AFB locking throttle on ICE-T while under LZB still there... but one bug I noticed also on FlixTrain Vectron, does not necessarily have to do with locos themselves - on ICE-T, the LZB section after Hanau, it is supposed to end once you reach the 160 kph speed sign I think... but on some services, the LZB supervision continues even almost 10 km further, even with no wire on tracks... yesterday I did a run with FlixTrain Vectron, and same thing happened on that one as well
Just played service RB51 (15526) in the dosto cab on PS5. The loco at the back was a BR 146. The braking and throttle were far more sluggish than when I've previously played with this setup. When braking I was having to use more than double the usual force to slow down than I have before and then once at the platform the train would not stop once you got to around 1.3kph even at full service unless you applied emergency brake. As the brake takes a while to fully release from emergency this then has a knock on effect how quickly you can accelerate when you are ready to go. Even without this the throttle seemed a bit sluggish. I love this route but have found the RE services to be hit and miss in how buggy they are.
In addition, there are wrong pantograph configurations on the IC trains with BR 101 (non-expert) in sandwich formation. Here, the front 101 should have the front panto raised and the back 101 the rear panto (as described, longest possible distance between pantos). In the game, it is the other way round. Also, the push-pull trains with the 114 have the wrong configuration: when the 114 is at the back, the rear loco must be rasied, not the front.
Is there a patch coming for this? The hitching on xbox is awful. Just done a 20 minute ICE service on xbox series x and it was staccato all the way through.
Is someone working on the BR101 Expert Timetable to fix that incredibly annoying "SPAD as you spawn" errors? A community member has released the RailDriver support for the cab car and the MFD version yesterday and after months it was the first time I was able to utilize them - just to play that "load service - spawn-spad - main menu - load different sevice - spawn-spad - [...]"-roulette until I found a service that was playable, somewhere in the morning. And: Have I overseen some statement regarding the official RailDriver support missing since release? Seriously I'm becoming more and more pitted by the situation
Just in case you didnt know, these SPAD errors are somehow linked to the BR363 layer. If you disable this one layer you will be able to drive these services. Not the way it should be, however, a valid workaround... I am happy to report that I have managed to complete the full BR101 expert tt on FTF (incl cab car)
Thanks for the reminder with the 363 layer(s), I'm going to disable them (each time I start the game). My point is just that this situation (spawn-SPAD) exists for quite some time now and new players might not search in the forums until page 13 of the route's feedback thread to understand what's happening ;-) And congrats for doing all the BR101ex services!!!!
Fun fact: this issue still persists, two and a half months later. Wild. It is not only a red light issue, but a real spad fest, as only a repeater or distant without 1000Hz shows Vr0.
To me it seems like the devs focus on implementing another timetable (for the gameplay pack) and don't bother fixing the vanilla one.To my understanding, when the vanilla TT is fixed, the one for the 101 Expert is automaticly fixed, too. I don't want to be sarcastic and just voice my patience waiting for those SPAD fixes is eroding from day to day. Yesterday I tried to disable the 363 layers but obviously missed one? Still AI SPADs. I don't want to abandon the game/route but I don't think the situation will become any better with the release of the "gameplay pack" this week (which is subsitution mod in the first place? Kind of) ... Maybe I should return to Salzburg Rosenheim for a while lol
It is great to see that the DB-Cargo Vectron has now the right numbering. But it still shows a wrong number on the sides which never changes (91 80 6193 088-2). The right number is just on the front and rear. It would be nice if this could also be fixed.
I must admit that I had high hopes when I learned about the new TSW patch that included FTF. - maybe ICE 1691 would not have the red light issue. - maybe the Wirtheim red light issue with FLX would be resolved on the BR 101 expert timetable. - maybe the loco selector in the expert timetable would be fixed. - maybe the lights in Schlüchtern tunnel direction Frankurt would disappear. - maybe all layers, including TGV, Left Rhine, 218 and Niddertalbahn (628), would be compatible. I mean, according to various threads in the forums and tickets submitted by people I know or myself, these issues are relatively well-known, some are even proverbial. Yet every. Single. One. Of these issues is still there. Don't get me wrong, FTF is still a decent route. But imagine how GREAT it could be without these flaws. I would literally tell every man and his dog to buy TSW5 just for this route. Sad.
I'm currently running EZ 51194 Seelze Rbf to Mannheim Rbf. I just had a male person crossing the tracks right in front of me at Schlüchtern, from platform 4 to platform 2-3. They probably had to catch a train but should be reprimanded that crossing the tracks is dangerous. I just missed him, but if he had been 1 second later he would now be no longer among us.
Interviewer: "Well, IC 1950 Erfurt to Frankfurt (Main), what is your opinion about pantographs"? IC 1950 (AI): "Too much is never enough, is it?"
Now the platforms in Schlüchtern are correctly labelled, but the RE to Frankfurt still stop on the siding - they should stop on the now correctly numbered track 4. In Bad Soden-Salmünster the RE towards Fulda stop on track 2 if they are not overtaken there. That really limits the fun of the game!
Just came across a very minor issue, but want to point it out regardless: Using the new gameplay pack, I spent the last couple of days running the 111 and n-Wagen up and down the route. Which is a ton of fun Just noticed that after completing any n-Wagen cab car service, you receive no points for "safety systems enabled" even if they were enabled the whole time. On all the other vehicles I've tested yet (103, 111, 425, 642) it works fine. I'm on PC/Steam.
Xboxx every run end up crashing, out of memory... FTF next "NYToutofmemmory heritage winner of the year"?
The 3rd service of the BR 111 journey mode (RB51 from Frankfurf Hbf to Wächtersbach) keeps crashing on my PS5 pro...
I'm playing the new gameplay pack with the br 111. Service: RB51 (15516) Frankfurt Hbf to Wächtersbach with the Bnrdzf 463 (Karlsruher Kopf n Wagen) I can't manage to get out of Frankfurt, the game crashes all the time after a few metres
I don't know where I should put this feedback for the new DB 111 gameplay pack. Why don't you use this train on Salzburg-Rosenheim as substition for DB111+Dosto? In reality they ran on this route and it would be great for a more diverse traffic, which should be aimed for.
Oh yes it is, hadn't seen it before. Completed the service, but with 40 crashes in Frankfurt and Hanau.
Regarding the Gameplay pack and the n-Wagen cabcar: the passenger information board on the cabcar still resets to blank after a few minutes. (Just like in BRO) Also, the air sounds of the brake still loop excessively, just like with the BRO version. Only thing better than the BRO version is that the taillights show the correct Zg2 now, unlike the BRO version where the top light still remains white.
This is my first route on which i have seen the blurry texture issue. Going from Frankfurt to Fulda, latest at Hanau the textures turns blurry (loco, platforms,...) and never load or recover/reload. There are only a handful reports in this threads obviously limited to XBox Series X or PS5. i am wondering if the problem exists in gerneral with this route, or only if Kassel Würzburg is also installed adding the ICE1 and others. I am on X Box Series X and had no crashes so far, but blurry trains make the route unuseable.
Here is a thread about blurry textures. No fix yet.
Regarding the DB 111 Gameplaypack: It's kind of lame to have three different timetables by now: One with the DB 111 but no DB 114 at all (why no substitution?), no DB101 Expert One with DB101 Expert, DB 114, but no DB 111 One with the standard DB101, DB 114, but no DB 111 I want just one timetable with diverse traffic: DB 111 + DB 114 + DB 101 Expert The timetable system becomes a mess, which was clear a long time ago. Why not customizable layers and substitutions?
On a whim, decided to run IC 2278 in the 101 Expert timetable tonight. Once at Frankfurt Süd, the game crashed. This is on PS5 with (I think) all layers. First run I try after not bothering for weeks and the game crashes immediately.
This route is still a complete and utter mess on console, especially Gen 9! I decided to play this route again recently after a while as it should be fantastic. BUT, there's just so many continuous problems with it that I'm not bothering with it no longer until it hopefully receives a lot of optimisation just in order for it to work. For example, every service I played into Frankfurt the game had an out of video memory error, the only way to complete the service is to resume a saved game. Then, on a service departing Frankfurt the game closed due to a video memory error three times in a row - the last time was even after resuming a saved game. Then, along with this the continued blurry textures which ruins the experience of this route and makes it impossible without the HUD. Elsewhere, this service 0743 ICE (275) Berlin Ost Bahnhof to Interlaken Ost service from the route is also uncompletable because just outside Hanau all the traffic ahead is blocked due to a freight train which is stuck. The fact this route is still so unstable on console, especially Gen 9, is completely and totally unacceptable. Players deserve so much better than this!
I just ran over two pedestrians standing right on the tracks about one km east of Offenbach station! There was nothing I could do to prevent it... Service: RB51 (15539) leaving Bad Soden towards Frankfurt at 5:27, in journey mode PC (Steam)
Hello everyone! You guys are looking at it the wrong way. Have you ever seen a German track that was repaired by DTG ? No, DTG prefers to bring out a big update for the English track, and only English tracks are remastered. You can really see what DTG thinks of the German community. In my eyes, namely nothing. Greetings Emmy_MAN
The brakes on the 114 are COMPLETELY LOVED!!!! They wouldn't stop a go-kart in a mile and a half, uphill. Shame on DTG for releasing a totally undriveable loco, and then not fixing it (in six months after release!) I for one am not touching the God damned thing until it's fixed; I'll just run the good old 146 and the Vectron. Which means, no Journey completion Again: for SHAME!
I am reading all these reports about the brake issues on the 114. It is not my favourite loco to drive, also because the regional trains are simply not my favourite services to drive, however, the brakes always worked fine for me. Had a quick 22min drive yesterday on FTF and it still was all working as intended, at least the brakes… this loco has a couple of other issues, which are not brake related, though. None are really game braking. Is this only an issue on consoles or is there anything else what I am missing?
Makes it even less understandable. Why do people have so different results using the same product?! Is there an explanation for this? Genuine question!
Even weirder, the brakes work fine on the Training Center. But on the actual FF line, they are effectively not there, except in full emergency.
So, I doubt it has directly to do with the loco, as it can obviously work. I don't think its mod related, as I believe this is issue is also a thing on consoles. I believe that all Br114 services I have ever driven, so far, came straight out of a portal (Hanau to Frankfurt and also Training Center). Just as an idea, could it be the AI set up at a turn around? Maybe it forgets to lock the brake on the other end or something like that... I'll have a look when I find the time.
I have tried quite a number of services now, however, have not experienced this behaviour at all. Can you give me a service where you do experience this?! Or is it on all of them?
I‘m on XBS and have no problems with the brakes of the 114 at all. The loco is not well made in other terms like the missing driving programs, but after the last few updates the brakes work fine for me. The 112/114/143 series aren’t easy trains to drive, you need to have some experience with them, but if so it is fun, even though they aren’t very well simulated compared to much better locomotives like the Vectron or of course the 101 Expert. In my opinion the brakes of the ICE-T are much more of an issue because they are so weak that you need full brakes to handle a Vr0 when travelling with 160 km/h and even then chances are high that you miss hitting the PZB brake curve.
Yes, but without having the Expert 101 in it. It is the same timetable like the standard one, and this is very odd. It’s possible to use the expert 101 in free roam using a timetable, and the game does not crash more often than usual. I really don’t get it why DTG didn’t remove the Expert timetable for XBS, it’s like of placing a carrot in front of a donkey which he can’t reach. Very unpleasant. In my opinion this shows what a mess this route is. And it seems that there is no effort taken to find solutions. Me as a real life software product manager really don’t understand what happens here and which strange decisions had been made by DTG.
I believe on one of British aces videos, the DB 111 gameplay pack. The 101 expert timetable is really small, even it doesn't have the ICE T. I think DTG could add more to the Db 111 timetable though it might be similar to the original. This could include more freight which i'm surprised didn't come with the timetable. The only two that are in addition are the ICE T and the 423