What's it gonna take to just literally just Get the menus to go up down left , right and select and function Understand this game is a W.I.P. but lool Timeframe?
Yeah not much longer its seeming. Im trying to justify buying some content and i just cant This is kinda wild but its right in line with gaming in 2024 I guess
I'm gonna be honest, man.I'm kind of astonished that i have to prove this But sure, give me a few hours.I'll make you a youtube video and everything if you need it But if you just turn on the xbox and you load the game and you go through the menus you'll see that like things don't work people aren't on here saying this just because we have nothing better to do
Like there's a whole menu.You can select things you just can't select select Thus the whole sort function is invalid But it's just an example.It's hard because it's so hitt or Miss some of this like I can't just go back and find it instantly But it's extremely aggravating because it's just a menu Yet.I can't get it to work for simple things
Another one I just found when you're in the online hub.You can't jump over to the left.You have to go all the way up all the way over.And then all the way back now to move over one space in the same menu page Again to small issue not a huge deal But the thing is it's intermittent, so you can't get used to it.Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't
In online hub, press the B button on xbox, or the circle, to go "back" to the left. That one's obtuse, I agree. Matt.
Thank you.I'm glad somebody actually acknowledge is it Yes, the more you go through it a lot of the menu bro is extremely.I want to say knotted up in this way There's a lot of left us left but won't go back to the right Or when you're like uploading screenshots.It will only go over three spaces and then it goes to a new page Again they're not like game breaking features but there's a lot of them and it's making it really really hard to get through these menus and use these features I mean a lot
i am having the same issues on the screen shots cant look at all my photos i scroll 3 or 4 rows over and just go s to next page...also i can not go to creators club i click it and the wheel spins forever wont boot it up and then i cant go back off it when press B i have to quit the game completely.
The UI has always been incredibly frustrating to me. Usually takes far longer than it needs to to get anywhere.
I have to agree. The UI in TSW5 is a step back from TSW4 in many areas between design, layout and implementation. It feels like a process of throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. It's takes too long to get anywhere or find what you want in TSW5.
With that length of drop, it’s likely that they will be strangled rather than have their neck broken. Also it’s interesting that when you see people being hanged in films or TV programmes, they are often depicted with this sort of noose whereas in real life (or death), at least in the UK in the 20th century, for the long drop method of hanging (i.e. breaking of neck), leather straps rather than ropes were used with a metal ring instead of a noose under the left ear. I guess I’ve seen too many documentaries on the matter (I can recommend Tales from the Hangman’s record on Youtube). Anyway, back to menus…..
I don't understand what's wrong with this menu? You move to the filter you want, and press "A" on your controller. Then, you move to the "Confirm" button and press "A" again.
since i did the last update i can scroll tgh my photos now like should..but still having issue with creators club not booting up the wheel just spins and spins left it for over 1hr still spinning then i have to quit the game cause pressing B to go back does nothing...