Route Inlandsbanan: Gällivare-jokkmokk/polcirkeln (sweden)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RobertSchulz, Oct 7, 2024.

  1. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    You can't get enough of driving through endless forests?
    Frequent commuter stops are not your taste?
    Too many signals and PZB magnets do not come well with your ADHS or high sensitivity?

    Then I got something for you!

    The railway between Gällivare and Jokkmokk/Geografiska Polcirkeln in Sweden, which makes the very northern part of 1288km long railway Inlandsbanan.


    A single track Diesel line with the old Type Y1 locomotive (both in single but also double traction)

    The length of the route between Gällivare and Jokkmokk is 100 kilometers and has 20 mostly request stop stations. I know its a bit large for a DTG route and especially considering its a single diesel branch line. However the scenery is pretty simple and repititive of forests mostly, so it is comparable I think.

    With an additional 7 kilometers it will bring you to a station which marks the exact geographic spot of the polar circle, naming Geografiska Polcirkeln.

    Gällivare has a special architectural station building awarded once for the most beautiful swedish station. Apart of that it also has a passenger bridge over the platforms.

    One interesting spot is the Luleälvsbron bridge, which originally were a lot higher but due to swedens biggest dam, the water level raised significantly.


    With the view to the Harpranget reservoir when driving over the bridge

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    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
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  2. RobertSchulz

    RobertSchulz Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    In Harspranget you drive beside the reservoir.

    In Porjus you have a view over the sea, just right from the platforms
    The Lilla Luleälven bron bridge
    where you will see the hydroelectric power plant with very nice paintings on it when looking north

    The Pakkjokk bron bridge

    Jokmokk station

    Cab rides (in both directions)

    And another documentary/riders perspective in german (auto-translation possible)

    Thank you for reading.

    Credits for all the beautiful photos and videos to: David Larsson,
    (On you also can find more of his work)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
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  3. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I’d buy that Day One. I travelled on the route several times in the early 80’s including the several branch lines that ran across to the east coast and it was a memorable experience. Good burger shack at Storuman!

    I also created a loose approximation of the Arvidsjaur to Gallivare section for MSTS many years ago but would love to see part of it in TSW. Jokkmokk to Gallivare the most scenic section.

    Sadly unlikely to pass DTG’s LAMPOIL process but if we ever get to the point where the user editor becomes easier to handle maybe a third party could have a go.
  4. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    This suggestion looks pretty epic.
  5. alexds12

    alexds12 Member

    Aug 28, 2024
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    This route looks amazing. In my eyes DTG or a 3rd party would have to get used to build Swedish route so they have ai or layers for a route. Doing a branch/single track diesel line for a new iteration of a country is quite uncommon. But i would much rather see this rather than a mainline sweed route

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