Problem With Main Spessart-bahn Tutorials - No Progress And Brakes Issues

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by DogGhost, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. DogGhost

    DogGhost New Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    I've just bought TSW 2020 so I'm new in this game. I have problems with 2 tutorials for Main Spessart-Bahn route:
    1) After finishing BR 185.2 introduction there is no progress saved (no points and orders) although I have everything saved after BR 146.2 tutorial.
    2) I have problem with releasing brakes during 185.2 and DBpbzf tutorials. In DBpbzf scenario I can't gain speed - the train gets to about 20 km/h and won't gain more speed. I can't do much else because there are blocked almost all buttons in tutorials. I have released brakes.
    I didn't expect that I won't be able to finish couple tutorials. xD It's a bit disappointing.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
  2. Fitz

    Fitz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    I had that issue myself the other day. There seems to be a power throttle lock out, the train won't let you take power till a certain time after the brake application release.
    I've only started driving the 146.2 and the DB stock and I have noticed that every time after I release the brakes and wait to take power, not matter how long I wait I have throttle on, then off, then back again and it will work. I'm not sure if it's a bug or a featre but it's not explained in the tutorial. I find the same sometimes in the AC64, must be an electric loco thing, yet I can drive the 143 just fine.

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