Love it and I'm wondering what brand are they? If Marklin group you're looking at Trix HO DC and they have a DB BR462 as a new release. Oddly you can make KWG SFS Hannover Wurzburg using Trix HO by getting Rallion 185.2 22632 DLC Expansion Pack Rainbow ICE 22784 followed by their 146.2 and Dostos
Just got this dropped into my inbox... Looks like Rails of Sheffield is preserving Hattons' massive collection of online resources. Good for them, I've always had great experiences with their staff. Takeover&utm_id=01HRSFX9Q26TSJ325X6MVTG913
Couple of discount codes to share with you fine folks... Rails of Sheffield - 5% off through Sunday, March 24th Code: TREATYOURSELF I just used this one to order the last two Peco catenary mast packs I'll need (now to order the wire...) Walthers - 12% off through Tuesday, April 30th Code: FLY3412 They're also doing their Spring sale at the moment. I was able to grab a bunch of scenery stuff I need for cheap, plus a bunch of new modern freight cars to replace a bunch of older, cheap rolling stock I recently sold off. Hope they help!
Yo, I heard you like switch stands on switch stands on switch stands... These look like they're going to be a pain to paint and install
My haul from the Walthers sale... I was able to totally upgrade and modernize my freight car collection, although I'm probably going to grab a few more during their winter sales. I was going for the variety of freight cars you'd see on a typical New England regional or shortline.
We're getting closer to ordering track. I got the rail joiners I'll need, and Rails of Sheffield shipped me the stuff to do third rail and AWS ramps. I need to order a couple more Woodland Scenics items, plus the catenary wire to go with the Peco masts I've been collecting, but after that it's just track left. I do have cork on order for roadbed, but it's been on back-order for a few months now.
Welcoming two Amtrak chargers to my ever growing collection! I also picked up some Walthers Proto Amfleets so I'll and get some photos of them running at the club this weekend.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the looks of the Amtrak Chargers. I kinda wish Amtrak went with the same body style that VIA did. Although my wife says the VIA ones look like bugs lol.
That’s not the first time I’ve heard that about Siemens locomotives, actually. I do like the design of Amtrak’s long distance chargers, the curved front reminds me of the sprinter design. The VIA ones are also pretty nice, I like the livery they chose. These new North American passenger trains are really reminding me of something you’d see in a Sci-Fi movie.
Bachmann ALC-42 with the new Walthers Proto Amfleets. The ALC-42 is an excellent locomotive, very smooth runner with some very fine details. Most of the details are molded in rather than separately applied, but it's very convincing and that only means stuff is less likely to fall off or break. The sound was top quality on the locomotive, I think it might have the loudest horn in my collection! The Amfleets are very well detailed, with undercarriage details and close coupling for a more realistic look, and although it's hard to see in the photos, they have a very nice metallic finish. I did however have to adjust some couplers and lubricate the wheels to get them to run properly, so be aware of that if you plan on purchasing them.
I received my first Irish locomotive yesterday, a OO CIE Class 181 made by Murphy Models. This is also my first model produced by Murphy and overall I'm pretty impressed. The detailing is excellent but my one gripe is that it feels light; I'm curious to see how it'll do on the steep grade I'm planning for the rear riser on my future layout. I have a Class 201 I still have on pre-order that I'm also looking forward to. At some point I'd also like to see some of the push-pull stock produced, as well as a NIR 80-Class DEMU.
Thought it was about time I made my contributions here. I have a display which sits on the unit behind where I sit at my PC, part of my backdrop when I'm on camera. Every so often I switch around what's on it, so here's what's on it right now. We have a 150/2 Sprinter in Sprinter livery, because although slightly later than this these were my childhood. Just ignore the Dalek invasion that appears to be happening, I think someone didn't pay their ticket. In honour of JustTrains and Blackpool Branches, we've got an IC Class 47 pulling two MK2As and a MK1 BG. We have a Jubilee, specifically Orion which can even appear in TSW. It's pulling two coaches, one in crimson and cream and one in chocolate and cream, in honour of the remaster of WSR. The crimson and cream is also a buffet car, in honour of OldVern 's pain and suffering relentless campaigning. Limit on attachments, part 2 below.
A LBSC Terrier, number 662. One of my favourite steam engines, pulling a few plank wagons and a brake van. And finally purely for sentimental reasons, this little tank engine with a LMS suburban coach because it was the first model I ever got, then years later I dug it out of storage and successfully repaired and got it running again.
My latest pre-orders showed up to punish my wallet this month. Thank god I've got birthday money coming in a few weeks lol. A Bachman Amtrak GP38 An Atlas Metrolink MP36 And I got my red Pannier a friend!
The Sprinter has been brought forward to the front to join a new member I acquired from a toy fair today: a SWT 170. As requested, they've joined the transport police:
Love it! I also like the Lego T6 you have peaking out in the background; I've got the Ghost and the E-Wing sets from that line-up still in their boxes waiting to be built.
Beast, I had that very loco on the Singen bike train last weekend, here’s my 211 i got a few days ago.
Another pre-order release; a Bachmann 44-Tonner. Hopefully this runs better than my older New Haven 44-Tonner, another Bachmann unit that's never really run right; at some point I'll either ship it to get fixed or just replace it with a Rapido unit.
I recently started a fleet of H0 gauge EuroDual locomotives from Sudexpress, the attention to detail is exceptional,
Latest pre-order release... Athearn GP40. While not the TC variant that Amtrak and GO fielded, it does look very handsome in the Phase III paint scheme.
I have not had a chance to run it yet, although my wife and I just started house shopping which means I should have a layout started in the near future. The model itself is very heavy, and seems like it would be a good puller, especially with a set of the Rapido bilevels. Detailing is really great, and I was very surprised how long the unit is compared to an F59. Before I started buying Rapido, Atlas was my favorite manufacturer; they make excellent models, and when I still had the layout in my parents' house years ago they were always smooth runners. I bought the Bachmann auto-reversing trolley track last year and tried testing a new Bachmann 44-Tonner on it... didn't budge. Slapped on an Atlas HH660 on it... ran smooth like butter lol.
I love this thread, guys! The photos are great. Model Railroading is a great hobby to get into. I highly recommend it to any train fans. You learn so much including electrical, woodworking, model building, and design. I've been an avid model railroader all my life. I started at age 4 (in 1996) with HO trains (which I still have; and while they are a bit beat up with some broken parts, they still run). I got a Lionel O-Gauge train set in 2004 (I still have it and I run it all the time; it runs great!), although I had wanted a Lionel train for years before that. I'd watched TM Books and Videos' I Love Toy Trains series, as well as a few of their other videos. I had also been checking out Lionel's latest offerings in their catalogs (along with Atlas O and MTH) Seeing all those amazing O-Gauge layouts with all the operating accessories and cool trains, I dreamed of one day having my own large, permanent O-Gauge layout. I did have a shelf layout for many years until fairly recently. Last year (2023), I finally purchased a detached shed where I could build a layout. As of a couple months ago, I now have an 11'X15' (roughly) O-Gauge layout with two loops of track and a small yard, with a turntable, loco servicing facility, and operating accessories coming in the future. I run trains with Lionel's Legacy Command-Control system, and I plan to add MTH's DCS in the near future. I model the BNSF, Union Pacific, and Santa Fe railroads in the Southwest US between 1992 and the present day. Model railroading is an amazing hobby. But what about kids (or adults) who don't have enough space or money to build a large layout? I have a great solution: train simulation games like Train Sim Classic, Train Sim World, Trainz, etc. I still think that we need an ultimate model railroad simulator. By teaming up with model railroad manufacturers like Atlas, Hornby, Walthers, MTH, Lionel, Scale Trains, BLI, etc., a train sim developer could produce a model railroad simulator that could give players a taste of layout design, building, and operation without being too expensive. My dream model train simulator would feature the following: -Models of many locomotives and rolling stock from all over the world -Track in many scales and from many manufacturers -Buildings and accessories; also signals and lighting -Scenery -Designing a layout space with preset room sizes or even backyard spaces (for garden railways) -Preset benchwork with different styles of layouts: shelf, around-the-walls, multi-level, table-top, etc. -Custom, player-designed backdrops -Unlimited space and no money; players could build their ultimate fantasy layout -Since it's a model train sim, wiring could be included to make the game interesting -All control systems simulated (Conventional, DCC, MTH DCS, Lionel TMCC/Legacy) -Tutorials to help new players create layouts from start to finish -DLCs could be added each month for more fun; some could be free, and others could have a cost -Multiplayer could be cool. -Realistic sounds are neccessary in game. -Loading and unloading of cargo/passengers is a must-have feature for me.
Thank you, I have more of a German/Middle European H0 Layout because that way I can make it the most authentic, but maybe I’ll run some US Trains on there, maybe as “Tests” or something
I plan on running British OO trains on my North American HO layout. My head canon explanation is that the National Railway Museum has a US annex just off the map of the layout route and runs excursion trains on the line. I've always been of the mindset that if I like a train, I buy it and run it. I just wish the USD and the GBP were closer in value, the exchange rate is killing me lol.
Very True, but the worst thing is that the British have that 1:76 Scale. Come on, everybody’s got 1:87!
You didn't have to wait weeks for it to get approved by the Xbox store? lol Looks good! One of Bachmann's better models.
Latest of my pre-order releases, a Rapido HEP E8 in Metro-North (ex-Amtrak) livery. A gorgeous model, I'm not even mad that my phone decided to focus on the side detail. I'm very excited to see this on my future layout. I think I should be getting the new Bachmann Class 25 in the coming weeks, Rails of Sheffield just announced they received their latest pre-order batch.