Hello everyone today i make a new thread for Voralberg to upgrade the existing timetable with new rolling stock was out or will be out. The biggest problem in the timetable of voralberg there are a lot of services are missing in the route and with BR 411 it could be a another train can sub in the timetable and will be for sure missed in the timetable same for 1116 and EC services+ (eurofima coaches) ICE T BR 411 obb 1116 and maybe (railjet in future) Add EC,RJ and ICE services so there is around 8 services ICE services and a lot of EC service DTG Can mixed Avmmz,bpmmz and bmz with OBB 1116 and the railjet could be added Formation: 6,7,8,9 or 10 coaches for EC and double Taurus (8+2) source
it happend only for freight services not passagers and dtg miss a lot of services about 4 services per hour with EC,RJ and ICE + the ice run on the complete (not to Lindau HBF but via tge another branch)
I'd love to see the EC 190 that drove with two BR 218's to lindau Hbf. with more austrian stock this route has the possibility for a great remaster already. such a varied and busy route that now is a complete spam of 4024's... Some more IC, EC and RJ services and some shunting at Wolfurt, Lindau Reutin and Bludenz sounds good
a litte remaster of Voralberg could be really interesting with a new timetable only or a upgrade of the existing timetable
Correct. a timetable is all we need. however, paying to get St Marghreten to Buchs and their connections to the route to me sounds great. with all the extra long distance traffic that is and was in 2015 I'd love to see some autoreisezug movements in Feldkirch too. I think like DTG did SEHS from TSW2 to TSW3. this has a great potential too.