Freight trains are always required to stop before the signal, so ignore the marker and keep moving. As long as part of your train is over the marker, it should correctly trigger the stop instruction.
TSW 5 has so far been problematic and extremely frustrating from the likes of compatible content etc but the real issue is that my Xbox Series X is really struggling to handle the Frankfurt-Fulda route. My first-ever service with this route ended right at Frankfurt after an hour-long service due to a video memory error - I've never had this on Series X before. This used to be an issue in the days of Rush Hour on TSW 2 on my older Xbox One, but not Series X... Replayed the service and it worked, but the frame-rate throughout the whole service seemed very poor and I couldn't really relax and enjoy. After a few more services, the game then closed to the Xbox dashboard. Was really looking forward to playing this route, but this is ridiculous. I'm fed up of TSW 5 already.
Ignoring the marker is a nice workaround, but not the way it should be done. Also, when the AI drives the service it is not going to ignore the marker.
PS5 console AI train EZ 51825 has a wrongly set departure route in Hanau and will end up at the depot, where it will then block all traffic ..... Hanau Hbf, time 7.58
Kinzigtalbahn for sure looks impressive left and right. Very carefully modelled. But maaaaaan, I don't think my PS5 struggles with any other route like it struggles with this one. Texture resolution issues back and forth. Stutter and lagging party. There we go again. Fast Travel attempt from Fulda to Hanau resulted in a CTD and a report to Sony (yeah, like that will help). I'm not overwhelmed, I'm also not underwhelmed .......... I'm just .......whelmed (I guess).
I play on Xbox series s and I don’t see layers like the ICE 1, 3 or IC 101 even though I have them installed. The FAQ didn’t say anything about limitations for series s. Can someone from dovetail please answer our questions?
I think the xbox series s timetable has been benefited with this route, no problems so far in terms of performance
BR 146.2 Introduction (Tutorial), part of the Journey Chapter "Teaching Traxx". If you do everything correctly, with safety system on etc, you will only make around 1420 points. 1500 points are required for Platinum.
I wonder why this has not been picked up during testing / timetable simulation as this (b)locks the entire route / timetable..... (e.g. I cannot complete the last Flixtrain service FLX 1819 because of this)
Wow, CTD even on a Series X? I had two CTDs this evening on my Series S when driving the ICE T, the first one about 1 km away from Frankfurt main station, the second one directly in main station, 10 meters away from the stopping marker… And this without having a lot of layers available. Managed to drive twice to Fulda without crashes and same with two 114 services from Hanau to Frankfurt. If the route works it is marvellous. But there are so many issues regarding layers and performance. Seems that DTG maybe took a too big bite?
Several subways I've got stuck in, I can go down them but then can't get back out again. Bad Soden-Salmünster and Hailer-Meerholz are the stations I had issues at.
not really a bug, but if I remember correctly, FlixTrain Vectron's high horn sounds like a particularly angry mosquito, which made me spurt my drink almost on the keyboard lol
PS5 console Hanau depot ...... a track through a turntable and levitating rails without slats and screeds
Bksig 208 incorrectly announces Vr 1 (but has hot magnet) when the following Bksig 883 shows 60 km/h aspect, between F-Süd and F-Hbf. It should be Vr 2. Also, once again I ask you for fix for all H/v repeater signals on the route (and all other TSW3, TSW4, TSW5 routes), because they are not showing the repeater light.
I had driven a Vectron service with all safety systems on (PZB, LZB, SIFA). Once I arrived at my destination (Fulda) I stopped a bit too early at the platform, but no problem. I got a silver medal and decided to Return to Free Roam. After having stood at the platform for thirty seconds or so, just looking around, the Vectron moved on towards its proper stopping location further towards the end of the platform, and then stopped there. Fine. All of a sudden my PS5 controller started sounding the SIFA alarm, which went on and on and on... even though I was no longer driving the Vectron and could not silence it. I tried boarding the train to hop back into the driver's seat and thus silence the alarm, but it would not let me ("you do not have permission to drive this service"). I often Return to Free Roam after a ride, and never had this with TSW4.
PS5 As Baureihe 411 ICE-T has no sun blind availble (not sure if real thing has), displays in cab have so big gloss/reflection in sunny/light clouds weather so it’s barely readable, sometimes it’s even worse than this situation captured on screenshot: Please DTG adjust this reflection a little bit, 50% decrease of this effect would be just fine.
Wenn ich im Fahrplanmodus aus Richtung Fulda komme und in den Bahnhof Neuhof einfahre, wird am Einfahrsignal 80 km/h angezeigt, am Vorsignal jedoch nicht.
From playing tonight on XSX, very bad Z fighting on the MFD screens of the DB Vectron. Also the EVN numbers do not match the cab numbers on the DB Vectron. Loco I was driving was 193 101 on the cab ebds but 193 088 on the side body. Also I believe all DB Vectrons should be in the 300 range? Railpool have the first 200 or so?
I have unlocked the Frankfurt Mastery, but the Overlay screen now shows the WCML Mastery (unlocked first) twice? (Not a mod issue!) Seems like the wrong entitlement is enabled when completing Frankfurt Mastery - please look into this. The required entitlement variable must be FTF_Scenery_Tile
btw someone here mentioned comfort tilt aka 2° and full tilt aka 8°... whats the difference and can anything player does in-game influence if the train uses either one? cos they mentioned sth in the preview stream... isnt it like, if you dont turn on Neitec and GNT, the train still tilts slightly? not like I am crazy enough to drive without the alluring tilt, but I just wanna know ))
S-Bahn Service 35819 starts at 09:04:16 but should leave first station at 09:03:00. S-Bahn Service 35948 unplayable due to passed red light right at beginning. Service 15500 unplayable due to passed red light right at beginning.
Just wondering how you get the tilt differential speeds to appear on the HUD etc. Took over an ICE-T at Frankfurt heading to Fulda and set up the switches as demonstrated in the Training Centre tutorial. However the speed on the HUD for curved sections matches that on the infrastructure, not slightly higher as was the case with Tharandter and the 612. Oh and yes, checked the timetable and, bit of a shame, no layer for the 218 or the G6.
except some sections, I remember the GNT speeds being like 10-20 kph higher usually... that being said, not all curved sections have GNT coverage, so dunno or do you mean sth different?
sorry for fragmented reply, but new thoughts keep coming and I dont want to endlessly edit one comment anyway, I believe I checked some speeds almost up to Hanau, also on HUD, and the difference was usually around 10-20, sometimes even 30 kph... some slower sections it matched the line speed but still did some tilting... checked it cos I was trying to find out if turning off Neitec and GNT would change HUD speeds to those on speed signs, but as long as you got ICE-T, HUD is going to show you increased speeds, regardless if you have Neitec and GNT on or not not sure if thats what you meant by your comment also it depends on if certain section has GNT equipped on track or not... some have, some dont
ICE 1557 has not only the wrong type of marker for station in Fulda (requiring you to stop exactly at its point), but it is also on an incorrect place (100 meters beyond your designated stopping point by signs) and also it has a LZB brake curve directly to it (not even to the signal) so you will crawl to it at 1 km/h, and also it's on a track that is not even LZB equipped, so you get brake curve while under PZB which is also switched to without LZB-Ende. (Note that I finished this service before the night update got installed, there were allegedly some changes to Fulda LZB.)
also, when passing a speed sign on ICE-T, I would check the speed sign and then HUD/GNT speed, and it would usually be higher, but I didnt keep track for the whole route might do some runs over time, but I am sure that on many sections ICE-T had higher speeds, like some sections were consistent 160 where lets say a 146.2 consist was doing between 130 and 150 kph
damn, now I am inclined to do at least two runs, one with ICE-T and one with lets say BR 101 and write down all speed changes
Yes more testing required to see if the tilt speeds are showing. Definitely have both GNT and Nei activated. Maybe there aren’t any higher speed sections between Frankfurt and the brief 200km/h straight section.
I remember there being two LZB sections (where speeds are the same for every train), then there are a couple straights with 160 kph (same) and then there are like two or three long GNT covered areas where speeds are definitely higher (I remember doing a quick check from Frankfurt Hbf to somewhere before Hanau and the differences was mostly 10-20 or 30 kph) and generally I remember that on non-GNT trains (did a FlixTrain, 101 and 146.2 runs), the speeds were between 40 and 80 around major stations, and anywhere between 100 and 160 (or 200 for brief LZB stuff) elsewhere, while on ICE-T it was almost always between 130 and 160, many segments where other trains would oscillate between 140 and 160, ICE-T would have consistent 160 throughout for a pretty fair comparison, I will try an ICE-T and ICE1 runs, one after another, and write stuff down or just observe... maybe do a screenshot of speed diagram at the end of a run to see oh man, I would much rather flee from work and play the game all day lol... hopefully I am not too dead when I get home from work in like... 11hrs
GNT sections: 0,0 Frankfurt (Main) Hbf 0,7 GNT-Anfang ... 21,3 Esig Hanau Hbf ▽ 21,5 GNT-Ende 49,1 GNT-Anfang 49,4 Zsig 50,0 Wirtheim ... 82,0 GNT-Ende 84,3 Esig 85,2 Flieden HUD shows the GNT speeds (otherwise you would get speeding penalties).
Based upon my on foot exploration I have noticed the following (part1): The platform canopy at Hanau is too low, as can be seen from the track number signs, which you collide with whilst walking along. IIRC the Vorsignal for Hanau 102 should not have the arrow component pointing anywhere but down when stop is shown The road part of the level crossing needs some work on it Rodenbach:- Ooh, er... Thank goodness I framed the character in the middle and not on the far right.. ;-) Hailer-Meerholz: you can get trapped in the subway.
Based upon my on foot exploration I have noticed the following (part2): at Wirtheim - collectable is unreachable. Langenselbold - Stairs Glitch plus at the opposite corner of the subway entrance there is a hole in the ground that you can fall through. Bad Soden - trapped in underpass again. Steinau - the level crossing needs refining.
Based upon my on foot exploration I have noticed the following (part3): Fulda: Track 9 signal is in the wrong place/ un-viewable Track 1 - I think this signal needs a minor tweak, perhaps raising up a bit... I think it is there in real life (hard to tell what it is on Google Earth).
Service ICE1650 (13:44 from Fulda P3) is incorrectly held and priority given to ICE371 (13:47 from Fulda P4).
Yup, can confirm this one. First you’re held for a passing freighter, which delays your departure & then you’re held for 371 (which is still loading passengers), the service runs slower because it’s an ICE1 & also makes an additional stop. I think the issue comes from letting the freight through first, if that was held it would separate the 2 ICE services out correctly.
Oddly, I ended up restarting the service for other reasons, and this time I was dispatched first (after still being delayed by the freight service)
PS5 console I don't know if it seems to me, but that only two containers are used on container cars, the orange container Hapag Loyd and the purple container ONE. Where did the red container "Hamburg" go? EDIT: In the Intermodal train set, you can see one or two empty cars in the middle of the train, I don't know if this is intentional or if there are red containers missing and is it some kind of mistake? Could someone from DTG possibly give an answer? Thank You
PS5 console Trains are shut down at Schluechtern station overnight. But those tracks are not entirely covered by trolleys, so the locomotives stand outside them...
PS5 console DB BR 111 locomotives cannot be swapped. Why? EDIT: The same problem, for example, with DB DB 112 and DB BR 612
Coming out of LZB supervision with the BR146 the "V-Überwachung 85km/h" message after acknowledging "Ende" did not disappear for me.
btw does 114 have bugged brakes (e-brake to be specific and e-brake blending when using train brake) like 112? I like driving 112 and would love to try 114 but am concerned if they share this weird brake behavior (which is why I stopped playing 112 that re-developed this problem recently)
Coming out of LZB supervision with the BR146 the "V-Überwachung 85km/h" message after acknowledging "Ende" did not disappear for me.
looks like it is just indicator error... did the same for me but didnt actually enforce the 85 kph... so it is just visual / non consequential, but yeah can be confusing... I got the same yesterday when doing a run with like 8 dostos and 2x 146.2 in sandwich formation... other than that the releases went ok
Was there an active 1000 Hz influence? I can only say the 114 is a low effort with many issues (direct brake handle not in correct position, the way it notches up is ridiculous and not prototypically reacting to the traction force setting, HLL 4.5 bar etc, Train Brake handle in wrong position and not locked when Brake key is Off). The whole thing is a cheap copypaste job. Seems DTG don't pay their staff good enough. SimuGraph is praised but the TSC versions by virtualRailroads are far more realistic. Not only because they have the "Freier Auslauf" (Rundown) function implemented. In reality, you don't touch the speed lever until you've stopped.
such a shame cos I kinda liked driving 112 until it developed those brake problems (some ppl reported it long ago, but in my installation it developed like a month or so ago, dunno, posted about it in threads, stopped playing that loco since then... cos like, how am I going to enjoy runs with it if I dont know if the brake will bite as it should or not) was hoping there would be a neat loco to do all stops runs, but I guess I will have to wait till they fix at least those brakes good that the IC and ICE trains + 146.2 are mostly ok, so there is a lot to enjoy
That is your DTG. They can deliver a working implementation of safety systems in one loco, and in the next DLC it seems they've forgotten how it works. Fifteen years in the business and no real progression on that side. Though from a business standpoint, their effort is enough to sell the game. If you really want a realistic operational german sim (with a connected route network and massive timetables), then I urge you to get Zusi3. 100% reliable. And each run is different because of random pathing and a "real" dispatcher. Pay once, and all new content is delivered for free. No DLC, because they can afford as they're making real simulator cabs and selling the professional version for real driver training. And they learn from mistakes, bugs don't reappear as in DTG's software. You don't need to constantly remind them of how a brake or PZB should work.
still waiting for a more massive discount plus well, I know quite a lot from playing TSW, but dunno if I am good enough to make the leap