This is the master feedback thread for the Fife Circle Route Add on. Support Information: Fife Circle Line Gameplay Guide Please keep all discussions only related to feedback.
Is anyone else able to walk through the doors of the 170 when operating the doors through the guard panel ?
Terrible, boring, dead, bland, needs better scenary, on XSX the forth bridge doesn’t spawn in until your on it, timetable is sparse and inaccurate, airport without planes is like a train station with no trains
On my PS5. So far. The 170 is a good train, modelled well and sounds relatively decent, the Forth Bridge is spectacular (and all three bridges were there). The area around Burntisland was fantastic. However, I'm joining the other people when it comes to scenery, It looks like as though Rivet started to design the runway at Edinburgh Airport and then just stopped, so it looks a mess and sloppy, The Forth should have many ships and boats even if it's just static models. Edinburgh Station is too quiet, again. Yay the escalators work but we can't access any of the shops even those on the platforms. Oh and the "Fun around the Forth" scenario has you stop at the King Alexander the Third monument so tourists can take photos....well they would if it had been included, as it is you just stop next to a main road for a minute...DOH!! Needs more work, Rivet, you must do better.
Fife Circle has the full track of the Edinburgh to Glasgow route in a very unfinished state. This is Glasgow Queen Street for example.
Hello - let me see if I can help raise this issue, can I first check please what platform you are using?
I think I‘ve probably watched about 6 hours of videos on the route now (preview + ambassadors), here are the main things that need to improve in my opinion: Timetable. This is the obvious one, and is thankfully already being worked on (although I‘m not sure if that’ll be enough). We need an accurate service frequency for the Class 170 around the whole route, as well as railtours (Steam and Diesel, not just using the WCL Steam DLC almost nobody has bought) and freight. This is also a great chance to make use of the RHTT and Glasgow Engineering Express packs. Don’t forget to populate depots and sidings as well… I‘ve heard lots of complaints about the huge depot in Edinburgh, just putting a few static trains in there and/or stabling the railtours there overnight would improve the experience drastically. Scenery. The lineside and station scenery is mostly fine… but there are still things that need to be fixed like the now-infamous house next to the tracks that was completely removed after appearing very low-res the preview stream instead of placing a generic house model there, which would’ve been perfectly adequate. At least one station in the western part of the circle contains immersion-breaking teleportation markers instead of allowing players to use the underpass (which is fully modeled) - that is entirely unacceptable and does not conform to TSW standards. As mentioned by another user above, one scenario apparently centers around some sort of monument next to the tracks, but the monument is not present in the game (hopefully someone just forgot to tick a box somewhere and it can be easily re-added). Edinburgh Airport is also a huge problem obviously… the runway and hangar buildings should at least be roughly modeled, and the planes should definitely be re-added (static models on all platforms, animated flyovers at least on PC and PS5 which have the highest available performance). Many areas particularly in the northern parts of the route also suffer from flat medium-distance scenery… grass definitely needs to be added to many of the fields. The PIS (at stations, but also on AI trains) seems to have difficulties displaying off-world destinations, which is worrying considering the high amount of such destinations on this route. The majority of PIS displays in Edinburgh Waverley seem to be bugged, for example. I suggest having a conversation with DTG because they can usually get this to work relatively well. Regarding future content: The Leven branch should definitely be added… it has been promised too many times now. Can’t walk back on this anymore. The 158 loco DLC needs to impress after this rocky launch. It should incorporate a separate timetable (assuming it would be difficult to integrate as a substitution into the existing one) that allows players to run the 170 and 158 coupled together, as per in real life.
Queen street doesn’t need to be there and fully furnished since it’s not part of the route. Focusing on the route to Glasgow would take away from however much time they should be spending on improving the actual Fife circle.
That’s the point…the entire E2G track is on the route when it shouldn’t be, eating up performance. A loss of performance that’s been paid for by low res textures, poor LODs & missing assets.
Another thing I’ve noticed that some PS5 gameplay has come out, the Forth River looks completely landlocked from the bridge, it looks like you’re just going over a single tile of water.
so the only excuse for leaving out 70% of the stuff that would make this an up to standard route was performance. and the ENTIRE E2G track is on there? wow. and I thought middle school projects with classmates were a godawful mess of working together in the same project. if the plan was to merge the routes, very cool. but since that didn't happen why the hell is the track there completely towards Glasgow. after the wrong build issue. I'd say Rivet need to hire someone to check everything once more before it gets sent out because this is really sloppy
First Run Complete on the Coastal Line. On XBOX Series X Very Impressed Sounds of the 170 engine are great Warning sounds need turned up I got thrown into emergency cos I didn’t hear the DSD. Burntisland Is a Town I know very well and it is Modelled correctly Except there is cars on the Grass (Should be a Fairground) But this is train sim not Fair sim. I had a Problem with the fourth bridge not spawning in till I was on the bridge. But after realising my memory was at 91% and deleting a game and getting it down to 85% it spawns in sooner. I think the lineside Scenery is really good. I Mean yeah if you look 2 miles away the Scenery is sparse but why are people complaining about that? Considering how well the Line side is done from cab view (How this simulator is supposed to be viewed) Would love to see some freight services to enjoy a more slow paced view of it all as I’m sure Tankers run up that way.
I think TrainsimTV and Dadrail hit the nail on the head with this route. It needs more time and polish. Its got so much potential but but it feels like they didn't get enough time on it. Some bits are very nice, the 170 is good, the bridge is nice. Even some of the scenery is good. Theres just a lot of inconsistency in it and some areas just look unfinished and flat. The important train depot is empty but the tram depot isnt? Just strange things like that. The description talking about using FS on the line? When you cant unless you free roam. Free roam isn't a get out of jail card. What it really needs is Rivet to do a SHG style MML overhaul. But it being Rivet I just can't seem them putting the time and effort into doing it. Its just not the way Rivet have done things previously. Its just not a TSW4 standard route worth £30 at the moment imo.
It would've been so cool if Fife Circle and Edinburgh-Glasgow were merged but it doesn't make sense to have the all of the track of Edinburgh-Glasgow laid for the Fife Circle if both routes are not merged as one.
I'd say 77km of height and track data does. if not it adds a decent bit of storage needed for something unused
As long as there isn't much scenery, it won't effect performance all that much, like almost negligible. It will take up a little bot of storage though. Scenery, Rolling Stock and incredibly busy pathing is what eats performance.
I would like the issues raised in my post on the other discussion thread addressed here:
Just to add on to the idea of timetable improvements, the 385 needs way more layering. In E2G the Edinburgh Waverley to Queen Street services were at 15 minute frequency, the Edinburgh Waverley to dunblane services with the 3 car variant aren’t even in the line, and on the eastern side of Waverley there should be loads of services layering into the station as AI going Southwards. Obviously Haymarket depot as well has no services, really need to get on that. 170 looks really good though, although halfway the wipers stopped working and the GSMR Radio turned off, pretty good though
There are already countless threads of feedback to the Fife Circle. If you're really interested about the opinion of each and every forum member about this DLC, you have reading material for countless days already. I wonder why it was necessary to create another one? If this thread is intended to be exclusively for in-game experienced issues only, maybe note that it's meant like that in the OP. Related (since I'm already up on reseaching):
this is the official DTG one. so they can get more feedback and issues that gets lost in all the agruments about things that aren't just the things on the route I guess.
I have a feeling that soon, many arguments already placed in the other threads get echoed here and this one is simply becoming another one to read through, which can be annoying for people if they seek for new informations. Also the sentences in the OP are not 100% clear that it's only about the new issues and knowledge gained through playing the DLC here or if it isn't just another feedback thread like all the others.
This is going to get deleted and I’ll get told off, but here’s my very brief take: The route is absolutely [EDIT - Jan - Language], embarrassing is an understatement. Nothing whatsoever to justify the £30 that I decided to spend out of pure hope. I’m going to keep it but it needs significant work and this can’t be allowed to happen again, but boy oh boy I bet you it will
Overall I quite like the route, the 170 sounds good and is nicely modelled, I've not driven along much of the actual route yet but I haven't seen any big, gamebreaking issues, obviously the fact the fields are very bare aside from the part easily visible from the train line (so is easily to miss) is a bit annoying but as I said, it's easy to miss... I did notice the right door unlock buttons in the cab don't seem to work for me and the GSMR doesn't display the headcode, one extra thing I found was that the audio cuts out whenever passing other trains... Other than those bugs listed I couldn't find any outstanding issues that haven't already been mentioned. (I'm on Xbox Series S) I will add any other issues I find in due course, but as of now those are the only ones I could find.
Hi there can I just say that route is rushed. Sure it is some what playable but on ps5 there is some sound issues regarding the 170. From a weird noise coming from the engine to a weird whirring noise while the train is moving. If possible please try and fix this dlc, I can understand it was a rushed development. (some ideal) Bring the updated version of Edinburgh Waverly to the Glasgow to Edinburgh route. Fill out the sidings at Haymarket depo Increase services on timetable.
Just found this interesting beach... I need to visit there in real life.. say I can walk under water and not get wet at all!
So.....I was going over the Forth Bridge in a nice bit of image shows, before I got half way across all the fog had gone, not slowly disappearing, or not lifting fog, the game decided just to get rid of the fog all together, announcements are very quiet in the cab, but apart from that, its pretty good.
That's an issue with the fog overall, one moment it's a real pea souper of a fog and then one second later it's gone.
Hey all, just to make it a bit clearer as some users have asked, this is the master feedback thread for us to gather feedback from those that have played the Add-On. We will of course look into other threads as well, but to streamline things we ask that you keep posts in here purely to feedback and bug reports. As with all other master feedback threads, we (the community management team) will gather the feedback and bug reports and relay it to the development team. All the best, Jan
The Glasgow services need to be gotten rid of as they shouldn’t even be there as it’s not modelled or got wires and the services are broke.
Could you please let us know where exactly you found this and which platform you are using? Thank you. I've also seen mentions of the Forth Bridge spawning in late, at times when the player is already on it. If that is the case for you, please also let us know what platform you are on. Generally please always add what platform you are using and any other useful information so we can identify the issues more easily. Thank you everyone for your feedback so far, we're going through every single comment to collect your feedback.
Sorry I forgot to add that, it was just after signal EU482 on kinghorn's side. I am on Xbox Series S.
That's because several sea plane blueprint/static meshs aren't correctly set to be at sea level. Also they appear to be not aligned correctly so that there is no border between them. Not quite sure though, how the surface is so transparent in front of the image, and almost absolutely opaque after a certain border.
But can you go from Markinch to Dalmeny to Glasgow ? Dalmeny is where Scot Rail heads north-east for traffic out Glasgow, i believe. Thanks.
Hi, I am actually enjoying the route. I purchased it knowing there would be some scenery issues. However I have just come across this missing level crossing though, just before Dunfermline Queens when heading south.
Have you ever been to Waverley in reality? There's always at least one guy stood outside playing "Scotland The Brave" on a loop, very authentic for the sim I think
May I ask why is there zero playable services to dunfermline, all playable services are on the main line only
Aha, I believe I have discovered why the timetable is so sparse: it's based on the current post-COVID timetable: Current timetable
Having actually played the route now, I would like to add a couple of remarks to my original post. The Class 170's sounds are worse than I thought. The safety systems are WAY too quiet, I got tripped by DSD twice on my way to Markinch, because I simply couldn't hear it. I'm pretty sure safety systems should be loud by design. The same goes for the announcements. Barely audible. I have also found that one of the signs at Burntisland station is wrong, it says Glasgow Queen Street. See the attached screenshot.
Don't know. But looking at streams that show the timetable services pretty much all the services in the actual timetable seem to be there.
After much speculation and hesitation on purchasing this route, I did a complete 180 when I got home from work and bought it (PS5). To my surprise the route is okay, and not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Not perfect or to the standards I was hoping for by any means. The Pros: •Automatic Train announcements. A welcome edition to any new route. It really should be the standard now going forward. •The Class 170 looks and sounds great. •The stations are very well modelled. •The night lighting is great, I happen to play a service in very low volumetric fog conditions, and the light was illuminating quite nicely on streets and near the track. •Water textures look nice, lakes and near beaches (see pic). The Cons: •Why did they not extend the 385 services to Linlithgow? They have the track layered and the station highlighted on the map. •No freight services. •Lack of Traffic around Dunfermline city station (see pic). •Copy and pasting the same rock formations (see pic). •The airport looks like it’s a work in progress (not finished) No planes taking off either. •No boats or ships passing under the forth bridge. •Edinburgh is too quiet and for such a busy terminal, it feels like a ghost town. •Lack of ambient noise. Passengers not speaking/chatting. Some stations sound too quiet. •No option to adjust the volume of the on board announcements. Do I regret buying this route, not at all. It definitely needs some TLC in some places though, but overall I’m happy with my purchase. Hope to see some improvement patches soon.