Phil mentioned a logbook earlier, that's a good shout. I could imagine that would have a lot of appeal to the Railway simmers.
A new game engine would mean a completely fresh start. Would it be possible? My nephew works with ue5, he's spent many extra hours outside work to get up to speed. Would it substantially increase the cost; like triple AAA games do?
I'd just like to remind you, if you leak anything official that you'll most likely end up with a ban...
i’ve looked into it it seems like you UE5 has good compatibility with 4 making it easier to migrate projects
not official i just did my own research and came to my conclusions i don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors doors at all like i said i could be wrong
I'm sure Rigby told me model structure is different , how that might be transferred don't know. Not done any 3d modelling since my Amiga days. Bit late to ask him tonight.
Just be careful is all I'm saying. I'm not trying to be a forum moderator, but do bare in mind some people would like it to remain a surprise etc... Add a spoiler filter (however people do it on here) just incase even a slight suggestion might give the big reveal away.
epic games did have migration of UE4 projects to UE5 in mind so you’d have to update settings assets and systems to make sure they’re compatible but who knows maybe they’ve been working on this for quite some time they have a lot of people employed
thats why i didn’t outright say it and tried to be vague and how do i do that exactly put in a spoiler filter im not too knowledgeable about posts in these forums
Its been stated by DTG at times in the past that if UE5 were to be used, it would be a new game* with no content carryover. Would DTG run this gauntlet? I have no idea but I imagine it would probably cause some level of consternation in the forum denizens. This may well have changed over the years though, I've not seen any dev comments about US5 for a while *paraphrased, it could be a new train game, it could be another TSW, who knows
Gives me the chills just thinking about the development time to build a route in a new version of unreal. Decent graphics are good, though I went with Tsw for the timetable. Being able to run realistic traffic over a 24 period, it's brilliant.
funny enough development can actually be faster you’d just have to have everyone up to date and schooled with UE5
They have put alot of work into this. Watch it be an Xmas video wishing all of us a happy holidays with a recap of all the reveals.
A vague hopeful sign - probably nothing to get your hopes up over though - is that Skyhook Games was asking about how to get in contact with Steam Sounds Supreme recently. Does SHG even make TSC stuff anymore?
That would be so cruel haha !!!. Yeah I also wish leaks would just go away for good. Just ruins the surprise, the hype etc. Happens to every game these days… I miss the old PS2 days when you had to buy gaming magazines to get information about games… different magazines had different information too. The internet did exist too but I never had Internet back then lol.
a leak would be finding out something official and letting other people know it’s all just speculation here but i understand that if it turns out it be correct that it kind of ruins the surprise
When this were initially mentioned by DTG I did set my expectations at rock bottom, but now they have revealed some of the not so grand stuff, this surely means this surprise will be better than the stuff they have announced in the week. Going by that it is going to have to be something bloody good to beat the 86 with A/C MKIIs.
I hear you. Just happens so much these days. Even GTA6 got spoiled before R* announced it themselves.
All previous routes are getting proper bug fixes and updated to ToD4. That would make me happier than yet another broken DLC release that gets forgotten the day after it launches.
I agree with the above, but sadly that's a crazy pipedream, and I feel a lot of the things they could do to the core I feel only the diehard train simmers would really care about. It would be like making the "big reveal" of a Nintendo Direct or Game Awards "All of our new games are being developed on Rust!" For most people it's gonna be techno nonsense that they aren't gonna care about, and they shouldn't really if we're being honest. Meanwhile something like rail subscription wouldn't benefit much of the existing player base. And the newcomers and really casual player base that would benefit most from it aren't gonna be the types who keep up with this Advent Calendar rubbish. All things considered I feel like it has to be a route of some sort, I just don't know what would make the most sense in that regard.
Thinking on from Mich above, one other possibility could be a new platform (though we have already had VR mentioned), but maybe Nintendo Switch or even something for the iPad or Android tablets. Oh Gawd. Train Sim World meets Hay Day or Township. Or Clash Of Clans! Cor Varr…
Bigger issue is it would probably screw every 3rd party developer as well. Think UE5 is too much of a jump unless it's a simple port. Next question is memory utilisation. Would upgrading to UE5 make the game even more unstable for Gen 9 and low spec PCs. They would also have to hold off making more DLC (income) whilst they update the back catalogue. Too much to do and too many risks IMO.
let me guess, you’re part of the older generation that thinks young people nowadays are lazy and don’t care about money? i’m sorry that a house costs more than £100 and a pack of crayons these days
I don't really expect something, otherwise there is a great chance that a huge disappointment will happen - what will be, will be)
I’ve enjoyed the reveals so far, but, many people are likely building up for a huge disappointment. Given that most of the reveals so far have just been updates on stuff already on the roadmap, I don’t think it’ll be anything big. I would settle for a release date for the GWE remaster or the one feature I’d really like, fully configurable controller support.
Had a dream that the big reveal was another BBC Great British Railway Journeys tie like they did for TSC a few years ago. But this time it would be for TSW and would involve scenarios with Portillo as a passenger in suitably colourful attire
They're adding the second expert loco pack, the Jaguar XJS TGV12. I have insider knowledge. Four scenarios for the West Somerset Railway.
We do. Same place on Dovetail Live as Mastery and Screenshots (when you log in with a browser). It’s not terribly reliable though and when it does register a service it always puts the wrong time against it for me, so I’m guessing it uses the server time and not my time zone.
Maybe something like the “Vernometer” (!) on Run 8. But seriously I still think a big reveal has to involve something core, whether or not associated with a DLC (such as steam or bringing in a new country) and not just a routine content announcement.
Won't lie, I'd have the biggest laughing fit if that was what it is, 100% would make my Christmas! Even if it admittedly wouldn't be for reasons DTG were aiming for.
Well, the Nintendo Switch 2 development kits have shipped to developers. DTG probably already have one.
I doubt there would be any official game announcements for the Switch 2 until Nintendo have officially announced the device itself (they missed the projected release in that article). Always a future possibility though if the rumoured specs of being equivalent to PS4 are confirmed so routes that work ok on Gen8 could be done.
OldVern made no mention of the Switch 2, so I saw no reason to bring it up, and I was more talking about mobile anyways. If we are gonna talk about though it's unlikely to be out before June, makes no sense announcing something that far out considering DTG have extremely quick reveal to release windows. So as far as I'm concerned it really has no place in this thread, least we suggest DTG are gonna completely change how they do announcements. Switch 2 is rumored to be closer to PS5 in terms of capability from what I hear, raw power's probably lower, but it will likely have better image upscaling than the base PS5 & Xbox Series S consoles. In addition there's been mumbling based on shipping data and it likely will have 12GB of RAM, which is more than the Series S. Also worth noting that the Switch was actually pretty solid hardware for 2017, the Tegra X1 was only a year or two old, and was considered rather impressive on release in 2015. So it's not at all unlikely that the next system will be rather competitive with the other lower end home consoles by the time it releases.
4.27 mainly focuses on cameras and cinematics i believe which wouldn't be useful in tsw. Dtg doesn't want to deal with the hassle to upgrade to a new version if there's no real benefit