Looking really good from that video. I'm terribly excited about this. Sadly I have no programming skills so I hope cleverer people then me might be able to iron out some of the issues. Hopefully the crashing issue is nothing major
Whichever rail sim makes VR a reality first will smash it. I cannot wait for this. It will add (quite literally) another dimension to this game. The biggest innovation in the game (IMO of course ) and it's going to be free. We have enough routes and stock. Just just need more features like this.
100%! It will definitely need some tweaking but it’s a great step forward and hopefully will showcase the feature to naysayers and anyone on the fence that even a basic implementation would be unreal (no pun intended), hopefully if this gains enough traction we’ll see someone attempting to code in support for motion controls along with tidying up any bugs. Honestly, and I can’t stress this enough, I can’t wait till I’ve got access to this so that I can switch off a bit when playing games like this and have my sole attention within the game. Really exciting times.
Not to hold you to anything but it is there a rough time line for release? Just wondering if it’s getting close or still months away.
Hey DTG Matt - hope you're keeping well. Quick question: I have the impression the new editor for TSW is scoped (in terms of actual functionality) purely for route building and wagon/loco creation, scripting etc right? As mentioned previously my knowledge of the UE and its editor is relatively non-existent still. Do you know (or are able to find out) if this editor would open up any easier possibilities for VR? I appreciate the editor likely wont come bundled with any of the native UE VR plugins - could it alternatively open up people being able to code in motion control support for example? Failing all that, the VR injector apparently has the facility to inject the code for motion control support if someone is knowledgeable enough. I figured I'd run this by you anyways just incase.
AVeryFatElf You need access to the full source code for that, and I doubt DTG will have that in the Editor.
I suspect there's an editor they use for the core game and that this one is more packaged for route/loco etc integration into TSW.
Hey folks, Hope we're all doing well. Just another little update as to where we are: The VR Injector is now very likely looking at a end of year 2023 release from what I have been told. I do have someone who can test the game in VR prior to the injectors release but I've not had much luck getting him a key for TSW4 as he was only able to test it before with it being on gamepass. If anyone from DTG is reading this and are able to lease out a key or such, this would be very much appreciated. I don't think it needs to be steam specific if this helps. I'm not really in a position to buy him a key at the moment but may have to as a last resort. All in all, nothing really to report but do believe me when I say that I will be doing as much as I can to promote this once it's available. Still generally on the lookout for anyone who has a deep knowledge on how to write a custom config file that goes beyond standard settings so that we can best optimise the experience for players. My biggest concern is how TSW/UE is loading in chunks as this might be something we have no control over and may induce unavoidable stuttering which might be a problem for a VR experience. Anyways if anyone has any questions, please feel free to drop a message below. If you're landing here off of the main page, make sure to go back to the first post to see any videos. Cheers!
Thanks for the update re this. Really excited about it and can’t wait to try. I did wonder if it was still on track.
I played TSW using a vr headset configured as a monitor and found it unbearable with the stutters. Feels like dying every time the world around you comes to a standstill. It just has that effect on me.
Yeah i've tried this too, even activating stereoscopic projection via the launch commands and doing it that way wasn't too much fun either. It'll be worth it though once this comes out. Again, i'm expecting it wont be totally fault free and a lot of tweaking will need done. Slightly concerned about tile loading which might cause issues but we'll see.
Hi, Just wondered if there was any viable update on this? I know it was stated to be by end of 2023 but with less than 6 weeks to go that seems increasingly unlikely. Which will be a shame. Sadly feels like it will become vapourware
I gather its someone working in their spare time, which means it'll be done roundabout roughly when its done and not a moment before. Dates are all fluff and should be ignored, nobody can predict what life is going to throw at them to get in the way of spare time projects, and nor can they predict if they take a detour into some other interesting areas and not stick to a schedule. Matt.
Totally agree. Just excited about it and hoping for some news soon. I’m sure it will be worth the wait even it doesn’t arrive until next year.
I'm fairly confident that it will release next month. They seem to be at the very tail end of the development with it and are basically just finishing off very small details and compatibility options. One of the guys is doing a public demonstration of it down in Milton Keynes next week and has a rep from Eurogamer popping along to give it a shot so i believe we're really near the end of the wait. Matt's on the money with this. It's one guy who's doing the core development of it whilst he has a close knit network of testers who are testing and making PrayDog aware of bugs etc. The lone dev is also doing this out of his own pocket too and i believe he's only taking patreon donations even though its a one-way/benefit less patreon other than just giving him some beer money essentially. I eyeball their discord every day so as soon as its released I'll inform people here as well as the discord thread on the Train Sim discord. DTG Matt - one for you but if you have anyone inhouse who's a guru with config files and has some time to spare, I think we might have some issues with shaders (potentially). Is there a potential line of contact we could create to understand if there's ways to either write config files or commands that would allow to disable certain graphical effects? Totally understand you guys will be busy with current dev work for DLC etc. That being said, it'll be interesting to see exactly what the tools and options available with the injector are.
I'm unlikely to be able to get our tech artist to look in any detail however if you DM me the questions i'll try and steal him for a bit. Matt.
Thank you for keeping us updated on this. I’m keeping fingers crossed it makes it for December and will make a donation as a thank you. Will be just happy when ever it releases if I can hurtle along a line in VR.
Brill, this is great either way though. I think one potential thing I’ve heard was that the volumetric shader for the clouds was an issue but I’ll wait till the injector is out so myself and others can compile a list so that you’re not going back and forth. Excitingly (and again perhaps something you can optionally float to your teams who are interested in VR) within the Injector itself you can save/export the configs you setup per game regarding injector settings and render settings etc - some of it is user friendly but there is definitely more in depth stuff there too. Again purely brining this to your attention but not suggesting anyone uses company time to look into this, more so if they have an interest themselves and would like to take a look. One thing I will say just so I don’t falsely promise anything, I strongly assume the injector is being released next month BUT at the very very worst I believe they may also drop a release date if they need to delay for any particular reason.
The volumetric cloud shader was a big problem to get working with all circumstances - it disliked the fog system and a few other things for example that all needed to be made to work properly (not quite "tick a box" as some would have you think ). Matt.
Yeah, just like some people are convinced that enabling DLSS/FSR is just ticking a box on your end as well lol. If only it were so easy eh?
Gotcha, not to worry - we'll see how things go once the injector is ready and released as its entirely possible there may be some changes that increase compatibility.
Another heads up that everything points to the injector being released this week. It’s all looking very tense/hyped over in the development server for it at the moment. The creator of it is still adding the finishing touches going by the GitHub entries but yeah - watch this space!
So excited for this. Thank you for the update and keep us posted. I have treated myself to TSW4, Midland mainline and South Eastern in anticipation of becoming a vr driver.
I'm stoked too! Just be aware there may be some teething problems to begin with. Hopefully with the help of others we can smoothen out any of the initial problems that may occur. I will try to spend a day of testing and putting notes together so that we can hopefully get help from people well versed in UE and how it ticks. In the long run I am hoping to attract someone to the project who can coed motion control support to TSW as it will need gamepad/mouse keyboard use to begin with.
I don’t expect it to be anywhere near perfect out of the box but am confident it will improve over time. Cannot wait. if I just get to sit in a 3d vr train cab that will be enough for me to start off with. I remember the first time I ‘sat’ in the cockpit of the Boeing 737 in VR on MSFS. Blown away!!!!
Shame we can't use our HOTAS's in TSW isn't it? The warthog throttle (or any throttle for that matter) is very much analogue's to a power/brake handle. DSD/SIFA for rudder pedals and you'd be away!
Yeah! I think the ideal plan will be to make sure everything is functioning for it to be playable. For example, i noticed that one eye only renders the actual color of the signal aspect. It shouldnt be a problem but its stuff like that which i will be combing through. That and visual markers for assisting players into stations or waypoints. As can be seen in the videos, the mod projects the 2D UI/HUD in front of the player which will be very handy. Just curious if the markers that point to controls will align properly. We shall see. It looked like for the most part that it did. One thing we can absolutely do is share setup profiles that can be loaded into the injector/Mod itself. This could range from tweaks to the actual VR experience along with stuff to tweak the projected HUD that you can see in the videos. Ultimately, if we can get someone who's up to the challenge of coding motion control support, as the Mod supports plugins, this would bring the experience to the next level. Once released I will redo the first post with a major update and will include links to profiles that can be downloaded once they are generated by users or/and by myself.
Hey folks, It's looking incredibly likely the UEVR mod is dropping this weekend, potentially Sunday if all goes to plan. For now, they've released ahead of the UEVR release some videos which are to help new users: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyE0aREJRIBLMQREfAFXKSQydoI-h4Vfh Work your way through that playlist as it will get you hitting the ground running when it's released. DTG Matt - Hope you dont mind the tag, just making sure you see the new post in case you or anyone on your team wants to take a gander at the videos. Again, not implying this in a game dev sense, more just in case you have anyone who's quite interested in UE stuff in general. Hopefully next time i post here it's when the UEVR injector has been released!
Oh I’m so excited. When this is released that is my Christmas Day. looking forward to your next update. I’ll give the videos a watch.
In theory if someone can write the code for it, it’s not entirely impossible. I forget the name of the person who heads the project but could be worth asking the person who makes those controllers for TS/TSW
So today is the day UEVR should in theory be dropping albeit not sure which time zone to be precise. I did stumble across another video last night. Again the tester didn’t fully grasp obeying signage and I think he just wanted to get it up to speed! Anyways, his initial feedback is that the way he has it setup for now meant using the cross hair for pointing at controls can be a bit tricky but again this might be countered if you know your keyboard controls well-ish from muscle memory. In theory though, if someone can code motion control support, it can be done in UE blueprints and added to UEVR as a plugin. I’ll be back once again with any more updates. Please take heed that this won’t be 100% smooth sailing from the get go so don’t expect a polished experience until tweaks and suggestions can be made to make the experience enjoyable.
Is this developed in UK or US? Just wondered if they would reflect the release time. Not that it matters. Today potentially is a very exciting day. Can’t wait to read your initial thoughts. Good to see the video above and showing it working in tsw4.
I think he might be US East Coast somewhere but he may also just have a sleeping pattern thats nocturnal in the UK potentially. I suspect it will be a late release or at the very latest an early morning release on New Years Day.
BIG NEWS https://github.com/praydog/UEVR 9PM GMT UEVR should be going live and should be available from the above link at the above time. I wont be home but will try to update if that link is incorrect. I wont see this likely till after new year and will likely be worse for wear. Happy New Year to you all! <3
Thanks for this very exciting update. I imagine I won't have time either to look tonight, given its New Years Eve but will as soon as I can and look forward to taking it further. Happy New year to you and and all. Hope you have a good night what ever you are doing. Here's to an amazing 2024.
I've got the game showing in my headset but its like looking at a big screen and movement is done with mouse and not my headset. I'm sure its something in settings somewhere and is there a way to reset the settings to default
Wow, just wow! I haven't been playing TSW at all lately... it felt boring and too buggy. But since I'm kinda obsessed by playing in VR, I was really looking forward to try TSW in 3D - and I was blown away from the very first minute! Everything worked out of the box, and I found myself sitting inside the train within a couple of minutes. It's so immersive, and so much more fun than looking at my monitor! Seems like - once I go VR, I'll never go back (and most problably find myself using TSW more often again). Of course it's not totally flawless, but the first 15 minutes of driving around were way better than expected! No obvious VR-bugs, nice graphics, and I even could use my controllers (Quest 3, Virtual Desktop, wireless connection).
Sounds brilliant. Glad it is all working well. Can’t wait to dust of my reverb 2 and have an express run up the BML in VR.
That’s me just awake as I didn’t get back from my pals till about 5am (whoops!) managed to get a quick play but didn’t realise it’s much better played through virtual desktop as it has better options and compatibility/performance via OpenXR instead of OpenVR. Gonna sit down shortly and see what I can do. Initial experience was as you described though, felt great being able to finally sit in the cab! I think via OpenVR (via Steamlink) the HUD was kinda borked for me but I’m going to try through Virtual Desktop just now. If you wanna, feel free to export your config from UEVR and share it here for others to try - zero pressure though.
While doing my first VR-run I had the same problem at one point - I just right clicked with my mouse to change how the view is moved around - and it changed back to being my headset determining the view.
Well, at least now you can do some relaxing train driving as part of the afterparty! In my experience, Virtual Desktop works much better than anything else - faster connections, less stuttering, better graphics... I'll attach my UEVR config for TSW - but tbh I didn't make any changes, just startet UEVR and fired up TSW. Så most probably some tweaking could be done to make it even better... So the attached config might not be of much use, but here it goes...
Whilst not 100% perfect, this is the config I am using at the moment. I will probably edit this later when I improve it. It's best for now to use the keyboard if you can but you can aim with your head and use the mouse to click or drag levers and buttons. If you want to quickly turn on DSD/AWS, use CTRL + Enter which should activate them all. Follow this guide for importing UEVR configs:
I've just finished a 3 hour stint using Praydog's VR injector on TSW 4 and it's pretty much perfect. Blackpool branches looks amazing, as does West Midlands and the Bakerloo Line is incredibly immersive in VR, the transition from the dark tunnels into the bright platforms really hits you in VR! I'm blown away by how well this "just works"!