Just Trains have released this teaser and very much a work in progress shot on the latest roadmap. Bit of a severe curve and what looks like a gradient. Reminds of the drop into Paignton Station from the Torquay direction. I'm probably really really wrong. But I'm intrigued. It's also going to be set in the late 80s.
Tricky one to guess, I reckon could be deprting from Chester to the Warrington direction but I could be wrong....
They’re saying it’s one of the most requested routes, so that doesn’t narrow it down at all. They’ve been clever and shown a screenshot which isn’t easily narrowed down to a specific area of the UK, it’s a nondescript curve with housing flanking it. It could be almost anywhere. Well. There's no third rail, no OLE and it’s dual track. That ought to narrow it down slightly.
It is set in the late 80s, so it could be a route that is electrified now but not in that time period. That makes it harder
Could be Huyton to Rainhill. That picture certainly doesnt appear to give any clues away unless I am missing something!
i think too it could be the rivera line in 80s maybe in 88 ho and for the rolling stock i will really see class 50 with mk 3 coaches and a HST (43) PV
I thought it looks a little bit like conwy, little bit further on from the station toward Bangor and Holyhead?
They're very good at leaving teasers as a bit of a nothingness. With Blackpool it was a level crossing IIRC, guesses ranged from Blackpool - Preston/Ormskirk (which it was, obviously, and had already been leaked + assumed because it fit the mileage range already stated), to Wherry Lines and more in England and Wales. The sneaky ....s
I don't want to make any mistakes, but it looks like the curve coming out of Morecambe... WCML? Check out this Maps image! The screenshot seems to be taken from the spot marked in red. The buildings seem to match due to their position! Clearly they aren't the same, like Irl. Resources are limited in game. Could be a Preston-Lancaster, with a Class 86/87 and Mk2 trainsets. Reusing Pacers on the Morecombe branch. If you look carefully at the lower right corner of the screenshot, you'll see some missing grass. It's the track on right side of my picture. This leads to the Heysham Ferry Passenger Terminal and the nuclear power station! EDIT- OldVern nailed it! He kept saying, months ago: Morecambe, Morecambe, Morecambe...
Well in the pic they’ve shared there’s either a very square hill or a big trapezoid shaped building in the background. You have to zoom in but it’s there. That’s it aside from generic housing and industrial units.
"featuring passengers, parcels, and freight" could parcels narrow it down at all? "our use of layers will interact with other add ons that you own" look at the add ons from the 80s we currently have and start from there
I think you’ve nailed it. I’ve matched up the weird building I saw in the screenshot to a building in that area which has a distinctive roof.
Wild speculation here, but maybe Preston to Carlisle and Morecambe (maybe an 86/87 and a reused Pacer)?
Usually don’t have much of an interest in that era but given how good Blackpool branches was I’ll definitely be keeping an open mind on this one
Good catch..... If im right the game picture is a little more north with the red point! The workyard on the left isn't showed on the picture.
Folks on the discord have come to the conclusion, that the route could possibly be Preston To Lancaster and Morecambe Here’s the proof (sorry to the person, I had to borrow this) This image is just near Morecambe on the triangle. It would make sense for JT to reuse Preston, since we already have traction for it in TSW
Yes please!! The already existing map included with a giant timetable. Just trains is known for their extensions in TSC. Day one purchais! Finally
The Blackpool route already has it at Preston, so presumably if doing Preston to Carlisle it'd be set in the same era.
A lot presuming Carlisle, thats a big route....I would reckon Preston to Lancaster or Carnforth. Maybe Oxenholme at a push. Then some Branch Lines too....
That sounds a bit long for a Just Trains route, it would be amazing if it was true but my hope is that it will perhaps cover Morecambe and a branch to Barrow in Furness or Windermere.
Stunning work. Looked at the image and was immediately sure you guys would have it figured out within the blink of an eye
trainsimplayer Let's say I've some... Railway Experience... And I've an excellent photographic memory! But nothing more! However, I visited those places, a few years ago! Jpantera Oxenholme is already on the 142 destination list. So yes! Preston-Lancaster, with Morecambe and Windermere branches.
A big route for sure, but; with Morecambe included, it's only 8 stations (Preston - already made - Lancaster, Burn Lane, Morecambe, Heysham Port, Oxenholme LD, Penrith and Carlisle) with the remainder almost exclusively in rural areas, especially with the big gap that is the Lake District. It may be long but it's not got the intensity that urban areas bring - especially with a solid chunk of Preston already done. I would say that Preston - Lancaster is a bit short for a WCML run, and would be quite boring with a whopping 0 stops in-between.
Crikey! Flaming good work, all. And so quickly too! Really well done. Not really my location of interest this route but I am looking forward to seeing what they make of it
I'm probably alone in saying I hope isn't the line to Morecambe. I don't see it offering anything new when compared to the Blackpool line, especially if it's using the Pacers and 47s again. The 80s isn't my type of era anyway, it would have to have either a Valenta HST or a Class 86/87 to interest me.
Given it’s heavily requested I do wonder if it IS Preston to Carlisle but with the mini Morecambe/Heysham area included. Huge undertaking but we all know JT have the chops for it.
Think it would have to be a bit more than Preston to Morecambe. Either Preston to Windermere including Morecambe/Heysham or maybe Lancaster to Brrow, also including Morecambe. Of course the sting being, assuming it's TSW5 coming out in a few months this route will undoubtedly require customers to own that version rather than TSW4. As regards any new train, depending on era, possibly a 156 or could also be a Class 108 heritage DMU. I somehow doubt we would get an AC electric and rake of Mark 2 aircons to go with it (but then again...).
It would have to be. Preston to Lancaster is a very underwhelming and dull section of the WCML, even more so when cruising at 75mph in a multiple unit as opposed to a HST or electric loco at 100+mph. It just doesn't make sense to me. You'd have a very dull run up to Lancaster, followed by a slightly interesting run to Morecambe which you could already emulate the experience of in Blackpool Branches. But if it went to Carlisle? With an 87? Sign me up.
If that does turn out to be the correct location, you guys are good. Bet the JT staff are cursing you all for decoding what should have been a generic picture
They know it will get analysed heavily otherwise they wouldn't post it. I imagine they are long enough along with it to release a teaser.
Don't get me wrong Blackpook is one of, if not THE best route in the game but but Morecame in any era let alone the 80s isn't going to do anything for me. Should still be a really well executed route though.
Blackpool was nice with the mixed traction, but ultimately the flat scenery got a bit boring as did all stations runs on the 142.
Incredible detective work here. Truly remarkable! as for the route speculation, does Preston have to be considered? having just looked at the railway atlas, something like Lancaster to Carlisle (the highly requested ‘over Shap’ route) with the Heysham/Morecambe and Windermere Branches? AC locos being the developed ones, and all previous BPB stock returning in an important way?
The roadmap uses the words "unique experience" and "long haul" amongst others which to me shouts out WCML with AC electrics. Preston to Carlisle still may be too far, but certainly a shorter Preston/Morecambe/Windermere network would provide a half-decent main line journey, even if still less than an hour's drive with an express service. The neighbouring Furness line is also home to many signal boxes, which is also a reasonable size route for a developer like JT.
If it is the WCML, in the 80s, would it not be electrified? Where the accompanying images does not show electrification