Route Mbta Commuter Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by DTG Harry, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. VA Railfan

    VA Railfan Active Member

    Feb 20, 2019
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    Freight is unplayable for nighttime service. The headlights are literally non existent.
    Suggestions: update the CSXT locos to TSW5 specs so they can run this route perfectly along with taking the cab signal display in the AC4400CW and turning it into a working cab signal display, updating the headlights to make them TSW5 standard along with engine sounds (if possible) but definitely the horn sounds need to be redone to all CSX units along with giving the AC4400CW the flashing ditch lights back. How DTG didn’t even bother to test the nighttime lighting on such old stock on a TSW5 route is unreal
  2. ctsl railfan

    ctsl railfan Active Member

    May 3, 2021
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    Some things I have encountered the past few days.

    - Exterior junction sounds aren't playing. Joint sounds play but nothing when going over junctions.
    - Interior rolling audio among other sounds are panned to the right. It is VERY irritating to hear the entire drive.
    - The acknowledge button sometimes stays illuminated red even after acknowledging a penalty.
    - You can hear flange squeal from way too far away. The train is almost 5 train lengths away and you could still hear it loudly.
    - There's no audible exterior HVAC sound.

    - Numbers are copy pasted from the CTC-5. Should be in the 1500's, not the 1800's.
    - Internal horn hissing sounds weird. The hissing sound is for the comet horn sound that's in the files, but was never added. Sounds completely off. I'd revert the sound back to how it is on the Boston to Providence version.

    - Traction motor sounds aren't playing from the rear bogie.
    - Horn sensitivity is touchy. It's delayed and sometimes doesn't even press down.
    - Headlights / ditchlights don't fade. They're flashing instantly, like LED's, in game. They also illuminate bright white / blue onto the ground like LED's. Should be yellow.
    - Ground lights / step lights are a bit bright. They stand out way too much.
    - Gauge lights are white. Looks a bit odd. Should be a more natural yellow color.

    - F40PH:
    - Headlights / ditchlights don't flash instantly. They're fading, like incandescent bulbs, in game. They also illuminate yellow onto the ground like incandescent. Should be white / blue.
    - Headlights are illuminating wayyyyy too much light. Should be toned down quite a bit.
    - Climbing down and up the ladders to the cab door is still causing the player to clip through station platforms.
    - Fuse switch animations are broken. When turned off, the fuse switch completely disappears, and when on, it just reappears. This is for every single fuse switch in the panel.
    - The model still looks innacurate on the front end. Wipers aren't accurate, numberboard and numberboard plate aren't tall enough, and the windows are too round.

    Conductor mode:
    - Points keep getting taken for rejecting a ticket for a station that has already passed. Seems like the passengers aren't disembarking the train. Could be because I open only one door at each low level station, and that's what's causing the passengers to not disembark, but that in itself is another issue since that's how many players are going to be playing conductor mode in order to be prototypical to real life operations.
    - In conductor mode, the game has you buzz to leave the station on westbound trains (Locomotive leading). They should be radioing to the engineer like it is on the Metrolink route. They only buzz for eastbound trains. (Cab car leading) You could also have it so you can choose to either buzz or radio for eastbound trains, as it is personal preference in real life, although westbound should always be radio.

    - PIS screens are inaccurate throughout the route.
    - There's a random dip in the track between Lansdowne and Boston Landing.

    Overall, a solid route. The scenery and sounds are very accurate. This standard should be kept throughout USA content. Good job!
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
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    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    The lighting has been overdone, and everything is just bleached/washed white, the lighting is all off not just MBTA.
    Are you using any enhanced ini file, while it will not completely change how bright the lights will be, it will assist a little in reducing the overly bright bleached lighting.

    I copied the ini settings from
    and pasted them into
    and outcome is
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  4. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    I spawned on foot at the Framingham depot area in late am i saw the AI Q436 pull in they pulled past that red signal stopped short of the crossing sat there a few minutes ,then they pull the whole train past to clear the interlocking , then after a few minutes the switch for the wye track lines up and they back around the wye to the yard ..from what i observed the AI train runs a red signal to stop just past it as said 300 yards past red signal when the Q436 is played from timetable ..something seems out of whack needs to be looked into by DTG to be fixed..
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    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    What time in the late AM, if you mind me asking, this has me interested.
  6. ChengHo

    ChengHo Member

    Oct 17, 2024
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    I just wanted to congratulate you on your detailed feedback. If I were a dev, you’d be a dream user, giving exactly the kind of detailed, thoughtful feedback I’d want. Well done.
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  7. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    In the timetable mode there is a playable Q436 service from worcster to Framingham think it leaves around 9to 9.50am or so and gets to Framingham around a hour or so later i spawned on foot 10.30am think the Q436 showed up around 11am or so i was just exploring that area on foot checking out the freight yard and wye tracks into it also was just observing railfanning the AI traffic etc plus i had just started playing the route after buying it i usually do toutoials first then some on foot exploration before i do any scenarios timetable runs ..
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024

    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    Thanks much, I will check it out and see what happens on my end, there are a lot of odd and weird things happening.
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  9. foggy#2817

    foggy#2817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2023
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    The road tunnel next to Lansdowne station is a bit uneven.

    This house next to Wellesley Hills station has the light on when zoomed in, but lights out when you zoom out a bit (only in game, not in camera mode)
  10. pveezy

    pveezy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2021
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    One of the biggest issues with lighting IMO and I’ve been saying it for years is that DTG has one preset out of the box and expects that to look good on every single screen or TV anyone ever plays on. That’s crazy. I don’t think I own any other games that don’t have at least a brightness slider to let you adjust, most have brightness and contrast.

    You shouldn’t need to change INI settings for something so basic.
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  11. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    That AI Q436 is actually performing correctly. The conductor would have called the ds and gotten the ok to pass that red signal at restricted speed. It's the player train that seems to not be allowing this maneuver.
  12. SGTDRE

    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    You are 100% correct, and it has gotten worse in TSW5, something is REALLY off with the lighting and there is no ini setting, that can fix this. The Enhanced ini files made by Jetwash, do make it a little better in TSW5, but there is only so much the modding community can do. And it should not the modding communities responsibility to fix it. I have a video that I will be redoing but the same location in TSW4 is looking very good, in TSW5 it is utterly disgusting. I will leave it there. 4now :)
    See my post here and the one below it, I did complete it. And I will run it again to see if I can duplicate it.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
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  13. PseudoStalker

    PseudoStalker Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    It happens only during daylight, at night the FPS is high and smooth. I'm intrigued by what you put in there.

    Passengers from platform 1 at West Natick board to the train at platform 2. Of course in the shortest way - through the tracks and the fence.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
  14. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    I had thought about trying that Q436 service to see if id get a SPAD and just stop where it says to..but think someone else tried it and you get spad , plus on game you cant get permission ahead to go past the stop signal. I still dont see why the AI train needs to stop past that signal line is double track and the train has to pull up past the signal at the other end of the interlocking so the switch can be thrown by AI dispatcher to then back around the wye etc..does the real life CSX Q436 do it the way the AI train does , if so DTG needs to fix it so you can pass the signal on red or add the press button to get permission to go by the run can be completed without a spad.
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  15. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    The way that AI works seems to mimic what I have seen in real life on CSX and NS. That stop short of the level crossing would be where the conductor dropped off the lead unit because he needs to ride the rear car for the backup move and the crossing gives him a level surface to swing onto that last car. From that position he can easily see when the last car clears that east facing absolute signal to stop the train and let the engineer know he can request permission back through that signal, the loco has the radio that can reach the nearest tower. The conductor will now flag that crossing as the train slowly backs up and hop aboard the last car and ride it the rest of the way into the yard.
    Of course, I have no clue if the individual who wrote this AI pathing knew about this practice.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024
  16. Dinosbacsi

    Dinosbacsi Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    I think that's because during daytime it has to draw shadows as well, which is a noticeable extra performance cost with that many trees. But on lower end systems even without shadows you get performance drop in certain areas.

    For example on my 1050Ti I will get halved framerate at Auburndale as well when facing west at the stopping point. Also heavy framerate drop at Framingham when looking towards the lake and the yard or at Grafton.

    Which is interesting because there are seemingly heavily wooded areas where the framerate is just fine, then other parts are complete stutter fest.
  17. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Yep, I did the same thing, and it helped a bit, but honestly, no amount of ini tweaks can really save this game's lighting. We’ve gone from one extreme (TSW2) to the other. It really needs a complete overhaul, but since Dovetail seems proud of it, I’m not holding my breath for any big changes.
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  18. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    I think too that timetable is broken up into 2 segments your first part is to stop just past that signal to complete 1st part, Think the second timetable for Q436 is Framingham switching where you back the train around to yard etc its labled for 40 or 45 min to complete.think the worcester to Framingham is 1hr or so to complete ..think they maybe should combine them so you do all that in a 1hr 55 min or so time just go worcester to Framingham get permission to go by stop signal someone said they stopped at the signal pressed the contact signaler button but nothing happens thus cant complete .i think something was left out when this timetable was made should fix to stop at signal press contact signaler the you get permission to pass and stop again at blue marker
  19. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Sometimes playing this sim tends to be frustrating. I was running that Q436, and just as I got to the 15 mph limit at Framingham, I got a UE crash. Oh well, did a game save shortly before this happened so will try it again later.
  20. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    did you happen to save or screenshot your crash report? I'm curious what your details are. I'm gonna give this service a go later today and see if it happens to me.
  21. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    I did a save and send, just can't remember where its kept.
    Found the save point but its a JSON file and have no idea how to open it.
  22. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Restarted from my save point and this time UE did not bite. Passed the Framingham station at 10:41 on the game clock with an approach on that signal at the station and completed the run. I was routed over into a siding just past the signal at the start of the 15 mph so a west bound 'T' train could pass and then back onto the main for reaching the stop point.
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  23. fietsbel12

    fietsbel12 Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    I did the run again on PS5, this time with the feedback of @STGDRE in mind. I drove really slow and took my time. Only to meet the damn red light again at Framingham on the Q436 run. This time I tested a couple of things. First I waited a couple of yards before the yellow signal at the yard, because this way the ai MBTA train right across has a clear path to pass me. But it won’t move. Next I drove up the the red light then jumped out of my seat, waited until the ai take over option came across and sat down in the co driver seat only to see the ai drive up 3 yards closer to the light and do nothing. By this point I really thing the redlight is broken and needs te be fixed.
    Also there is a brigde with a road on it @ westborough that is to low for the reefer cars to clear.
  24. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    @fietsbel12, strange since I just completed this run. You will note in the post above, I passed the Framingham station at 10:41 and had an approach on that signal that you are seeing red. I am on pc, but that should not make a difference.
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  25. florians#7620

    florians#7620 Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2022
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    I am starting to think that the Q436 issue is a problem on Console or PS5 only. A friend of mine on PC was able to complete the trip also.
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  26. ApollonJustice

    ApollonJustice Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2022
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    It seems that this only occurs on the F40PH, not on the HSP46.
    And later today I expirienced one crash at Worcester just before the performance breakdown screen (PS5).
    But besides that: solid route.
  27. parder#4923

    parder#4923 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2024
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    On PS5, I did service P520 in journey mode in the CTC5 and hadn't noticed that the switch just before Boston Landing was set correctly resulting in having to do a reverse to set it correctly and thus making me late for the rest of the service. Is this a similar problem to San Bernardino where the AI doesn't put the switch back for the next service?.

    In terms of any other issues I've experienced they've mainly been in the F40 and CTC3:
    - Alerter often not responding to the circle button
    - In the F40 when setting up the cab, the Alerter fuse already seems to be set to on, but then doesn't work

    Other general issues are that there does seem to be a frame rate drop around Westborough and as mentioned by others the route hopping portal is not appearing.

    Otherwise it's a pretty well put together route.
  28. SGTDRE

    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    I do not have it on my X1X, and not going to get there, at one time was getting the route(s) for both the X1X and PC (when I did get a decent one) ie; TSW2 but not anymore. I don't remember seeing anyone who is on XB with this issue with Q436, is it the same? Or is this just on PS, I only ask because I have seen a fair amount that only PS users have an issue but not XB or PC users, then there is Steam and Epic.
  29. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    maybe HSP46 has longer gearing? F40PH gets up to speed quicker, yes, but around 70 to 80 it kinda struggles, and you rarely reach 79 on this route with it cos of that... whereas HSP46 has vmax 110 mph, even though in service it only goes up to 80, so I guess the engine and all are geared towards that? :D

    edit: I just checked wiki, and even F40PH has its vmax at 110 mph... so no idea now :D ... maybe F40PH has the notches set up differently... HSP46 is sluggish at notches 1-6, but at 7-8 something kicks in that gives it a nice acceleration

    at this point I believe only either a real engineer could help us understand this or someone from DTG who worked on this loco :)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
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  30. SGTDRE

    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    Agreed Indeed that is just what is needed.
  31. Dinosbacsi

    Dinosbacsi Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    I wonder if it is what it is or if any of the locos is set up incorrectly?

    Would be good to know if the "sluggishness" of the HSP46 is intentional and realistic.

    I can't imagine the F40 being better performance wise, but who knows. Technically the 3C variant of the F40 is newer than the HSP46, right?
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  32. SGTDRE

    SGTDRE Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2022
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    Just a bit of info, see the link for more.

    Type and origin
    Power type Diesel-electric
    Builder MotivePower
    Model HSP46
    Build date 2013–2014
    Total produced 40
    MPI HSP46 - Wikipedia
    Bo-Bo "It looks like the HSP46 trucks are powered by a single traction motor per two axels on each of the bogies"
    But it also shows, Traction motors: 4 GE GEB-15 AC Traction Motors
    Two bogies or wheel assemblies under the unit. Each bogie has two powered axles individually driven by traction motors. Three-quarters of all modern locomotives (and power cars of self-propelled trains) are configured in either this or the "B′B′" arrangement.

    Prime mover GE GEVO-12[1]
    RPM range 440–1050 (600–1050 while supplying HEP)
    Engine type 45° V12, four-stroke cycle diesel engine
    Aspiration Turbocharged

    The locomotives are powered by GE GEVO-12 diesel engines from GE Transportation, equipped with a static inverter for head end power, and capable of meeting the stringent new Tier 3 emissions regulations. AC traction systems, prime movers, head-end power equipment, and computer systems are supplied by GE, while MPI supplies the brake systems, air systems, and cooling systems.

    The locomotive was styled by industrial designer Cesar Vergara, who also designed the GE Genesis.
  33. Winzarten

    Winzarten Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Longer final gear would not result in the non-linearity of power application. You might require more amps to get going, but the amp loading should still be linear.

    This is a modern AC loco, and the traction motors are driven by modern electronics, the engine is also controlled by modern electronics. All power characterstics of this loco will be by design, not by limitation. So if the real loco also has this kind of power curve, then there must be a reason for it.
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  34. sinnere

    sinnere Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    I've noticed that when operating from the cab car, brakes are more instant and harsher. Is this true to life?
  35. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    I just tried the morning Q436 freight to Framingham on x box series X ...I found the problem i stopped at the red signal pressed the contact signaler and got denied wait for signal to change ..then i climbed down off the engine and on foot i walked to look at the switch positions definately a major issue that needs fixed ..the switch to the wye is lined against my train in other words my train would run tgh the switch and derail since that s near where you are to stop thus why signal is red..Also found another major issue why the 2 MBTA trains wont move checked the crossover switches they also miss lined against those trains thus why they wont move ..basically it a major malfunction at the junction in Framingham..CSX signal maintainer Cactusjuice please report to Framingham over ...
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
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  36. fietsbel12

    fietsbel12 Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    men, you are a genius, thank u for finding this problem. You made my day !
  37. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Interesting that this seems only to arise on the console and not pc.
  38. Dinosbacsi

    Dinosbacsi Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    On PC I also had a run once from Worcester to Boston where a manual switch was set incorrectly, so the ATC started slowing me down.

    But it only happened once, I don't remember which service it was.

    But there is a setting for manual switches being set automatically for you. I assume that should eliminate the issue?
  39. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    Ya seem s a lot of the issues with TSW 5 is on console s ..and being TSW is geared towards consoles DTG really needs to address this they really dropping the ball with tsw5
  40. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    the switches in question cannot be changed they at a interlocking that would be dispatcher controlled definitely a problem that on consoles dtg needs to fix look into
  41. DTG Harry

    DTG Harry Community Manager Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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    Hey folks - lots to go through after the weekend. Just popping in to say I'll be going through it this this week and to say thank you for the feedback! Both positive and constructive feedback is helpful to us.
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  42. trlz#8165

    trlz#8165 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2023
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    The AC4400 is also sluggish to get going i have to put it in notch 5 to get moving and just even a set of engines, sometimes getting a freight train moving with them is a struggle ,something seems way off the ,ge locomotives are they that sluggish in real life ..usally EMD s in the game have more faster giddy up and go..
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
  43. Sharon E

    Sharon E Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Just keep in mind, a long freight can take 5+ minutes for the brakes to come off enough to get moving.
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  44. Dinosbacsi

    Dinosbacsi Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Alongside the fact that AI trains seem to always drive with dimmed headlights, I have also noticed that the light cone draw distance for the HSP46 is really low. So if one is coming towards you at night, the train will be almost right at you by the time the light shows up. Needless to say, it looks quite bad.
  45. PseudoStalker

    PseudoStalker Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    I think that's sadly how LOD's and the draw distance in this game works. Every transition from LOD to HQ model it's not just "eye-catching" it's tearing your eyes out. In this particular case, the rendering range of dynamic light sources.
    In general, LODs are a big problem for this game, they are sometimes have the wrong shape, sometimes the wrong color and they are not properly shaded(if shaded at all). It feels like LODs and HQ models are made by different people who have never met each other. Well, or clumsy autogeneration, the results of which no one checks properly.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
  46. alanseamans1

    alanseamans1 Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    Loving the route so far but there’s definitely a problem with very low frame rates in the Westborough area. I’m on Xbox S and I had such low frame rates on my first westbound Journey chapter it actually crashed. I tried changing it from 4K to HD but it didn’t help much. Later when I did the local freight to Westborough Chemical I had the same terrible frame rates. I bet there’s some “killer foliage” in this area. Hopefully DTG can fix this.
  47. Winzarten

    Winzarten Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Anybody else has problems with passengers stopping spawning on full runs? I can have Boston quite buzzing, but when I come to Worcester, the platforms are empty. If I spawn at Worcester then it is buzzing, and also platforms some 70% the way are full, but at one point the passengers just stop spawing and I arrive at empty Boston...

    The same was happening for me at Frankfurt to Fulda route.
  48. PseudoStalker

    PseudoStalker Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Yeah and this low FPS becomes only when you go West. If you go East - everything is fine(maybe -5 -10 FPS, but not /3).
  49. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    and I am like super-curious what the reason would be, cos I havent seen this kind of power surge on any loco in TSW :)
  50. Dinosbacsi

    Dinosbacsi Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    It is not. There are trains in the game with longer and shorter light cone draw distances. It all just depends on what the developers set for it.

    For example try the LIRR M7 or M9, switch the camera to the last car and you will still see the light cast by the front of your train. Do the same thing in the M3 and you won't see the light, because the render distance for it is simply set lower.

    Mods can easily fix that, because it's literally just changing a single value. For some trains it's just set incredibly low for no reason.

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