I fired-up Northern Trans-Pennine yesterday, with the intention of just running the class 101 from Huddersfield to Leeds, but ended-up spending 6 hours running back-to-back all-stations services between Manchester and Leeds. After 6 years, I think it could still be one of my all-time favourite routes in TSW, and just wondering if anybody else still plays this route? I wonder if Just Trains could add anything to it, since they are taking charge of all the 1980s stuff now. Maybe they will update the class 40 and 45, as they just gave the 47 a good makeover for Blackpool Branches.
Oh yes! Even though it's well and truly showing it's age! I found time to watch July's roadmap stream last night and Matt mentioned about making suggestions for route upgrades, well this would be mine for the following reasons:- Graphically outdated - we have much better distance hills and mountains now, the pennines/moors look so bland and Playstation 1 looking Night Lighting - Well, there is none! Manchester and Leeds are pitch black Wet Platforms - None (I guess the two above are covered by Tod4) Timetable - Victoria and Leeds City were busy, very busy with trains routing off all over IRL - this needs a major update Future Possibilites - Class 25 would be nice and if we ever got a Deltic with MK2 stock and some BR Blue MK1 stock (with a Buffet car as well, wouldn't you agree OldVern ) Would love to see this route get some much deserved TLC
I do like the route, decent journey lengths, suitable end points and a good challenge on the gradients. Though I don't think my opinions would be too favourable if I didn't have the scenery mod from TS Community.
Yes, would like to see it revamped to current standards of scenery and lighting, perhaps with an extension eastward.
It has peaks and the thrash is superb, it will always be my favourite route until they add a route with hydraulics or blue cromptons.
It's a great route but the reason why I don't play it is because the intercity coaches make this weird squeaking sound on PS5. It is bearable for a few minutes but after a while it becomes so annoying that I just have to stop playing. The route definitely deserves a remaster and with that more realistic station timings.
Must be the less route I use nowadays!. But from time to time I like to drive there. Last time was recently... thanks to the ..."new/old" BR 218! Being a Diesel locomotive too, I used with Free Roam. It was very nice drive and entertaining! I drove the BR218 on a special scheme from Creator's Club, with similar colors to the passenger wagons. It was a bit tough to connect the German locomotive with UK wagons, due to they have special couples. Sorry I have no pictures now, but I will share later.
It’s always been one of my favourite routes. As I now so many routes (nearly every route) it does have a lot more competing for my time these days but I do use it a fair bit, and I did drive an express service on NTP a couple of days ago. It would require a signalling upgrade if it was to have a busier timetable as there are some unprotected signals in both directions and without that fixing there may be many SPAD risks when following close behind another service.
It is still in my top five, I will never tire from thrashing that peak up the hills and then fiddling with my brakes keeping things steady on the decent. It would be lovely to see not only the route but the traction, especially the 45s, brought up to modern TSW standards with a remaster, hopefully fixing the signalling too.
Yep, I still enjoy it, a variety of services with a variety of locos, updates for the DLCs have damaged the DLC in regards to passengers vanishing and while it's showing its age now it is still a great DLC. A remaster would be fantastic with 31s and 37s added. But trying to get a heavily loaded oil train moving in inclement weather is always a challenge.
Oh I know the sound you mean, it's just not a PS5 thing, I'm on a PC - it's like someone trying to play a flute or something, very badly! JT took that annoying noise away with their MK2 modifications on BPO. Even when I'm thrashing a 40 along the pennines, I can still faintly hear that bloody awful squeaky flute noise from the carriages I'm hauling
run it heaps, like to "spawn" trains at places where no scenarios start. Also like to spawn a no stop DMU on a DMU scenario, say Leeds Manchester, then have to follow to booked service, mainly though will get past it on the through road at Huddersfield.
Haven't really mastered the gearbox on the class 104 or class 101 lol whatever it is and that's the only thing I am trying to understand. Same as the signalling systems on German routes. Can't seem to grasp them....
It's my go to route if I've ever a couple of hours to spare and still my favourite by a long way. Admittedly much of that is reminiscing. The SPAD jeopardy has always been entertaining let's say!!! But T'he T'hrash T'hrough T'hills or perfectly gliding the 101 into a station and hearing the click and thud of the slam doors will never get old. Wouldn't say no to a 'remaster', Manchester and Leeds looked way to clean!....with perhaps a 25 or even an extension to Bury with a 504! Oof Suit you Sir!
Even though it's looking it's age now. It's up there as one of my favourite all time routes. Criminally underrated as a route too! It's a route where you have to concentrate your driving style with old diesel locos, and is a nice challenge. Also imagine the scenery if it was remastered? Cor blimey!
It still features on my play list when doing TSW but my last run was marred by the clear distant on to a semaphore at danger bug, resulting in a SPAD and game over. Even at 40 MPH not going to stop a Peak and 8 coaches 300 yards from the signal, including reaction time and muttering, “Bloody DTG.” So yes still a favourite but IMHO along with TVL needs to be next in the queue for refurbishment and sort out those wretched signals. And if it came with an additional loco/DMU pack to subsidise the work, this is one I would have no hesitations in buying (unlike the Cathcart 380).
Still a great route, the enhancement mod has sincerely given it a second wind, my thanks to the modder(s). It really could do with ToD4 plus a signalling update to enhance the semaphore logic, and to fix the "SPAD Guaranteed" signal just before Stalybridge tunnel mistakenly left by the devs. Still holding out for a class 25 DLC for a perfect Sulzer thrash up those pennine hills!
Happend to me a lot and i never left the game. 5-6services and an entire afternoon . Very atmospheric route. I do more than 1 service usually on most routes. The german dlc bremen oldenburg became my favourite because the very rich timetable when it comes to variety. Riesa Dresden i dont play anymore since they botched the substitution. Only having 185.5 and 2% 143 on the services (no mods).
New lighting and a timetable overhaul is what the route needs most IMO. There could be more AI services to liven up Manchester and Leeds, as well as some stopping services between Manchester that terminate at Huddersfield (meaning you don't have to play the 1 hour 30 minute all-stops services to call at those intermediate stops). As for an extension, in all honesty I don't believe the route needs one. The current services are long enough and there's enough variety of service types and patterns to give good replay-ability. If anything, Manchester Victoria could be reused to provide the basis for the Bury DC line as a separate route, which would be something a bit quirky and different to what we've had before.
Yes at one point, I thought an extension to York or Liverpool would be beneficial but not going to add much in the way of scenery or gradient challenge.
Also Ntp invites to place a lot of static stock and make freeroam services. Taking a bunch of tvl steel wagons to leeds with 2 class 20s. Or an empty ici limestone vacuum braked consist up to huddersfield siding with a class 33. Ntp is definetly a route which deserves a revisit from devs and actually i would even pay day 1 for a loco / wagon dlc.
Regarding the Spad trap at Standedge tunnel....I've got into the habit of checking the state of that signal on the map before I get there. It's a great route on free roam too, taking a dmu to Stalybridge then reversing out towards Guide Bridge and setting back into the bay platform for the return to Victoria. Given the Just Trains treatment, Manchester Victoria could be a vibrant place to watch trains, as it used to be. Sadly very quiet in game at the moment.
For the spad trap after marsden direction leeds, i created a procedure too. When coming out of the tunnel i keep 40mph and let the train roll through marsden until it goes into the right curve downhill, then i initiate a small brake application. By the time you see the signal you should be around 40mph if the signal is clear, just relese the brakes and go. If its red you can come to a stop without problem. This is a spad trap when you come around the corner with 60mph and loose 3 seconds to realize after your brain is telling you "ou LOVE" why is it red. This route is so much fun hudless. I dont even need my charts anymore. I can drive and brake by route knowledge. No hud is immersion boost of 500%. One i confused my speed charts and entered the stalybridge tunnel with 60mph and thought its one of the 2 long tunnels. After recognizing its not supost to be an arc i pulled right into a emergeny brake. Still had 25mph entering the swith.. (this was with a 1200 ton petroleum train)
I can't say I've ever fell for this SPAD trap, never happened to me. Of course saying that now, I'll probably come across it in a bit as I have a few hours to spare, I'm going to take a 31 with some MK1's on a trip to Leeds from Vic.
To be honest I only got caught the once, but the train I’m working must be following a stopper. Another possibility might be to hang back a bit so whatever’s in front has a chance to clear the long block section through the tunnel. Oh and save just before getting to that point (oh for a F2 or F5 quick save, DTG).
The class 101 does take a lot of getting used to, especially with the lap brakes, but it's really rewarding once you get the hang of it. To this day, I have never been able to stop the train at Slaithwaite without overshooting the platform when heading towards Huddersfield.
NTP and TVL are the best UK routes by a mile and could do with a bit TLC/extra services. I always felt TVL could have been a bit bigger and my Initial thought was Bishop Auckland, but if we think about l.a.m.p.o.i.l. Whitby is probs the better choice. Extra services on both for 142 would be nice and class 55 and class 25/3 would work well.
The logical choice for the freight emphasis would have been Boulby with the potash traffic, though I agree Whitby would have added scenic interest albeit sparse train service. You would also get people then asking for the NYMR from Grosmont over to Pickering too. Oh, look, we might actually have got a decent network route with that!
I played it recently, but only as I wanted to write a scenario. It just looks so dated now which is a shame, but that happens with every route in the sim over time. Compare it to the more recent Blackpool Branches and you see how much TSW has moved on since. A remaster would be very welcome, but for me to play it regularly again, I'd love to see an extension, either at the Manchester or Leeds end to add a bit of variety in services.
I've got to finish up a bus drive in OMSI 2, then the Re-Record the Quick Play dropped me in, then I'm going to re-attempt the run I had the SPAD on.
I will be pelted with raw eggs, but I will say that I would prefer a modern version of the route than a remaster)
Its there now in 12 inches to the foot scale. What we had with NTP took us back to the 80s which is extremely rare in TSW despite a stable of stock.
TSC has the slightly more up to date version of the route with higher speed limits and manages to fudge the eras a bit so you have Class 142's and 158's alongside Duffs. It's quite a nice little route actually.
Still a go to route for me. I bought it day one and rarely tire of it. The curves and gradients are a welcome change from many of the flat and ‘straight’ routes. Making scenarios with other locos/wagons makes the route fun too. A remaster with a new loco/wagons would be most welcome. I also agree it would be nice to see the TVL considered too.
I had considered all of the options you added and cant fault your thinking, I only stopped short of adding them thinking of the dev time involved, but you are right it ticks more boxes.
If you guys like NTP you should try this fantastic mod made by mister bescot https://www.trainsimcommunity.com/m...thern-trans-pennine-manchester-leeds-revamped The mod really brings the route up to date with better vegetation and objects. I hope bescot does not mind if I share two of his pictures from TSC here as I don't have access to my pc right now to use my own While the route was good but quite dated it is absolutely a blast now.
Another thing the route could do with is make use of layer substitutes. It works for the loco's, so it's nice to see some of my named 40's and LL and named 47's, however the rolling stock does not. I have some lovely Transpennine & ScoRail MK2's which I downloaded from the creators club which would be an absolute treat on this route in TT mode.
It's understandable if you're into more modern rolling stock, so you're fine. A lot of us hark back to the days when things were a little more blue.