Will the "reduced" timetable for Journey mode only be on Gen 8 and XBox|S, or will it be inflicted on everyone?
No pre-order discount but there's a Kent High Speed bundle, hopefully on steam this will be a complete your collection bundle as we've seen recently. Although £12.99 seems a fair price any way.
Suspect I've already got everything else in the bundle, unless it includes RHTT or ROG, but yes £12.99 is a fair price.
Tonights roadmap answers a decent amount of these questions in the is post around route selection, sounds etc
Quite disappointed at how zoomed in the field of view is in the drivers cab. The 323 was so refreshing having the fov more zoomed out so you could see more of the cab when you are driving. Any chance of this being set back a bit?
Or how about some sort of toggle so that it can be adjusted to the player's liking. Would be better IMO.
I have to respectfully disagree with that. It seems about right to me. Whatever they do, I hope they don't repeat the dreadful FoV of the ICE 1. That was way too zoomed out. Edit: typo. Seems my head isn’t screwed on right at the moment.
Now this is my opinion, Having played TSC a lot with the 700 both the DTG and AP version on Bedford, Peterborough, ATS Cambridge route, south london Network DLC, I agree that the field of view is a bit to zoomed in. You as a player should be able to zoom in and out of that current view. Picture on top is the TSC /AP 700 version
With this train having one of the most advance PIS on UK network, are there any plans to include announcements? Even if they have to be triggered manually like on the Class 385, I think it would be a severely missed opportunity if these were not included or at least planned for later on. Also in regards to sound, is there any reason that this sounds like a Class 350 running on AC as opposed to the DC Class 450/444? The pitch of the motors is completely incorrect for DC running. I do think the modelling is more or less spot on though, so I hope some of these inconsistencies can be addressed.
Thanks for the info. I see so the classification for the two coaches not included on the 700/0 are the TSO classification and would need two more MSO coaches.
Given that theres a possibility that the lite timetable wont be ready for release coupled with the fact that Journey Chapters are linked to the lite timetable, does this mean that it could release without a journey mode? Or will it launch with the full timetable linked to the journey chapters and progress move across to the lite timetable (or even lose our progress)?
I think it will make perfect sense for London commuter/ Brighton mainline remake then to have a separate timetable for the class 700!... I think London commuter/ Brighton mainline remake makes perfect sense rather than separate timetable for the class 700
100% yes. They sound lovely when running on AC compared to the DC racket. The funny thing here is that I think the TSW view is about right and TSC way too zoomed out. Just shows a toggle is needed.
I think a toggle would be great. Honestly I usually like to zoom in most on most loco os TSC. When I get home I'll try it out and see
i fully agree, in real life you wouldn’t be able to see as much as you can in tsc, so the tsw fov does feel a lot more realistic, but as you say a toggle is much needed, and i’m surprised at this point in the tsw franchise there still isn’t that option
Well the TSC fov is freely adjustable. Your last picture is already displaying a lot of fish-eye distortion due to very high FOV. This increases speed perception but for me, lowers immersion. I'm using the same FOV in TSC as TWS does (which corresponds to 75 degrees vertical FOV in TSC, 65 being the default setting).
I'm pretty sure it's not the FOV, but the POV (camera point) which is much too far away from the desk. Testing with GodMode's default FOV mode, the zoom factor in the ICE1 is the same as in any other loco, you're just too far way in your seat (funnily, the original TSC ICE had the same issue). FOV is still default 90, even in the ICE1. To have a better viewpoint, the camera should at least be moved 20 cm forward. At the moment, I'm just getting into cab camera editing for TSW, because I'm not happy with many default camera positions.
Thanks. Then positioning is all it is. Anyways, I stand by my point of the 401 cab view being rather bad, but that’s no longer linked to a FoV discussion for the 700 then.
Unless it gets you a discount like BCC >>> Glossop. Though as rumour control is now postulating September might see TSW4 all bets are off where that’s concerned.
It’s more likely that a new route would have the 700 as a layer and other trains included as standard. This would mean purchase of the 700 would be required to get the layer if you haven’t already bought it for SEHS. It may explain why it is cheaper than the standard loco DLC price, and there’s always the prospect of a bundle to get both a new route and the 700. DTG like bundles these days.
700/1 will probably be up and center on the tsw4 game logo. Now just need to figure the what the other two will be
Going to miss the preview as I have to fly home. As SEH is my favourite UK route by far, I’ll probably get this. It’s a train I’ve actually been on in real life. Sounds seem a little disappointing but to be honest I’m not an expert and I’m not one for comparing it to other sounds, so it’s not something that’s really going to bother me that much. So no specific questions but looking forward to watching the stream on replay tomorrow and, if the general consensus in the forum is positive, buying it as soon as the game pass discount goes live.
If 700/1 comes out will it be free or discounted. Please add a separate timetable for bml to make it feel more realistic
Remember in the original BML stream it was mentioned that there were gaps (epically at the bottom of the route) for space in the timetable for the 70's left on purpose. Either they were originally panning a possible 700 and were hopping it wouldn't max out the memory or that they would have done more optimisation by now to allow the 700.
Hi Guys I know in previous streams you guys have said that the 700 will not be added to London Commuter because of memory issues, however are there any plans to add it as "static or scenery stock" in Three Bridge's depot?
Something interesting about layers that Matt said once There’s little difference between 1-1000 but big difference between 0-1
Right. The big memory hit is loading a train's 3D model into memory in the first place. After that, it matters little how many times the game rubber-stamps it around the route.
Players will have a choice of the full-fat or the low-fat timetable. It will be the low-fat timetable in Journey Mode though for all platforms, as far as I'm aware.