I'm very hyped for this announced route, although I guess release day will be still far away. For those not familiar with the route, here's what to expect. The ICM, I suspect they'll do the modernized version. The SNG, not sure which of the two liveries they do.
Very excited to see NL finally in the game. Watching Stefan's channel (and a couple of other Dutch drivers) has really made me want the country in-game so this is great.
They completely caught me off guard when they announced that, I was expecting Alex to talk about the Japanese route. Pretty stoked, it's the route I live next to and typically take (part of) once a week, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. Will obviously be a must-buy for me.
Very excited to so NS, I’m not a particularly huge fan of the trains they’ve gone for with this but the ICM is quite iconic. Definitely looking forward to this.
We can say in Dutch "instappen en het Nederlandse landschap genieten"! I saw that last ticket and in the first shots and i was nearly falling of from the seat.... What a big surprise
Does anyone know what safety systems are used in NL? Are they similar to any of the ones we currently have in TSW4?
Seing a Dutch route took me off guard ! I’m quite excited for the ICM and why not in the near future we’ll see an international line to Germany.
ATB is quite simple to use so I would expect them to include it. When there is an adverse signal or lower speed restriction you “confirm” the ATB by braking until you reach the correct speed. There is no button, you just apply the brake.
I think they will use the modern version... The function to walk to the other train part is all out of service since ages. That will not combine the SNG this EMU is really modern. So it will be very strange if they will choose the ICM instead of the ICMm.
I'm so excited to be able to drive on Dutch railways for the first time. This will be a really refreshing addition.
Alright. I'm ecstatic for this, but I do have some thoughts. This is mostly my dream come true. Not just have I been a staunch advocate for Dutch content. It's also my home line that I take to work on the daily! Also, having taken that train to school for years as well. That said. Knowing the Zwolle - Groningen line very well, I do have a few thoughts. Some good, some bad. First, Zwolle - Groningen is beautiful in terms of nature, and also it actually is a properly self contained route. Let's start with two good thoughts. The sprinter services and at a buffer station on both ends too, so it does feel like a real and proper end to your route on either end. Also, it contains 3 provincial capitals. Also, this is a pretty rural part of the Netherlands. It has some nice wooded scenery. The Netherlands may be flat, but that doesn't mean the views can't be scenic. In this area of the Netherlands, you're mostly met with lots of farmland broken up by the occasional small woodland. If done well, it's very pretty. Also, the Koploper is of course absolutely iconic, and now with guard mode too, I can't wait. SNG is relatively new. It's not in-house design like previous generations of Dutch trains, but it's a solid train and being very modern, it contrasts really with the Koploper. I just hope they'll make the driver's window of the Koploper slightly dirty, as is realistic. Also, waiting to see if Christrains is going to be involved, or at least consulted, on creating them. Now one of the concerns I have. While scenic, this route also embodies some of the worst complaints about the Netherlands. It's a huge route, of 107km, but with only 8 stations, the last 3 of which all very close together in a span of less than 10km. Zwolle - Meppel - Hoogeveen - Beilen - Assen - Haren - Groningen Europapark - Groningen Most of which with a very consistent speed limit of 140km/h with a few minor exceptions. Sprinter (all stops) takes 1:30 to complete the journey. Intercity takes 0:57, only stopping at Assen (provincial capital). This means that there might be stretches of 20 minutes in which you're just keeping the needle at 140. A plusside though, is that the less dense rural area also means there's less chance for them to f-up their first Dutch route (assuming this means that there could be more in the distant future) In that sense, this route is excellent learning material for the team. Still, part of me wonders if they shouldn't have instead chosen the Zwolle-Leeuwarden stretch right next to the route they chose, diverting from Meppel onward. Same amount of stations, though slightly more evenly spaced. But it actually has an interesting required action for the driver as there are several unelectrified waterbridges that require the driver to be aware of them and to open and close the MCB's. It's very minor, but it's a fun quirk the route has. All said. Amazing day!
Also. Hope they put in the stork nests on some of the catenaries inbetween Hoogeveen and Beilen as an easter egg
I have made a small information about services that will run between Zwolle/Meppel and Groningen: Timetable 2023/2024 You have for the SNG Sprinter (Local services) Series 8100 Zwolle - Meppel - Groningen (6 stops 65min) Series 9000 Zwolle - Meppel - (Leeuwarden) (15min without any stop) ICMm (Intercity) Series 600/1800 Zwolle - Meppel - (Leeuwarden) (15min without any stop) Series 700/500 Zwolle - Assen - Groningen (1 stop 56min) (Only calling at Assen) And in additon they used the ICMm also as Sprinter services some times. So maybe they will add this.
If they implement the current schedule, there is at least one short trip from Groningen - Groningen Europapark - Haren - Assen and back again in the morning, taking just 20 minutes each way. So there is a little variation possible.
The first one was the 4011 and has got a revision until 2006. They walk path is removed a few years before due to couple issues with this whole system and take them out and replace them by a new blocking wall
So happy with this one! Finally a route in a normal language with station names that make sense to me
There's some interesting train spotting places that I hope they include along the route. First, there is NedTrain's classification yard at Onnen, with an iconic bridge from 1920: Next there is dolmen D15 at Loon from which you can see the trains drive by (look closely to the right):
I cannot believe it! ... A Dutch route!!! Het moet niet gekker worden I'm from the Netherlands and looking forward to this!
To give an indication of the variety of stations along the route, from North to South: Groningen Groningen Europapark Haren Assen Beilen Hoogeveen Meppel Zwolle
I cannot properly explain how ecstatic I am about this announcement. I have lived in Assen and Groningen all my life, both my current and previous house and my parents' house can be seen from the train so their locations are going to be digitally recreated (of course the houses are not big or important enough to be actually modelled, but it should be trivial to pinpoint in-game where they should be). The route itself is very interesting. Assen - Zwolle is the Netherlands' longest stretch of non-stop Intercity driving and the landscape is very scenic. There's a couple of unique stations to be seen and also a nice variety in service patterns. It will be interesting to see how ATB safety system is implemented as it can be quite tricky to use. Depending on train type and the signal aspect, you get a braking curve that you need to follow but this curve isn't visible to the driver. It's all based on experience and feeling. Anyway, I now need to go and prepare my wallet for the slew of purchases in the coming months...
Is the railway crossing ''De Punt'' on the route Zwolle - Groningen? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Dutch_train_hijacking
Yes the location of the hijacking is on this route. Location on Google Maps: https://www.google.nl/maps/place/53...2!3d53.1187!4d6.62566!5m1!1e1?hl=nl&entry=ttu
I'm so glad DTG are finally doing a Dutch route. So much looking forward to this. I follow a few YT channels with Dutch cabrides. It'll be great to finally be able to drive a route in the game. Let's hope this route won't be a one-off. And, come one DTG. You've got Germany, Holland, France and the UK. When TSW6 comes around, it's time you did the one country in between all of those (and I don't mean Luxemburg )
So, one of the things I'm very curious to is in what year this route is going to be set *exactly*, because whether it's 2023 or 2024 does have some implications for what the route looks like. Most notable, at Hoogeveen station they've reworked some of the tracks. (you can still see what it used to look like if you check Google Maps, or in TS-Classic's NoordOost-Nederland route) They've removed platform 3 and the dead-end siding on the southwestern side of the station which platform 3 fed into, along with all the related switches. Platform 3 was occasionally used to hold a freight train while some regular traffic passed by. Or for special operations. Additionally, they've reworked the curve in which station Hoogeveen lays so now the speedlimit in the curve and station are the full line speed of 140km/h instead of the previous 80. Personally, I'd like it if they went with the route as it looked like in 2023. The small section with a speed limit of 80km/h gives just that little bit more variety to the speed limit changes might break up the otherwise pretty monotonous 40 minute InterCity ride between Assen and Groningen, as otherwise, excluding Zwolle's approach path, the only change in speed limit is the part at Staphorst (no station) inbetween Meppel and Zwolle where it briefly slows to 120km/h for the curves. Also it gives us platform 3 at Hoogeveen to toy with. There's also been some major works on Zwolle station earlier 2024, but as far as TSW's concerned, that's only an aesthetical difference as they're working on some overpasses over the station.
Honestly. I kinda hope that one day they'll do Luxemburg They could include the entire country and then boast that there's literally no route left in Luxemburg that they haven't touched yet. But yes. Belgium one day would be nice too. Though I do hope for a Randstad area Dutch route too eventually. Though for now, I'm already excited about finally getting included in the first place. So I don't feel it right to immediately go and asking for more.
MAT'54 is gorgeous, but those trains went out of service in the 90's. MAT'64, which is its slightly more modern succesor, would be a great add-on which was still in service in the later 2010's, but this isn't their home route. Though if I recall, it used to be, at least in the earlier 2000's. Mat'64 would be great on a route that includes the oldschool variants of the NS ICM Koploper with the coupling doors still operable.
I'm totally with you on the hype! The announced Dutch route is something I’ve been waiting for, and I’m thrilled that we’re finally getting it. The ICMm is such an iconic train, and seeing it in the game will be amazing. The SNG is a nice addition too. Even though the release might still be a while away, knowing what’s coming makes the wait worth it. Can’t wait to see more!
With the ATB safety system, I will be curious to see how well they implement the various audio sounds that go with it. There are bells and gongs sounding all the time as it reacts to the line side magnets. As well as the "release brake now" bell as the train slows down to the new speed limit.
I'm not really worried about that. In terms of mechanics, it's pretty similar to LIRR and Harlem Line, which function relatively well.
There is no magnets system by ATB... it works via the tracks (Pulsing) (a old american system btw)... The train has small antennas under the train that will follow the information thats given via the tracks. Its not so difficult to understand.