And one more. ADVICE 40 -> (current speed limit) ADVICE 45 in 3 Minute(s) -> (next speed limit warning) Time: 17:03:26 Really useful bit of kit. Updates in real-time as you drive.
still they kept the notch in the dash, now a convenient spot to put your drink in, spilling it all over your pants when the cab lurches other than that, the replacement cabs looks really nice do they influence the scripting of the various HST enhancement packs?
They only build on top of the features in the various EP's adding the 11 cabs throughout around 30 HST sets spanning a 20 year period.
Didn't you see the stream the other day? We're all working flat-out to try and get this out to you by Christmas eve (no promises, but we're working very hard at it)
So that means I'll have to wait for next years AP Class 43 MTU pack as I understand? Or simply asked: Can I use the cab pack with only VAL and VP185 AP pack?
If you don't already have the MTU EP you'll be missing out on a lot of what the pack has to offer. On the upside, these will be compatible with AP MTU 2.0 EP in the future.
HST Modern Cab Pack Now Out! Merry Xmas eve everyone, we are pleased to announce that the long awaited update to the HST cabs are here. These are for VP185 and MTU cabs. Those who had previously bought the VP185 Cab Pack will receive this update for free. Please note to obtain this pack you will need to install version 1.5.5 of the launcher from the website as I made a change to correspond with the updated product title and image. Trying to install this with v1.5.4 or below will result in errors due to changes made so please make sure to update to 1.5.5 before trying to install the pack. Check it out here:
£13.99 with the sub discount is amazing value considering how hard you have worked on this. I was fully prepared to pay more, and would have done so happily. Merry Christmas, and thanks for working so hard getting this done for Xmas day
A very nice product, the visuals are stunning Here are a few defects I saw: - Speedo off and ETS light on the wrong button, as seen on the ATS stream the other day - Time on the DAS only refreshes about every 2 secs, so some seconds are skipped - As your pack handles both '7 Cities' reskins, you can get a false train installing, then a scenario using it would start and show no train with a broken cab. Could it be possible that the installer checks for the presence of a reskin before installing the cab for it? Thanks!
I'm also having trouble using it with the Major Wales VTEC/LNER reskins. The cab just doesn't work at all, and defaults to the old cab. This is a shame because those are by far and away the best quality reskins for VTEC/LNER.
The pack doesn't support those sets just yet. There are a few issues to whip through with a small post launch patch - I'll look to include these as part of that patch. Hope this helps.
That would be fantastic if you could, as those reskins are superb. All else is well, and looking amazing here BTW.
I love the way your train sim looks. Your settings are spot on. Awesome job on the cab too I should be getting it soon
Thanks. I use ReShade and RWEnhancer Pro. I can give you settings if you want... let me know in a PM... best not mess up the thread with off topic stuff
Post launch update - progress: - ATP speedo calibrated - ex-ATP speedo calibrated - ATP child object x,y,z position fixed - East Coast (272/274) missing files added - Cross Country 2+7 Sliding Door set added - Fixes AP 3-light cluster East Coast sets (adds custom cab) - Fixes AP 3-light cluster Ex-NEC Coast sets (adds custom cab) - Ex-NXEC (EC) set added - East Coast (Ex-NXEC) set added - East Coast 2+9 set added - 43102 (ICS MTU AP) with correct cab added - EMR 43274 (plum) with correct cab added
MCP v2.1 - Post launch update - ATP speedo calibrated - ex-ATP speedo calibrated - Brake gauges re-calibrated - ATP child object x,y,z position fixed - ATP/Ex-ATP cab dash button lights re-positioned - Missing click spots (engine start/stop) added to ATP/ex-ATP cabs ~[n.b. these cabs have slow speed blanked off] - East Coast (272/274) missing files added - Cross Country 2+7 Sliding Door set added - Fixes AP 3-light cluster East Coast sets (adds custom cab) - Fixes AP 3-light cluster Ex-NEC Coast sets (adds custom cab) - Ex-NXEC (EC) set added - East Coast (Ex-NXEC) set added - East Coast 2+9 set added - 43102 (ICS MTU AP) with correct cab added - EMR 43274 (plum) with correct cab added - EMT 2 + 6 (with buffers) set added - EMR (Ex EMT) 2 + 6 (with buffers) set added - Ex-GNER (NXEC) (MTU) set added - FGW 2015+ (Black roof) set added - GNER MTU set added - GWR 2, 2+4 & 2+4 Sliding Door sets added - GWR (43185 & 43002) set added - NXEC MTU set added - Network Rail cab added to all NR MTU sets
Ahh... Ok... I thought I'd done something wrong installing the LSL skin. I'll be quiet and wait for the update
Hi dunkrez, since the latest update I seem to be experiencing lagging with any scenarios using the cab update pack. Even with a non demanding route such as Western Mainlines this seems to be quite notable (down from 40 -50 fps to 10 - 15). Any non HST scenarios seem to be running fine. Please could you look into this when free, thank you.
I have no FPS drops that I can notice. Although, all is not rosy here.... Since I re-installed everything the other day, none of my VP185s use the new cab... not one of them. I've re-installed several times, and nothing. Only MTU variants use the new cab. It's not like It's something I'm doing here, as I'm using the ATS installer, so I have no control over what is installed or where, and there's no file to download to install in manually. I'm at the mercy of this installer, which seems to totally ignore all my VP185 HSTs because.... reasons. (shrug) All was well when it was only the VP185 pack. This seems to be since installing the "modern" pack on the 25th. Why is there no manual install option?
I no longer have any VP185 cabs LOL. I hate the ATS installer. Not the first time It's caused me issues.
There are VP185 cabs in the EMT VP185s, and the LSL VP185s - I'll add more over time no doubt, but it was important to represent what cab went in what properly.
No, you misunderstand. I have literally no VP185 modern cabs whatsoever I'm not blaming you... I think the ATS installer has just had some kind of psychotic episode. I'm gonna roll back a couple of back up versions and start again I think.
Oh, I get you! Sorry, cross purposes there Hmmm... well, I just submitted MCP v2.4 to beta, hopefully will be close to having all those creases ironed out soon enough.
It would be good as Pookeyhead suggested to have a manual installer rather than relying on the ATS version.
Much much better, I was having to turn on the cabin light in tunnels or at night just to see the speedo (no HUD thanks to the advance speed warning thingie) now I wont have my sleep disturbed by an annoying interior light.. :p
Class 43 LNER Ex-VTEC Class 43 LNER Ex-VTEC nd Class 43 238 LNER Ex-VTEC Class 43 238 LNER Ex-VTEC nd Class 43 238 P LNER (scenario reskin) Class 43 238 P LNER nd (scenario reskin) Class 43 272 LNER Ex-VTEC Class 43 272 LNER Ex-VTEC nd Class 43 274 LNER Ex-VTEC Class 43 274 LNER Ex-VTEC nd Class 43 299 LNER Class 43 299 LNER nd Class 43 300 LNER Ex-VTEC Class 43 300 LNER Ex-VTEC nd Class 43 318 LNER Ex-VTEC Class 43 318 LNER Ex-VTEC nd Class 43 VTEC Class 43 VTEC nd Class 43 239 VTEC Class 43 239 VTEC nd Class 43 238 VTEC Class 43 238 VTEC nd Class 43 272 VTEC Class 43 272 VTEC nd Class 43 274 VTEC Class 43 274 VTEC nd Class 43 300 VTEC Class 43 300 VTEC nd Class 43 317 VTEC Class 43 317 VTEC nd Class 43 318 VTEC Class 43 318 VTEC nd Class 43 EMT AP Class 43 EMT AP nd Class 43 FGW AP Class 43 FGW AP nd Class 43 GC 2 AP Class 43 GC 2 AP nd Class 43 GWR AP Class 43 GWR AP nd Class 43 LSL Midland Pullman AP Class 43 LSL Midland Pullman AP nd Class 43 LSL Midland Pullman 2 AP Class 43 LSL Midland Pullman 2 AP nd Class 43 LSL Midland Pullman 2 (Yellow Front) AP Class 43 LSL Midland Pullman 2 (Yellow Front) AP nd Class 43 NR 2 (MTU) AP Class 43 NR 2 (MTU) AP nd Class 43 NR 2 (MTU Rev) AP Class 43 NR 2 (MTU Rev) AP nd Class 43 NR 3 (MTU) AP Class 43 NR 3 (MTU) AP nd Class 43 NR 2 (Buffers) (MTU) AP Class 43 NR 2 (Buffers) (MTU) AP nd Class 43 NR 2 (Buffers) (MTU Rev) AP Class 43 NR 2 (Buffers) (MTU Rev) AP nd Class 43 NR 3 (Buffers) (MTU) AP Class 43 NR 3 (Buffers) (MTU) AP nd Class 43 ScotRail 7 Cities 1 Class 43 ScotRail 7 Cities 1 nd Class 43 Scotrail Inter7City AP Class 43 Scotrail Inter7City AP nd Class 43 XC AP Class 43 XC AP nd Class 43 BR IC125 (MTU) AP Class 43 BR IC125 (MTU) AP nd Class 43 East Coast AP 3-Lights Class 43 East Coast AP 3-Lights nd Class 43 East Coast AP Class 43 East Coast AP nd Class 43 East Coast AP 43272 Class 43 East Coast AP 43274 Class 43 EMR (3L) AP Class 43 EMR (3L) AP nd Class 43 EMT (Buffers) AP Class 43 EMT (Buffers) AP nd Class 43 Ex-EMT (EMR) (Buffers) AP Class 43 Ex-EMT (EMR) (Buffers) AP nd Class 43 Ex-GNER (NXEC) (MTU) AP Class 43 Ex-GNER (NXEC) (MTU) AP nd Class 43 Ex-NXEC (EC) AP Class 43 Ex-NXEC (EC) AP nd Class 43 GNER (MTU) AP Class 43 GNER (MTU) AP nd Class 43 ICS (MTU) AP Class 43 ICS (MTU) AP nd Class 43 ICS 43102 (MTU) AP Class 43 ICS 43102 (MTU) AP nd Class 43 NXEC (MTU) AP Class 43 NXEC (MTU) AP nd And a comprehensive pack wide bug fix and fine tuning (including that pesky external wiper), with added extra gauge illumination reflection detailing. Almost there!