Trying out the Flying Scotsman with freight on Dresden (with the help of a 363 far off in the background lol)
A sort of rehearsal for my prior comment about the international railtour. Delivering Scotsman its coaches in Austria.
Scotsman came down to Penzance earlier in the year so I might give it a run on WCL. I’d really like to see if it can handle Arosalinie though - I think downhill!
So much fun this free roam timetable mode, just spawned in a 66 at Peterborough destined for Don yards. All the 800's whizzing past is pretty cool whilst I trundle along the slows. Quick question about go vias. If we want to add another go via before a go via that we placed,(i.e changed our minds on the routeing) does the program look at the order of placement or would it just look at the closest waypoint and go to that first? Hope that makes sense! Also, is there a limit to the number of go vias? Hopefully one day we'll be able to spawn in a train and let it go off as AI, then spawn in our own train.
It´s already great fun now, but man, when all the dlc comes over in a few days... it will be fire! I want to say something very general about free roam, that I´ve noticed. Shunting and freight scenarios have basicly become obsolete through free roam in timetable. You can just spawn any freight you like in the 24 hour timetable and then try to wiggle your way from A to B throughout all the normal traffic. Excatly what a real freight train would do on a busy line. Same goes for passenger serives, if they can incomperate picking up passangers at stations in free roam at some point. They said on one of the streams, that they will look in to that. Free roam in timetable is a revolution for the whole francise..combine this with the updated scenario planer and the editor and I think we will be seeing very varied and awesome stuff in the future. It will also bring all kind of old dlc to new life. I´m very positive for the future of this game now.
Been playing about with it quite a lot and had to put in a good 8 go vias on Antelope to stay on the right tracks. You can put them in any order, all it does is just reposition your path. It isn't an actual objective like the ones encountered on timetable services.
It is right there, in track menu Or anytime you're on foot in timetable mode, you can access the 'spawn tools' via the tab command.
Oh boy. Free roam is going to be awesome. To start with I'll probably take the 700 for a fast run up and down the ECML followed by probably taking Flying Scotsman onto other UK routes especially London Commuter.
I tried running Azuma on Antelope Valley. I couldn’t get it to move. Does it need to be an electrified line to run? You can run “off the rails” on Scenario Planner but couldn’t find an option on Free Roam.
Your trains will need their associated power source yes, there is no ‘off the rails’ mode in that sense.
Yes, based on my previous post and the reply, this does infact seem to be the case. I thought Free Roam was supposed to be an improvement on Scenario Planner but it seems not. At least I can still use Scenario Planner for my dastardly schemes.
This is a killer feature and the only thing I was really missing, especially in timetable mode. I'd love more flexibility for electric locomotives, would running off wires be to crazy?
ÖBB Baureihe 4024 4124 Dreiländerbahn Voralberg Bundesländer Österreich on Nahverkehr Dresden just like this Austrian 4744-4748 did
A+ for the effort, but I hope with the upcoming formation maker it'll go a lot faster thank spawning each unit and coupling them all together
It did take a while, actually, it took a lot longer than I expected as I fell through the ground and had fun trying to get back to the train. Saw some flying trees though
The Class 700 with London Commuter's busy timetable will be epic. Also, will be nice to have high-speed ICE trains for MSB, HRR and RRO. I really want to see passenger loading/unloading etc for Free Roam though (which I'd really thought should have come already) as it seems a bit pointless overall without no objective.
It depends on what you consider to be an improvement. It's definitely an improvement in terms of making your own paths, running with the full timetable ect. The only thing it doesn't have that scenario planner does is Off The Rails mode, so power intake from cables or third rails still applies.
As I understand it Off The Rails is a map wide thing, either every train on the route has it or none of them do. They could perhaps add it to the actual free roam mode where the map is empty and you have a total sandbox, but I highly doubt timetable mode will ever have it.
I started on foot at Peterborough station in timetable mode and spawned in a class 66 in the sidings next to the fuel stand, did a bit of manoeuvring back and forth to get access to the yard in order to couple up to a container consist. After that it started raining as I proceeded to Grantham good sidings, I got routed onto the fast lines (forgot to add a go via to the slow lines) and by the time I got to Grantham I had held up 4 Azumas and the Flying Scotman which I got to watch passing through as I waited the sidings. Definitely having fun with the freeroam mode especially in service mode.
Free roam is so much fun. Spawned on foot at Doncaster, spawned a 66 with 16 FKA wagons on the siding , set myself a path to another siding about 4 miles south and just trundled along the slow line as the Azumas zoomed by during rush hour. Nothing special but i only had about 15 minutes to play and it took literally 10 seconds to set it up and i was on my way. Gonna be epic once we have our full collections available. Kudos DTG, this is a fantastic addition!
Anyone been able to run the Vectron & Dostos out of Bludenz? Tried a few times now and every single one results in a crash just after the first neutral section.
I’m also running up and down the ECML with a 66 and umpteen wagons. I set the destination each time to be in the next passing loop where I can sit and watch all the Azumas I’ve held up on the way. Having such a surprisingly good time with this I haven’t even looked at any other routes so far. IMO Free Roam within the timetable is a game changer and I still have the release of the official editor to look forward to.
This might actually have a real world benefit as a proof of concept for EMUs on the MBTA Providence line. It’s always been crazy that the route has full catenary but the commuter rail doesn’t use it.
I’d like to know if there’s a way to flip a train, to have it face in the opposite direction. It may be the way I am spawning them but my class 66 consists don’t always appear pointing in the direction I would prefer.
Yep, I've done the run from Liverpool station with a diesel and it's great. Old time track with nice fast, modern loco.
I can’t wait to explore all the sections of track that you never get to use. Gonna take a loco to high peak junction and try and get it up the incline
Help please, I don't understand how to use it. I place Vectron, but the red light is on everywhere, there are no other AI. I don’t even know how to make a way, if I pass red it’s a game over. Trying on new Austrian route