Is the Rail operations group class 37 able to work with the Thameslink class 700, was just trying it in freeroam I can couple up to the class 700 with the Class 37, but cant get it to move it?
That's because the brakes on the class 700 automatically hold the train when the train is stopped even when the power controller is idle unlike the electrostars that the ROG Class 37 can haul
Thanks for the answer, shame that as I had a scenario planned to use the ROG 37 to rescue a failed class 700.
You can haul it, just with 10mph because you can only "brake" with the loco. Prepare the 37 with the dellner and couple , pressurize the brakepipe as usual to 72.5psi & hold the 37 with the direct brake. Now deactivate the regen.brakes on the 700 and take out the master key. After shutting the battery down and on again the bogie brakes release on the 700. Now you can haul it to a next siding, but only use the direct brake on the 37!
Just to note - now we have freeroam; You cannot get a signal path with the ROG+Electrostar formations on none 3rd rail routes unless (only God or DTG knows why) you aux off in the electrostar set. Took me a while to work that out. Spawned at Doncaster works and it wouldn't allow me to set a path anywhere.
Maybe the free roam logic thinks that youre operating 2 trains at the same time when theyre both powered. So cant share the same signal block etc.
I think so Rob. The train should really start in in aux off state - but as it was designed and tested on the 750v SEHS I don't suppose it was noticed it wouldn't work on other routes without 'off the rails'. The other small problem is that when you aux off you lose tail lights - which is fine, but there would be a portable tail lamp in real life.
4 years in. You would think being able to place any type of tail lamp on any vehicle would be a standard core feature.