I can not find a proper manual for the Br 182 I have just purchased yesterday. Though it seems pretty straightforward, there are some buttons I am not sure what they are used for. Any help is much appreciated. -The top two switches on the left. - That signal light switch. - And the NBÜ/EP switch.
Here you have a manual, although I'm afraid it doesn't explain what you're asking: https://store.steampowered.com/manual/1998858 The one with DG written on it I don't know what it's for, and even if you can move it I don't think it's simulated in the game and therefore I doubt it has any effect. The one with ZMS written on it is for configuration protocols in multiple units (trains that run on double traction). On BR 101 it is simulated in the game, on BR 182 I don't think so. NBÜ/EP switch is used to override emergency braking by passengers but has no effect in the game.
I am just running a heavy freight with two 182s pulling. Does it work the same as on Br 101? Should I I put ti ZDS/120 on both locos?
Here is the procedure I follow with the BR 101. 1- I go to the rear loco and select ZDS BR120. 2- I go back to the front loco, select ZDS BR120, put the pantograph switch in position "1", turn off the MCB switch, lower the pantograph, raise it again and turn on the MCB switch.
* DG (Drehgestell)-Störschalter: bogie fault switch * ZMS (Zeitmultiplexe Mehrfachtraktionssteuerung): time multiplex multiple-unit control switch Brief explanation of both switches from the real life locomotive’s manual: in German, in Hungarian * For the headlight/signal switch see the relevant section in the loco's manual: German, Hungarian * NBÜ/ep: emergency brake override: German, Hungarian
MAV 1047 is the designation for the 182 1016/1116 in Hungarian Railways MAV which is the other half of the Austria-Hungary railway system on the Austrian Side the KkStb which took over the Kaiserin Elisabeth (Sissi) Bahn the company that built SFS Wien Salzburg. For 182 the yellow Dispolok version has brake mode switches while Red DB MRCE Black 182 lack them.