I am yet to drive in WCMLS as I'm still away. I have to agree the Fife track side scenery is on the same standard as 2010 stuff. Looks like the biggest effort was put into the bridge and stations with very little time budget remaining for anything else of any quality.
Then I suggest everyone pipes down with blaming people until it's announced who did what and what the plan is to fix it. No point throwing shade around at developers if it isn't their mistake. This is one of the reasons that things are kept at arms length.
This is why DTG need to stop this limit development time BS. I’m having more enjoyment playing the WCML on TSC though as the route goes all the way to Birmingham, they cut 50% of the route on TSW. I have more fun driving the 710 than anything else.
Exactly my thoughts, but unfortunately, people want someone to blame, and Rivet are their go to. I mean, look at Maintalbahn, that wasn't a shining star of a route, and Rivet didn't get involved with that. I feel like people something thing DTG can do no wrong
Not sure if this has been mentioned (it probably has!), but is it just me or does the 390 sound exactly the same whether you’re doing 85 MPH or 125 MPH, the run sounds seem a little odd. Also, and this is me being a filthy rivet counter, aren’t they all running in reverse formation? I’m sure the 1st class end is usually at the London end of the train. Edit: The announcements at Euston about trains passing through at high speed made me chuckle
Yes correct, IF going towards Glasgow, First class should always be at the Rear of the train not the front.
We can establish that the timetable isn't DTGs and the build of the WCML are absolute hallmarks of Rivets (its very similar in a lot of ways to Fife Circle). Let's also look at the American and German routes side by side and then compare them to the WCML, how comes the quality is a lot higher? I'd happily go as far as saying Rivet done the majority of the work. Although, regardless of who made it, DTG need to take the flack because they are the publishers and have allowed the WCML to be launched in the state it has and think that it is a acceptable standard.
Incorrect. Some units do run in reverse if they've operated on a different route before. Very rare for them to have first class at the front going North, but not impossible.
Would be great if DTG could get the GBRf license. Would transform both this and other routes. Bryer Any news?
I know Rivet doesn't have the best reputation on here, there was (and is) much disappointment with some of their releases, but ultimately this is a DTG Core Release route and it all sits with them. I don't know why the end consumer needs to know the nitty gritty of what Dev placed which Tree in the game, we just need to know that DTG recognise it's not up to scratch and that they are going to improve it. As an example - If it's not possible to put a full timetable in - then explain the restrictions and inform on what can be done.
Well, I've actually played WCML South now.... Thank God for cheap Gamepass subs on grey market websites. Ran 2K07 London Euston - Milton Keynes with the class 350 (was around 8am I think?) Terrible bright lighting, broken tunnel occlusion, awful gaps in the OHLE with missing wires everywhere (including right outside Milton Keynes station, which would have been impossible for beta testers to miss).... So yeah, I'm never touching this route again. Gonna pick-up the US Regional Edition when it goes under £10 and skip the rest, because dealing with the floating cars on the freeway is still less painful than having to play WCML South ever again. Patches ain't gonna fix this dumpster fire.
Would a full 710 & 72 Stock timetable be any more complicated than, say, BML or LIRR 2.0? On the latter, a lot was touted about how many services go through Jamaica at peak time.
I think "dumpster fire" is a bit strong.... Having done a few runs out of Euston as far as Tring in a 350 I haven't noticed too many issues yet. The scenery and overall presentation look pretty decent to me, to be honest, and I'm enjoying it so far. That said, it's not perfect - there's less 'traffic' than I'd expect on such a busy route, despite the fact that I own all the relevant DLC. There are also fairly frequent frame rate 'stutters' which shouldn't really be a thing on XBOX Series X in this day and age. Reports of inadequate lighting are disappointing - I hate driving in pitch darkness and was hoping that this route would be well lit. I'm yet to do a night time run on the route myself, however, so guess I should reserve judgement. I literally laughed out loud when I first heard about conductor mode, incidentally. I couldn't understand why anybody would want to spend their time *not* driving and checking tickets instead. Having tried it on a 350 out of sheer curiosity, however, I found it strangely therapeutic. A bit like TSW in general I guess.... Can't quite believe it, though!
I don't know to be honest, maybe something to do with the way they interact at Euston. It very likely might not be that at all, it just seems odd to miss certain services out.
I’m hearing a lot of Kellogg’s rice krispies popping sound effects whilst playing most of my content. Now I’m hearing that sound now when I nod off.
But sure conductor mode crashed in DTG live stream, they had to exit back out to the menu to get it to work.
I was expecting to see them appear in WCML South to be honest. I'd heard it was all signed and sealed, but I'm guessing something changed.
Who ever did the class 390 scenario ehere you drive a refurbished 390 from Wembley to Euston then onto Milton Keynes. That's how Wembley should look like. Plenty of wagons and locos. Also helped by having different CC versions of the locos as well.
At least it would be nice to have an explanation from DTG. Might be very legitimate, but nothing worse than staying in the unknown and speculating for ages...
It might be helpful to know the reasons. But I also don't necessarily blame them for not stating why. And I am certain they won't state why. I am more interested in what, if anything they are going to do with the timetable rather than concerning myself with why it happened frankly. I am not sure finger pointing helps regarding who is responsible, it just whips up discontent.
The best customer service delievered is either a top quality product OR BEST COMMUNICATION POSSIBLE!!!! Keeping customers informed should be the highest priority to ensure customer satisfaction? The idea is you let the customer know what is going on so no bad feeling or thoughts arise or you can just DTG it
I didn't mean to finger point a responsible but to possibly explain why the timetable was made like so, wether it's time out, mistake, dispatcher, memory allocation... I don't blame dtg and I am pretty sure we will have some explanations at least in the next roadmap
Hello - just to add here, we've been commenting on areas of WCML performance during early access and post-launch. Currently, there are some key areas we are looking to improve performance around (especially Euston and Milton Keynes) and this is impacting gen8 consoles the most. It's a case of memory usage, and these systems are struggling in those areas more than others. In our first major post-release update, coming as soon as we're able to complete testing, we are looking to help support performance on PS4, and generally aim to improve this for key hotspots on the route. As a temporary solution which may help for now, we highly recommend that you Save and Exist to the main menu when you're on approach to likely areas which heavily impact performance/cause crashing. You can then re-enter and load the route to continue, potentially allowing further progress. By doing this, you clear the current system memory which has loaded the rest of the route previously, and free it up to focus on loading the next part of the route. You may still experience issues, and our teams are working hard to resolve this for you as soon as possible. Thank you for staying patient while we work on these fixes.
I agree entirely. We only have a short 13 mile line for the LO currently whilst the BK has a decent drive, much of it in tunnels. A proper LO timetable was badly needed first. But really both should have been in.
That’s not an excuse, please don’t give them one. Look at the 700 mod for the BML which added dozens of services without any memory issues for pc’s at all.
Indeed, but it's not 28 pages of issues, it's a dozen issues repeated over 28 pages (which can get tiring if you've followed the whole thread).
I agree, but itll be worth a casual look over in about 8 months time when TSW6 is announced, just to see if any of these oft repeated complaints were ever actually addressed.. history tells us that there's probably little point in even complaining anymore.
I think dtg are generally on it and sorting out some problems. As for the timetable.... well you know if dtg don't respond to a question within a working day or 2, there's not going to be a response.
I wouldn't go as far as saying the thread has run it's course, it may slow down yes, as most of the criticism about it has been raised and discussed in a huge amount of detail. However, I think it's only right to keep it open, and going on and off until substantial updates to bring the route upto a good standard are made.
DTG are talking about updates, there is a post on this page so I think it's unfair to say they aren't doing anything. They are unlikely to respond yet about the timetable as I would imagine that is a lot bigger task and it might take them a long time to decide to do anything, if at all or what to do. If they do improve the timetable I should think it would be months before we see anything. Whilst the thread is undoubtedly useful, I think some of the noise around who made the timetable and also some of the glib comments which don't add much, do detract from the valid and constructive criticisms.