Well I think rush needs to be brought back as it was a great edition of the game. I assume it was added in TSW 2 is because it quite frankly didn't need a new game, it was borderline perfect. TSW 5 to me is the best in the franchise, but in my opinion, its only getting better and TSW 5 doesn't need a new game. It has... everything (guard mode, suspension, track shadows, etc etc). Here is a list of routes I think would be good for a rush hour series, all these listed will be the regular, British, German and American... British: London Underground, Victoria Line Well I do love the Victoria Line, but its VERY linear and only being 13 Miles long (21km). But, this route would be amazing! Having ATO (automatic train operation) which would be a first for TSW. But this is meant to be a rush hour series, that's why I recommended this add-on. These services at a frequency at around every 90 seconds! Included rolling stock: London Underground 2009 Stock Overall this route would be very good, in my opinion anyway, being the second London Underground route for the game and a good one at that, also drivers of this service (for if it comes) skip Pimlico. German: S-Bahn, Berlin S7/75 I LOVE the S-Bahn, especially Berlins. This route would be very good for this game, as it is a rapid transit commuter network. The route length is 47.3km or 29.3mi. I have picked out this route as it passes through Berlins S-Bahns core passing East - West or vice versa through the centre of the city to further destinations. This route could include a variety of stock as there is about 3 different S-Bahn stock in service today. These being, Class 480, 481 and 483. The train that is a must if they ever make this would be the Class 481 as it operates the S7 in real life. Though I would want at least one of the other ones (480 or 483) to represent the core section as I would thing just having the latter would be quite unrealistic. Overall this route would be great having a lot of services, quite long at that and being (I think) a quite wanted route. (I don't know much about German rail so hopefully this is a decent description of the route) America: Boston Subway, Red Line I couldn't tell you much about this route but I thought it looked quite good: the red line of the Boston Subway is a 22.5mi or 36km line, but its quite linear. Still it would be nice to run a subway system + these trains could layer onto Boston Sprinter as AI. Included stock: Series 4 + Series 3 emus. Due to my limited knowledge on this route, I can't really tell you much more. In conclusion a reboot of the rush hour series would be great! Better than a new game next year in my opinion. Again, feel free to argue your thoughts in the comments...
I don't see TSW5 as a new iteration of the game. I see it as a free core update (free starter pack) with the additional option of purchasing new routes and/or locos (the traditional editions you can purchase). That's what I did. I used the starter pack to get a free update to the game, with the plan to purchase additional DLC down the line as there's still some DLC TSW4 I want before I invest in anything TSW5+.
In what way would the Victoria Line be "amazing"? It's fully underground apart from one terminus, and has always been ATO. Just ride back and forth in the Bakerloo line underground section and you'd have a better experience (since you're actually driving). Now if you'd said Metropolitan line, that'd be different.
the thing is tho, the met line has been seen. The victoria line hasnt. But then again, the Northern line would be better
I think a route that isn't full ATO so there is a bit of variety but I agree some ATO is definitely needed!!
I agree with previous posts, the Victoria line with ATO would not make for a good route. All you would do is open and close doors and take over in emergencies.
Wasn't Rush Hour nothing more than tweaking two variables (Passenger Density and a multiplier)? dxltagxmma ?
Northern Line in the 70’s when you could see 1938 and 1959 stock side by side, Angel and several stations on the Morden section still had those dangerous narrow platforms and I’d buy that Day One.
Well Alex, I think there's already a automated German route, can't think of the name. Most of the train sim players like to be part of what you're doing.Not setting up and off to make your dinner or out to wash the car. Come back and pick another timetable. Over time you'll find you will want more to do,by turning off the hud and having to focus on what you're doing. But the big elephant in the room at the moment is route length. We get a Pendo to go round the bendo, blink it's over.Folk in general want much longer routes than we've been getting. Yes I do enjoy the Goblin line, though that's too short too. Buy LIRR V2 if you don't have it; automated in cab nannying you have to follow.Takes some getting used to.But refreshingly different also. If they remake a brand new BML set now or in the 1970's I'd be onboard.The original is brilliant.
Agreed but i personally think The District. Line would be great its more of a subsurface line and using the S stock, with the C stock and D stock more variety of services and rolling stock that would be my dream route and that would be a day 1 purchase 100%
after the shambles of last the rush hour no thanks i'm good, also it was a paid core update after the update London Victoria still looked bare there was no influx of passengers it was a joke
It wasn't a paid core update. You weren't forced to buy the dlc and there was no full fat redownload of tsw. Almost every route was updated to have rush hour features by the preservation crew. Bml doesn't have rush hour passengers because it uses up a lot of memory already
It was a free core update, with an optional paid pack of three routes. If you didn't buy the routes, you still got the upgraded game engine. Of course, once those systems were in place and had been debugged to a certain degree, DTG switched track and decided that future upgrades built on that core engine update would be paid, but for that your issue would be with TSW3 not Rush Hour. The Rush Hour passenger systems however remain a complete mess to this day. That particular broken promise is more likely a result of fundamental problems with the game's handling of passengers as a whole than any problem which can be laid directly at the feet of Rush Hour itself.
I brought it having high expectations clearly I was wrong I seem to remember it being a shambles and not have a high volume of passengers not to mention the forum complaining about it though DTG fixed it well I think they did ? And I just read a comment above they didn’t typical just proves my point