This is the master feedback thread for the Edinburgh - Glasgow: Engineering Express Pack Add-On Support Information: Edinburgh - Glasgow Gameplay Guide
EDITED: So not a complete waste. The DRS 66 is of course the ex ews ones so are correct. The one 66 is better than initial screenshots show as it has correct lights and 5th door plus ladder and correct windows. Sadly it still has the ews branding in the cab though. The Seacows haven't been used on the network for years so are not right for the era either, which is a shame. Also no timetable runs for the Seacows, again a shame as would have been nice to have been able to pass these doing normal timetable work etc. is it worth £10, not personally, I'd say more £5. If they had used mfa wagons instead of Seacows, and added more timetable runs it would have been great.
I dind't test it so far and i dind't plan it either.... This is price is ridiculous for this pack.... And the re-used class 66 is not the right one.
For people that have already bought it, can you substitute in the new liveries on existing 66 services on other routes?
I've updated my comments having purchased the pack myself, the screenshots shared previously don't make it clear the 66 has actually been updated with the extra door/ladder, correct lights etc. still a little steep at £10, but not as bad as first thought
How many services did this add? Was trying to look for it in the article but didn’t see it. Then again I’m on mobile atm so maybe I missed it
I just realised all the timetables are listed as 5Sxx headcodes making you think they are all unit drags when they are actually a mix and some should be 6Sxx not 5Sxx. A shame as makes it hard to work out
Only route that it doesn't layer onto is the one engineering service on Cathcart, almost all others are available. E-G ONE 2 DRS 8 BCC ONE 1 DRS 1 (6V92) ECML, ECW, Glossop, GWE, BML, MML & SHS All (-RHTT) for both
It's sad how many times they've had us pay for the same locomotive. Sadly won't change as people will keep buying these money grab packs...
Thought id just drop what ive found so far into here! Little showcase of rivets lazyness. The seacows still have all the bugs and issues they had in WCL, like the bearings on the wheels not rotating. The wheelblur from older TSW still being present. And lack of tail lamps on services. The 66 just couples to whatever even with the Dellner attached! You can just swing the coupler arm with the Dellner attached lol This is all the spawn options really? We told you time and time again about this sticker yet here it still is.
the Gap between the 385 and the adapter is way to big kinda seems pointless that we cant use to go with 801 as it doest sit at the right hight
Not trying to make excuses or anything; but could this be the reason why ? Source:
My work still has posters and even fire extinguishers mentioning BR and Railtrack. Despite at least 3 redecorations and a rebuild since I started. I haven't seen the inside of a DRS/ ONE 66, but I wouldn't be surprised if a poster is still up, if the details haven't changed.
Not on a loco that has never worked for EWS (66587). It's just lazy not to remove the logo on the Freightliner 66. I can sort of accept it on the drs one for the above reason, but not on the ONE liveried example. Roll on formation designer when we can create better spawn options for these and make them useful in game.
Good idea. My main gripe is the choice of locos. Another Class 66 add-on. Erm no thanks. There are other locos.
Also depends on the license and what can actually be accessed. If another reskin had been released for another loco already in tsw, I think the responses would have been the same. But not having major licenses prevents many modern freight locos from being made
I am enjoying this pack. Its great having an extra two options for services on the other UK routes like SEHS and ECML too. I would prefer a brand new loco, of course, but after years of just the EWS 66 I will take this (for now!). A fresh interior would have been nice but what do we expect for £7.64?
I bought it yesterday and at £7.64 (as it was to me) I’d say it’s worth it. £7.50 should just be the price for everyone. Turns out the 66 is marginally more interesting when it’s not just the EWS repeated ad-nauseam.
The ROG had 2 liveries (37 and 375)with interiors for less. Would've been nice of Rivet to have just tried a little harder in my opinion though But at least it is some variation
Am driving the Rainy Recall scenario, what a mess and I've only just started. In Edinburgh Waverly station and it's absolutely pissing down (not that you can hear it) while you walk over to your train. As soon as you enter the ONE 66 door the rain sounds start as though the station roof has suddenly retracted to allow the rain to hit the train roof. The train is also about 30 foot too far back from where the start point should be because Rivet in their infinate wisdom (read laziness) failed to put any rear lights on the 385 we're towing and you can't get into the rear cab of the 385 to turn them on without shunting the train forwards. Having left the station the infamous rain repelling windscreen is still evident but I'll get penalised if i don't use the pointless wipers lol
Not an isolated problem it seems
I have tested this for the PS5 and East Coastway works ok. Idrove a 313 service to Lewes. Cant check for the xbox as its packed up for the house move. PC is also fine. Hentis
It seems ok on Xbox Series S. Did a Lewes to Newhaven Aggregates service with DRS 66 and it was fine.
Good evening everyone, I replied in the thread linked above, but just for visibility I'll post it in here too. for those of you experiencing crashes on Xbox while playing this AddOn, we have a patch scheduled for release tomorrow morning. As always, please allow up to 24 hours for the patch to arrive on your systems. Once the patch has been installed, can I please ask that you report back if the issue was solved? Thank you very much and all the best, Jan
Game updated this morning and other than it loading in with the weird black boxes covering most of the routes (reboot sorted that out) everything seems to be fine. Loaded into and ran a 313 service with no issues both times.
Don’t know what platform you’re on, but if you’re on PC you might be interested in this;
BUG: Scenario "Spring Morning" (PC/Steam) You are instructed to stop at Cadder, great. Red signal. Contact Signaller, check. Permission to proceed , signal changes to yellow- this is key. Because as soon as you pass the signal, you're hit with a brake demand-- the TPWS loop was never de-activated. Now if the signal stayed red, this wouldn't be a problem: you have fair warning, hit the override, you're good. But this is an ambush, because you shouldn;t be getting a BD on a yellow light!
It's not just the 66's. It's also on the 47 on Blackpool-Ormskirk despite it telling you to turn on the safety systems for more points.
Yeah I Just done one to see and yep same problem Should have tested that out but was doing all the Pacer Runs instead.
I’ve Found a solution to the 66 Use the one that comes in the Cargo lines Pack that seems to work but the 385 drags will be unavailable
Can Anything be done to prevent the ONE permanently parking itself in Mountsorell Aggregates on the MML The only way I've found is to uninstall the DLC but with just DB and EWS on the network kind of defeats the point of buying it.