Creation Sharing Cologne Aachen 2023 Timetable (version 14) - Ready To Use

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by 2martens, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Version 5 is uploaded

    • RB 26 and RB 27 finished
    • BR 442 uses DRA stock
    • BR 146 and DoSto use DRA stock
    • some service fixes
    Known issues
    • service with Karlsruher starts partially outside platform
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  2. yansel#5383

    yansel#5383 Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    When I select the DB BR 204 "Shunting (49564) Stolberg Part 3" I spawn at random locations and not in the train
  3. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I spawn in the train but not at the start of the service. It somehow starts in the middle of it because the service start time is wrong. Had a similar problem before, the fix is to explicitly state the service start times in editor and not use waiting times. Will check if that fixes the problem.
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  4. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Version 6 is uploaded.

    • RB 24 and RE 22 finished (with that all hours are finished)
    • starts of Shunting (49564) should be fixed
    • some pathing improvements
    • improved service descriptions for IC 9999 and RE 9007
    Known issues:
    • Shunting (49564) Part 3 may get stuck in front of a red signal
    I don't know why I got stuck. And the simulation apparently didn't. Maybe it has something to do with me continuously failing objectives by passing over them. That's another QoL improvement for the next version. A stop on a specified marker shouldn't fail if you overshoot.
  5. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    You can disable objective failure in the stop instruction, there's a tick box for it.
  6. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I know. That is what I meant with "another QoL improvement for the next version".

    I'm looking forward to see the ICs with cab car after the next simulation.
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  7. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    The expert 101+coaches produces plenty of problems and I can't get the timetable to work with them, unfortunately. There appears to be a bug somewhere with respect to the doors. So, for the time being, I will disable those services to be able to continue working on the timetable and add static stock.
  8. basszoggha#6980

    basszoggha#6980 New Member

    Nov 9, 2023
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    Why is the timetable not displayed?
  9. Mikeboy

    Mikeboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Just reporting since I think your intention was for it to use the KWG Dostos that the AI services I was seeing were using the Dresden branded ones.
  10. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    That's intended. I switched them out for the DRA versions as those have modern PIS and the front lights actually display correctly on the cab. Plus, the KWG version has some funkiness during playing.

    One of the problems of the gazillion DoSto variants: there is no one version that receives continuous updates but some have one set of bugs and others another.

    If you've put the pak file to the correct location then it means your game somehow cannot load it. There were reports from others as well. As it works for me, it is quite hard for me to investigate why that might be. I sincerely hope that official cooking support from DTG will alleviate these problems.

    Update on Expert 101:
    I'm investigating currently what works and what doesn't with the expert loco.

    AI only services that drive from portal to portal with one stop and don't change directions on map. I was successfully able to simulate that.

    AI service arriving on-map, unlocking doors, player opening a door and taking over service (activating ZWS, ZS), player service closing doors, continuing to second stop, unlocking doors, AI service closing doors, entering portal (works in scenario where simulation is not required but cannot be simulated as it requires active player intervention (see below)

    AI service arriving on-map, player service opening and closing doors, continuing to second stop, opening and closing doors, AI service entering portal

    Does not work:
    Switching from cab car to loco (or vice versa) on-map. This always triggers problems when trying to close doors after direction change.

    AI service arriving on-map, unlocking doors, player service closing doors, continuing to second stop, unlocking doors, AI service closing doors, entering portal (same as above but without player intervention).

    This analysis shows to me: whenever the service switches from the first service to open doors to the next on-map, door operation ceases to function.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
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  11. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Version 7 is uploaded.

    • Eurostar replacement services with expert 101/cab car
    • AI-only IC/EC services with cab car and expert 101
    • fixes for RE 9006 part 2
    • static stock added
    • surprise in Köln Depot between August/September
    • ICE 3 neo services implemented with ICE 3

    Impression of Köln Hbf during the day:

    How many trains do you count?

    The Eurostar replacement services have been implemented using one formation for each service. I couldn't get it to work otherwise. Initially, I intended for some depot movements with the expert 101 and cab car but that didn't materialise as it didn't simulate. So now these trains always come from a portal and always leave through a portal.

    There will be a version 8 for TSW 4 which will include improvements to pathing and fixes for some issues I noticed during play sessions.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2024
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  12. captaingunadeep

    captaingunadeep Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Thanks for all the versions and updates. Thanks for not keeping us waiting. Thanks for your great work.
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  13. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I have successfully tried to start up TSW 5 with the existing unmodified pak from TSW 4 and it all shows up. That means you can start playing it in TSW 5 immediately without having to wait for an newly cooked version.

    It also means that I can finish all things not requiring TSW 5 content so that it works on both TSW 4 and 5.

    Update: Apparently the editor was silently upgraded to the TSW 5 version. I'm currently uncertain if a new cooked file will still be compatible with TSW 4. Therefore, I've uploaded the last version I created before that update as version 8.

    • Talent 2 only has 3/6 car units now, fixing bogey issue
    • timetable improvements
    • pak file structure change (hopefully fixes issue with timetable not appearing for some users)
    Update 2:
    I have been able to include a newly cooked file in both TSW 4 and 5 and see the content in both games. This version 9 adds 4 playable services (so far) by parking the S11 services that end/start in Cologne in the depot. Will do some more checks on it.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2024
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  14. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I've just uploaded version 9.

    • substitution with BR 642 works (AI trains won't substitute)
    • PIS for RB 20 out of Düren works (finally found the cause)
    • one ECS from Cologne to Aachen added with 423 (you can use LZB for a longer stretch with this one)
    • stops from RE 9 and RE 1 in Stolberg now use correct within setup
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  15. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I've just uploaded version 10.

    • RE 9 with DoSto now use DoSto and 146 from Frankfurt-Fulda
    • ICE T services added around Cologne and one pair around Aachen
    Flixtrain is still planned but currently I am unable to get the timetable to simulate properly with it. You will see an FLX layer though in TSW 5 but that doesn't have any services in it currently.
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  16. bassv#9864

    bassv#9864 Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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    I've been following your work for a while, also since I was working on my own version of a timetable for this route, dated in 2024. I've been busy with it for a couple of months, but due to a lack of time and problems with doors not opening sort of abandoned the project. I know from my own experience that building a timetable is a lot of work, so respect for your work!

    I just drove the container freighttrain from Düren to Stolberg. And there are two things that I want to share with you:
    1. Right from the beginning of the service, I had to wait for about 20 (!) minutes before I could depart from Düren. This was mainly because the RE9 to Aachen had already been given a green departure signal in Düren however it still was driving well before the station of Horrem. I know the LZB track plans ahead a long distance, but I think this has more to do with the tickbox "dispatch beyond stop" in the timetable. I personally would untick this tickbox for the stop in Düren.
    2. The maximum speed is set to 160 km/h. See screenshot below. Not very realistic, because most freighttrains have a speedlimit of 100 km/h. The BR204 which I'm driving also has a limit of 100 km/h. You can set the maximum speed for a service in the timetable. This will also make sure the timetable simulates with the correct speedlimits of the train.

    Looking forward to driving more trains with your timetable!

    Edit: I drove some other freight services and I noticed that the stop positions are extremely precise. Sometimes I had to be spot on on 0 meters to get the task to be successful. I do like a challenge, but this became annoying to a point where I had to pull up my train multiple times. I personally set the slider in de timetable editor to the max:
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
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  17. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Thanks for the info. I didn't set maximum service speeds on any service so that will be a complete overhaul on every (playable) service that has a lower max speed than the route allows (lots of clicking). Will have to observe the impact on the timetable simulation.

    As there is only one freight train from Düren, it is easy to identify it. I likely overlooked it because it doesn't have a fixed time to be in Stolberg and hence the delay isn't printed as warning after simulation. Will take a look into it. A dependency of the RE on this freight train is likely all that is necessary to fix this issue.

    Lastly, the tolerance is an important point. I had to select specific points to ensure they clear junctions and so on but will investigate how much I can add tolerance to it. 10 meters shouldn't be a major issue.
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  18. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I've just uploaded version 11.

    • adjust speed limits to real values (freight trains have an upper limit of 120 kph now)
    • adjust AI performance to be closer to speed limit
    • adjust times for RE 1/9 to be closer to reality (possible thanks to increasing the AI performance to 97,5%)
    • increase stopping tolerance for freight trains to 10m
    • add info to service description if (long) waiting times are to be expected for freight trains
    The adjusted AI performance means that AI-driven ICE trains will now drive 195 kph if the limit is 200kph. By default, the value is 0.9 which would result in a speed of 180 kph for a 200 kph speed limit.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
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  19. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I noticed some problems still and quickly made a version 12, which has just been uploaded.

    • all ICE stops in Aachen use correct Within now
    • S-Bahn service to Aachen (32061) no longer has to wait a long time in Düren
    • for 32061 and 32057 the arrival times in Buir have been fixed
    • AI performance of playable S-Bahn services has been increased to the same level as previously mentioned
    Would be interested to know, what your take on the timetable is, Joethefish.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
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  20. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    In the last sale, I picked up Bremen-Oldenburg. Therefore, I replaced all BR 425 with the one from that addon, adding PIS. But sadly, I still can't manage to get the Flixtrain to work.

    Version 13 has just been uploaded.

    • BR 425 is now the one from Bremen-Oldenburg
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  21. ElBriseto

    ElBriseto Member

    Feb 28, 2024
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    On TSW community, I don't see version 13 but still 12

    Edit : It's good, it's there now :D
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  22. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I had an issue too on my MSB timetable (with Flixtrain, but also with BR101 Expert and BR401): I couldn't get services with those trains routed as I had electrification issues on a small portion of track just outside Aschaffenburg Hbf.

    I managed to get the flixtrain routed by copying the RVD file to my formations folder and removing the 'electrification requirements' from this copied RVD file. I then attached my modified RVD to the formation and I just had a functioning Flixtrain run on the MSB. I'm now going to simulate this, I'll let you know if it still malfunctions but the fact that the routing doesn't throw errors and the fact that I've done a succesful run in PIE makes me hopeful.

    Edit: the simulation succeeded. If electrification is an issue then this fixes it.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  23. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Electrification is not the issue on this route, unfortunately. Do you have the flixtrain in a layer and if so what plugins have you specified as required?
  24. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Finally the next version (14) is uploaded.
    • Flixtrain is here
    • Conductor mode is supported on RE 9 DoSto services
    • BR 146 on RE 9 services can be substituted
    Some background on the Flixtrain: I had to copy the entire timetable into a new TSW 5 editor asset for it to calculate correctly. But it was worth it. The total number of playable services is now 900.

    And I'm quite happy that it still is faster to release than the long announced and awaited timetable of Joe.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
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