I Need Help

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by Steffi, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Steffi

    Steffi Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    maybe I can get help here.

    I've been trying to download the lidar files for days, but no matter what I do, it doesn't work.

    I tried files from Geoportal.nrw, OSM Standard via Qgis directly.

    At the latest when warping it no longer works.

    I've already watched a number of tutorials and worked accordingly, but I'm doing something wrong.

    I even asked a number of Discord servers without getting any help. :(

    Maybe someone can help me.

    I'm slowly getting desperate!
  2. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    In your other posts, you said and even gave screenshots that you have the Lidar data in .xyz files for NRW already downloaded. So I guess the download itself - which you say here- , isn't the problem. So not to confuse anyone helping you out, maybe correct this.

    I still do not get the point at which step of yours what exactly is not working. Please explain your problem step by step (maybe even with screemshots for each step), so that we can understand and help you out where the problem exactly is.
  3. Steffi

    Steffi Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    Ok, I will explain what problem I have.

    I import the .xyz files from GeoPortal into Qgis - it takes a while because there are a few files.

    Then I turn off the Alpha 2 channel and merge the layers, then I go to Raster and Warp the layers.

    After that I go over GDAL and Retile it. Then I only get 1 white tile.

    CRS :
    WGS 84 EPSG:4326
    WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator EPSG:3857
    ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N EPSG : 25832

    Maybe we can talk on Discord too

    However, I've already tried using OSM Standard and then using SMTR downloader, merging is no problem, but then with Warp (if I turn off the merged layer, I only see the map without the layer, i see only the map).

    As I said, I watched tutorials on YouTube and also your step-by-step tutorial. None of them work for me

    Attached Files:

  4. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Ok, thank you. First of all, one step at a time - very important.

    From your map screenshots I understood now one major imporant thing (didn't get that until now because you didn't said anything about the route's location), you have the same problem as I did with the Lidar from Rheinland-Pfalz and merging it with the one from Nordrhein-Westphalen, which is also the reason why you replied to my post earlier, right?

    Well, that explains a lot to me now.

    So, unfortunately in my thread about it I didn't told yet how I actually ended up with my problem. I always had that in mind to provide my attempts to make it work with screenshots but since I struggled so long time with the problem I was just fed up with the whole QGIS thing and finally wanted to create my route.

    So, what I found out after, retrying and retrying merging my tiles from RLP with the ones in Hessen or NRW:
    It simply doesn't work. And I even tried to merge the RLP files alone, didn't work either.

    The Lidar files of Rheinland-Pfalz are so messy but also of low quality with just 25 meter resolution, that I decided to build my route just with the 30 meter resolution SRTM data (which is only a difference of 5 meter and probably almost not noticable between those two) now.

    So the problem is althoug we both share the same problem, I can't provide you any other solution than just using the Lidar data you got from NRW and work on the SRTM data for Rheinland-Pfalz.

    This is the way I now ended up with and is fine for me. Of course, it's not the best solution but the low quality Lidar files the state of Rheinland-Pfalz offered for free, simply wasn't worth it.

    That is the only thing I can advice you to do.

    Just out of interest: Are you planning a route to Koblenz?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  5. Steffi

    Steffi Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    First I'm trying to build Mönchengladbach, Viersen, Düsseldorf and Cologne. I don't know yet whether I'll continue to Koblenz and Aachen. but would be conceivable.

    We can also speak German, it's easier for me XD

    Ask. Could you get this ready for me so I can work with it? Am totally overwhelmed with Qgis?

    I finally want to start building. I can provide you with the hgt files
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  6. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Usually english is forum rule, but it also helps in case others want to help you out (I'm actually not that big experienced with QGIS, just replying to you since noone else did so far).

    This should be then NRW only, if am correct? It has nothing to do with Rheinland-Pfalz.

    So you're problem is basically merging the Lidar tiles for your route being in NRW only, correct? But then my thread has nothing to do with yours.

    I don't know if I can help you that much with the Lidar files for NRW. I downloaded some but didn't used them for my project yet. But as far as I can tell from my experience and the one of others, the NRW Lidar should be fine so you don't have the turn off any alpha channels then. The problem should be somewhere else.

    Also since the quality of the files is a lot higher for NRW and because of that it would mean way more data I would need to upload, even in the case I would help you out that much.

    Another problem I'm quite a while now off this problem and the QGIS phase, so I would need to dig myself into it again.

    Technically, if nothing going to work with the Lidar files you have, you can simply go with the SRTM height map files and import them into the editor to get the elevation profile. Do you know that you can do that as well?
  7. Steffi

    Steffi Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    Yes, only NRW.
    No, not really, what's the easiest way to do this?
    So I could actually start building?
  8. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Technically, the reason why we use QGIS and these merge/tile/wrap/retile processes at all is to make the LIDAR files (the high resolution height and landscape model (DTM), in germany DGM for "Digitales Geländemodell") so that the Editor can understand it.

    Apart of the high resolution LIDAR, there is just a low resolution elevation model made with/within the SRTM files from the NASA laser scan.

    Dovetail Games seems to like to have both (even if they have the LIDAR ready for them), because if there is one place which Lidar can't cover, then you still have the lower resolution SRTM landscape.

    I didn't know so as well when I was at your point, therefore I got stuck and sad with my LIDAR problem in QGIS.

    But, and this is the way I ended up doing for the problematic part in RLP for my route, you can just use the SRTM data, and completely ignore anything about LIDAR at all.

    Now, of course SRTM is a reduced quality in comparison to LIDAR, but you can work with just that, it's of course possible. The only issue is that some details like grooves for rivers or small valley etc. are not there in the profile, because it can't with a 1 scan every 30 meter profile.

    However, you should have Lidar available (many people even don't have it and just have to use the SRTM only) and it's shouldn't be faulty like it was in my case with the RLP Lidar files, so I would give the LIDAR approach another try.

    But also of course that depends of the landscape profile of your route. If your route is set on terrain which moreover is completely flat, then you probably can omit the LIDAR step easily (as some other creators here also already did).
  9. Steffi

    Steffi Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    So i have to download all layers, merge, warp, retile and covert it? Or what i have to do?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  10. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    I wrote you a PM for a Discord meet to exchange some advice.

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