Sand Patch Grade Finally got the 14.5k tonne train to get moving and in celebration blasted on the horn. Great! But the horn continued for a long while after, slowly fading but always on... Seemed to get stronger around the 16th wagon and every time I passed under a bridge.
Update: Is it even possible to get this loco up the hill? ... I keep running out of Steam before getting anywhere near the crest.
It's a CJP mission, San Diego to Albuquerque. I have not played CJP at all (except to collect all route tasks), but I guess you might have flubbed the loco setup. You have 8 locomotives in this consist, and they all need to work together in order to push this monster.
This mission is Cajon Pass, not Sand Patch Grade. Same principle applies though: loco must be correctly configured to work together.
rich.minty Here's what I did: 1. walk all the way back to the tandem of locomotives at the rear of the train 2. configure the trailing loco with no radio no DP (switches on the back wall, top two rows, turn them all off), and also turn off Engine Run and Control switches. Leave all the brakes as they are. 3. configure the lead loco with radio and DP (top two rows on the back wall, turn them all ON), and turn on Gen Field switch. 4. walk forward to the middle tandem and repeat like above 5. walk back to the front of the train, configure the three trailing locos like the other trailing locos, and then 6. in the front loco: make sure switches in the top two rows are all ON, then turn on Banking Comm (the radio above the brakes), turn on Gen Field, release your brakes and apply power (don't over do it, notch 2 should be plenty to get going). Remember these designations: FRONT = locomotives at the front of the train MIDDLE = locomotives at the middle of the train REAR = locomotives at the rear of the train Lead = in any group, the lead locomotive is the one that is closest to the destination: these must have radio and DP switches ON Trail = in any group, the locomotives that are not leading: these must have radio and DP switches OFF The locomotive you drive, the Lead of the Front group, must have the radio and DP switches ON and the Banking Comm ON -> you should set this before you release the brakes.
That's awesome help, thankyou So, without properly setting this train up I was essentially trying to haul everything up the hill on the front loco? Flubbed . Great word!
Probably the front four. It's not clear to me how the other locomotives contribute to the simulation, whether they are simply dead weight, or possibly keep their brakes applied, further impeding the train progress. I was surprised how long this train is: the game asked me twice if I want to give up the service, while I was running to the back of the train.
This setup procedure works although it does struggle a bit to maintain speed on the more inclined sections of the climb Thankyou Yardem
What speed are you trying to maintain? As I said, I have no experience on CJP, but I have played SPG and CRR extensively, and 15-25 mph is about the best you can hope for, on anything worse than 2% incline. Remember: 1. The goal is to get there, not to get there fast. 2. The line speed is a limit, not a target.
I'm not trying to break any speed records... I start the incline at 30mph with sanding on the front axle and as it progresses through the climb add more throttle up to notch 8 and then sit back, fingers crossed and watch the speed drop ever so gradually as it goes... at which point I remembered I had to go to work so will try again later
You don’t need any of that complicated setup. All you need to do is to turn the Banking Comm on first and then set up your driving loco as normal. Nothing else is required. At all. The DP switch doesn’t even do anything in TSW locos, the radio only works for EOT devices and is already on in the driving loco in Cajon Pass. Banking Comm, when turned on first, sets the other locos up as they are required. You don’t need to. Your train will be slow going up the hill.
Thankyou stujoy. Pressing Banking COMM to ON before setting up the loco does indeed setup all other locos along the train.