums! The amount of enjoyment I've had from suggested services, while additionally it's always exciting when discovering a great service yourself for others to enjoy. Here's to another 1,000 responses... :)
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  3. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    I need to delve into these more but I keep focusing on journey modes instead. It narks my ocd that services don’t tick off in journey because of the variables
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  4. lupojohn

    lupojohn Active Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    If you mean that you can't get a gold medal for services in both Journey and Timetable mode, then you can.

    Just play it in Journey mode and it should, in your words, "tick off" in both that and Timetable mode.
  5. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    that’s the approach I’m slowly taking :cool:
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  6. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    My approach to BRO has been to learn the route driving the 401 and the 101 before I tackle the tap changers and overloadable circuits. I found this gem of a freight run with the 101. (Thanks, Joe!):

    BRO EZ 51565 Maschen Rbf - Emden Rbf at 09:16 with the DB 101

    It's a 962 ton mixed freight. I ran it in PZB mode M. Don't get much over 95kph or you may have issues!

    You are following a 110 and encounter many adverse signals. Getting below 50kph before the 500hz magnet can be a challenge. Going slower enables a smoother ride and saves time pumping the brakes back up.
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  7. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    If you want some fun on the new Bremen - Oldenburg route: the G6 subs in for the 363. Select the G6 and go for the first service in the list: KT 50491 Bremen Grolland - Maschen.

    the G6 can not pull that train with the gear in Long Distance mode. You need to switch to the Shunting Gear to be able to move. Because you're way too slow, and need to cross over all the main tracks, the AI trains start piling up at Bremen Neustadt.
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  8. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    This was a great service! I actually was coming here to recommend it myself.

    It actually can because i forgot about shunting gear and just kept waiting to see if it would move. Eventually once the brake pressure was completely released and at max throttle it slowly crawled to life. But like you i was way behind at Neustadt and had to wait for literally 10 AI trains to pass lol. Got a nice look at layers including a Dispolok light-engine, the 612, Press 155, Raillion 185, etc. Keeps you on your PZB toes as well for such a short run.

    The timetable seems really good so far. Couple more patches it could be special.
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  9. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    I have to try it with the 101 lol
    I ran this with the 110 and totally blew through the 500hz and SPADed. I didn't see the 1000hz light up (i might have mistakenly done a PZB release at just the wrong time) and was going way too fast- lol totally on me.[/SPOLIER]
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  10. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    Wow - I am thoroughly enjoying the 110.3. What a fantastic loco! I have plenty to explore with it on BRO and I look forward to taking it on other routes as well. Here is a nice ECS run with an interesting consist:

    T 66704 Frankfurt Hbf - Emden Hbf at 10:13 with the 110.3

    Plenty of PZB action as you wait for and get behind passenger services. Some tricky red lights.

    With that we have an update for all three spreadsheets. As always, let me know of any omissions or errors.

    Google Published Documents:
    TSW3 Recommended Service Runs:
    TSW Compatible Recommended Service Runs:
    Chaos Runs:

    Excel Spreadsheets:
    TSW3 Recommended Service Runs
    TSW Compatible Recommended Service Runs
    Chaos Runs
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  11. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    Oh thats neat. I initially tried that as well, but never made it work. I also found a service from Bremen Hbf to Bremen - Grolland consisting of 40-something container wagons, 660 meters long and 1650 tons in weight. I ran it with the 182 but could barely get it moving. I would really like the option to choose double-headed consists through service mode...
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  12. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    IIRC, there are some routes where you could switch between single- and double-headed consists using the livery toggle when choosing a loco. The Class 20 on TVL is one i'm pretty sure about.

    Haven't tried since TSW3 launch though, so not sure if it's still a thing.
  13. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Here's a Chaos Run start on service 42864 Salzburg Hamburg Dradenau from Wurzburg Hbf. Then drive it up to Rohrbach Bbf where the Nantenbach connector line towards Main Spessart Bahn Lohr Bahnhof starts. Wait there for 10-20 minutes then at 23:20 take over 60100 Stuttgart-Bremen with 185.5 if you have Riesa-Dresden or Bremen Oldenburg 155 when you are doing this chaos run in Timetable mode. If you are doing this on Journey mode continue as usual which will reward you with a silver medal.
    Video link is
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  14. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    I don't know if this one has been mentioned but 1D00 0500 Victoria to Gatwick Airport followed by 5D00 to Gatwick Airport up sidings. A nice clear run in the early morning and a rest at the sidings, If you then take it back to Victoria you see the route really start to come alive with early morning services.
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  15. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Looking for an early Intercity service that gets stuck on the new route Bahnstrecke Bremen Delmenhorst Oldenburg IC2035 Norddeich Mole Leipzig DB Baureihe 101 which departs Oldenburg Hauptbahnhof at 07:35.
    3 minutes after departure from the last stop before Bremen Delmenhorst Bahnhof 07:53. You are actually stuck behind a DB Baureihe 425 service due to a freight train ahead of you. After that you will deal with an alternating yellow red and green signals. Use Punktförmige Zugsbeeinflussung for the run
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  16. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    There is another good ECS run on BRO, but you can make it even better by starting in the service just before it.

    The run is:
    BRO Oldenburg Hbf - Oldenburg Hbf Sidings at 07:35 with the 110.3

    Contrary to the name, the run actually ends in Bremen.

    If you hustle, you will get adverse signals following a 101 service. Then there is a bit of a wait just outside of Bremen Hbf for the platforms to clear.

    However, to make it even more interesting, you should start in the service just before it, Loco Run Round at Oldenburg Hbf at 07:24 and then free roam into the ECS run.

    Or if you want to just make it an under 2 hour Oldenburg turn, you can begin in Bremen with RB (14851 Bremen Hbf - Oldenburg Hbf at 06:28. That is a straightforward passenger run; you should set for December to see a nice sunrise. At the end, you can free roam into the Loco run around, which is also straightforward, except . . .

    There is no way to drive in a sane, responsible manner and complete the run round in time and you will likely by about 5 minutes late starting the ECS. Switch cabs at one of the two minute breaks. Don't couple to the consist before 07:40.

    You encounter a raised drawbridge. When I did it, there was not a red signal for the bridge, just a large vertical wall of track in front of me The 101 service is long gone, but you still get a wait for Bremen platforms to clear.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
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  17. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Does the 110.3 service mentioned here goes behind IC2035 Norddeich Mole Leipzig or not? If yes then the 110.3 is on the 4th train behind the DB BR 101 425 since the freight train was the cause of the congestion
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  18. lupojohn

    lupojohn Active Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Just out of curiosity, why is there only one service that stops at Hanwell? (Saw it on the spreadsheet of runs and notes).
  19. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    Yes. The ECS run does trail the 101. I look forward to trying the run you found.
  20. noir

    noir Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    I went to try the BR 612 on BRO and did the RB81367 service (13:24). It is a straight forward sub 20 minutes service, but with a nice touch at the end.

    After ending the service in Bremen, you get few minutes of time to go through the train to check whether everybody got off, and then you proceed to park the unit on sidings signalled with Zs 7 (Vorsichtsignal). I haven't seen this signal anywhere else in the game so far, it tells you that the path is not safe to drive and you have to be ready to stop before any obstacle - because the siding is quite short and ends simply with Sh 2 bumper.
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  21. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Just had an awesome run on DRA: take the 766.2 DBpbzfa for the 12:45 RE15 Depot to Dresden Hbf service. I played on the 'light snow' weather scenario for some extra challenge. At Dresden Hbf.: 'return to free roam' to switch cabs and take your time to set up the DB BR 143 for the 12:51 RE18 service to Cottbus, so that you leave at about 12:56:30 instead of 12:52. I won't spoil too much, but be vigilant for a lot of PZB action and some nail biting in front of red lights. You'll have a delay of about 15 minutes by the time you reach Großenhain, but you can still make enough points to get your gold medal.
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  22. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    That was fun! I only wound up about 6 minutes late. I might try again starting just a bit later. The traffic on DRA never ceases to impress.

    After enjoying some old German electric power in BRO, it was fun to get back to the 143, a loco that I had been somewhat avoiding until now. Perhaps it was because I didn't know how to drive it well. This thread by breblimator helped change that:
    Now I can't wait to drive it again.
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  23. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    I have run this multiple times now, varying my starting time from 12:55 to 12:58. Each time had different surprises. My most chaotic run was starting 6 minutes late and it was fantastic. I have been looking for a GOAT nominee for DRA. This may be it!
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  24. Rudolf

    Rudolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    20221217204537_1.jpg Kaasel-Würzburg, freight service 50244 departing 22:58 from Fulda. There is a lot going on during this drive and you will need to wait for other trains at several different moments.

    The bad news: 4.5 km before the final destination I could not get the train moving again at a 1.3% grade.
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  25. Quentin

    Quentin Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Yes, that's happened to me on several of the freight runs (particularly when it's 'snowy'). The trick to get around it is: when the PZB tells you there's a 'red' ahead, bring the train to a stop on the level section before the final tunnel and wait for it to clear (this may require letting 3 or 4 trains go past in the opposite direction). You can then get through without having to stop in the steepest section of the tunnel.
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  26. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    I’m currently stopped at the same signal. And it wasn’t even necessary , the dispatcher just chose a dumb route that involves ‘wrong side running’

    I ended up uncoupling the rear 6 vehicles. This allowed me to accelerate up the hill. Upon arriving at the final destination there was a pop-up warning saying “Unexpected vehicle formation” but it did finish the service and gave me a silver medal.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2022
  27. TimTri

    TimTri Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2021
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    That is really puzzling. Having doubts such a relatively huge station with multiple platforms and buildings would have only received a single “parliamentary” service at the time the route was developed. Perhaps the rolling stock typically servicing the station was simply not included in the DLC?
  28. rjeeves#3580

    rjeeves#3580 Active Member

    Dec 9, 2020
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    I've had a look at the working tt for that period and from what I can see it's mainly Heathrow connect 360s stopping at Hanwell.
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  29. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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  30. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    I found an excellent ECS run on BRO:

    ICE 862 Stock Move @ 23:44 with 401

    You get stuck behind a freight. Lots of reds including one with the crossing gates up just in front of you at Bookholzberg. They go down, traffic stops, and you get the green.

    I also found two other good runs:

    DGS 95457 @ 21:43 with the 155
    A relatively straightforward run with a long scheduled stop at Bookholzberg where you can watch traffic pass through in both directions. You can try to make it a little more interesting by starting 5 or so minutes late to delay your entry into the siding.

    RE 81292 Wilhelmshaven - Bremen Hbf at 10:52
    A nice end to end run where you get to air out the 612 which is always a good time! And, there may be a little surprise at the end.

    BRO looks really good at night to me. So, in the holiday spirit, put a little snow on and enjoy!

    With that, we have spreadsheet updates:
    TSW3 Recommended Service Runs:
    TSW Compatible Recommended Service Runs:
    Chaos Runs:

    Happy Holidays!
  31. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    On the German Wikipedia page, Zs7 has a procedure that you must continue on sight without a dispatcher Order. In the game, if you have PZB you will stop at the Signal due to a 2000hz PZB magnet present there. The way to deal with it is to ask the Dispatcher permission to pass and then use PZB Befehl 40 PZB Override on the magnet at the signal.
  32. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    A pair of nice ECS services on BRO with the DB BR 101:

    Eastbound: T66707 Emden Rbf - Falkenburg unterer Bf at 17:09

    Run it in mid September for a nice sunset. If you run HUDless, which is highly recommended, keep in mind that top speed for this consist is 100 kph. I assume that is because of the eclectic mix of passenger equipment.

    Westbound: T66704 Frankfurt Hbt - Emden Hbf at 10:13
    For the HUDless amongst us, top speed for this consist is set at 140kph. It is the same eclectic mix and I am not sure of the reason for the different top speeds.

    Either way, both are really good runs with a great loco.

    . . . depart the station just ahead of you. Eastbound it is a 463.0 cab car. Westbound it is a 425 EMU.

    I am really enjoying the BRO timetable; the service length of 30-60 minutes hits a sweet spot for me. With all the traffic layered in, the AI is quite enjoyable and my favorite German locos make an appearance, the 101, 612, and ICE 1 join the 110.3. Now, if I could just get the 143 to be driveable for some freight services, my entire German top 5 would be there!*

    * The 155 and 182 MRCE complete the seven or so locos in my top 5.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2022
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  33. LastTrainToClarksville

    LastTrainToClarksville Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2017
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    Switching fans (such as myself) who have purchased the F7 CJP loco add-on should take on the Cajon Pass scenario "Up Down Left Right ABBA", which features more than an hour (well, not much more: I completed it in 1hour and 10 minutes) of non-stop yard maneuvers with other switchers working around you. Note: as your rack of assorted freight cars lengthens, controlling your speed becomes trickier, making movements more challenging.
    As you work, keep an eye on the changeable fog.
    Requires: 1) Cajon Pass route, 2) Santa Fe F7 Add-On (part of the October 5th Loco Add-On Bundle, but also available separately).
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  34. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Another goodie on SEHS (expanded):

    1E93 London Bridge to Ramsgate

    Starts like a normal boring semi-express run. But then the AWS alarm starts sounding.... Lots of adverse signals and speed juggling.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
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  35. lcyrrjp

    lcyrrjp Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    On Cross City:

    1Z81 Penzance to Derby

    This is the special; a long rake, hauled by a pair of 37s, from Bromsgrove to Lichfield Trent Valley, with a single call at Birmingham New Street.

    It's an excellent run - very challenging in the darkness. No spoilers - give it a go.
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  36. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Has been a while since I've posted a suggestion, but this one is definitely recommended.

    I've returned to playing Southeastern Highspeed again, and with its epic timetable I thought it would be great to do one of the ECS moves. As such, here is the recommendation:

    5L17 - 1013 - Slade Green Depot to Ramsgate Depot - Class 375

    It was my first time completing this specific service, and wow that was fun! For just over an hour, I hardly saw any greens with lots of yellows and reds - make sure to have blizzard conditions as with all the snow it makes for a real challenge regarding both visibility and wheel slip (especially when approaching red signals!)

    If you spawn on foot around 1010 at Dartford, apart from the bustle of regular 465s, you'll already see a waiting Class 66 freight service as it prepares to head northbound. With your 375 eventually arriving, you depart, but not long before you start encountering your first set of adverse signals; one of those earlier 465s you'd have seen at Dartford earlier had just departed for Gravesend, which is now what you'll be following close behind all the way to its final destination.

    Once you pass through Gravesend, this is perhaps the quietest section of the service until you reach Rochester - here you'll wait at the old station for around 4-5 minutes before continuing. As you reach Gillingham, more adverse signals arise and will continue which makes for a real interesting service of increasing and decreasing speeds. Once you reach just outside Sittingbourne, it's interesting as, while you are held at a red, you can actually see the service you're following ahead in the distance which is pretty cool. Just as an extra note, one thing I loved while around the Sittingbourne area is the ringing of church bells around 11am, really great to hear while stopped at a red signal. Once underway again, you'll see another 66 service and for the remainder of the journey to Faversham, I encountered a mix of greens and double yellows which kept me alert.

    A real fun, but challenging service - highly recommended if you haven't already, or conversely, even if you have, worth doing again in snowy and/or blizzard weather conditions for a real extra challenge. This is why I love TSW! :love:
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  37. lcyrrjp

    lcyrrjp Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    A very interesting run - thanks for highlighting it.
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  38. lcyrrjp

    lcyrrjp Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Another very interesting class 465 run on SEHS is:

    1A95 Ramsgate - Dartford

    Again, plenty of signal checks in this one.

    I must say, I only got the SEHS extension by default when buying TSW3 in order to get Cross City, but as it turns out I've enjoyed SEHS more. The timetable is much improved, and seems to have plenty of instances of trains following each other, which makes for really interesting driving.
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  39. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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  40. lcyrrjp

    lcyrrjp Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Thank you for this. An eventful run, although for me it's rather spoilt by the fact that there's no schedule to run to. I wonder what gave DTG the idea that freight trains and ECS operate without schedules, and why they persist with it.
  41. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    Found an excellent BRO run:

    IC 1934 Leipzig Hbf - Oldenburg Hbf @ 20:11 with the 101

    No spoilers, but suffice it to say that your issue is on the platform beside you. If you run HUDless, be careful of the signal just in front of the cab as you start. It is not clearly visible from the seat and will not be green when the service is scheduled to start.

    Don't expect to be anywhere near on time!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2023
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  42. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    That one is definitely an error. I think you're supposed to get scheduled before that train on the other platform, especially since it's a stopper that stops at literally every station. IRL there would be a phone call from the driver to the dispatcher asking to be routed around the stopper.
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  43. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    The timetable and the variety of services are making BRO a really enjoyable route for me.

    Here is another really nice run:
    BRO ICE 850 Berlin Ost - Oldenburg Hbf at 00:43 with the 401
    You will catch up with a freight just outside of Delmenhorst and follow it in. There is also a wait outside of Oldenburg while a light loco movement clears.

    This is another run where a red light has stopped me just before a grade crossing. While the signal is red, the gates remain up. Once the block ahead clears, the gates go down and then you get the green. That's a nice touch!

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  44. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    This one also seems wrong to me? Express or InterCity services should not be held up behind slower trains. The freight train you mentioned should be sidelined at Hude for the ICE to pass. It probably doesn’t happen because the ICE is layered in rather than being native to the route, so its not factored in to the freight trains schedule.
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  45. JustWentSouth

    JustWentSouth Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2019
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    I agree. Perhaps a former Norfolk Southern dispatcher took their skills to Germany and started treating ICE runs like Amtrak services.

    The vast majority of services in TSW run as expected. In my opinion, it is nice to find (and drive!) the rare ones that don't.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
  46. giogurto_grande

    giogurto_grande Active Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    There are some new freight services for Class 66 on BML (London Commuter) that appeared after todays patch.
    I tried some of those services out and I can totally recommend the "0057 Peterborough to Tonbridge West Yard" service starting at 15:37. Driving a class 66, you pull a set of three dead 66's. It feels a bit different to drive a freight train on this route with all that passenger traffic around. There's some AWS action as well.

    And here's a tip for the service beginning: release the parking brake in every pulled loco. It will be on for some reason.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2023
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  47. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Have just completed this service, fantastic - and as you say, a real challenge without the HUD and PZB. Interestingly, I used a BR 187 for this, and as such, was the first time I've used this freight loco with any passenger coaches - so as a rarity, it was interesting to use PZB Mode O and actually reach 140 in the 187!
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  48. NateDogg7a

    NateDogg7a Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2021
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    For a quick jaunt on LBN, try 377 2K14. Race another 377 out of Vic and through a 4-way weave. You will pass over a moving aggregate train after Battersea, then get to see the HST pass through Clapham while you wait, all while passing by lots of inbound traffic. Play in January for a great sunrise.
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  49. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    Awesome run, NateDogg7a!

    Quick question for my fellow Bremen - Oldenburg lovers: I'm pretty sure I saw a double-headed coal train pass by on that route the other day, but I cannot find any coal train in the service list. Has anyone else seen the train I'm talking about?
  50. Joethefish

    Joethefish Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    The coal layer requires DRA and the RSN 155 and the services on this layer are GAG-63308, GAG-60654, T-64105 and GAG-63309. Hopefully it's one of these that you're looking for. :)
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