What Would You Like To See In Terms Of U.s Content?

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Canadian Follower, Sep 10, 2023.

  1. Canadian Follower

    Canadian Follower Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2023
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    Probably been done before. But, Use this thread as a suggestion or general discussion for future/past U.S content to come in TSW:)
    I’ve created this thread for anyone to comment on asking for some feedback on the questions below. I’ve made this intending it to be a thread where people can share their opinions and thoughts about the direction of future U.S content. Throw one out and have a go!

    1. What U.S Route/Line would you like to see come to TSW4? (Just throw one out)
    2. What type of style/genre would you like to see Dovetail follow? (Modern, past, far past etc. this could also be more freight, more passenger, or start mixing both)
    3. Is there any routes in the past you would like to see extended or reproduced to match TSW4 standards? Example could be Harlem Line being extended and redone for TSW4 standards, or LIRR being overhauled with new timetable and scenery.
    4. Do you think Dovetail should continue more Loco DLC’s / livery packs for U.S content?
    5. In terms of freight, what/where would you like to see future freight routes? Could be famous mountain pass lines such as Tehachapi pass. Or more laid back routes like clinchfield, slow routes with lots of yard movements and branch lines. This could also be fast paced or slow lines.
    6. What type of passenger would you like to Dovetail follow? More longer routes that are semi-fast but stations spread apart. Or high paced and very quick lines, like NY-Trenton where time is key. This could be a NYC Subway line, a route in Florida with brightline (licenses aside) or other passenger routes with new companies such as Metra.
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  2. 59321747

    59321747 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2020
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    I hope someone and a train loving group make a long haul freight route through the US and Canada in an upcoming edit so there's no need to wait for DTG routes as we all know DTG and 3rd party studio routes stay at 40 miles .
  3. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Some portion of the Milwaukee Road's electric routes. Probably never going to happen but I'd dearly love getting my hands on these old electric locos.

    Besides what I already mentioned, I'd like to see more vintage content. Some old streamlined passenger trains for example. Backdated portions of the NEC etc. I'm not opposed to modern though, but DTG need to do better there. Safety systems cannot be ignored (PTC not being do-able right now is no excuse for the broken in-cab signalling on SMH). Distributed power should get a proper simulation instead of the banking comm workaround.

    I wouldn't mind SMH getting track 3 or Harlem being extended.

    Yes for loco DLCs. CRR is crying out for some. Don't care that much about livery packs but the one for SMH seemed really bad from what was shown on this forum.
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  4. Javelin

    Javelin Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2021
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    For new routes I'd like to see either the Hudson Line or New Haven Line, both modern era.

    For route style/genre apart from the two routes I've already listed I don't really mind to be honest.

    For route upgrades and/or extensions I'd like to see Harlem Line extended to Southeast plus TOD4 upgrade.

    Dtg should absolutely make more new loco dlc's, an Njt Arrow III on NYT would be nice imo.
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  5. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    I second the New Haven line, but I really think it’s time to start mixing freight and passenger services. Not have freight as an afterthought like AVL, but a true mixed use line, where slow but steady freight trains need to be mixed with fast but stopping passengers. Would be great to see something like the FEC/Brightline, but licenses are certainly an issue there. Perhaps CSX/Tri-Rail in south Florida. Or VRE, but again, all these have licensing issues.

    On the loco side the game is screaming for a P42. Could be used on CJP, SPG, HSC, NEC Boston, and AVL (and maybe some others I’m forgetting). Hopefully we see it come to the game at some point.
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  6. steveownzzz#6107

    steveownzzz#6107 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Something along the lines of the New Haven line and a new/improved LIRR would be nice.
    Without PTC, I just can’t get too excited about US passenger content outside of the northeast. At least we have some safety systems for the northeast, as wonky as they can be.
  7. pugilist3

    pugilist3 Active Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I would like to see Tehachapi Pass, Saluda Grade, and the BNSF Seligman Sub all in modern day. I'm also hoping DTG makes more freight locos and rolling stock available to go with the routes.
  8. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    Route wise I’d like to see pacific surfliner, but I’m always up for more Amtrak trains



    These 2 are up on my list on US content.

    Other than that the challenger locomotives have always been a want.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2023
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  9. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    New Haven Line- Stamford/Grand Central. There's zero chance of getting the line to New Haven
    New LIRR-
    Hudson line-Croton-Harmon to Grand Central.

    I could be wrong but I do believe New Haven line is the most likely candidate for the next US passenger route.
    Only the M8 is since the route would only go as far as Stanford
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  10. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    Why do you believe it could only go as far as Stamford? We have seen routes of similar length offered, so is it a matter of "density" as the shoreline is very built up? Don't forget a significant chunk of that would be shared trackage already offered in the Harlem Line. Cutting it at Stamford would only be 33 miles of route, one of the shortest lengths, and severely limit the Amtrak services. The Acela would be unusable as it proceeds direct Stamford to NYP and the NER would have to terminate at New Rochelle, only offering one stop. If anything, should the route need to be cut, I would prefer New Haven to Stamford rather than Stamford to GCT. That would give the chance for the Acela to be player operated and an additional stop for the NER's. Plus I could avoid the misery that is sticking to 10MPH entering and leaving GCT.
  11. MAX1319

    MAX1319 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
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    This was from a previous post:
    Most of the New haven lines services actually start in Stamford.I guess Stamford to New haven is possible but would only have 42 total services from the new haven line. Going what DTG has done historically,The Harlem line was only 24 miles. Plus DTG loves reusing assets whic like you said we already have with the Harlem line
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
  12. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    I suppose if you split the line between NYP and GCT at the southern terminus that would work for the Amtrak services. I hadn't even considered you could have two southern termini to allow the use of the Amtrak stock. That would also allow the player to experience the mode change from third rail to overhead power. Still doesn't save me from the misery of GCT speed limits though.
  13. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    More classic diesels, not just GM's and GE's but Alco's, Baldwin and Fairbanks Morse plus some vintage passenger stock to go with it.
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  14. Trainiac

    Trainiac Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2019
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    What I’d like to see is the New Haven line with the M8 or a loco addon with the Avelias or period route with something like an AEM 7 or something
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
  15. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    The new Avelias are not in service yet, with no hard entry date yet.
  16. Trainiac

    Trainiac Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2019
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    That’s sad, I thought they were meant to enter service a while ago?
  17. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    They were supposed to start in 2022, but there’s been various delays in testing, mostly due to the age of the NEC in general.
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  18. PseudoStalker

    PseudoStalker Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Miami - West Palm Beach with Amtrak, Tri Rail and CSX services.
    Why not? Arrow III for Trenton will be great.
    Mixed with fast and slow parts.
    Local line with commuters and fast trains.
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  19. eldomtom2

    eldomtom2 Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Pre-2022 South Shore Line, Chicago to Michigan City. 57 miles of diesel freight and electric passenger services with two miles of street running on America's last interurban.
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  20. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    I would love this but I am guessing Tri-Rail won't license. Unless I am misremembering the TSC version of this route didn't have Tri-Rail branding, just generic engines and coaches.
  21. jerrychen#0306

    jerrychen#0306 New Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    I'd personally love to see the Downeaster between Boston and Wells. You get some Pan Am (now CSX) freight services, you get MBTA services on both Lowell and Haverhill lines, and you get the Amtrak service with both a F40PH cab car and the long-awaited GE Genesis. Along the way we'd have some awesome views of the fall leaves and the New England countryside.
  22. cmadonna1998

    cmadonna1998 Active Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    That could be a good way to introduce the Genesis, rather than sell it for a route with 2 services a day. How many Downeaster services run daily?
  23. jerrychen#0306

    jerrychen#0306 New Member

    Jul 16, 2023
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    five daily round trips (and an additional night train on event nights i believe), but also a ton of MBTA services on Haverhill and Lowell lines throughout the day.
  24. kiyoko91

    kiyoko91 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2018
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    More MTA routes including the first ever NYC subway: J/Z, L or 7. LIRR expansion including PWB, 2 new stations (41 total), se7en branches altogether & a new M9 fleet. More harlem line north of NWP into Southeast. And maybe Hudson or New Haven line.
  25. Jon from Rhode Island

    Jon from Rhode Island Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2021
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    The A train between Far Rockaway and 207th Street:

    The above ground sections are really picturesque and the subway portion offers the opportunity to explore some iconic stations.
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  26. pessitheghost

    pessitheghost Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    More NEC content
  27. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Dual mode routes like NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line NJCL Rahway to Bay Head. Subway routes Green Line Boston 4 train NYC. Additionally the Morris and Essex lines from I-78 Exit 45 Summit to NYC and Hoboken. Regarding I-78 it's the motorway that is parallel to Norfolk Southern HSC Lehigh Line RVL and Morris and Essex lines.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
  28. west coastway trains

    west coastway trains Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    Not a lot more for a while. Time for new countries
  29. MaxBenchip

    MaxBenchip Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2023
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    Full California Zephyr. Take it or leave it
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  30. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Sure, once I win the lottery....
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  31. applesnax#6064

    applesnax#6064 Active Member

    Mar 18, 2021
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    Not a specific route but what I would love to come to TSW for US would be the new Wabtec FLXDrive locomotive for freight. I feel like this could be the F7 of the upcoming generation of railfans. Instead of the diesel that did, it would be the electric that does. It's a cool concept with the batteries being recharged through regenerative braking.
  32. amtraknick1993

    amtraknick1993 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    The full route, crew change to crew change. Emeryville-Reno. Or at the very least, Sacramento to Reno. It would never, in a million years, in this lifetime happen.

    I'll throw out what I've been saying for a while and what's been one of the highest requested routes/DLC. Pacific Surfliner with all proper equipment (Chargers and California bi-levels with cabcar) and a P42 DLC with Superliners and Viewliner baggage car. I've always said to go north towards Santa Barbara (first 14 miles of the route already complete to Burbank thanks to Antelope Valley) because its never been done before on any sim whereas LA-San Diego has been done at least 4 times. I'm sure I'll get some reply with why that's a bad route choice but following what Matt has said, they want to focus on stuff never been done before. Well, here ya go...
  33. EpilepticWeasel

    EpilepticWeasel Active Member

    Nov 16, 2020
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    Oakland Jack London Square to Sacramento could be feasible and a really good route
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  34. amtraknick1993

    amtraknick1993 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    This is another fantastic choice. I would be so happy to see this route, too. While the whole Capitol Corridor route is technically San Jose-Sacramento, more than several trains originate/terminate in Oakland. So Oakland-Sacramento would be cool! Plus you can run the Coast Starlight and California Zephyr. Chargers and California bi-levels would need to be made and probably an F59PHI, too since they still use a large fleet of them. Once again, the highly requested P42 DLC with Superliners would fit in perfectly on the route.
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  35. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Only for passenger stuff, freight would just randomly end in Sacramento, instead of going at least to Roseville, where the large UP JR Davis yard is.

    At least the addition of Sacramento "should" feature the California Raiload Museum, especially since that's where the ATSF F7 that was used for the DLC was referenced from.

    Hell, could even do excusions on their line.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
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  36. EpilepticWeasel

    EpilepticWeasel Active Member

    Nov 16, 2020
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    Yup I think this would be a perfect combination passenger/freight route. Lots of UP Intermodal trains that originate and terminate in the Oakland terminal. Two Amtrak Superliners and the Amtrak commuter services. Plus San Joaquins would make an appearance between Oakland and Martinez. It would be fun.

    And Yes Blacknred81 I agree with you and in my initial thoughts on this route, Roseville would be a better end point but its another 15 miles from Sacramento and the 90 miles from Oakland to Sacramento is already a stretch. But I agree that Oakland to Roseville would be better, just unlikely. This goes back to a point I've made several times that until US TSW routes can consistently hit 100-120 miles, we are running out of viable options that don't feel like half a route.
  37. amtraknick1993

    amtraknick1993 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Wow! I never even knew that 347C was operational, let alone actually pulled some of the trains. I always assumed it was static display now.
  38. amtraknick1993

    amtraknick1993 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Or they're just going to continue to make half the route so it fits in with their desire to only do a route between 60-80 miles. And in a lot of circumstances, it would make zero sense.
  39. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I'd like to see the " Hiawatha " between Chicago and Milwaukee. About 90 miles 5 stops, Amtrak, commuter traffic and freight. Would need a Charger and Horizon cars.

    We need to close the gap between east and west coasts
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
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  40. Krazy

    Krazy Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    Indeed, I do think the US is lacking in terms of mixed passenger/freight routes. Along with those provided examples, I love the thought of routes such as the Pacific Surfliner, the Seattle Subdivision (benefits from a Sound Transit license), and The Racetrack (requires Metra license).

    New Haven Line is still a passenger-heavy choice I’d very much love since DTG already has the CSX line from Oak Point Yard to Fresh Pond Junction modeled.
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  41. EpilepticWeasel

    EpilepticWeasel Active Member

    Nov 16, 2020
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    Does anyone know if they have ever attempted to get the Sounder license?
  42. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    No idea. But, if there is no dlc made for it, there is no license. Lots of US companies say no. Metrolink originally said no, but now they said yes. Many of the iconic rail operators like metra, trirail, sounder, coaster, cta, marc are not in tsw due to not having a license.
  43. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    So, now that I'm home I can now put out a small statement on what I would like to see....

    1st off, rebuild all the existing modern freight stock to 1 standard, same airbrake simulation, same dynamic brake simulation, and make sure they are all compatible with each other in both MU and DPU setups.

    2nd. Make sure all the rolling stock is the same standard (Creators club compatible, can support livery substitution, proper FRA reflective markings (Some SHG stuff is missing these))

    3. Start looking at doing large locomotive packs for already existing locomotives, instead of a one off livery pack like the BNSF SD70ACe, this would help with subbing in the future to any freight route, plus add variety to the existing stock in small simple packs, also more value per loco.


    AC4400CW pack (No CSX as its default route is SPG)
    -CNW (Or patched)
    -SP (Or patched)
    -UP (Alt variant from CC)

    C40-8W pack
    -BNSF (Patched ATSF)
    -CSX (Conrail configuration)
    -NS (Conrail configuration)

    ES44 pack
    -BNSF (DC or AC variant)
    -NS (DTG version)

    SD70ACe pack
    -BNSF (ISO cab variant)
    -UP (ISO cab variant)

    4. Start looking at slightly older routes, not too vintage due to the need of more research trips for locos and rolling stock, but enough to start chunking out more fallen flag routes, things like Super Fleet Era Santa Fe, late era Southern Pacific, pre flag Union Pacific etc. Some cars in game can fit this era (The 50ft Waffle boxcar, the SHG ribbed hopper, the 89ft flat car) though some new cars may be needed as their other counterparts are too new (Like the need for 48ft containers and Well cars, 45ft trailers, older style tank cars and older style covered hoppers etc.)

    5. Find routes that aren't a notch 8 slugfest in 1 direction, things like the Southern Transcon, UP's Marysville Sub, states in the midwest, Texas etc.....

    6. At some point we need Amtrak's long distance Superliners and either the P42DC or ALC-42, there is ALOT of routes now they can sub into, even if only as AI traffic, it should of happened with Cajon, but instead we got 2 reskins.......

    7. Maximize potential on each route. AVL is missing UP's LATC yard, NYT was missing its timetable, Cajon Pass is missing UP services to and from Barstow.

    There is probably more I could add.....
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  44. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    The thing is though.....

    1. Not one is in service ATM
    2. Only one was ever tested by BNSF between Stockton and Barstow.
    3. CN only bought 1, and we don't know what they'll do with them, UP bought 10 but they will be yard locos only.
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  45. applesnax#6064

    applesnax#6064 Active Member

    Mar 18, 2021
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    Yeah and like this is more a wish for "at some point ™ " I just want to put the idea out there so that when those units finally actually put out to work we could see them come to TSW. But as someone who lives in the US I am thrilled at the idea of us converting our freight over to electric. We are so behind other countries with electrification and this method of battery electrics would let us make electrics without the OHLE instalation. I feel like some CalTrain line has talked about extending its electrified service through utilizing a locomotive that can use the electrified tracks that exist, charging battery banks along the way, then running on battery for a little bit to help increase electrified service.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  46. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I mean, this should of been the start back in the 70's......
    EMD 1975.jpg CTR-EMD-GM10C-1975-Middletown.jpg
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  47. applesnax#6064

    applesnax#6064 Active Member

    Mar 18, 2021
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    Yeah like we had a couple notable electrics here and there but never got traction really and so still doing the diesels.
  48. BlaringHorn

    BlaringHorn Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2021
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    I'd like to see US freight stop being treated as the red headed stepchild of TSW. Oh, and fallen flag railroads. I think, even with the dispatcher/signalling issues, Clinchfield is my favorite route they've released (for US and overall). Too bad it never got any DLC, like the "U-boat" from the TSC version...
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
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  49. Canadian Follower

    Canadian Follower Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2023
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    Would’ve atleast like to have seen a little bit more freight on the route, instead of the 1 service which is the yard movements. But I’ll still take it over nothing at all:). Hope a future DLC for NY-Trenton is the Arrow lll multiple unit for a little more variety, and maybe some different passenger stock.
  50. Single line rural connected to double track Metra-

    Chicago to Byron.

    Best of both worlds similar to German routes where they have plenty of diversity.

    Big Timber, half way to Byron from Chicago, is where the Metras terminate.

    And this is single track to Byron then allow freight buffs like me to enjoy a non-mountain pass for a change.

    Also a high speed freight route (70mph) where it is rural like in Kansas/Ohio/Missouri etc... would be great as well. Would be amazing if it had a 30-40 miles branch single track.

    Donner Pass or Marias Pass is most likely in the final stages of development and will be announced in January or February etc.
    I'd love to see a freight route without a pass or summit for once.

    Yes these are fun but it's also fun to drive a 2000 metres long container train that weighs 2300 tonne at 60mph. DTG believes in diversity..... ;-)

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