I decided to get back into my model trains, now I've got a load of OO/HO gauge stuff but nowhere to set up a decent sized layout. So I've gone for N gauge, I had the Granite City express set nearly 15 years ago (but lost it when I moved) so it's nice to have it back again. Also got hold of some extra locos and rolling stock off Ebay... I just forgot how bloody expensive of a hobby it is after all these years lol. I plan to do a 4ft x 2ft (or 3ft) layout although I'm still looking at track plans. Should get a nice layout on that board size, also need to look at getting a lot more track, the starter set oval isn't going to cut it.
Also this is all of my OO/HO gauge stuff from over the years.... So many starter sets, extra track, locos and rolling stock. I wish I had the space to put it all to good use.
And I thought I had a lot of stuff laying about! That does look a great collection mate, hopefully you'll be able to put it to good use as there are hours of enjoyment in that. I did try N once but found it just a bit too small personally.
Cheers! Been collecting stuff since I was about 10-11 I'm 35 now, I did have more stuff from my grandad and my dad but it ended up getting broken or lost. I think the oldest loco I have is the Airfix railways one, I actually have 2 but the orignal one (my grandads) has a snapped chassis. I hope to get it all set up and used, I know it's all going to need servicing before hand though, it's been in storage the past 10 years give or take. Oh definitely many hours of enjoyment to have, I thought I'd try N gauge again even with my big ol' fingers I should be ok with it.
Further feeding my NSE addiction, I just received a new Bachmann Class 411 from pre-order... And here's my Black Friday haul of layout supplies before going into storage...
Just bought the 1981 TGV set world record, I’m waiting for the 3 other intermediate coches to form the original 7 cars long set during the speed record.
My most recent collection additions... I picked up this LIRR FA "Power Pack" and CP FPA used from a train show in Albany a few weeks ago. Walthers had a decent holiday sale so I also ordered some scenery supplies. Some Siemens VIA Rail equipment released from pre-order. Rails of Sheffield added a ton of used inventory, and I picked up some hard to find goodies... A GWR saddle tank, a Met Bo-Bo, a Thumper, and a Turbostar. And, while not a model, I thought I'd still share. My wife and I opened our Christmas presents from each other today, and she provided me a most immersive reading experience lol. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Joyous New Year everyone!
Couple more from today... Athearn "Pepsi Can" 50th Anniversary P42 from pre-order Walthers switch machines I got on sale. I still need to order the AC adapters, circuit boards, and control buttons.
Thanks Mevans! I'll have more to share soon; a ton of my pre-orders look to be releasing within the next month or so, and I'm boosting the rate I collect layout materials.
This a video I recently put together for my train club's Holiday Open House. There was quite a lot running, including: British Steam American Steam American Diesel (past and present) Modern American Electric
Great vid! I'm glad I'm not the only one who freely mixes eras and countries on a layout. One of my customers only models the N&W from like five years in the 60's, and he looks disgusted when I tell him all the trains I mix and match lol.
I have always wanted The Flying Scotsman ever since I was young and its was always one that I wanted mum to see as well. We could never get her down to see it when it came through. Obviously trying to get her down to Swanage Railway was never going to happen. But I bought one in her memory today. Its now allocated to Burton Road along with 33033 (that's 3 x class 33's now) and 58047 Heres what I bought. I am possibly looking at getting my Burton road Facebook Page back up and running. Other list of locos allocated to Burton road are as follows. Class 20 20090 (Bachmann 32-029A) Railfreight Red Stripe Class 31 31206 (Lima 205031A3) Class 33 33033 (Lima L104313) Railfreight Construction Livery Class 33 33035 (Lima 205074) Class 33 33105 (Lima 20 5116) Class 37 37605 (Lima 204647) Class 43 43011 (Hornby R332)Dummy Class 43 43126 (Hornby) Dummy Class 43 43167 (Lima) Class 43 43168 (Lima) Class 47 47241 (Lima 204844A6) Class 47 47531 (Lima 204619) Class 50 50007 (Lima 205140) *Non Serviceable Class 50 50028 (Lima 205280A5) Class 56 56098 (Hornby R2235E) BR Large Logo Class 58 58047 (Hornby R2125C) EWS Livery Class 60 60033 (Lima L204799) Class 66 66793 (Hornby R30152) Class 73 73108 (Lima 20 5170) Windhoff MPV DR98910 & DR98960 (Bachmann 31-577) 0-4-0 BR Black "Smokey Joe" Saddle Tank Steam locomotive (Hornby R3064) 4-6-2 LNER Apple Green 4472 Flying Scotsman (Hornby 2nd hand) Hentis
That's a shame. I usually order from Rails of Sheffield for my UK stuff, but I have used Hattons website as reference guide and it was laid out quite well.
Two pre-orders showed up last week. An IC Class 31 and a Southern "Booster" unit, both look fantastic. The 31 is part of Hornby's budget range but the detailing looks pretty decent. She is a little light though so we'll see how well she pulls once I do get a layout. As for the Booster, it was from EFE Rail so the weight and detailing is just impressive all around. And my latest haul of layout supplies. As long as I did my math right I should only need one more Peco catenary set (plus the wire). I also have third rail and AWS ramps on order. Only a few more scenery items and I can start collecting track. My wife and I begin house shopping next year, so I'm trying to gather as much as I can before we inherit a mortgage lol.
Two new editions last week. Two Hornby Intercity 125 power cars in Virgin Livery. Lady in Red and Maiden Voyager. These are pre owned models. I now have 6 HST Power Cars in the fleet. Plus The Hornby 2024 catalogue turned up on Saturday Only thing that interests me in that is the new Intermodal wagons and the GBRF 67 (priced at £194) oO
Those are gorgeous! At some point I'd like to pick up a Virgin Class 47 with a short rake... and maybe a DVT lol. I agree on the Hornby range for this year. There was nothing in there that really screamed to me.
On the Hornby range I must agree with the lacking nature of it, the only thing I'll be getting is the GNER HST and the corresponding MK3s, otherwise quite a poor one.
My Bachmann Model Railway HO scale set part of it. Does anyone here know what ATSF predecessor to BNSF Loco is this?
It's supposed to be a GP40, but it's in the passenger livery which was never carried by these units in real life. The prototypes wore the blue and yellow freight paint scheme. Still a nice looking model!
Thank you for telling me about that speaking of the Bachmann GP40 there's a blue and yellow version of the ATSF GP40 I own. If you want to model Cajon Pass Bachmann HO scale is fit for you. To model Raritan Valley Line you're going to need Atlas ALP-45DP because they're based in Hillside nearest stop on that line is Kean University Union to their Factory in Hillside. You might be able to ask KATO dealer in your area to see if they carry Japanese Trains. If they do Get them in N scale that way you can combine them with European models from Trix Märklin group Bachmann Model trains UK N and US Bachmann N scale. The end result is the training center modeled out in N scale.
Has anyone on that side of the pond seen the new Hornby Class 423 in person yet? The Model Centre just billed me £45 for shipping, so I'm guessing the packaging is a bit larger than what Bachmann boxes their EMU sets in. I usually only pay £25 to £30 for similar rolling stock to get to the States.
I have a Hornby 423, 4 VEP. R2946... Box measures 37 * 30 * 6.5 CM (14 1/2" * 12" * 2 1/2") If that helps?
I got my second ever US steam locomotive today, a Broadway Limited New Haven I5. I wanted one of these during their first run but I was in high school with no real serious income. I've watched eBay over the past few years for used examples, but they were extravagantly priced to say the least. I was overjoyed when BL announced another run. Aside from my Turboliner set, this is the most expensive locomotive I own (and yes my wife knows how much it was LOL)
Nothing too exciting this time around, some retaining walls I plan on using for bridge abutments and a road marking tool. A few more scenic items and then we'll be down to collecting track.
My 423 finally showed up. It took The Model Centre a decent amount of time to get this shipped to me, usually Rails of Sheffield gets stuff out the next day and then it's just up to US Customs to get it to me once it hits State-side. It looks like a decent model, but Bachmann's slam-door EMUs just look and feel better to me. Still, I'm happy with it and look forward to running it once the layout is up.
Very nice! I have one of those from an older run I grabbed at the Albany train show a couple years ago for like $30, worth it all day LOL. Did you pre-order the Rapido M420? I think those are getting released soon, I'm looking forward to mine. EDIT: I lied Mike, it's an Athearn unit
$30 for any locomotive seems like a steal nowadays lol. I decided to skip the M420s. Although what Rapido has been sharing on their socials looks incredible. Judging by that, I’m sure it’ll be a great addition to your layout. Maybe if I can find them at a good price at later date I’ll pick them up.
Some of my latest acquisitions... A Brill streetcar and a B&M caboose I found at a hobby shop just outside Lake George A Horizon cafe car And a couple of Athearn units; an Amtrak P42 and an LIRR MP15
Thanks! Only the streetcar and the caboose were from Adirondack Hobby; the Horizon and the two Athearn units I ordered from TrainWorld (they had a $10 off coupon lol). The hobby shop had a lot more in inventory than I was expecting. I almost grabbed a Kato CNW bilevel starter set but reminded myself I don't need to go down the N-Scale rabbit hole...
Out with the old and in with the new! I recently went through my collection and managed to purge a bunch of older, redundant, and just old unwanted stock by selling it on eBay. While going through it all I did find four trains I wanted newer versions of. Here we have a Bachmann GG1 and E60. These replaced an old Rivarossi GG1 and a first-run Bachmann E60. And an EFE Class 35 and Dapol Class 22. These replaced two older Hornby units, a full-yellow end 35 and a broken Class 29 that needed restoration. And nothing that needed replacing, I just have an unhealthy fascination with GWR tank engines LOL
Do anyone had a good experience with Revolutions Trains ? Their soon to be revealed Electrostars look good.
I plan on pre-ordering a set of their upcoming OO Class 320, but haven't had much experience with them. N Scale seems to be their broader audience.
I have got a 00 gauge GC class 180 on order with them, but apart from that not had anything of theirs before.
Nothing too exciting this update. The Model Centre had a SceneCraft sale, and Atlas released a Metro-North caboose from pre-order.