Some of you might have seen my post in the TSC section about using playing cards as a lucky dip to pick a route at random to play on. So out of interest thought I would apply the same system to TSW. essentially shuffle and cut the cards, deal the top card which determines what route you run on. Although TSW has the Quick Play feature often this tends to generate just scenarios or if it does pop up a timetable run, it doesn't count towards Journey progress having not being explicitly picked from the sub menu. Much to my surprise I only had one space left (I ommitted the original LIRR) so any more routes and some will have to be doubled up at which point you deal a second card with red declaring for the first in line, a black card for the second. So this is what my list looks like (excuse loss of foratting): TSW Route Selection Randomiser Card drawn gives the route to play.. If a currently empty card is dealt, keep dealing until one is revealed that nominates a route. New routes will be added as acquired. SPADES Ace Harlem Line Two Rhein Rur Osten Three Salzburg to Rosenheim Four Dresden to Riesa Five Main Spessart Bahn Six Horseshoe Curve Seven Peak Forest Eight LGV Med Nine Tees Valley Ten Cane Creek Jack Gospel Oak to Barking Queen Sherman Hill King Antelope Valley DIAMONDS Ace Tharandter Ramp Two Birmingham Cross City Three West Cornwall Local Four Hamburg to Lubeck Five SEHS Six Maintalbahn Seven Arosa Line Eight Oakville Nine Cathcart Circle Ten London Commuter Jack Ruhr Sieg Nord Queen LIRR 2.0 King East Coastway CLUBS Ace Clinchfield Two Three Blackpool Branches Four Vorarlberg Five Glossop Line Six Koln to Aachen Seven Luzern to Sursee Eight Boston Sprinter Nine Rapid Transit Ten Linke Rheinstrecke Mainz to Koblenz Jack Spirit Of Steam Queen Munchen to Augsburg King North Trans Pennine HEARTS Ace Midland Main Line Two Great Western Express Three Peninsula Corridor Four Cajon Pass Five Bakerloo Line Six West Somerset Seven ECML Peterborough to Doncaster Eight IOW 2022 Nine Sandpatch Ten Niddertalbahn Jack Bremen to Oldenburg Queen Kassel to Wurzburg King Rhein-Ruhr JOKER None at present.
..and the first one out is Queen Of Hearts, Kassel to Wurzburg. The idea being, as with TSC, it brings you back to routes you might have set aside or tend to skip past of which SKW is certainly one.
It's definitely a good idea; I've got routes I don't play often and some I've probably not played at all. I've just created a quick randomiser using Python: Code: routes = ["Blackpool Branches", "LIRR 2.0", "Scotrail Express", "Semmeringbahn", "London Overground", "Salzburg - Rosenheim", "West Somerset Railway", "Berninalinie", "East Coast Main Line", "Antelope Valley Line", "S-Bahn Vorarlberg", "Dresden - Riesa", "Cathcart Circle Line", "Tees Valley Line", "Spirit of Steam", "Glossop Line", "Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr", "Bremen - Oldenburg", "Birmingham Cross-City Line", "Bakerloo Line", "Koln - Aachen", "Sand Patch Grade", "East Coastway", "Ruhr-Sieg Nord", "Great Western Express", "Midland Main Line", "Island Line 2022", "Southeastern Highspeed", "Cajon Pass", "Kassel - Würzburg", "Linke Rheinstrecke", "Northeast Corridor", "Brighton Main Line", "Hamburg - Lübeck", "Tharandter Rampe", "Niddertalbahn", "Northern Trans-Pennine", "LGV Mediterranee", "Munchen - Augsburg", "Main-Spessart Bahn"] random_number = random.randrange(len(routes)) print(routes[random_number])
dunno if I would stick to playing cards as randomizer... but the idea of a randomizer itself is nice... like... write or print out little cards with route names and locos and then just shuffle