Semmeringbahn Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by pipanminuta#9703, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    That is ultimately decided by the dispatcher and can be limited for specific timetables on specific routes. Even if your brake calculation and consist would allow 120, the timetable imposes the max speed for your train.

    I don't think an intermodal freight train run would run at 120 km/h through the mountains, more likely 90 km/h in mode M, heavy freight at 70-80 km/h in mode U.

    On routes where freight is running in between commuter trains stopping at each stations, a lower top speed is much more efficient to avoid constant braking / accelerating. On Vorarlberg, I never run freight faster than 100 km/h - you'll be stopped eventually or are in permanent PZB supervision following a stopper.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2024
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  2. Caravatt

    Caravatt Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2023
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    Noo, I meant on the straight section!
  3. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    That is as said depending on the timetable for your train - it can be lower than your consist could travel to avoid risks on grades or to fit into a passenger timetable, avoiding stops.

    To make it clear: Not the technical data of your consist decides the top speed - but what the dispatcher allows for your specific timetabled train. He cannot raise the top speed, but lower it. (This happens automatically in Zusi3 and all info is displayed in a window).
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2024
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  4. 紫音 鈴

    紫音 鈴 Member

    Jan 8, 2024
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    Of course, I also tested the locomotive on straight sections of KWS and other routes, without issues.

    On the other hand, did you manage to actually read my reference to the curved section of the TTC main loop?

    The locomotive, at least on my platform (PS5 but I suppose the physical model is the same), shows an obvious issue of lateral acceleration.
    Namely, it derails at a lateral acceleration roughly half the one tolerated, for example by the TGV, which on the same curves overspeeds and derails at about 315 Km/h (I assume you understand that the relation is quadratic).

    Admittedly, the locomotive offers a few significant improvements, such as a more reasonable model of adhesion, compared to the old 182, but the peculiar response to lateral acceleration is worrying and a two to one ratio can hardly be justified.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  5. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    The TGV is an EMU, hard-coupled, and yes that makes a big difference
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  6. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I can't really agree with this; I think the route is spectacular. Sure, it will be better when (not if) the RJ comes. But as for the rest, it looks wonderful (and I grew up in that part of the world).

    If we're going to be really, really picky, then, yes, we could wish they had developed and placed more distinctively alpine style houses, and if we are going to fuss then we could object to the use of clearly American white pines and larches instead of fir and spruce, but that would be pretty OCD. On the whole, it appears to be something close to a masterpiece. Would be, if there were a couple of branch lines and some shunting.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
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  7. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    what is TTC, pls? training center?
  8. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    anyway, if you mean training center, I will test it once I am done testing sth else on another route :)
  9. 紫音 鈴

    紫音 鈴 Member

    Jan 8, 2024
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    I tested light Taurus vs TGV, so superior coupling is immaterial.

    Since I am a physicist and not an engineer of any kind, certainly many technical details elude me, but given general dimensions, masses and moments of inertia, I reiterate that a two to one ratio is not justified.

    Moreover, no other modern locomotive shows such a low lateral acceleration.

    At most, since we do not know the superelevation (and possibly not even the exact radius) of those tracks, we could assume that the entire, previously adopted scale was incorrect.

    That would be even more problematic...
  10. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    TTC is The Training Center and the main loop is the big outer circle around the whole area?
  11. 紫音 鈴

    紫音 鈴 Member

    Jan 8, 2024
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    Thank you.
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  12. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    done with my other testing, will try this, both a consist and a light engine
  13. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    So, a Taurus with eight points of contact, and one centrifugal vector, compared to a TGV with 96 points of contact and 12 centrifugal vectors. Not exactly apples to apples.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
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  14. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    ok, so I tested this... this guy apparently tested this on the training center loop... which has some straight sections, but is mostly round, with not exactly Semmeringbahn type of curves, but far from straight... the speed he lists can only be achieved there with safety systems turned off... since the track doesnt have LZB, with safety stuff on you can only get to 160... with that turned off, you can go higher, and indeed, it can go 220 while shaking a lot... at 225 it derails...

    but seeing the absurdity of this, I mean, why would you blast at more than 200 around that type of curve? the highspeed sections on highspeed routes are specifically designed to allow great speeds without even remote danger of derailing... but why in the hell would you blast at 200+ kmh through curves that lets say on Rosenheim Salzburg have speed limits AT MOST like 130? and mostly 100-110?

    I dont know the ratios, forces or inertias and whatnot... but I know that if you go so absurdly fast through a fairly tight curve fit for maybe regional trains, you would derail badly IRL as well... and even not knowing specifics of TGV, I mean... Taurus, even in 2x RailJet configs, those are usually 2x Taurus + coaches + control cabs, 400+ m in length... TGV Duplex 2x consists are a bit longer, and somewhat heavier... but even those humongous consists dont blast at 320 kmh through tight curves... thats why those tracks are as straight as possible, with tunnels and viaducts and bridges...

    so while the guy's suggested experiment is interesting and indeed fun to do, it is also kinda absurd and nonsensical... not applicable to Taurus where it drives - as I said in my posts with pics, I tested Taurus on all three German highspeed routes aka routes designed specifically to safely run trains at high speed, and havent encountered excessive shaking or any major instability, it ran just fine

    and so, while I had a laugh or two, it ultimately just wasted my time and gave me some nice anxiety for an hour or so... for a while I was genuinely afraid that the new shiny loco that I have been waiting for to arrive in TSW for ages arrived screwed and with gameplay-breaking bugs which would stop me from experimenting with the loco in free roam when I have time... sigh... now, after all this testing (also did some on Rosenheim Salzburg with BR101), I can finally enjoy my first run on Semmeringbahn :)

    P.S.: At training center, I tried ZDS BR120 dual traction of two 1116s, and it worked wonderfully... also, thanks to its legendary startup tones, it is super easy to determine if the second loco works as it should :)
  15. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Holy LOVE. freight car substitution is working again!

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  16. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    I'm with you man. With the caveat that my Austrian train knowledge is very low- the route just fun to drive.

    I ran RJ559 from Wiener Neustadt to Murzzuschlag with the 1116 and there's a lot of variety even in just that run. Fast running to the foot of the mountains, then slower up to the summit at Semmering and then a bit of downhill to the terminus. The Taurus is well done from what i can tell.

    Looks like lots of freight on the early morning timetable, which i'm looking forward to. No shunting is my biggest disappointment tbh. Free roam is a decent option for shunting when they let us use all the tracks- haven't gotten to mess with it yet.
  17. traindori

    traindori Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2022
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    I'm not saying that the track is completely bad. ;) Of course the Semmeringbahn itself is great and nice to ride. :) The AI traffic also brings a lot of variety, the Taurus drives great, the sound is a pleasure. :cool:

    It's this fluctuation in quality that just bothers me. Why is popping suddenly such a problem here, whereas it wasn't in Vorarlberg or Salzburg-Rosenheim?

    But when it comes to something like this I always ask myself why it has to be. This happens all the time, on the entire route:


    Increasing the distance of the foilage doesn't bring anything except a drop in performance (starting from a value of 3), except that the trees no longer change the level of detail directly in the field of view.
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  18. 21c164fightercommand

    21c164fightercommand Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2021
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    Schnauz' first look.

    Do I gather correctly the Taurus locomotive is unbranded, unlicensed by its manufacturers KM/Siemens?
    Seems the catenary is of more prototypical thickness, no 2" gas pipes, but some of the steel lattice tower masts look like scaled up and hence very coarse.
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  19. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Useful balanced oversight from Schnauz. Would probably concur it’s one to wait a few months for a sale, not drop £30 on it. TSC version will suffice until then. Unless of course a Railjet were to appear out of the blue.
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  20. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Hah I have that one but havent seen it appear yet. I am waiting with baited breath to see if the Uacns 82's appear along the route..... I hope the Wascosa liveries I did appear on them. I havent seen them yet.

    Although One I did see yesterday was a Taurus hauling about 6 BMZ coaches and two sets of Laaers wagons with cars on. I took this as a kind of Motor Rail (UK term) type service. I know they used to do this alot in Europe, cant be sure if they still did it. This was coming from the West end of the route.

  21. addry#6825

    addry#6825 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2023
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    You are asking people to part with thirty quid for a route, and they cant even be bothered to get the basic details correct? If you cant make it as authentic as possible you may as well just make fictional routes.

    To you those details might seem picky, to others it destroys the immersion. You don't just play a train sim for the train alone, its the whole experience.

    I modded BCC the other day and it honestly looks spectacular and alive. Theres pigeons and workers on tracks, horses and cattle animated in fields, the foliage is great, theres clutter, fixed buildings, fencing, ballast and all the real logos and ads. It is amazing what can be done with a little attention to detail, and those guys who created it arnt 'professional' devs as such.

    Are the routes improving? Or are the assets a slightly better copy and paste job? Would seem so.
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  22. mrmaster#3790

    mrmaster#3790 New Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    I took a first run from Payerbach to Wr. Neustadt, and although the route looks quite good, its sad to see that some really nice details that were present in former Austrian routes are now missing.
    For example, the stop markers which are present at almost every train station in Austria are missing, tho they were present in Vorarlberg and Salzburg.
    Also DTG had working true to life screens that show the next trains on S-Bahn Vorarlberg (I was very surprised to see them there), they too are present at almost every station. Why are they missing now, on BSR too?
    Another thing I dont get: In reality, the CJX services are all 2x Desiro ML. Why are a lot of those services substituted by 1x 4024? At least substitute the correct train length in...
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  23. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    I think all freight runs dual locomotives on this route. Check out this cab ride:
    That is a half-empty intermodal train and they stop at Krieglach to attach a second Vectron. Maybe it's different when travelling south, as you climb the mountain on the more gentle gradient. But typically, mountain passes or other section with a consistent steep gradient are done with at least two locomotives.
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  24. noir

    noir Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    According to stellwerksim description, second loco is added for freights above 650 tons, that's basically every loaded freight.
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  25. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    Hey not sure if this is what you're referring to but i spotted this one near Wiener Neustad:

    c54642ee-b40b-44c5-a4ec-1a8dd1a1a0ae.jpeg a18ee210-48b5-45b8-8269-6b0a8d62798c.jpeg

    I've only actually seen the tanker liveries, not noticed any others, but it's a step in the right direction.
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  26. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    While the route overall is nice i have some issues with the Taurus sounds.

    In cab the engine sound are way to low you can barely hear them
    Also the running sounds are quite horrendous until you reach 100+ km/h , then they sound oke-ish. But going at 50-80 km/h the rolling sound are just really bad, they are like listening to a a small waterfall or even a vacum cleaner. You cant feel any mass, rumble or deep bass, anything that would relate to a 80+ ton vehicle running down the track.
    I recommend DTG to just use the rolling sounds from the Vectron since those are quite good overall
    One more thing the flange sound is also really really bad. Just like one of my friends said, the flange sounds like someone is carrying a shovel, randomly touching the rails. This needs to be turned into a more consistent high pitched sound, similar to what the coaches have.

    DTG i hope you fix this, the loco has great potential but its not quite there
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
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  27. nwp1

    nwp1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Loving this route, the locomotives are nice to drive and the scenery is stunning. Certainly as good as the Goblin. DTG are getting better and better!!!
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  28. pascal.weick

    pascal.weick Active Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Can't find the new ÖBB Passenger Coaches in the Formation Designer. Spent 30mins looking for it.‍
  29. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Reading through this thread and the “Members Only” official feedback, forming the opinion this is another 7/10 almost there but not quite DLC? With a plethora of other German and Austrian stuff still to work through, guess I’m right in thinking this best left for a sale with at least 40% off, or as I said the other day if DTG pulled a Railjet out of the hat.
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  30. meridian#2659

    meridian#2659 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    If they sort out the bugs its a 9/10, but seening substitution not working again with literally the only 1 other loco (vectron), makes me regret my purchais.

    2/10 until the reported things are resolved. Its a bold rating, but rushed content is not acceptable.

    My transaction wasnt rushed either, or did only 10 euros arrive out of the paid 40 euros i sent?
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  31. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    You are right about substitution , and this is a general problem since TSW4 came out
    I did two runs on Semmeringbahn and i haven't seen 1 single Vectron.
    Also the scenery detail in some areas is quite lacking while on others is decent especially regarding the foliage / or lack off . I think the route needs a quality pass, it has great potential and is enjoyable but needs some more attention.
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  32. nwp1

    nwp1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Although, I don’t disagree with you OV, I feel that this route was definitely worth a pre-order discount. I bought it on xbox so NO discount and I am quite happy. If l purchase it for Steam as well at a later date, l will wait for a discount of possibly 30%.

    l am really enjoying it and it’s good to have an Austrian route in the game. The only disappointment for me is it’s Austrian not Australian. How l would love to see a Sydney City Rail route but do understand it’s down to licensing, so will settle for lovely Austrian routes where the scenery looks stunning.
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  33. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    That’s useful to know. Well as soon as it gets any sort of sale discount I’ll take the plunge, in the meantime my Steam Wallet is likely earmarked for LIRR 2.0 and the 218 assuming it actually materialises in the next month or three.
  34. meridian#2659

    meridian#2659 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    Sure its not a mod or from Creators club? haven seen those
  35. BlaringHorn

    BlaringHorn Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2021
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    Seems like the sensible thing to do. After all, if Dovetail didn't have the "time" (again!) to include things like the 1st class coaches, it begs the question of why should the players have the time or the money for that matter? ;) If they allowed themselves a little extra time, it could be the difference between just a "good" route and a "great" one, and convince "Doubting Thomases" to part with their money.

    I mean, I really liked this route in TSC, but I think I'll take a wait and see approach here as well to see what patches/DLC it'll get.
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  36. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    As I have the TSC route, that's another reason not to rush. And TBH it's one of my less played routes on that platform anyway, compared to the Hausach etc route.
  37. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Nope I am talking about these. But I haven't seen any trains with these wagons (not just the liveries) in consists. Screenshot_20240420_142619_Samsung Internet.jpg
  38. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Have to agree about the domestic architecture why oh why can't proper regional housing be modelled? Surely it's not beneath the wit of man to make alpine houses rather than dropping in generic not very German architecture instead? I am also disappointed that there's no shunting layers surely a G6 would fit the bill as a substitute after all they stuck a class 47 layer in! But overall I have enjoyed running the route and the bridge and tunnel sounds deserve a shout out just have keep my eyes averted from the un-prototypical majority housing.
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  39. addry#6825

    addry#6825 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2023
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    Wheres the grass? i thought we were past this now?
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  40. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    At the very least, they could have taken some Generic German House assets and put shutters on the windows (very Austro-Bavarian, that)
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  41. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    Ran DG54507 (Manifest freight).

    I'll defer to those more knowledgeable on scenery issues, but it's a fun route to drive IMO.

    071b5ffe-b129-4d7d-90f6-5a276b0448f1.jpeg 1f8b1c12-e45b-4f82-83d9-398d7f070e53.jpeg b6af367e-8fad-4a1b-ad3e-80ec1086fc9e.jpeg 45a18659-95e4-43bf-91de-b2640ea23b9d.jpeg 9125c00d-320b-4072-b137-e96b80bbbefe.jpeg

    Got the dreaded "light rain with clouds" approaching the summit unfortunately. DTG have got to fix that overexposure! It only really bothers me in that particular case lol.
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  42. mbjbjm#7281

    mbjbjm#7281 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2022
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    Driving this route at dusk with just a little mist added really is a spectacular experience.
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  43. Thorgred

    Thorgred Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2018
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    i give the route itself a 8 definitely one of the better looking routes
    there are still a few scenery areas that could use some fixing
  44. Pipe

    Pipe Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Mixed feelings when it comes to this route. And the first for which I considered a refund to get it later in a sale. The Semmering scenery is awesome but I can't get rid of the feeling that more dedication to art and detail would've made a difference. "We ran out of time" again?

    The route, in some parts, feels steril and bloodless. Somewhat plasticky. No litter, no garbage around the tracks in the yards and stations. No dirt or dust. Same same ballast textures everywhere.

    Plus performance issues on some route sections (PS5). And really bad: You get any number of Tauruses and Talents thrown at you, without any other loco to be seen. Replacements and substitution work so great on Salzburg-Rosenheim. Why not here?

    And what the hell is this??? Not in a hidden corner, it jumps straight in your face when you leave Gloggnitz. Wrong build release for PS5?
    Train Sim World 4_20240420112406.jpg

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
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  45. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Definitely for a sale, if then. I mean, I took a drive on the TSC version yesterday evening and not a fan of the musical Taurus, though at least it had a varied consist behind. And while the scenery is nice, very much a case of up the hill we go, or down the hill we come.
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  46. Monder

    Monder Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Is this real? :o:o:o Who thought this was ok? From this mud hill to the fact tracks to nowhere have catenary... yikes.

    DTG Matt sorry for a ping, but who signed off on this?
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  47. addry#6825

    addry#6825 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2023
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    A lot of the fields are just flat and theres no grass on them. Architecture is off too.
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  48. 21c164fightercommand

    21c164fightercommand Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2021
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    Isn't that a construction site? There has been a mudslide, or just bad geomorphing/terraforming? LOL, waiting for the excuses ...
  49. nwp1

    nwp1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Looks like as you described, don’t see anything wrong with it, apart from placing a few workers near the mudslide.
  50. duki

    duki Active Member

    Jan 28, 2020
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    This should be the construction site of the Semmering Base Tunnel.
    Seems a bit off with the mudslide on layed tracks and overhead wires already in place.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024

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