DTG why make a song and dance about how great the new weather is just to change it to something which is less unrealistic? When did lightning ever get frightened of a train? Undo your medalling.
I don’t know how long polls have been back for but every single one I’ve seen has been unnecessary, this one included. I’d be happy if DTG permanently disabled them for regular members, only using them for official threads. As for the topic in hand, I prefer the change. I’d rather not see a lightning bolt randomly appear in my cab, it was pretty… shocking, you could say?
The new lightning is by far more realistic than the original released with TSW3, but there is still room for improvement as it feels off... The lightning seems too short and looks like it's always coming out of the sky about 100ft off the ground and not coming down from the clouds which would be several kilometers up. And that almost laughably thick and chunky lightning that appears every now and then is just plain wrong. It could be stretched vertically to improve it.
The new lightning is by far better than the demented Van Der Graaf generator or Green Mile effect of the original implementation.
When have you ever seen a lightning bolt strike as close as it did in game before the patch? The three possible answers to that are a truthful ‘never’, a lying ‘loads of times’ or the very very rare ‘yes, just the once, twenty years ago’ from the statistical probability that one person on this forum has at some point in their very long lives actually experienced a lightning strike closer than a quarter mile away. So you saying it is less unrealistic now is correct and how it should be. We don’t want it to be unrealistic.
To be fair, I have TECHNICALLY seen lightning strike that close, but it's very much a technicality, as I live on the top floor of the tallest building in my city, and all I see is all my windows going white and hear the instant thunder when it connects to my building's lightning rod.
Yes, in my younger days I lived on the 54th floor of a high rise and you do have different weather effects up there, including very close lightning strikes, actual immersion in clouds and rain which never actually reaches the ground.
When I was young about 8 years old and visited my aunt and uncle in the northern part of British Columbia, I was treated to lighting doing a lasso around the trailer they lived in.
I don't consider this poll any more ridiculous or obnoxious than others, which I mostly ignore. However, in regard to close encounters with lightning, I have never forgotten the Thanksgiving meal at which a lightning bolt passed through the window near the head of the table and straight down the table, fortunately without damaging anyone or anything. As to the original lightning in TSW3, I had no objections to it -- after all, this is a simulator. Perhaps there's a need for yet another toggle?
In fairness, it is a simple yes or no question. I don't see how it's poorly worded. I voted no. Having lighting come down 2 inches from your train every 15 seconds just isn't realistic and was poorly designed. The new system is better but needs improvement. Although perhaps there should be an option for those to go back to the old lighting if they liked it
They went from one extreme to the other. Now hardly any lightning at all! In summer months there are severe storms and a LOVE load of lightning! Maybe some of these people on here don't have any bad storms where they live. As a kid in Ohio by the lake I see many intense lightning storms. MFS2020 has realistic lightning storms..just have something like that, just don't nerf them altogether.
100% we need to OG TSW3 Lighting and thunderstorms back because it was so cool and only the people who think it needs to go do not understand how cool it was and have not felt it in real life trust me its crazy as hell but was so cool in TSW3 at Launch its a must to bring back but also if people dont want it why not bring in a slider like we do with other things so if u want heaps of lighting then turn it up if u dont much or none turn it down its simple ultra for heaps medium to low for next to none and even i been saying it on my you tube channel livestreams and have other say the same to me it was all just to try suck people into buying TSW3 because that is what dovetail does try and sell u the bells and whistles and then take them away from u like the grinches they are
I did a service on Tharandter Rampe yesterday and honestly thought the lightning was still a bit too severe - especially the flash that “arrives” in the cab, which is in no way realistic. So there’s no way I’d want them to go back to the even more crazy/hideous launch version of the lightning. I still remember regular lighting impacts within a few feet of the train, which was immersion-breaking to say the least
The poll should have 3 options: 1. roll back to previous 2. keep it as it is 3. further reduce <<< this would get my vote
To be fair to the op, lighting strikes are unpredictable and totally random, so to say lighting never strikes that close to a train is total nonsense! You don't know when and where its going to strike, unless your marty mcfly of course. But yeah lighting striking trackside equipment every minute is ott.
Further reduce what??? There is hardly any lightning now to begin with. You sure you playing the same game as me? I played 10 different times and set it to lightning storm and nothing! Just a boring layer of thick clouds and thunder..all it does is RAIN! In reality storms are unpredictable, sometimes you have severe storm after storm with a LOVE load of lightning! Have you ever seen a storm? My gosh you guys are so hell bent on no lightning is very strange. You must be a boring sap.
No reason to become so angry, please calm down. I guess a nice compromise would be to add a “Severe Storm” weather option that can only be manually selected (not part of dynamic weather, scenarios, journey mode etc.). This option would contain the crazy lighting frequency and proximity that many of us didn’t like, but some users (like you) perhaps preferred.
Now that's a honest response and just sick and tired when DT does something dumb. Just saying in real life there is crazy lightning storms. It's a fact, man.
What lightning though? A little flash 50 miles away? When a game has a setting/option for lightning storm, you should have and see a lightning storm. I feel like talking to a 5 yr old on this. In a snowstorm you see a lot of snow and wind. It would be the same in saying the snow storms in the game have too much snow! Lol You already had the option to turn off lightning if you didn't like it, so for the love of God, I do not get it with you boring saps. You make NO sense!!
From my experience of lightning, the lightning isn't too far away or too close. I did a couple scenarios and the lightning seems to be around middle ground. So like people previously said, it would be nice to have a slider for ligtning distance and stuff
My main gripe with lightning is that every lightning is accompanied by 3 flashes and every lightning goes to ground. A nice workaround would be to have a percentage of lightning as fork and more that are cloud flashes and 1, more prominent flash per lightning. As I have said before in another post, the constant 3 flashes, almost strobe like are not only wrong but almost certainly likely to trigger seizures in susceptible people.
Agree it needs to be more realistic, but in that there is hardly any lightning to begin with.lol At least before DT nerfed it you had LIGHTNING!! Now bland rain and thunder. Rain storms and lightning storms are all just the same looking milky clouds, with rain..thunder. I never ever see any form of lightning. It needs fixed where you have different volume and rates of flashes.
The lightning seems too short and Speed Test looks like it's always coming out of the sky about 100ft off the ground and not coming down from the clouds which would be several kilometers up.
I think the really key thing here a lot of folks aren't considering is that trains inherently always have a path to earth being large metal objects sitting on grounded metal objects. Even though lightning can and sometimes will hit a train, it will route itself through the provided lightning rod connection to earth on newer trains, or simply through the metal body of the train on older ones, meaning you will not actually see the bolt itself - just a blinding white flash followed by instant thunder.