Right?? I was really not expecting something like the tunnels to be so immersive but it took me by surprise too. I took a Class 37 through one and you could see the tunnel portal and light bouncing off of the nose. Very cool! I also find its MUCH easier to pay attention to the dials too and being less reliant on the hud. I might eventually see if I can do away with the speedometer on the HUD
I cannot wait to give this a try! Looking into VR headsets today since I don’t own one yet sadly. Does anyone have any recommendations? I keep getting suggested the meta quest 3. Thoughts on that from anyone that owns it?
for PC you can't really do much better than the Reverb G2 for clarity without cleaning out the bank account, cant speak to standalone as i haven't tried them, but for PC i have had DK1, DK2, Original Rift, Rift S, Valve Index and my current Reverb G2 and clarity wise it's the best, colours ain't as good as the OLED panels but the sheer clarity and lack of screen door effect is way ahead of those i have mentioned. Take Care and Happy New Year Gary
all is working great now i just need to tweak some in game settings turn down brightness. thanks for the help
Excited to try this but I can't find the exe file in the github when I download the zip. Probably missing a trick again. Edit...don't worry was downloading the wrong file
I'd also suggest a Quest 3. I've been using the Quest 2 and now the Quest 3, and I'm very happy for my Q3! Graphics and performance are good, and use can use it as standalone VR-gaming device (if one day you'd like to play something else than TSW that is...). For me it's the best allround option with high picture quality.
Wow, just wow! Makes TSW a whole new game. Just did a quick run from Redditch, everything is so much larger, feels so immersive. I knew it would having used VR for a long time, but this is a game changer. Performance not too bad considering I have a low end PC. You can really see the gradients, feels like I have to drive carefully now! Really feels like we are driving trains for real at last! Nice one to the devs. One question, is there a way to get the cursor in VR to click on things like wipers etc? Can't figure it out.
I have found the easiest way to click on things with the pointer in VR is to right-click to make sure that the mouse pointer is fixed and the camera is following the mouse movements, and then aim slightly lower than you usually would on the thing you want to interact with. This is the only bit of the UI that is a little finnicky, and I find myself more and more trying to "learn" the keyboard commands by feel instead. The trickiest one was getting the control handle in on the Bakerloo stock, as it's in that slightly awkward position behind and below the drivers seat, but once I got the hang of the aim, it wasn't too tricky.
Hello, Glad to see people are finding this fun so far! If you own a Quest 2, I've attached an improved version of my previous config but it should work for other headsets. I think i may have also accidentally renamed the previous zip the wrong name so this one should definitely work. When you open the UEVR program, click import config and then navigate to where you downloaded the config zip file and just click on the actual zip file to import it, no need to unzip it. Also regarding settings, I've included the contents of my GameUserSettings.ini file that can be found at \Users\"your username"\Documents\My Games\TrainSimWorld4\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor You will need to probably tweak the settings in TSW to get just the right balance of performance vs good visuals. [ScalabilityGroups] sg.ShadingQuality=3 sg.ViewDistanceQuality=0 sg.PostProcessQuality=0 sg.EffectsQuality=1 sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3 sg.TextureQuality=0 sg.ResolutionQuality=96.000000 [/Script/TS2Prototype.TS2GameUserSettings] bMotionBlur=False MouseSensitivityModifier=1.000000 ScreenShotQuality=1 Measurement=Imperial ImperialDistanceMeasurement=Automatic ImperialMassMeasurement=Automatic MeasurementSetting=Automatic GradeUnit=Percentage GradeSetting=Automatic TemperatureUnit=Farenheit TemperatureSetting=Automatic SteamFiringMode=Automatic DisableJunctionDerail=True ShowObjectiveMarker=True ShowObjectiveStopAtMarker=True ShowSpeedLimitMarker=True ShowNextSignalMarker=False ShowNextSignalAspectMarker=True ShowRouteInfo=True ShowCurrentSpeedLimit=True ShowSpeedLimitScreen=False ShowNextSignalScreen=False ShowScenarioMarker=True ShowCompass=True ShowScore=True bVolumetricFogEnabled=True bCameraMotionSwayEnabled=True bLargeSpeedoHUD=False HudType=Normal UsingController=False UsingKeyboard=True InvertedYAxis=False QuickWalk=True ForceFeedback=False bAutoLoadJourneys=True bHideUIInDTLScreenshots=True bShowRecommendedTutorials=True bLiveryEditorDarkMode=True bEnableInWorldAdvertising=True bDisplaySafetySystemHelper=True bQuickPlayIncludesTutorials=True WindowFocus=True Subtitles=True AutoHideCrosshair=False CursorType=Full CameraSwitch=Headout CameraMotionSwayLevel=1.000000 QualityLevel=0 SkyQuality=0 FogQuality=0 MaxFPS=100.000000 bDeviceEnhancementsToggleEnabled=True ScreenPercentageLow=0.000000 ScreenPercentageHigh=0.000000 bLightningEffects=True bArcingSparkEffects=True MasterSoundVolume=1.000000 SFXSoundVolume=1.000000 AmbienceSoundVolume=1.000000 DialogueSoundVolume=1.000000 ExternalAlertVolume=1.000000 MenuSFXVolume=0.750000 InGameUIVolume=1.000000 KeyboardCulture=00000809 TrainSelectionFilter=0 RouteSelectionFilter=0 bHapticsAlertFlashes=True PlayerAssistLevel=Standard bPlayerAssistAutoCouple=True bPlayerAssistAutoJunctionSwitching=False bUseDynamicResolution=False PreferredFullscreenMode=0 AudioQualityLevel=0 LastConfirmedAudioQualityLevel=0 FrameRateLimit=0.000000 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth=1280 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight=720 LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000 MusicSoundVolume=0.000000 ViewDistanceQuality=0 EffectsQuality=1 PostProcessQuality=0 bPlayerAssistNotifications=True ObjectiveDistanceDisplayRange=4 bShowNumberedDistance=True bShowTrackMarkersOnTrackMonitor=True ResolutionSizeX=1280 ResolutionSizeY=720 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1280 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=720 DesiredScreenWidth=1280 DesiredScreenHeight=720 TextureQuality=0 OverallQualityLevel=3 ScreenPercentage=96.250328 [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] bUseDesiredScreenHeight=False
One thing I’d like to point out too, if your GPU is powerful enough, start on low settings and work your way up with them. I was able to get things running pretty smoothly and retain some great visuals. Might post another ini file config for people to try.
I’m running a Quest 2 at the moment. If you’re on a budget then a secondhand well kept Quest 2 is a good buy but if you can sink money into it, a Steam headset or Reverb are great.
Would be interested to see Matt's opinion on this, I think he's a big VR fan - it's just an epic experience. Just being able to sit in the cabs of these locos in real scale is incredible, it makes you appreciate the work done by the modellers. It's going to be hard to go back to flat screens now. The only downside is on some routes I get a bit of a juddery experience occasionally even on low settings. In VR (oculus) it can detract a bit from the experience. But I am running an old i7 7700k with a 1080 graphics card so it's to be expected I guess. Need to work harder to buy those 4090's I think. The smoothest route is Tees Valley so far for me. Sitting in the 37 cab - wow, stunning! The view over the nose is epic. Even just walking around the trains and stations is an experience in itself!
If your using oculus mate, you'll want these 2 programs oculus tray tools (https://www.apollyonvr.com/) for 1 and the 2nd being VR Mod App (https://github.com/fholger/openvr_fsr/releases/tag/fsr_v2.1.1) that will help you tweak things to get the best outa your comp and headset, also works with the quest series of headsets when hooked up to a PC, not standalone. Take Care Gary P.S. also a thing to remember when it comes to setting your rendering pipeline in steam or any other software, for oculus always set it to the open XR setting as that will get you the best frame rates and experience
I own the Quest 2 and I will be going to order the Quest 3 shortly, I have been using the Quest 2 for over 2 years mainly for sim racing and flight sims and in my opinion it is the best bang for your buck headset. Plug and play and I have never once had an issue with it. I have also owned both the HP Reverb G1 and G2 headsets but returned both of them after each developed different problems which HP could not resolve and offered me a replacement on each occasion which I declined. You can buy a good second hand Meta Quest 2 for as little as £80-£100 pound online which is an unbelievable deal for what you are getting. I am only going to upgrade my headset for the sharper lenses and improvement in color. Btw I only use mine connected via the link cable to pc and have never tried the air link option. In TSW4 I played two routes yesterday Azuma on ECML and Class 700 on SEHS and I was running mine on high settings in game and in the oculus software settings I was running at max resolution locked at 45fps using the oculus tray tool and getting smooth as butter game play. I run a Ryzen 9 5900x, RTX 3090ti 12gb, 64gb ram and the game runs on a 2tb m2 ssd. I am going to start having a play with the injector mod today and see if I can tweak some of the settings and try and get a good 6 hrs or so game play time in but from what I am hearing is it is running pretty stable. One point to note is when I closed the game yesterday I got a UE crash notification but this was only when I closed the game so maybe I shut it down wrongly.
Yeah honestly, its super for the money and one that's been taken cared of will last a while. I've had mine since covid times and its still totally fine. This happens to me every time i quit the game but i imagine this is something UE is unhappy with due to the injector.
Just a heads up for anyone who's had the same issue... I created a shortcut for the mod for my desktop - for some reason the mod won't work with the shortcut, you need to click on the exe file directly in the UEVR folder. Getting better performance with my Oculus and old hardware by locking the fps to 30 using the Oculus debug tool cli.exe using the command asw.Clock30 Less stuttering, but seems I finally need to upgrade my hardware if you guys are getting butter smooth 45fps - jealous!
Okay that's interesting to hear you are having the same issue when shutting the game down with the UE error crash report. I will have a look on the discord server and see if this a issue with other games. I will make a post on there with a screen shot of the crash report and see if any one on the discord can help or advise on a fix. I run a shader mod on my TSW4 so I may disable that to see if it helps
What are your oculus settings in the oculus software? I run mine at 80hz with max resolution and locked at 45fps with ASW set to off in the debug tool
Just left ASW at auto, but using the 30 fps lock as mentioned above. Maybe I should turn ASW off. Resolution, not sure (!) but it's clear enough for me, I'm sure if I increase res it'll screw things up. Any lower it will be too blurry. TBH I'm a bit behind the times on VR settings, I think there's multiple tweaks we can do now but not enough time to research and test them all. I've just been using VR for XPlane 11 (ZIBO)and DCS and can get reasonable perf from them, especially if I lock XPlane to 30fps.
yeah, I'm a little worried about performance myself. I am going to pick up the Meta Quest 3 today in a few hours, but on the website, it doesn't say anything about PC support for AMD Radexon 7xxx GPUs, the latest they have listed is the 6xxx series, but I am hoping all works well for me. I just upgraded my PC a few months ago so I can't imagine it would be terrible. Most VR footage I've seen is from those who are running RTX 4090s Spoiler: PC Specs i9 14900k 64gb ddr5 6000mhz amd radeon rx7900 xtx 24GB 2TB m.2 ssd
Nah you should be fine mate with a RX7900xtx , I have read a few posts on forums saying guys are running tsw4 on 7800/7900 cards so you should be good, let us know how things go, the more we know will help others thinking of getting VR to enjoy TSW
At the very worst you might need to dial back some settings but you can usually safely use the dedicated GPU companion apps from manufacturers to do a safe overclock using their auto tool to get a few more frames out of your GPU
You need to open your oculus app and go to devices, select quest 2 and scroll down to graphic preferences and check what it is set to either 72hz,80hz,90hz or 120hz and below that is your resolution bar with what you have the res set too. And yep there are a ton of set ups that you can try but it is having the time to tinker with them which I understand for most that is not possible when you only get a few hours to get some game time in. Yes I would try ASW off and see if it improves your frames, ASW should not be needed as your locking your frame rate unless your not achieving 30fps. Give it a go and let us know if you can, see what the results are mate
Thanks, I have the old Oculus Rift (not S) so there's no res or Hz preferences available in the Oculus app, only in the Oculus Tray tool. So it defaults to 90Hz max with 1080 × 1200 max res. I mostly let it run in auto with a bit of tinkering here and there as described above, but with less demanding software like the VR DJ stuff I'm into it runs butter smooth (90Hz). But yep, I think it's time for hardware upgrades.
Hey all. FYI if you are using Virtual Desktop, OpenXR will not enable unless you specifically choose VDXR as your OpenXR Runtime under the Options menu in Virtual Desktop Streamer. I do not use Oculus Link so cannot advise on that.
FYI, make sure you have spectator view turned off in the unreal tab section of UEVR when running the game. Basically its emulating the VR screen onto your monitor screen. Your graphics card and CPU are working double the effort for no reason unless you have spectators in your room who want to watch what your playing LOL
For me it is a game changer, I love VR anyway but to be able to jump into TSW4 and do it in VR is amazing, still playing with settings but it seems stable enough and the gameplay is fantastic. Shunting has never been so much fun driving a Gronk lol
I am currently using your engine.ini settings and so far it seems to be running VR great. I am using this as a great starting point and highly recommend to anyone struggling to get a good VR experience. Early days I know but thanks for sharing mate. On another point is your profile zip that you have shared, I imported the zip file as you mentioned which then opened another document window with your files in, so I left it open and tried to start TSW4 and it UE crashed on start up, I didn't even get chance to put my headset on so I tried again but this time I closed to window that pops up after it unzips your profile zip with your files in but crashed again. I had to go into the UEVR and delete the profile to get it to start. Any ideas or am I doing this wrong? not much info online about importing profiles
Apparently I might have broken it changing the name and back again so I’m going to try again just incase and export it and load it up. Will drop another message here when it’s ready and tag you in it.
It’s being able to actually look out the window and see what you're shunting and gauge how far you are is what makes it for me. Total game changer.
100% As predicted though, the experience could really do with motion controls just to better bridge that gap for interacting with stuff in the cab etc. It’s entirely possible for someone to code a plugin which launches via UEVR and adds said controllers. Doesn’t need to be modded into the game outside of UEVR either.
100% agree, it totally changes the game with a true definition of how big everything is and something I didn't really notice until today is how much the tracks actually camber. Makes you think how much hard work the guys at Dovetail actually have put into the game
I am using a xbox series x controller on my PC and in VR it is working a treat apart from what you mention about interacting with the cab. It's not too bad but a guy on one of the forums has told me you can calibrate your controller in the UEVR interface so you get near pin point accuracy when interacting with objects so I will have a look tomorrow and see how you do it and make a post on here or share a link to how you do it if I can find anything
Really good to hear the good feedback. Hopefully I should get to try it Friday night I hoped the 3d perspective would improve how you view the world. I know in flights sim I find it easier to land in VR due to being able to judge my height better in relation to the ground.
Yes it is much easier to judge your speed and distance, just like in flight sims it is far easier to land in VR than in flatscreen. I hope you enjoy it, let us know how it goes and your thoughts. We need to get DTG to wake up and implement this into the game. Such a game changer for me anyway, but if they don't we have this mod now and I am sure it will improve over time just like most mods do. A big thumbs up from me
Stopping accurately is so much easier, and just intuitive in VR. I find I'm not watching the distance readout to the stop marker, I'm simply judging it on look and feel, just as you would in a real cab. A total new lease of life in train-simming for me as I'd pretty much given up playing due to not really having the time. Now I'm MAKING time for it!
Glad your enjoying it and yes I totally agree with your comments. Keep making the time you know it now makes sense
Got everything set up and have been messing around with the UEVR settings for a few hours and I’m honestly blown away. I’ve never tried VR for anything up until this point so for my first experience of it to also be inside of the cab of a loco was honestly unfathomable. Wow. I was able to get everything running around 45 fps with all medium settings which is a little shocking considering I average 90-110 with everything on ultra and resolution scaling at 175% with my 1440p monitor. Other than some weird jitters every now and then and the lower frame rates, this is insane. Can’t wait to see how it evolves with time.
Glad you have it running in VR now, and yes VR takes a big hit on your system but a bit of tweaking you can get better results but it takes time. Welcome to the TSW VR club
I was thinking of getting a new vr when I get paid at the end of the month. I have the original vive, is there any suggestions on a better vr mainly?
I think I've just had the most immersive run yet in a train sim. 9S14 on L2B with the enhanced 700 timetable in VR. An insane amount of traffic with the excellent class 700, adverse signals, dynamic weather. Incredible in VR! It's crazy how good VR is in a train sim. Also great for shunting as mentioned, had a play with the 66, it's great to be able to peer out sideways, then climb down and couple/uncouple.
Have a look in this thread, a few of us have already given our thoughts and suggestions on headsets. For me if your on a budget then you cant go wrong with the Quest 2, simple plug and play. If you have the money then the Quest 3 is an excellent headset or the hp reverb G2 but for me I would go for the Quest 3.
Nice one, I did a full run last night on L2B in the class 700 on the enhanced timetable but I did a night time run to test the shaders and I agree it is insane in VR. Only issue I have come across so far was a run yesterday on SEHS in the 395 going in and coming out of the tunnels and a few of the shaders were missing although this might be down to the fact I was driving in fog, so I will check again this evening and do a clear run but other than that it seems to be running really good. There is a lot of parameters that can be changed from within the UEVR menu so maybe able to change how the shaders are loading in game.
Don't bother with Reverb G2 unless your budget won't stretch to a Quest 3. Whilst it is a good headset, it is 'last gen' and the recent news from Windows, killing off WMR in future OS releases, makes the G2 a poor choice now. So go Quest 3, there are plenty of reviews on headsets on YouTube though. I do have to say that VR is fantastic, my G2 performs admirably. Derail Valley is great and I'm looking forward to jumping in a 40 and reliving the 80s Man Vic again. DCS and MSFS2020 are on another level in VR.
Honestly you can’t go wrong with a Quest 2 if you’re on a budget. I use that and it’s a big step up from the original HTC Vive. If you find a good condition taken cared of Quest 2 second hand, it’s a steal.