This is the master feedback thread for the Frankfurt - Fulda: Kinzigtalbahn Add-On. Please keep all discussions only related to feedback and provide the game platform you are using in any comments for feedback. Thank you! Frankfurt Fulda - Early Access Known Issues ICE-T Safety systems must be switched on AFTER the reverser is put into forwards Virtual PIS locations need to be adjusted in the timetable Signal before Neuhof doesn’t announce 80 coming from Fulda Eszett “ß” character is missing from train PIS Sometimes formations appear using substitution that would not work (such as a top-and-tail with BR146.2 at one end and a BR114 on the other) If you take too long to key in the brakes on the BR114 they can get to a place where they can’t be fully released. Workaround: Key in brakes as soon as you get in the cab. Support Information: TSW5 Master FAQ Frankfurt - Fulda: Kinzigtalbahn FAQ Page
There are floating tracks on the westbound S-Bahn approach into Offenbach Ost. The BR 114 displays no route numbers. The BR 114 retains the old BR 112 bug where if you use the shunting control, some power remains applied even if you shut it off.
after loading in a save game, the right hand screen doesn’t display speed limits, only GNT BEREIT xbox series x
ICE-T GNT speed display completely dead during a journey from Fulda to Frankfurt. The ICE-T did tilt and the HUD did display the higher speeds, just the screen on the ICE T was not showing anything. All systems where on
When playing in conductor mode on the RB51 from Wächtersbach to Frankfurt Hbf, the train sometimes only partially stops at the platform. About 2 or 3 carriages remain outside the platform. This mainly occurred at the stations between Wächtersbach and Hanau Hbf. I have only tested this in the direction of Frankfurt with the RB51, so I am not sure if it also applies to the return journey or the RE50.
The DB BR 193 has no rain on the windscreen. Not sure if it's a bug or intended, but the player BR 411 always has the front pantograph up. If I recall correctly, I have seen AI BR 411 with the rear pantograph up. Rear should be correct if driving as a single unit. PlayStation 5.
On Xbox Series S i n timetable mode on the BR 411DB, the stated amount of AP needed for Platinum is 600, Gold: 550, Silver: 550, and Bronze: 500. On the BR193 Vectron FT, the first and last timetable require 1000AP for platinum, while the others state 600AP for platinum. On the BR 193 Vectron DB, it varies, some are 600 AP for platinum, some 350 AP for platinum, and one is 1,100 AP for platinum.
The ICE T has a soundbug, at first it has the new motor sounds and then suddenly sounds like the ICE 3
You can't board a BR 423 through open doors at a platform. At least at Frankfurt Hbf. You can exit alright, it's also possible to enter via driver's doors, but not via passenger doors. Observed on some low-number platform (4 perhaps?), AI-only S-Bahn train. On DoSto cabcar, the external PIS displays wouldn't follow changes made on the in-cab controller (neither by the game automatically nor manually), and after arrival they did not change to Nicht Einsteigen (although the controller automatically switched as it should). PC/Steam.
DB BR 628 services are missing. According to the Lime Light article, there should be playable BR 628 services. However, these do not appear in the services list and are missing from the gameplay guide that was released today. There are also supposed to be a small number of playable BR 425 services, but there is only 1. ------------- Edit: DTG JD replied in a different topic, informing us that the information in the article is incorrect and that the BR 628 is AI only.
PS5 Loco 114 has a front panel with a target station for cab 1 orange and for cab 2 green It looks quite strange
doesn't seem possible to get a platinum medal on LZB Tutorial when following everything to a T (no pun intended), and never speeding.
Why in conductor mode in Frankfurt Fulda do you only have to check like 1 or 2 tickets shouldn’t you have to have like at least 10-20 tickets to check
There is a Problem with the Brake key tuned "on" in the Dosto CabCars when driven by AI and then being taken over by player! It was actual noticeable in the preview stream when matt drove the combined consist in the 114. Thats why they also overshot into Frankfurt Main Station, ending at the buffers, even with fully applied brakes. Ive saw that happen yesterday evening again in TrainSimPlay's Stream. (Same problems did occure back then on DRA.)
I noticed a strange consist at Frankfurt station around 8.35am while on foot. A 114 leading 6 dostos and a 766. Coupled to the other side of the 766.2 are 2 standard dostos and a 114. After a few minutes the rear 114 and 2 dostos unpouke and shunt to the yard. I take it that is a stock move as the 114 that shuts with the 2 so stops has no 766.2 at the other end.
Again at Frankfurt, some AI service are stopping short about half way into the platform with the rear of the train is fouling the start signal when they have to reverse with the 766.2 leading. I think some stop markers need to looked at for AI trains. On PS5
That's a revenue service. At rush hour (some of) the RE formations get two extra coaches and a second loco attached on the cab car end.
The airhoses of the BR114 aren't correct placed in there holders, same kind of bug like the BR112. Was visibele from day1
As someone, who has driven the route in real life many times, my first bit of feedback. - ICE-T is beautiful. Model is great, sound is okay (don´t hear much in the cab anyway), GNT, LZB and PZB are working as expected. The tilting is great! - Offenbach Güterbahnhof has static tanker waggons all over the place like in real life. - The scenery seems correct to me. I could recognize everything along the way. Just not enough gras and bushes lineside like with all routes besides Niddertalbahn. - ICE 1 was driving in front (without tilting of course), so I get red signals all along the way to Fulda. Very immersive. - The timetable seems busy, but not busy enough. Especially on the freight side you would see five or six trains along the way to Fulda, but I only saw one. Also not enough wagons in the game. Always the same old containers, tankers etc.... Germany needs freight gameplay packs like the UK! - arrived in Fulda on Platform 8. ICE always stop at 6 or 7.... Platform 8 is for Cantus trains.
ICE-T has the same issue as the other ICEs, you don’t know what the PZB restriction is as there is no 75, or line of text under the 85 to say what the speed limit is for the restriction. Other than that I’m loving that ICE. It’s a shame the dostos have received no update apart from adding the key for conductor mode. They are long overdue for an update.
The correct dostos for Frankfurt-Fulda would have been great. Reusing the same dostos everywhere is really becoming an immersion killer at this point.
Those ICEs don't have the text lines like the TRAXX locos. When restricted the 85 blinks differently than when just blinking for 1000hz.
I've encountered a signal that hasn't been set up correctly while driving RE50 (4545). The incorrect signals are located on the approach to Neuhof heading towards Frankfurt. The route is set through the points which can be traversed at 80 kmh. The signal immediately preceding these points shows this: which is completely correct. However, the signal immediately preceding this one is the following: So you don't get any warning of this speed reduction at all. I think (but I'm not sure) that this signal should at least indicate an 8 at the bottom. I would really appreciate if this can be fixed, since this makes driving without the HUD quite challenging.
The layer tool is not correctly detecting the owned and installed layers. Here is an example: As you can see, I have Kassel - Wurzburg installed because it is recognizing ICE and ICE 3 layers, but it is not enabling the RB85 layer that comes from the same Kassel - Wurzburg DLC. This is the most obvious example I could find, but it is also not recognizing some DRA content, Niddertalbahn, Vorarlberg and Ruhr-Sieg Nord. Maybe there are more that I cant remember right now. Also not sure if this is a FTF only issue or if it is a core issue. It is a core issue. Cathcart Circle: layer tool is not properly detecting the installed WCML DLC to add the Engineering Works layer.
I’m impressed with this one. Another successful German route after Rosenheim - Salzburg. The route looks good. I recently traveled on it and it’s like I remember. The timetable is huge and diverse and Frankfurt is busier than I expected. Still not as busy as per reality but my pc is struggling already in the Frankfurt area so this is a nice balance I think. Gameplay wise the route is interesting because of the many speed changes, the multiple safety systems, the gradients and some adverse signals. Bugs: At Schlüchtern platform 4, there is a very short 20 km/h section where it should be 60 km/h. It’s unannounced and illogical so I assume it is a bug, but correct me if I’m wrong. After loading a save game, the BR 146 has no Sifa sounds. (Workaround: reset the simulation physics when stopped at a station. This brings the sounds back.)
Are you able to explain the difference? My understanding is that the screen would "add" in the 70 light then flash between the two on screen like it would if it had the old bulbs. I hope the difference in flashing is accurately shown in TSW.
I don't know where to start DB BR114 same bugs as the old 112.1 DB BR146.2 same old bugs as the other Route worse performance than Kassel Würzburg (I have already deactivated most of the layers and because the textures still break in (I only drive from Hanau to Fulda and Zack are the textures on the stand of a Nokia 3310) 423-193-114-146-411 Well, the settings all display on the dark mode should be improved it is still a bit too bright DB BE411 No lounge disc No roller blind DB BR114 Break don't really work Holes at the driver's cab 1 Sound is a little bit to quiet just well 4-5% Wipers don't work by the 114 Map hangs every time you want to put it away in freerom Flixtrain Cars Doors Sound Sounds strange Holey on the windows frames Dosto cab car Same issues like all 146.2 You don’t can jump out Same dashboard issued like by all the old ones LZB Speed limit is missing DB BR423 Wrong int (not bad) Pis (fis) Bug
ICE-T doesn't have working airconditioning controls in the cab. Same for ICE-3 the modern variant with the green stripe altough the buttons work, the sound doesn’t. The classic ICE-3 has working airconditioning controls and sound.
There’s a problem with the BR 423 on every Jacobs bogies, secondary suspension air bags are literally kaputt.
I am getting an MCB break on the Dostos as I pull out of Frankfurt Sud and every time I reset it it breaks again. Changing ends from the 146 to the Dosto also causes the physics to go wonky and although I apply low power to pull away it acts like the wheels are spinning (they're not, I checked!) with the blue bar going up and down and no movement.
I noticed in a stream that the track speed (signs at the track) and the HUD speed (both on the left side current max and on the track ahead view) on Fulda are not the same, can anyone confirm that?
Did they drive an ICE-T? I think DTG mentioned in the preview stream that those are allowed to go faster then line speed (at certain sections) due to the tilting mechanism.
The Vr-repeaters (of the variety with the rectangular signalhead) are still missing their Zusatzlicht:
MRCE BR 185.5 (layer from DRA) - Using the LZB switch moves the visual representation of the switch, but it does not activate LZB in the train as it should.
Poor performance on PS5 upon approaching Frankfurt even with switching a few layers off. Route is lovely though. Not sure if relevant here but drove on the 423 and poor detail on the display below.
LZB Introduction (first chapter of the Journey): A player doing everything correctly with all safety systems on can make around 3784 points, but 5000 points are required for the Platinum medal.
I'm doing the "mind the gap" scenario and my LZB never stopped working. now passing wirtheim whilst still being influenced by the speed restrictions of traffic and speed limits in front of me. Last time on a timetable run going up the hill I had a 1000 hz light on indefinetely whilst still being able to go over 85 km/h even after 3 minutes untill I turned off PZB and turned it on again. going downhill to frankfurt I haven't had any issues. both originated at leaving LZB at Gelnhausen.
The Performance should be much better. I randomly have 25 FPS near Wächtersbach. In addition the place where you insert the key as conductor to hold the door open is wrong on the double-decker coaches. In reality, you insert the key into a hole near the emergency release button and close the door by pressing the red “Close” button. The brakes of the ICE-T are too weak. At the “Expect stop” signal position, you almost have to go into full braking mode, even though you are only traveling at 130 km/h
I am finding the posts on performance interesting. I just finished my first full route run using the DB red Vectron and freight and was sitting around 60 fps most of the time, minus the usual first run studders and pauses. System AMD Ryzan 9 7950x3D 16 core running at 4.2 gHz 64 GB installed RAM NVidia GeForce 4090 with driver 560.81 installed and 24564 MB GDDR6X memory
Starter signal at Frankfurt Hbf shows a non-existent aspect ("white Zs 7") together with (most probably correct) marker light ("Kennlicht") + Zs 3v "4" (Sevice: e.g. ICE 1521, 10:17 h):