Xbox Broken Achievements / Trophies

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by coasterflo, Apr 20, 2022.

  1. coasterflo

    coasterflo Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    So TSW 4 is announced, but we are still not finished with TSW2, also in TSW3 there are not yet achievable Achievements?

    Is there any comment from you guys now that you announced TSW 4? What happened to the promises of help?

    DTG JD
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  2. Starkiller

    Starkiller Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2021
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    so now TSW 4 is coming and we didnt get a patch for TSW2 thats really sad
    what do you say to that DTG JD ?
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  3. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I feel they either can't fix the problems or because they are always working on the next big thing the simply don't have the resources to fix problems. Honestly they should not say they are working on fixes then don't provide them! Less and less people will simply buy the games as a result
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  4. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    From the sounds of things the broken trophies / achievements in TSW2 and 3 wont be fixed. I wonder how many broken trophies and achievements TSW4 will have that wont be fixed by the time TSW5 launches next year ?

    My advice to DTG don't promise fixes then don't deliver
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  5. Pipe

    Pipe Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I think you can kiss your fixes goodbye. In fact I think all topics of this subforum can be locked. There's no use for them anymore. Room must be opened for TSW4's new and exciting bugs. Yay ...
    Unf..........believable, I know.
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  6. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    disappointing to not hear any mention of the 2 year old broken trophies on 2 and the year old broken trophies on 3. i guess this series will now be yearly.
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  7. sgu123456

    sgu123456 Member

    Mar 23, 2020
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    I think they just don't care / don't want to fix it. Seemingly enough peoplke are buying the new stuff so why bother with the old stuff anymore.
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  8. Starkiller

    Starkiller Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2021
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    yeah im feeling really tricked , because we gave them time there was like promise after promise but nothing
    still 1 unobtainale in TSW 2 and 2 in TSW3 nice work.

    when i buy a game i want anything to work and achievements and trophys belong to that game
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  9. coasterflo

    coasterflo Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    It's just weak how a company keeps lying to its customers and getting away with it.
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  10. hamilton

    hamilton Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Is now really was that I leave both TSW 2 and 3 with the non-functioning Achievements although you promised it in several streams and roadmaps?

    You would have to get a clear answer now, because thanks to your delisting of all DLCs next week for TSW 3, you would have to buy everything to complete the TSW series.

    So it's also about your money DTG
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  11. DBklaus

    DBklaus Active Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Well, I find the situation anything but unfunny right now, since the content for TSW 3 is supposed to be taken out of the stores now.

    I had to buy 14 DLCs, which only makes sense for me if I know for sure that I will ever finish TSW 3.

    The wording in the FAQ for TSW 4 speaks more for the fact that DTG will not fulfill its promise to fix both TSW 2 and TSW 3.

    dtg_jd JD can we please get an answer or can you keep TSW 3 in the store longer until TSW 2 and 3 are fixed.
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  12. AMS07Aries

    AMS07Aries New Member

    Jun 11, 2022
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    Unfortunately this is from the FAQ...

    Will Train Sim World 3 continue to receive updates?
    There will be a short window after the release of Train Sim World 4 where Train Sim World 3 will receive updates focused on improvements to tutorials, and the Trenton – New York timetable. After this time, there will be no further updates.
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  13. DTG JD

    DTG JD Director of Community and Marketing Staff Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    I believe we have a mention of this in the Roadmap today. I'm back after a couple of weeks off, so not completely up-to-date with everything going on - but I believe there are still aspirations to get tutorials and achievements not currently working resolved in TSW3 (Dresden, etc.). Don't have a timeframe, but hopeful before/around TSW4 releases.
  14. Ahayzo

    Ahayzo Member

    Aug 9, 2022
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    The fact you completely ignored TSW2 in that comment says a lot. On top of that you believe they plan to fix their game? That's my line, DTG gets no more money from me. We still get the same vague, useless, non committal answers for everything, it's pretty clear DTG has no respect for its own game or its paying customers.
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  15. hamilton

    hamilton Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    It is clearly a cement circle situation. First you pledge, and then you just paint it!

    Which statement can we still trust from you?
  16. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    what I don't understand is why they don't just fix the problems they could have spent a little time to fix the issues and then they could move on. but they don't and it causes all sorts of ill will and people stop buying content so its costing them NOT to fix the problems. TSW2 trophies / achievements could have been fixed over a year ago easily but I believe they choose not to and think they have to keep moving on to the next dlc. If a serious rival to TSW appears they will be in trouble
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  17. coasterflo

    coasterflo Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    DTG JD you have confirmed it yourself in several live streams and here that it also comes for TSW 2. It was on the roadmap for ages without being cancelled?

    You are the community responsible if you promise something like that then it is actually binding to the customers.

    You have released a defective product that violates the guidelines and promised to improve it.

    This is not only morally questionable if you now leave it otherwise also legally actually a point.
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  18. Ahayzo

    Ahayzo Member

    Aug 9, 2022
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    I can't imagine why anyone, who has not bought addons due to the achievements, would ever buy them at this point just on their word, which they've shown without a doubt means nothing. If you were holding off for the other reasons, fine. If you were holding off because of the way they've treated the game and the players who care, why would you even consider giving them money for it when it isn't fixed in the live version? At that point you're just approving them failing to live up to their responsibilities and promises, and paying them for doing it.
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  19. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Cheers, I do see the mention of it. However, while the Sherman hill tutorial and main spesart bahn 100 services achievement/trophies are outright broken, will the scenarios in long island railroad (race day run) , cathcart circle (forget the name) , and boston sprinter(cold as ice) be fixed? The trophies in their respective dlc for "completing all scenarios" are inherantly unobtainable because of the scenarios being broken.

    What about TSW2? we all know the 143km dresden has been broke on current and last gen versions of the game for nearly 2 years. We did just get a tsw3 ps4 patch a week or two ago that i saw fixed the route tutorial in oakville that is broken on last gen versions of TSW2. And the final one, missing coal pile on last gen versions of spirit of steam on tsw2? at crewe yard north?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
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  20. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Given this whole nasty situation, I hope in TSW4 dtg would just put trophies for routes that are "up to tsw4 spec" stand. Some of the routes we would be going for the same bloody achievementsx/trophies for the 4th to 7th time. Also, not having achievements/trophies for non tsw4 standard routes would really cut down on this clear inconvenience for the dev team. i mean, while we weren't promised a fix for it, the tsw2 update last november or decembter broke the scenarios that i have posted in the quote to JT. These scenarios were never broken in previous versions of the game/series.
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  21. konradtrains

    konradtrains Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    :mad::mad::mad::mad: What the f*uck DTG
  22. Starkiller

    Starkiller Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2021
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    DTG JD
    the following achievements are not obtainable in TSW2 !
    DRA: Dresden Commuter achievement in Train Sim World 2 (
    for driving 143km with the BR 143 , this is the one we wanted to get a patch , there is no chevo for it in TSW3!!!

    in TSW3 there are also 2 since release thats quiet sad if you ask me.

    CL31: Cemented Skillset achievement in Train Sim World 3 (
    we done way more than 15 services and nothing happens we need a patch and the same for this one 50Services but nothing popps after the requierements are done
    Hauptstrecke Hamburg - Lübeck achievements in Train Sim World 3 (

    so pls we asked for the patches a really long time and if we as customer are importent then you should do something to get us happy to , because we are buy all dlc because we want all achievements and trophys so whats your answer , will you help us or ?

    and we want to have it patched in TSW2 and also TSW3
    there are seperate problems
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  23. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    try a new profile. 15 services for cl31 and 50 on Hamburg lubeck worked fine for me on tsw3.
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  24. konradtrains

    konradtrains Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    Possible that you play in PlayStation because on Xbox they dosent work as Far as i know.
  25. bigboy87

    bigboy87 Active Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Now seriously dear DTG, you told us exactly what you are telling us now for the TSW 3 Achievements and Trophies a year ago for the TSW 2 Achievements and Trophies and you kept on telling us.

    You have publicly said several times that you will fix this and work on it, that was an admission. Where do you think this is going when you say something multiple times and then just don't do it anyway?

    We listened to your word DTG JD and just waited instead of stressing and now you leave us hanging again?
    Does this have to escalate like Cement Circle again?
  26. TheTipsyRaccoon

    TheTipsyRaccoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    This staggers me. They lost a big customer in me when they pledged to fix TSW2 and didn’t. I have every single TSW2 DLC. I said I wouldn’t spend another penny until they fix what they promised and true to my word I’ve never touched TSW3.

    If, DTG JD, you’re now just playing that sly politician game of not mentioning it and hoping we all go away, be careful because we just might, there are other games out there.

    DTG should strive to show a bit of integrity and backbone and honour the promises they made because those of us that care enough to hold you to account are exactly the people you don’t want to alienate.
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  27. foolonthehill24

    foolonthehill24 New Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Hey. If you dont want to fix TSW 2 or TSW 3, that's fine. But let Microsoft do it at least. They can delete or reallocate the points from the broken achievements. I can help facilitate that for you if you want, DTG. It wouldn't be hard to just remove them, change the req, or have them piggyback on another achievement. Would you guys want to move forward with that?

    Working achievements are part of the contract you signed with Microsoft. It needs to be fixed one way or another
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
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  28. stimp#5938

    stimp#5938 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    And there it is. The curtain falls for us completionists. And not because of our own mistakes or inability but because of unfulfilled promises by Dovetail Games. Something I always had in the back of my mind was the most likely outcome. TSW2 is long gone and TSW3 isn’t any better. Enter TSW4.
    Now don’t get me wrong people I love trains and TSW is one of few if not the only way to enjoy some shunting on a console. And there is beauty in this game. And I spend a lot of hours here. Still do.
    My hurt is all about the way DTG conducts business. They created their own problems which were stacking up. Solutions to one bug created problems on older bugs. Problems probably became so difficult to solve that they could only leave them as they are and TSW3 didn’t get any better. I’m happy I never invested in any DLC for TSW3 and I’m sure as hell not spending money on TSW4. I hope your boses are happy DTG JD I know you are a community manager doing what you can but your colleagues should be ashamed. Promise after promise after promise. If I did that at my office I’d get sacked.
  29. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    why bring trophy and achievement fixes that aren't on the roadmap and require fairly little effort compared to a huge editor that wasn't on the roadmap and took years of prep?
  30. stimp#5938

    stimp#5938 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Because those who are completionists all opened tickets to get DTG’s attention and they continuously promised to come with a fix. Two years long as in 24 months.
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  31. L89

    L89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    They've added 4500G, 239 achievements to TSW4. The roadmap stream did say achievements should trigger by replaying scenarios again if you import profiles, so at least that issue may be resolved.

    Route tasks are there but it's not confirmed yet how that unlocks if you have already collected them all. For LIRR, that will mean collecting them for a 4th time otherwise. Maybe adding one more collectable to each route could make it unlock? Add one new type unique to TSW4.

    There are ones copied over that have always been unobtainable in TSW3. CL31: Cemented Skillset is back in. What are the chances this is fixed?
  32. hamilton

    hamilton Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    So I have to admit openly for me it is first about the TSW 2 and 3 are fixed, because TSW 4 and more hundreds of euros then really make no sense to me.

    This fight on false promises to unite 2 hobbies only because DTG does not get it done tires me and takes me the fun.

    Apart from that, the logic was already gone with the Achievements in TSW 3, Lok DLC had some, old DLC had some and at some point there were no more for new ones.
    Was good because then you had to buy less but still somehow "unattractive".

    It is important to me that the Achievements are fixed or adjusted or removed, so that the 100% in TSW 2 and 3 possible. Then we can talk about TSW 4.
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  33. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    so I have looked on True Achievements looks like its a set of TSW4 achievements with older ones from TSW3 so yes have to do all scenarios for Great Western AGAIN!

    Why even include legacy achievements / trophies that a few of are broken in TSW2/3 and may be then broken in TSW4! I have always said stick to TSW4 content for the achievements / trophies maybe with a few mileage ones that you can get what ever route you play. If PS has a trophy issue launching a game with over 200 is simply creating a massive problem from the get go unless they have sorted out the problem, but naturally only TSW4 would get the fix!
  34. seymourgoals

    seymourgoals Member

    Jan 5, 2022
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    This seems to be that they are bringing back old achievements/trophies rather than starting from scratch.

    No logic whatsoever as no doubt there'll be unobtainable ones that won't get fixed, too many problems with achievement's/trophies as it is at the moment especially with how TSW2 to TSW3 went.

    Hard to believe that the updates will come to TSW3 after launch of TSW4 just as we never received the updates for TSW2. Dresden commuter trophy is still broken after nearly two years on TSW2!
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  35. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    yes. and i'm frankly sick and tired of having around 160gb of my ps5 harddrive (that's already a small size to begin with) eaten up by tsw2 because they can't fix the simplest things in a reasonable amount of time.
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  36. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    exactly. if you wsanna keep old and outdated looking routes not up to snuff of current standards, put em in but with no achievements. stuff like GWE has already been completed 5x by us for trophies. not to mention, all the broken issues tend to come from legacy content. MSb services, SMH tutorials, GWE tutorials. Now some service trophies are void because scenarios are uncompletable since they tinker with the dispatcher.
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  37. stimp#5938

    stimp#5938 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Well folks it’s time to go. I’m leaving this place. Thank you for trying to hold DTG to their promises. Thanks for your time and effort. I for one won’t ever be playing a DTG game ever again. I’m sure TSW4 will be another trainwreck when it comes to bugs and achievement and trophy problems. And DTG will simply respond in their old fashioned way. I say let your wallets speak. Watch out for TSW5! Be good!
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  38. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    sorry to see you go Stimp#5938, we did try to get them to fix the trophies / achievements but they never did. on the steam version nobody has unlocked the 323 training module for Glossop? When they test these things do they not know they were not unlocking?
    It still feels to me TSW 2020/2/3 that they are the beta versions of TSW as if you look at what was promised and what you got it seems to be happening but at a very slow pace so it feels like a work in progress. DTG really need to step up with the trophies / achievements in TSW4 I don't think people will keep on putting up with it any more
  39. SonicScott91

    SonicScott91 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2020
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    We've got an achievement list for TSW4 now:
    Train Sim World 4 Achievements | TrueAchievements

    Mostly a copy/paste of TSW3's with some new ones added to core and then some for the TSW4 content. I think they really should drop achievements for legacy DLC, then go back to 5 for locomotives and 10 for routes on all TSW4 content. We're earning the same achievements over and over again with these repeats of legacy DLCs.
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  40. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    this is what I and other have been saying. Its getting time consuming to simply keep trying to get all the same trophies again and again and likely some more will be broke. Keep legacy content in if you must but no trophies / achievements for them so they can add a proper amount for TSW4 routes and trains
  41. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I have noticed people on True Achievements have already started unlocking the achievements ! My guess is probably the beta team or someone from DTG
  42. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I have moved on to trying to go through TSW2/3 PS4 I noticed the Liverpool Crewe collectables is broken on TSW2, on 3 it seems to have extra things around Crewe Yard north, which are in TSW3 PS4 but not TSW2. I believe when they say they are working on fixes they mean for the next version of TSW as that seems to me what is happening.

    It does question if they even test the trophies if a route only has 99 collectables because of the fact they never put the 100th in make the trophy 99 collectables! DTG need to speak to Sony and MS about potential changing of them when glitches stop them from working. On Steam they just delete them like they did with the 143 to 143km driving achievement!

    If DTG deleted the trophies that are unlockable in TSW2 and 3 on PS5 I will have all the trophies in both games as I just need 1 trophy in TSW2 and 2 in TSW3! I would be fine with it as it would enable me to complete the titles trophy wise! I am / was no.1 on PSN profiles and True Trophies on the leaderboards
  43. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    i found a trtophy/achievement hunter on long island railroad today and saved a clip.

  44. will#1506

    will#1506 New Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    Now we know the achievements / trophies list for TSW4 are the beta testers or devs teams gonna be checking to see if the glitched trophies on TSW2 /TWS3 Unlock else we are gonna Have the same situation again
  45. coasterflo

    coasterflo Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Sorry but it does me as a collector nothing at all if they now test TWS 4. I now have 2 incomplete games in the list although I was promised a fix over a year ago through several official sources.

    Apart from the fact that the Cement Circle situation is repeating itself right now, which JD has constantly commented with "it's not like that", they are now saying we will fix TSW 3 when TSW 4 is out.

    Last year they said we'll fix TSW 2 when TSW 3 is out.

    And before that, they said we'll fix Cement Circle when TSW 2 is out. Even if they did the latter, now it's stand by their word and fix TSW 2 and 3.

    Achievement and trophy collectors are loyal customers, they buy everything that has Achievements / Trophies. But you lose them when they can't finish a game or they have to fight every time to get the Achievements. In this case we were even clearly lied to when no fix for TSW 2 comes anymore.

    I have not only TSW on my profile and I collect in all games for years all Achievements, now to have a game that does not finish and then it is also by far the longest and most expensive game ... that takes away any joy in the hobby as a whole.

    For me is not to think of TSW 4 before that is fixed in TSW 2 and 3 and the behavior of DTG to promise something first and then not to keep it is worth an apology. Because I put several hundred euros in a product that breaks my profile, I was lied to and besides DTG violates the developer rules of XBOX.

    How does it look DTG JD ? Can you comment on your official statement on the subject in chats and streams?
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  46. coasterflo

    coasterflo Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    But yes for me it would be a more than acceptable solution to simply change or remove the non-functioning Achievements from the game.

    That this is possible we already mentioned back at Cement Circle and there are always examples where developers do this.

    That would be a compromise, but then please be careful not to take over the same problems through the Legacy Routes in TSW 4.

    How about that dtg_jd JD, can you at least do that.
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  47. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    according to True Steam achievements DTG removed achievements from steam TSW2, I even looked myself that legendary achievement in TSW2 for the 143 for 143km (the 2nd one as TSW2 has two achievements for mileage for the 143 for some reason, did nobody check) and it was removed.

    the base xbox and PS4 has a collectable in spirit of steam (Liverpool - Crewe) that you cant get a section north of crewe is totally missing but fixed in TSW3 (and PS5 series X versions of TSW2) They could have simply reduced the amount needed to 99 instead of 100 collectables.

    In my opinion they can't be bothered fixing TSW2 and 3. they say they are working on fixes but its obvious they have simply moved on to the next game. And TSW4 is not on game pass I wonder why? As I mentioned in another post thanks to Game pass much more people have unlocked a simple trophy (1 training I think) in xbox TSW2 I think than on PS (PS4+5 added together)

    I would have zero problems if the trophies / achievements that don't unlock were deleted or altered somehow. I also and I have said this many times I think it was a mistake to include legacy trophies / achievements as we don't even know how many are broke. over 200+ at launch is a lot to test, well they wont be tested will they! Its simply creating more work for no reason plus routes and locos in TSW4 can have a proper amount of achievements. £30 for a route with 3 trophies / achievements seems like a bit of a rip off when I have seen £5 games with more than 10!
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  48. imstylinonyabro

    imstylinonyabro Active Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    yeah, funny how before their "quiet time" of the year, they said tsw2 and 3 stuff for trophies/achievements was gonna be worked on. then they come out of quiet time and in reality it was full steam ahead on tsw3 2.0 aka tsw4. the whole "we're working on it" was just a means a kicking the can down the road. anytime an update has been requested, either the same cookie cutter response is given or it's just dead silence on their end.
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  49. Willowrpe

    Willowrpe Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I don't believe for a second they actually worked on fixing the achievements / trophies as the 143 one could have been an easy fix yet they deleted it on steam! The sad part is they could have fixed them and moved on by now and the problem I have is if they don't know how to fix what is broke what hope do we have when broken achievements are found in TSW4 and we know it will have a few. You have a situation where the steam version of tsw3 the glossop route tutorial achievement wont unlock, that is something that you can tell by one go if it unlocks or not ?
  50. TheTipsyRaccoon

    TheTipsyRaccoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Any achievement hunter that, like me, is borderline obsessed with getting 100% achievements/trophies in a game would be a fool to waste money on TSW4. It’s that simple. Dovetail games don’t care about you, vote with your wallet.

    I easily spent £200-£300 on DLC for TSW2020 and TSW2, and not a penny since TSW3 was announced.
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