I've noticed several questions regarding Lidar and DEM data sources in the United States. Here's what I have used. I followed Lulon excellent tutorial that is pinned here in the forum. I believe the best source of data can be found at the USCG National Map site. The 1 meter elevation product is what i used in this example. https://apps.nationalmap.gov/downloader/#/ Here is the results using QGIS software to process the elevation data and following the tutorial. In this image you can clearly see where the low resolution DEM data(.HGT file) was used to create the base tiles and then the high resolution 1M data was added to the center tile using the Lidar process. This is in a very "flat" area of Florida, and yet the 1M data resolves track bed embankments, track side ditches, road right of ways, golf course water features, etc. Very Nice! Here's a closer view of how well the double track mainline fits on the topo that is generated with very little manual contouring work needed in the editor for a very realistic look. There are a lot of steps involved and the details make a difference of all or nothing. It took me several times through the entire process to find the right combination of workflow. Stick with it and be willing to tinker around to get there. The tutorial is spot on and very good. Thanks Lulon! The results look pretty remarkable.
Congratulations on your progress it looks very impressive. Did you get your .hgt and lidar from the same website?
I already had the .hgt files I used in TSC, but I believe you can download them in QGIS. Here is a tutorial video that explains the entire process. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv2rvpP9Uag&t=122s
Nice work there, but if the SRTM is NASA clearly illustrates as I’ve mentioned in another thread how rippled and dimpled it looks.
I think you're right. It looks like some type of random noise pattern. That's certainly not representative of the actual terrain there. I need to investigate a bit to see if it's the original data(.hgt file) or the import in to UE4 corrupting it.
No it is like that in Trainz and TSC too. Think it has taken buildings and tree clumps then averaged into the terrain.