I thought there's no shadow draw problems but there is. Rails are decent shadowd until junction comes and again I see how shadows comes visible 30 meters away. And other shadows like trees, buildings etc. old thing is still back. I can see how 150 meters ahead is shadowless area and they appear like 100 meters ahead. How about conductor mode? Conductor opens and closes doors but when I'm driving a train I do it as a driver so when I drive, there's no conductor on a train? And is it still somewhere that conductor opens and closes doors? Feels kind of stupid. And still I cant hear AWS- warning sounds from PS controller speaker. PS4 Pro East coast mainline
Conductor operations are very much still a thing, in both British and German rail operations. And the track shadows not rendering past junctions was known from the beginnen, literally the first time they showed the feature they added that caveat.
I think he was referring to the fact that when you're driving a train, there's no guard, even on routes where there should be one (like on WCML).
I first played TSW5 on PS4 Pro before recently upgrading to PS5. The AWS sounds played on the TV with PS4 but are on the controller on PS5 (same with PZB on Frankfurt-Fulda). So I assumed it's something they just did for PS5 for the new routes (still plays on the TV for older routes I've played recently).
It's a nice little immersion feature though our cat doesn't always like it she wants to sit on my lap while playing
I guess it boils down to it being a gameplay thing?, TSC has guards, and I can't see any reason why, apart from giving the driver something (else) to do, TSW couldn't as well.
I would very much like to have a guard while driving. Means I don't have to press the guard's buzzer 4 times to pretend I'm speaking to someone. If Skyhook could do it with their class 158, why can't Dovetail Games?
I would too, as for why?, I don't know, lack of time and resources to develop?, a conscious design decision?, no idea, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty small snag in the bag of issues that is TSW.
It baffles me why the "despatch" procedure is still like it is in TSW. TSC did it okay, you would get a buzzer from the guard or a whistle. I fail to understand why it is this way in TSW. Especially in stock with slam doors, as if your average BR diesel had a magic button which would close all the doors on a rake of mark 2's at once! It is quite immersion breaking. This, the unreliable save game function, the lack of multiple save slots, the abandonment of steam and the SOS route and the lack of desire by DTG to make any route set prior to circa 2010 are my main irritations with this sim.
Actually, it also baffles me why they say 'despatch' instead of 'dispatch'. Google says it's the same, so why do the railway say 'despatch'?
I don't know why really. I have always used despatch, we use it at work. I always thought dispatch was an Americanism but it seems not just a more modern spelling of it. If the railways use despatch then maybe it is because they were founded in the 19th century when despatch was the dominant way of spelling it.
"Dispatcher" was one of the rare english "imperialistic" terms that was being officially used in the soviet controlled German Democratic Republic. Though a Hotdog was known as a "Ketwurst" (Ketchup + Wurst (sausage)... As for the spelling, it's like desaster or disaster...
I don’t understand your reasoning here. If Google (not to mention various dictionaries) say it’s the same, what’s the problem with using ‘despatch’?
Not to mention any doors not at a platform still open. TSC manages to avoid that if you stop short or call at a station where the train is overlength, so surely not beyond the wit of the programmer(s) to get that right?
It is a shame that we still have to prompt doors to open/shut, but the increased immersion just from the whistle/buzz, buzz from the guard on BPO and MML is certainly worth this being a standard feature across all routes. I am by no means a linguist, but I have spoken English for all of my speaking life and have worked on the railway for the vast majority of it too, so I feel I may be able to add something here. Personally, I always have and will use despatch, dispatch doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely and I believe it to be an Americanism, so that's off the cards! As for on the railway it is honestly split between the two these days, I have read documents where one section refers to the word despatch, for then only a few pages later dispatch to be used - I do believe, with this example, there were quite a large time difference in when they were written, about 10 to 15 years with despatch being in the older of the sections, which lines up with what I have observed as well.
Actually, until a few decades ago, despatch was the British variant of the correct and now more popular dispatch. But either would be considered correct.
I was just wondering why use the 'e' over the 'i' if the 'i' was more common. It's been asnwered now. Thanks!
I did that. Still no sound. In PS- settings I turned sound loud and in TSW5- controller settings there's sounds on. Still no sound from controller. I can hear sound when adjusting sound pressin PS- button so controller's sound is working.
I have this on PC too and graphics are same. On PC I can adjust graphich but still same. On PS I can only select graphics beween 4K and HD
Sorry to chime in on this, but you will notice in any good British dictionary that "dispatch" is listed as the main entry, and "despatch" as the variant pointing to "dispatch" for the definitions. This is because the spelling beginning "dis-" was first used dating back to the 16th century, with Italian origin. For some reason "despatch" gained popularity a couple of centuries later, with its origin from a similar Spanish word. We are actually returning to the "original" spelling in the UK. But, yes, either is correct and acceptable – nothing to do with Americanisms (but I would certainly want consistency of usage throughout a single document). Speaking as a linguist, copy-editor and proofreader
Pfft! Next thing you know the Brits will be saying Train Station instead of Railway Station and the Americans will be playing Rugby with helmets and padded clothes and calling it Football.
In Latin, the "dis-" prefix means "apart", but I would say, in morphological terms, in its English form, it isn't actually a prefix.
Now that you say it. I was never comfortable with "despatcher", as in my mind the word is broken into "de - spatcher", as opposed to "dis - patcher", which seems more natural, as "des" would not be a prefix...
Well, that one is a case of British (and other parts of the world) versus American English respectively.
No I don't think so. Despatcher is just a variant that was popular in British English until fairly recently. There's really nothing American about dispatcher. It's simple the correct spelling.
My comment was referring to "railway" (British and other parts of the world) versus "railroad" (American). I'd already explained "despatch" and "dispatch" above that person's post.
Eh? American English! You were lucky! Back when I were a lad, it were all aluminium and lieutenants....
I say train station all the time, it’s more casual than saying railway station. Saying “you’re going to the railway station” sounds so weird to me and not natural. Would be like adding double decker or single decker to saying I’m catching a bus. Must be a northern thing I guess?
For me this is the most amazing omission. The fact that we’re now onto the 5th iteration of the game and DTG haven’t even managed to fully nail the ‘save’ feature, much less give us multiple save slots, is incredible. That and the need to wait more than 5 minutes to start the game while it does whatever it does with all my DLC takes me back 40+ years to my ZX Spectrum days and waiting impatiently for my games to load from cassette….
As mentioned elsewhere, they seem to have broken the save feature a bit more with the latest patches. Recommend not saving while stopped at a station call as things do not appear to be initialising properly leading to no power when you try and pull away or not recognising the doors are already open and passengers loading. It’s a mess.
Oh brilliant. That explains why I went to resume a run on Boston Sprinter last night – a save game from a week ago – and couldn't get the loco moving, no matter what. So I wasted twenty minutes for nothing, with no hope. I was quite far into that run, too. So I guess I'm not playing TSW any more until save is fixed – again. DTG Matt can I presume this is already in hand, with an imminent patch to rectify save game issues?
These save game bugs have been present for a while, in tsw4 also! There is another to add to the list. When resuming in free roam mode, if I spawn new trains they won't move.
What's the save game issue? Is this on a specific loco/locos? or across the board? Nothing's been changed on save game itself - but obviously changes have been made to some locos so the only thing I can think of is that some of the changes haven't been save-friendly. I'll need more specifics to progress this but yes it'd be a priority to do so. Matt.
As I mentioned previously some of these are new, never encountered in TSW4. Certainly can’t recall an issue having saved then loaded with passenger loading in progress.
Already posted in the relevant feedback threads Matt. But to recap, yesterday evening doing a timetable run with a 350 on WCML I had saved during passenger loading at Hemel Hempstead. On resuming the train was in the platform with the doors open but the barber pole was stuck andobjective had reverted to Open Doors. There was no response to pushing Open doors by either key or the pop up command, nor could I close them by any means. The previous evening I had a 442 stuck at a station on Koln to Aachen. On that one I was able to finish loading and close the doors but unable to take power. Did the usual cycling everything off and on but no joy. In both cases I tried the physics reset but that failed to fix the fault either, except in the case of the 350 it was now stuck with the doors closed but still unable to open the doors and get passenger loading to resume. This on Steam/PC.
No this was on the original run. The issue you mention happens if you chain another service by returning to free roam in which case the LH HUD and the “lollipop” fail to appear altogether.
I think it's been mentioned previously about the stuck objectives and to avoid saving at stations. Could be wrong though. I've definitely come across the weather not saving on tsw4. Not a problem if you have god mod installed.
For me it was resuming a journey mode chapter on Boston Sprinter, I think in the F40PH-2. I should have been able to release the brakes, apply throttle and move to continue from the station where I had just dropped off passengers before saving. Nothing happened. I tried all sorts, including the physics reset button under the options menu, but nothing would get the loco moving. I've been saving and resuming from save game no problem until this latest patch – and that includes on this journey chapter, on the same save game. Edit: Then I came on here today and saw reports of this exact problem happening to others since the patch, on different routes, so I can only assume the patch has indeed broken some aspect of resuming from a save game.
Thanks Matt, appreciated. In the meantime I guess the workaround is not to save while doing any stationary objective.