Creation Sharing 2024 München Augsburg Timetable [beta V0.9]

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by Vindicity, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. No - works great!

    34 vote(s)
  2. Yes - Can't see the timetable at all >:(

    1 vote(s)
  3. Yes - Other: leave a reply with your issue

    2 vote(s)
  1. Perks390

    Perks390 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I read in another thread somewhere there are issues with the expert 101 in the editor because of the new simugraph. Maybe this could also have an effect on the timetable simulation?
  2. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    This issue has also been present in other custom formations, I have a couple of ideas in mind for how to solve it but right now my focus is troubleshooting and finalizing ICE services. Update coming soon-ish!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Based on your last screenshot I seem to see this chronology:
    • IC service stops at Hbf P12 and unloads. Let's call this Loc1 with wagons.
    • 7:30: BR101 (Loc2) enters Hbf from the sidings and couples to the back of Loc1+wagons. Because Loc2 is the active service and couples back to back, this means that wagons+Loc1 get reversed in order in the formation. So Loc1 becomes last.
    • 7:44: Loc1 uncouples from the wagons +Loc2 and has to move to siding 748. This seems strange to me as I think it is stuck on the dead end track behind the formation it uncoupled from.
    • 7:46: Loc2 departs with the wagons for its new IC service.
    Could it be that you have mixed up the 'formation driving end' in the 7:44 uncouple service which results in the 7:46 IC service departing backwards with the wagons in front of the locomotive?

    I think I'm wrong, but I want to be sure a mix up in formations doesn't cause this 'backwards stop marker' at the next stop.

    Sorry for the late reply.
  4. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    The locomotive always pulls the wagons in the simulation. For the 7:44 service, you'll notice a 2.5 minute wait instruction before departing to allow the 7:46 service to depart prior. I think it's the back-to-back that causes hiccups. My idea involves switching it to front-to-back, and then adding dummy uncoupling/coupling instructions in the vault to avoid inconsistent directions. Hopefully, this will clean things up.
    Initially, the goal was to avoid the engineer shunting the BR101 to continue his journey with driving an IC service, which is not the case in real life IIRC. However, if I can't resolve the issue with the strategy above, I may have to sacrifice this logic to try and make it function correctly.
  5. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    On my MSB timetable I use some reshuffle services in the vault too for getting formations back to their original composition and orientation (given that I want the timetable to loop). Making sure that the order doesn't switch around makes this much easier so if you are able to make sure that all loco's face the same direction, this might help. I think the backwards stop marker shouldn't be related to this, but never say never.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. logital#7039

    logital#7039 Member

    Jan 7, 2024
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    Do you plan implementing ICE T or/and Flixtrain to your timetable?
  7. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Hello again, time for another "formal update".
    Some pretty big milestones: Regional services are mostly complete now, except for the RE4/RB40 services. These services are likely to be reduced to hourly in/out of Munich without shunting movements, as game performance is quite abysmal at this time.
    ICE services are mainly complete, there is still some playing around with formation types and go-vias (i.e., a 16-car ICE3 does not fit at Gl. 20, but an ICE1 might be able to utilize full length). Sometimes the routing will also cause trains to block entry and exit of other platforms (I'm looking at you, Gl.16-19 :mad:)
    I've tried everything, and I'm fried. For now, putting IC services aside and leaving them with locomotives on both sides until I regain the motivation to fight the beast.
    When it comes out, I may switch out one or two ICE 3s with ICE Ts, but realistically only a few ICE Ts run to Munich. There are no plans to add Flixtrain to the timetable, but I haven't looked too much into it and it is not out of the question.

    I've also received a few messages from folks looking to help out with the Beta, which I greatly appreciate. Not sure yet if I will be going for an open beta or closed beta, currently leaning towards the former. Stay tuned.

    Just a tad more than the ~500 services HMA currently has, perchance. (Also for those incomplete services, I'm just missing the last shunting instruction to the yard :cool:). Screenshots of PIE coming later, the timetable is simulating as of writing.
    • Like Like x 8
  8. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    That's an incredibly nice job! :o I played a few S3 services last week and was wondering how it would feel to drive on the fully functional S-bahn trunk :love:
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  9. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Gentlemen, gentlewomen, and gentlethems, we've done it. 4526 services, all completed without failure. The log file... 140 MB.
    Time to make sure most services start at the right time :).

    A few points of action/FYIs:
    - Remaining services to program include WB, ECE, RJ/RJX, TGV, RB40, and NJ.
    - I have not included all services in/out of Augsburg, this may be something I will revisit as a later "update" to the timetable (the exception is RB67, as it is a playable service).
    - IC / EC are run with BR101s on either end due to issues with shunting/formations, to be revisited.
    - Recommended minimum RAM required to run the timetable: 12 GB
    - I will purchase the BR 642 next time it goes on sale, and include it on appropriate services (those usually run by Coradia LINT).
    - There is a known conflict at Munich around 12:00-13:00, where the lack of signal permissions between Gl. 16-19 cause trains to be held up for an excessive time. Until this gets fixed, I'd advise against playing services going to/from Munich between these times. Resolved!
    - Since there are dependencies set-up between the RB8x services and the ICE services on the mainline, HRR will be a required DLC to be able to play ICE services (correct me if I'm wrong and it works without!)
    - I'm trying to make this timetable work as a looping one, but this gets extremely complicated with some service patterns.
    - Signalling in Munich is weird... like really weird. Many green aspects will activate a 1000hz magnet if there is a yellow aspect ahead, so if you play w/ PZB... keep the HUD on.
    - PIS... can be a POS...
    - I may coordinate with DTG to see if they can fix some of these issues on the route... not sure how responsive they are if I am not an official partner... has anyone had experience with this?

    The beta is expected to be released in the coming weeks, stay tuned. Hopefully, you are as excited as I am :o.
    It seems every train travelling on the mainline is from Augsburg.. :(

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
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  10. hebertar

    hebertar Member

    May 5, 2022
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    In your log after where it says 0 services had not started, do you have many services in the list below with parentheses like that first one? (ICE 619_1). My understanding is that unless the timing is resolved the player would not be able to correctly spawn into the service that follows ICE 619_1.
  11. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Yep, that is the next thing on my to-do list. Most are only off by a few seconds, so it should be easy to fix.
  12. hebertar

    hebertar Member

    May 5, 2022
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    That's so amazing to see that many service complete in the log. How long does simulation take?

    I wonder if you have considered this or maybe you wouldn't, but the ICEs are pretty heavy on resources and with the new layer selector you could have ICE services that are not dependent on HRR or other ICEs have their own layer. Some people that are struggling with performance could deselect a chunk of the ICEs as an option since that may have more of an impact on framerate over removing other less resource heavy trains. Just a random thought that occurred to me after seeing the layer selector on the Frankfurt stream.
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  13. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Another update: been spending some time on the timetable recently before classes pick up again, I've programmed RJ/RJX, ECE, and WESTbahn services. I am currently working on locomotive shunting movements for the RJ services. I've also purchased the DB BR 642 (various services) and the OBB1116 (used for RJ/RJX services), so you can expect to see those across the timetable. I will release the beta once DTG fixes the cooking/packaging feature and I have a 24-hour timetable simulated with acceptable success rates. No screenshots today, PIE is giving me issues. 642 is slower than the previous 442 placeholder so I'm hoping that simulated arrival/completion times don't go crazy.
    I was thinking about this, and I tried playing around with moving the services to different layers, but there is a tremendous amount of work involved with separating ICE services per DLC and dependencies (i.e., you may have an ICE1 service that is dependent on RB87 service, and that RB87 is dependant on another RB87 service (yard shunting), which is in turn dependant on an ICE3 service... uzw... I may be able to isolate a few services, we'll see. I dabbled a bit in TSW5, and it seems that you can disable every layer except the base layer (in MAG, that would be the ICE services). I may have to shift things around to allow players to disable all ICE services by transferring them from the base to a supplementary layer (also time-consuming).
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
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  14. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Last edited: Sep 30, 2024
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  15. vircom

    vircom Active Member

    Feb 11, 2023
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    Awesome I love it. Thank you for your Hard Work!
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  16. freezelp#5689

    freezelp#5689 New Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    What about 111 services? Munich is the biggest Location for this locomotive
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  17. captaingunadeep

    captaingunadeep Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Looks like there are no RE services. Mostly timetable is focused on ICE services and Depot moves.
  18. Alyx193

    Alyx193 Active Member

    Oct 6, 2023
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    Great work! This makes HMA playable again. Just one question: could you set up Substitution for the expert 101, that way we could enjoy this loco on this amazing timetable. If you do not own this DLC, I could provide you with the details you need to put in.
  19. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Thank you everyone for the feedback across different forums and channels, please keep it coming :). If you use the TSC discord as preferred method of communication, please ping me if you have any feedback/bug reports, otherwise I will lose your words in the fast-moving chats.

    I kindly ask that feedback remains precise and constructive. If something is wrong - tell me why. If something doesn't work - tell me what and when. This will help me implement fixes faster and more efficiently. Finally, don't expect me to reply quickly. If it's on TSC, here in the forums, or on the discord (and you've pinged me), I've probably seen it ;)

    Next updates (likely):
    - Fix BR 442 services, currently not showing as driveable in main menu
    - Implementing more accurate formations for RE23/25 services (if someone wants to sent me a formation - not modded, please - that can save me some work).
    - Add locomotive shunting movements to RE23/25 services
    - Fix ECE pathing issues
    - Implement RE4/RB40 services
    - Implement Nightjet services
    - Implement RB33 services
    - Expand RE25 Services
    - Replace RE2/RE3 BR 146s with BR 112s as placeholders for the 111

    Later (while simple, most of these are not immediately planned as purchasing additional DLC is not currently in my budget):
    - Implement freight services
    - Implement additional services operated by the ICE-T from FTF
    - Replace dostos and BR425 with FTF versions for updated PIS
    - Implement the 218 on RB4/40 services
    - Implement loco subbing
    - Additional AI services in/out of Augsburg (if possible, station layout is different than today)
    - Replace RE2 & RE3 services with BR 111 + Dostos

    I will continue to update progress here, and update the roadmap here as well as the initial post. Again, thank you all for your support and patience. Looking forward to making the timetable even better!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
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  20. ohadnaor#4830

    ohadnaor#4830 New Member

    Jun 14, 2024
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    Hi, some suggestions for improvement.
    1. The destinations of the trains are not updated on the platform screens.
    2. On the service selection screen, the addition of this morning's services is not shown (I noticed this in S8 and S2).
    Other than that, amazing mod, thank you very much
  21. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    What do you mean by "this morning's services" not showing? Please send me a DM with more info so I can investigate :)
  22. FreddieTheShepherd

    FreddieTheShepherd Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2023
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    Vindicity Nice job what you have done here! I can't wait to download it for myself (I didn't find time yet :o).

    I was working on a BLB-Flirt and on a Westbahn-Flirt and both would be ready to be cooked, but unfortunately DTG didn't get this working:( If so one day, you could also use them if you want for your timetable.
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  23. ohadnaor#4830

    ohadnaor#4830 New Member

    Jun 14, 2024
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    I mean the special morning services of the BR423 that are added to the regular services of the S Bahn, when you start with "ON FOOT" you can see these services running and you can also take control of them, but in the service selection screen they do not appear at all.

    In addition two other things I found:
    1. The service of BR423 06:55 Shunt to SBahn Yard is not possible to complete.
    2. ICE 911 service exists in both ICE1 and ICE3. at two different times one after the other.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024
  24. Perks390

    Perks390 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    To use custom liveries/formations in a timetable, the author will need the original uncooked files in order to simulate the timetable. So even if you can't currently cook them, you could still send the uncooked files across and then they can be added to the timetable ready.
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  25. FreddieTheShepherd

    FreddieTheShepherd Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2023
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    Well, I thought that the author needs the cooked version (the state how it is ingame), so that later all can be recognized from one *source* mod (my livery/formation in this case). I didn't know that would work too, but it would make sense, as nothing get changed in the RVD/formation...
  26. Alyx193

    Alyx193 Active Member

    Oct 6, 2023
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    Hello, I encountered a problem where the ICE 1 just won't start no matter what I do. The cab facing Augsburg will not even start, while the cab facing munic will start up, however I cannot get the train moving.
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  27. cohaolain

    cohaolain New Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    Vindicity This is incredible work, thank you for your time and for sharing!

    A summary of which DLCs are required for each of the layers would be awesome (I'm not sure if you can update what's shown in the "Timetable Layers" menu in-game, but it seems quite wrong on my end since I definitely have MAG, MSB, HRR, Kassel-Würzburg, Köln).

    unavailable_layers_1.png unavailable_layers_2.png

    Do you have an updated version of some of the spreadsheets you shared earlier in this thread, perhaps with details of layers/locos with applicable DLCs, and/or any details of service counts/implemented per layer?

    Hugely appreciated and thanks again, I'll be spending quite a few hours in this!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024
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  28. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Update V0.1 is uploaded:
    - Added RB40/RE4
    - Added more RE25 services, modified formation and creating shunting services
    - Fixed issue with BR442 not showing up in the menu
    - Fixed ECE pathing issue
    - RB67 should now properly display on the 642
    - Added additional ICE services (to be eventually converted to ICE T rolling stock)
    - Replaced RE72 and RE96 with RABe 525

    DLC & associated routes:
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
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  29. cohaolain

    cohaolain New Member

    Sep 16, 2024
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    Trying out v0.1 today! I picked up BR 101 as well. I seem to have some more detail in my layer dialog than before that makes some sense, e.g.:
    upload_2024-10-7_20-59-33.png upload_2024-10-7_20-59-50.png
    and I can explain from your table in some places where the displayed value does _not_ make sense:
    e.g. I don't have Maintalbahn from RB67

    I can see why I don't have RB 68,74 and RE 70 - I don't have Tharandter Rampe.

    I don't have HBK - I'm guessing this is why I can activate RE4-RB40 but not RE1-RB16 (since RE2,3,25 shares this layer, so having MSB isn't enough, you also need BR101 + HBK)?
    If correct, I wonder is it possible to split that layer out? Or if not, update the table you posted to reflect that RE4-RB40 (the combined layer with RE1-RB16) requires HBK + BR101?

    Indeed, I see RE2,3,23,25 already seems to be split out, maybe this is just an unneeded dependency or weird name on the earlier one!

    Thanks again, loving this :)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
  30. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    There's an error in my table which I'll fix when I'm home, but RE1/RB16 are currently dependant on HBK (I wanted the updated PIS, while I wait until I can afford FFA). I will likely replace the RE1 with the 101 Expert version when I get my hands on that too.

    RB40/RE4 should be independent and only on MSB (although next update sees is updated to HBK - for the updated PIS, once again).

    I plan on spending some time in the next version to make sure all the layering is clear. It sucks that I have to resimulate 4 hours of timetable to implement any changes - so I try and do as many as possible per update.

    The final formations will come in due time, but there are many other bugs to be squashed until then (as well as the implementation of RB33). Hope this helps.
    • Like Like x 1
  31. JustinfischXD#5695

    JustinfischXD#5695 New Member

    Jul 26, 2024
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    Hi, first and foremost, thank you very much for this mod!!!!
    As I live in Munich, HMA has always been my favourite map (even though it seems like they didn't put that much work into the DLC).
    I have always been sad because the rails just seem so dead without any trains, and of course all the other issues with this map.

    But now to my real question: Is it possible to let the player drive through the "out of map portals" as a way to "end" the scenario/timetable drive?
    So in the same way you can do it in freemode/sandbox where you get the whitescreen with the text "reached end of session" (oder "Ende des dargestellten Bereiches erreicht") or whatever.

    That's the way I always do it in freemode as I feel like it's a more complete ending than always stopping at the last available train station and ending the scenario with closing the doors.
    But as far as I know, there are some rails that go out of the map, that don't have that barrier, as the developers seem to have forgotten them (which is a blessing and a curse at the same time).

    I think this would be especially exciting for Trains like S7 or S8/S6 (and basically all other trains, in my opinion).

    I of course won't blame you if it's not possible to do that, or if you don't have the time/don't want to spend the time implementing it.

    But still, I can't thank you enough for this blessing to my game <3
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  32. 2martens

    2martens Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Player trains cannot leave through portals and you can't end a service while the train is driving. That's why it always ends at the last station or stopping on some track (e.g. freight trains).
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  33. JustinfischXD#5695

    JustinfischXD#5695 New Member

    Jul 26, 2024
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    Ahh ok, thank you for the Info!

    And while I'm at it, I think I just found a wrong checkpoint marker (idk how they are called) for a shunting service of an S4 that previously ended at Hauptbahnhof (express drive from Pasing to Hauptbahnhof).
    After finishing the service at Hauptbahnhof with no problems, I continued the run in freemode, so that I could continue the service if possible.
    The service then had me wait until 7:45 and then gave me a marker to drive over, but the marker was directly behind a HP0 signal (one directly leading to Pasing Pbf to the right site of the map when facing Augsburg)
    So I thought, maybe I just had to wait for another train, but after one train passed me and went to the Pbf, I still didn't recieve a HP1 even after waiting for some time.
    When I checked the map to look for a train I may be waiting for, I didn't find anythin.
    I also couldn't change the signal through the signaller as well, and it gave me a message saying: track switch set wrong (Weiche falsch gestellt)

    I hope the description wasn't too bad and helps.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
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  34. Jpantera

    Jpantera Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    This is great, really bringing to life a route which DTG marketed as busy but really looked vastly empty. Will look forward to further development.
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  35. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    V0.2 has been out for a few days now! V0.3 likely end of next week, personal life is keeping me busy this week.

    It looks like these switches (See attached image) in the yard have to be set in this exact specific way... no idea why... Either way, thank you for having brought this to my attention, this service was actually very fun to play through.

    On another note, a few other bugs have been discovered... I present to you OBBs & DBs latest crossover/partnership: the combined lok-coach car!

    Other bugs discovered include
    - RJ/RJX shunt to yard services quite literally flying off the rails when you spawn in...
    - Watching an RJ/RJX service decouple in the Hbf will immediately trigger a SPAD event and quit your current session
    - Passengers waiting diligently inside carriages located in shunting yards
    - Every PZB magnet ever
    - If you spawn somewhere and a train is stopped halfway into a platform, they will likely decide it is the best place to alight passengers and you may get stuck (nuke the train if this happens, sorry).
    - There is a single ICE4 formation substituted by an ICE3x2 which unfortunately will not fit into one of the platforms it is destined to.. thinking about making a modified 12-car ICE3 formation to spice things up...
    - ECE services do not show on PIS boards :(
    - S3 eastbound does not follow typical path entering pasing

    Have a good week, enjoy the timetable, and keep those bug reports coming :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024
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  36. bassv#9864

    bassv#9864 Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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    This is actually quite realistic, happens all the time in real life ;)
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  37. JustinfischXD#5695

    JustinfischXD#5695 New Member

    Jul 26, 2024
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    Even after using your picture it didn't work for me (idk if I'm stupid or if it is buggy)

    Additionally here's another thing I found after replaying the S4 to Munich Hbf service and retrying the shunting service:
    image.png (I don't think the RB66 is being driven with an ICE 3 )

    And again, thank you for your service!
  38. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    yep, that's the ECE service not showing up on the PIS board. The 406 is a placeholder for the actual ECE train. Re: shunting service: If you'd like to DM me I can take a closer look
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024
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  39. JustinfischXD#5695

    JustinfischXD#5695 New Member

    Jul 26, 2024
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    Ahh sorry I didn't know that the ICE is suppost to be there, I have just never seen an ICE on Platform 30.
    Re: shunting service: I am new on this forums platform, so I don't really know how to DM people but I just started with following you (I guess that will be the way to dm you). I will have a look at it tomorrow again I guess.
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  40. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Over 2000 cumulative downloads! Wow!

    Update v0.3 is out - you can expect the following:
    • S3 services now take correct path into pasing EB, and stop at correct Mammendorf platform
    • RB 13 services added (playable towards ingolstadt, until game borders)
    • S-bahn, RB 67, and Munich-Augsburg regional services should be much more forgiving
    • Signalling now dispatches past Pasing for long-distance and regional services
    • Rerouting of some shunting movements to minimize conflicts
    • Added -some- more information in the service selection screen
    Given that Augsburg only has 8 full platforms in the TSW2 MAG, I am quite limited by what AI services I can run in and out of the station. Doesn't mean I've given up yet :) I'd like to see some 612s running around there soon.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2024
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  41. cadeshr6s

    cadeshr6s Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Is it a bug that you can only raise one Phantograph on the Br401's?
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  42. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    v0.4 is out:
    • Updated PIS virtual destinations! Platform displays now show the proper destination. Which means, less trains heading to "bitte nicht einsteigen" :)
    • Experimenting with "lock doors to complete" option. May roll back these changes in the next version
    I will take some time away from working on the timetable - need time to focus on other aspects of life. I will still be reading bug reports/comments/concerns/feedback and hopefully implementing them in my next version, so keep them coming.

    Probably? It was not made known to me until your message - I'll look into it at some point.
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  43. Amtrak131

    Amtrak131 Active Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Yea I have the same thing on AI. They don't have their panos up on the BR 401s
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  44. Isaak

    Isaak Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Great work!

    How did you manage to add PIS destinations? Did you copy and modify the station directory?
  45. vircom

    vircom Active Member

    Feb 11, 2023
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    For The 401 you have to vhange between Triebkopf 1 und Triebkopf 2 to put up the Phantograph
  46. cadeshr6s

    cadeshr6s Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    What do you mean by that
  47. Jpantera

    Jpantera Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    The signalling on this route is a bug fest. Really needed a sprinkle of the magic some other older routes got. Unfortunately I doubt that will happen now.
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  48. Vindicity

    Vindicity Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Dev update: I have been working diligently on the timetable last week - and let's just say, I was not sparing with my services. In the next update (hopefully by end of week), you can expect the following:
    • AI regional services in/out of Augsburg - note that due to missing platforms, some trains will sit in sidings instead
    • freight
    • more freight
    • 2 TGV services with corresponding shunting movements (AI only)
    Locos/cargo for freight may not be prototypical... but the corridor between Pasing and Augsburg should feel a whole lot busier now.

    I notice many services bunch together on the mainline, likely due to the freight trains travelling faster than they should... will look to fix this in next version
    ALSO - if anyone has knowledge on typical freight formations / anyone wants to send me formations to use on freight services, I would appreciate it :)
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2024
    • Like Like x 11
  49. hebertar

    hebertar Member

    May 5, 2022
    Likes Received:
    The updated timetable isn't showing up for me but the previous one "0.4" did show up.
    • Helpful Helpful x 1
  50. ice#6850

    ice#6850 Active Member

    Jul 26, 2023
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    You have to remove the old one

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