PS5 Broken Trophies

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by Manfonse, Mar 12, 2023.

  1. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Here’s what I have that’s not unlocking.
    All TSW3 and PS5. I have met the required criteria for the trophies, but they haven’t unlocked.

    I am currently still on group 05 and now working on MSB within that group.

    Group 1:
    SEH: Trained and Ready (complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)

    Group 5:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine
    MSB: Clean Sweep (complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)

    I’m doing these in trophy order list. Groups 2,3,4 all unlocked no problem.

    I will update here accordingly. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile. I hope the guys here are taking this in.

    • Like Like x 2
  2. smugstarlord#4202

    smugstarlord#4202 Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2021
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    I posted something similar earlier.
    I've also found the following doesn't unlock:

    SMH: old hat
    DRA: Alleskonner (some modules can't be completed due to various issues)
    M3: budding engineer
  3. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 13-3-23

    All TSW3 and PS5. I have met the required criteria for the trophies, but they haven’t unlocked.

    Group 1:
    SEH: Trained and Ready (complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those above.

    Group 5:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine
    MSB: Clean Sweep (complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those above.

    I’m doing these in trophy order list.
    Groups 02, 03, 04 all unlocked no problem.

    Now working on Group 06.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

    • Helpful Helpful x 2
  4. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 27-3-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned below, but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:
    SEH: Trained and Ready (complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine
    MSB: Clean Sweep (complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those above.

    I’m doing these in trophy order list.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06 all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 07.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

  5. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 06-4-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 07 and all unlocked 100% without fail.

    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned below, but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:
    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07 all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 08.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

    • Like Like x 1
  6. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    I saw that Group 2 contains all the Spirit Of Steam trophies. I have none of these but all the requirements met. (I'm also PS5)
    I think though that this is something quirky to do with the fact I completed all these in TSW2, then transferred my save file to TSW3.
    I have repeated all scenarios again for SOS in TSW3 but even that didn't trigger the trophy there. So there is something up with the save file from TSW2 to TSW3 transfer in regards to some trophies.
    Interestingly, all distance related trophies I had in TSW2 immediately popped in TSW3 after I first loaded the game up.

    Have you done all the Spirit Of Steam trophies in TSW3 directly? Did you transfer your save from TSW2 to TSW3 just out of interest?
  7. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Hey TinTin,
    I started TSW3 from fresh I believe. I completed the core game trophies first and now have moved onto the DLC groups.
  8. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 19-4-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 08 and only 1 trophy did not unlock.
    This was OSD: All in a Days Work
    I could not unlock this trophy due to a red light error in the Equipment Move scenario. I have submitted a ticket and got the same response i always get, it's been resolved lol.

    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned below, but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Broken Trophies:

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    Group 08:

    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07 all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 09.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

  9. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Update 29-5-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 09 and all unlocked 100% without fail.

    Broken Trophies:

    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned below, but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    Group 08:

    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09 all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 10.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

    • Like Like x 1
  10. Fitz

    Fitz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Not only are they all broken for me too. I managed to pop the the class 66 RHTT trophy without owning the DLC.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    This is an excellent thread and needs pinning... Now.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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  13. tft#6439

    tft#6439 Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2022
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    For some reason after comepleting the class 33 training module (PS4) I don't get the trophy.
  14. tft#6439

    tft#6439 Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2022
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    Yeah same.
  15. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 01-6-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 10 and all unlocked 100% without fail.

    Broken Trophies:
    These broken trophies have been listed in group order.
    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    Group 08:

    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09, 10 all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 11.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

    • Like Like x 1
  16. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    DLC Tropy Pack 27 - LFR Mainz-Koblenz

    I should have got all three trophies in the past couple of days -

    LFR: I've got the Power!
    Complete the DB BR 103 training module
    LFR: Cuckoo
    Complete all the route tasks on Mainz - Koblenz
    Operate the DB BR 110 for 110 km

    Not one of them has popped! What is going on DTG?
    • Like Like x 1
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  17. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 19-6-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 11 and all unlocked 100% without fail.

    Broken Trophies:
    These broken trophies have been listed in group order.
    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    Group 08:

    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11 have all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 12.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

  18. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Sadly DTG don’t do anything about the broken trophies. I and many others aren’t happy and they won’t do anything. They are more interested in churning out more DLC than fix the known issues.
    • Like Like x 3
  19. gigachad#1796

    gigachad#1796 New Member

    Jun 21, 2023
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    CJP Passing Grade has been broken since launch for me. I have tried it almost on 10 occasions now, each time setting up a fresh profile, tried it whilst connected to Internet and also without, since launch and every few months up to and including today, and it just does not work. Unless the trophy description has been entered incorrectly and you need to do more than the 2/2 training modules listed on the route?
  20. mikek#2649

    mikek#2649 New Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    I started to play the game with the new profile few weeks ago and SEH: Trained and Ready did not unlock for me, however many people actually got it on PS5, so i wonder how they did it.
    • Like Like x 1
  21. smugstarlord#4202

    smugstarlord#4202 Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2021
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    Absolutely the same for me, which is really annoying
  22. mikek#2649

    mikek#2649 New Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    So i tried to do clean install of the game from disk, stop all patches. Create new profile, did all trainings at SEH And even then SEH: Trained and Ready did not unlock.
  23. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Silence from DTG
    It’s no way to treat you customers
  24. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Update 27-6-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 12 and all unlocked 100% without fail.

    Broken Trophies:
    These broken trophies have been listed in group order.
    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    Group 08:

    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, have all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 13.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

    • Helpful Helpful x 3
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  25. mcpetrus

    mcpetrus New Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    Das Problem ist plattformunabhängig. Es liegt an einer völlig verkorksten Programmierung der Trophäen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den Import der TSW2-Daten.

    Ich habe TSW3 erst vor ein paar Tagen gekauft und habe im Grunde die gleichen Probleme wie du ... außer dass ich PS4 spiele. Bei den DLCs, bei denen ich alle Szenarien auf TSW2 abgeschlossen hatte, wird die Trophäe im importierten Profil nicht freigeschaltet.

    Es wird nur freigeschaltet, wenn ich ein neues Profil verwende und die Szenarien erneut spiele. Das gleiche Prinzip gilt für die Trainingstrophäen. Die Trophäen für Distanzen mit Lokomotiven, Levelränge und Anzahl der Fahrleistungen platzen hingegen sofort, wenn das importierte Profil verwendet wird....

    Machen wir uns nichts vor. Sie könnten es reparieren, aber es ist ihnen einfach egal.
  26. mikek#2649

    mikek#2649 New Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    We would certainly appreciate to get any official info that someone is actually reading these broken trophies reports and working on repairing them. Some of these are half year old and still unfixed.
    • Like Like x 1
  27. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    They could have fixed them by now, on TSW2 I found trophies that unlocked on a new PSN account (1st attempt!) that would not unlock on my main account. I don't think they are testing the trophies / achievements properly and clearly they are doing very little to fix issues. On one stream I heard them mentioning something that was easy to do (not regarding trophies) but they had not done it. Ultimately the more dlc they have the more bugs will stack up so it will be overwhelming.
    • Like Like x 1
  28. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    update on the seh all rounder trophy. so now have all SEH trophies on PS5 TSW3 I unlocked it today! On my main mature PSN account it never unlocked but using a trick I had to use on TSW2 to get many trophies I managed to unlock it. I can merge the offline profile with my main to enable me to show the trophy has been unlocked. I will ask for people who the trophy won't unlock do you have a well used profile with thousands of trophies unlocked?

    The fact a new account unlocked it no problems like on TSW2 suggests this is an area DTG need to look at as since I assume when they actually test the trophies they are on new profiles so none with 1000+ trophies on I suspect. I think it may be a way they have coded the trophies which is why some trophies unlock no problem and others no end of issues!
  29. mcpetrus

    mcpetrus New Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    With a new offline profile I do not get access to the data I have earned. It tells me the game needs to be restarted.
  30. mikek#2649

    mikek#2649 New Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    How do you merge offline profile with your main one?
  31. Techy_Dave

    Techy_Dave New Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    mikek#2649 and for any other Playstation users who are struggling to unlock trophies try this video:
    If you follow the instructions by the guy in the video you may get some to unlock. Of course this only works for one's that aren't actually broken by red lights such as Boston or by stuff that is broken by DTG like the Dresden tutorial
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
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  32. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    update I now have the CJP Taco Tuesday for the collectables from Cajon Pass route using the above solution I got this 1st time as well as the SE high speed all scenarios trophy. seems like the issue that plagued TSW2 in its later trophies has been copied and pasted into TSW3. Honestly I wish they would fix it but since they use blank profiles I suspect then these issues cant be replicated with a mature profile with loads of trophies on it I suspect
  33. mcpetrus

    mcpetrus New Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    Following what the guy in the video is doing is no problem. It is also basically no problem to earn trophies in this way.

    The problem is that with TSW (and some other games) the account of the game company is also interposed, so here the Dovetail Live Account.

    And that means that I can't access the data from my TSW account (where I made the progress) with my offline PSN account because when I try to do that I get the message "The data does not match your PSN account . A reboot is required".
  34. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I have just unlocked the CJP passsing grade, it did not unlock on my main profile but it did on the fresh PSN account so will use the usual trick to get the trophy onto my main account. You do only need to do the 2 main training options maybe having too many TSW3 trophies unlocked causes an issue with the game on certain trophies or if you have a lot of games on your profile. Its an issue that started in TSW2 and has followed it over
  35. mikek#2649

    mikek#2649 New Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Wow, i need to get this going, only trouble for me is i dont really want to delete my main profile from PS5.
  36. mikek#2649

    mikek#2649 New Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Do the trophies you get on offline profile have timestamp?
  37. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    yes you do get a time stamp, good thing is PS trophies can unlock offline! deleting main profile is not difficult. I would suggest making sure games saves are uploaded to the cloud as it deletes local game saves when you delete your profile
  38. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 12-7-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 13 and sadly 1x Trophy failed to unlock.
    This was ARL: Alpine Performance (Complete all scenarios on Arosa Line)
    I completed all scenarios and annoyingly the trophy didn't ping. I submitted a ticket and got the usual unhelpful response.

    List Of Broken Trophies In Group Order:

    These broken trophies have been listed in group order.
    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.

    Group 08:
    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.

    Group 13:
    Alpine Performance (Complete all scenarios on Arosa Line)
    All other trophies in Group 13 unlocked fine except that one above.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, have all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 14.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted. I don’t want to have to create a new profile.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  39. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
    Likes Received:
    on the oakville sub division all scenario trophy did you complete all the scenarios or did you get stuck at the red light on the equipment move scenario ?
  40. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    It's infuriating this thread hasn't been pinned yet, or at least looked upon by someone from the DTG team....

    Manfonse , did all the GWE trophies pop for you?
  41. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    I couldn’t agree more . I have mentioned this thread on others where DTG have responded to other issues but ignored this .
    This is a lot of the reason why some of us are annoyed at the lack of communication with the loyal customer base.
    Even an acknowledgment would be something
  42. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I also have wondered if the amount of glitches is simply beyond them to actually fix. But they need to make regular updates. I fear TSW4 will launch soon leaving TSW3 in a mess like TSW2 and it will kill sales as people simply want the fixes to be made
    • Like Like x 1
  43. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Yes, all scenarios completed except equipment move, the red light was stuck on red.
  44. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    All GWE trophies unlocked for me.
  45. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Just got the oakville all scenarios trophy. I completed the scenario equipment move on TSW2 and imported save into tsw3! 2nd time I have had to do this for a trophy to unlock rest of the scenarios were completed
  46. mcpetrus

    mcpetrus New Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    I also did the trick with TSW2 because of the ice scenario in Boston and the 143 tutorial Dresden...

    I have now uninstalled both tsw2 and tsw3 with all addons and deleted savegames 4 times and then only reinstalled with the relevant dlc. To be completely sure... it could be that it works without a new installation but I'd rather reload everything for 2 hours than play scenarios for free for 5 hours.

    However i can't reach the Great Western Express training trophy in TSW3 because I see 6 instead of 5 (as in TSW2) training and the top one is completely bugged. it shows like it's from tsw2020 lol...
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
  47. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    If they ever release TSW4, they just need to build from the ground up and have it as fresh game. NO Profile/Saves/DLC from previous games. They simply cannot deliver. I’ve never seen a game with as many bugged trophies, it’s the actual response or lack of from DTG that’s more annoying. It was the same for the first 2 games. I got my Platinum trophy for TSW1 along with a few others here and it was a nightmare. Total buggy mess. DTG are more interested in churning out new buggy DLC than actually fixing the problems. Every time I get a trophy bug I submit a ticket. 3 days later I get an email saying the issues has now been resolved. Unbelievable. I must be on a different planet from DTG.
    • Like Like x 2
  48. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I agree I believe one of the issues they have is they have content designed around different versions on TSW that they copy and paste in the next game and then it creates issues that were not in the previous game. Things like scenarios not completable or even a training module that would have taken 10 minutes to test. Result is a game that is simply full of bugs they cannot (or will not) fix and loads of trophies and achivements that won't unlock. Also as a result less and less people are buying TSW which will make the game uneconomic.
  49. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Update 19-7-23

    Game: TSW3
    Console: PS5

    I have just competed trophy group 14 and all unlocked 100% without fail.
    This group was completed under a new profile. My main profile wont allow me to unlock some group trophies.

    List Of Broken Trophies In Group Order:

    These broken trophies have been listed below in group order.
    I have met the required criteria for the trophies mentioned but they haven’t unlocked.
    Also see the notes at the bottom of what trophy groups are 100% unlocking without issue.

    Group 01:

    SEH: Trained and Ready (Complete all training modules on Southeast High Speed)
    SEH: All Rounder (Complete all scenarios on Southeastern High Speed)
    CIP: Taco Tuesday (Complete all route tasks on Cajon Pass)
    All other trophies in Group 01 unlocked fine except those 3 above.
    This was attempted on my main profile.

    Group 05:
    NTP: Trans-Pennine Traveller (Complete all scenarios on Northern Trans-Pennine)
    MSB: Clean Sweep (Complete 100 services on Main-Spessart Bann)
    All other trophies in Group 05 unlocked fine except those 2 above.
    This was attempted on my main profile.

    Group 08:
    OSD: All in a Days Work (Complete all scenarios on Oakville Subdivision)
    All other trophies in Group 08 unlocked fine except that one above.
    This was attempted on my main profile.

    Group 13:
    Alpine Performance (Complete all scenarios on Arosa Line)
    All other trophies in Group 13 unlocked fine except that one above.
    This was attempted on my main profile.

    I’m doing these in trophies in group numerical order.

    Groups 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, have all unlocked 100% with no problems.

    Now working on Group 15.

    I will update here after each group. But right now the trophies mentioned above are busted.
    I hope the guys at DTG are taking this in.

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  50. smugstarlord#4202

    smugstarlord#4202 Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2021
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    Keep it up Manfonse
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