I personally wouldn't say it's bad, it is however quite dated and some parts are weirdly inaccurate. If you enjoy frequent stopper services, I'd say it's pretty good. A lot of love was put into the "new" timetable so it's a got a nice amount of traffic too. If you do get it and you're on PC, I'd highly recommend itsya165's 1972 Stock audio mod as well as tyler58546s Automatic Announcements mod.
Who says it's bad? I think it's quite good. My biggest issue with it is that you can 't see the signs properly in the tunnels, so hudless driving is pretty much impossible.
Wait do LIRR and Harlem Line not count? I don't have either, but I thought they were metro. What about Suffragette Line?
It's alright. Now it has a decent timetable! Driving above ground looks fairly decent and the subsurface stations are well modeled. Travelling through the tunnels doesn't represent the London underground at all but if you don't know the London underground, I doubt you will notice.
They aren't really metro in the same way Bakerloo Line is. Neither of them have too much underground running. Bakerloo Line on the other hand is underground for the whole half of the route.
Probably a terminology difference. Metro in the UK is rarely used as a collective or descriptive term, and certainly you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here calling London Underground "metro" aside from foreign tourists - the local colloquialism would be the "tube". However, there are multiple entities in the UK with "Metro" in or as their brand, or the service they run has metro in its title, eg. West Yorkshire Metro (a PTE), Tyne & Wear Metro (a service)
As a route I quite like Bakerloo and it does convey the atmosphere of the tube quite well. What I don't like, and never addressed not even with TSW5, is that the AP generated by the all stations run from E&C to Harrow artificially inflates your route and train levels so Bakerloo and the 1972 stock constantly show as your "favourite" when that's patently not the case.
My own personal opinion is it's a very good route and the modelling of the 1972 TS is one my favourite in the entire game. The whole train exterior and interior wise is very nice. The only minor fault is that the short part of the WCML it runs on is very bare with pretty much no AI (apart from the occasional container train). And this is due to no appropriate rolling stock being available to use at the time. Matt dropped a hint there were some minor updates coming up for the WCML so hopefully that might include implementing the 390s and 350s as AI? Overall though it's a nice little route, nicely modelled and with a really nice piece of rolling stock. It holds up well for being the first TSW2 route too.
The term ‘metro’ originates from the world’s first underground railway, which today is the Metropolitan Line of the London Underground. I could have said ‘tube’ style route, but no one outside of the UK really uses this term.
As Dino said, these are more commuter type routes, with the Goblin Line particularly being a service run by national rail. A metro is usually a mostly underground railway with very frequent stops and minimal headways between trains e.g every 5 minutes or less. In TSW the only route we have which fits into this category is the Bakerloo Line, and real life examples from every countries would be the New York Subway, not LIRR or the Harlem Line, Paris Metro, Moscow Metro, etc.